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Posts posted by Gothmaug

  1. They remind me of young troggoths, but the "2 fingers and 1 thumb" don't fir with any AoS faction. Troggoths have3 fingers and a  thumb. 

    Necromunda bone wastes creatures of some type?

    Hmm.. everything we see with them are bone flute, bone skull,  , some "hair" or "Fur", and a tattered loincloths. And the creatures are sculpted to look cute and childlike. Makes me think they are smaller decorations on a larger model from a savage race whatever it is. I'm betting its a new faction tied into the awakening of Ghur. 

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I still like it for what it is, but I agree that one medieval looking Zombie is pretty out of place. He is kinda dressed like the new skeletons and appears to be the personal zombie of the Necromancer's apprentice (who is not part of the warband?). It's confusing.

    I find the entire set to be strange. Similar to the cursed city zombies, I felt the design philosophy was "how do we make zombies better? OOh! stick random bits into them!" Frankly I was hoping for more of a flesh golem/Frankenstein vibe with this warband, with lots of mismatched body parts sewn together. Instead the minis are just, well, kinda plain. My first though was "ooh a half dozen new zombies I can mix into my soulblight horde for variety" and that was about it. 

    The Anvil of Apotheosis news got me excited though. I love character customization, and I feel its something that AoS really lacks. I jumped into the hobby a few years back with the idea that you'd get to pick a hero and use point buy to get a bunch of items/upgrades for him. Instead I got static warscrolls, with perhaps an artifact or warlord ability as my only flavor.  So the Anvil is exciting news to me. Doesn't help the tournament crowd though. 



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  3. 2 hours ago, FireAbend said:

    Think it's kind of relief not to be spammed with a lot of releases in short time. I would be happy with just a narrative book and some old model updates.

    With Warcry, Underworlds and Cursed City (also adding stuff for AoS) we maybe will see more focus on the side-games after the 'confirmed' AoS battletomes and get new stuff in 2023.

    So much stuff and no money :( :D 

    All this stuff comes in cycles. Everyone seems to be forgetting that during the good AoS times last year, from the release of soulblight straight through the 3rd edition relaunch of AOS, all the releases and articles were essentially AoS related and 40K got the shaft. And you know what?  During that time the 40K community sounded just like us, with "Wheres my stuff" syndrome. Calm down, take a breath, GW is a multimillion dollar company, they are not going to kill one of their cash cows. There's more AoS stuff coming. Let's see what Adepticon has to say. And judging by the past few years of new army releases, there's at least one unannounced brand spanking new army in the works for 2022 that we haven't seen yet. How's that for a rumor? 🤗

    • Like 6
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  4. An AoS positivity thread? Ok I'll bite 😁 Whatever you think of the rule set, you can't ignore that the models look amazing. Very high quality sculpts IN PLASTIC, making them easy to assemble and modify. Yes, resin printing has come a long way, but resin models are still relatively fragile. Drop a SoD chaos knight off the table and it bounces across the floor. Drop one made of resin or metal and you'll be picking up shards for days. And the range of models is also huge. SO from a painting/collecting point of view, AOS is spectacular. 

    • Like 2
  5. I  held off buying Kritza, Annika and Radukar the beast, even though I loved the models, in hopes we'd see a Cursed CIty expansion with them. Looks like I may get lucky for once. I did buy Belladama though, the model was just too nice to pass up, and her stat block is also very tasty. 

  6. 26 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Related maybe?


    i don’t think it for the same model since the bone flute one is really old and probably for a model that been heavily delayed

    Reminds me a bit of the old sourbreath troggoths. Could it be a baby troggoth in the hair of a new troggoth hag? Troggoths have 3 fingers if i remember correctly? And would make sense a troggoth hag would decorate her hair with bones. 

    Whatever it is, it seems to be hanging in the hair of something, with its feet resting on knots, and clutching a bone ornament on the tip of another lock of hair. 

    • LOVE IT! 3
  7. Well I finished my platoon of Black knights. They'll likely die horribly, but hey, that's what endless legions is for. Also I wanted them to double as hexwraiths so I decided to try to paint a sort of supernatural/spirit theme, like the summoned riders are rising out of the ground and materializing. It came out well enough I think. They're a conglomeration of a pile of old kits and bits, I had a fun time building them.

    P.S. and yes 5 are on square bases, I ran out of ovals, and my local gaming group wont care 😁 



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  8. 1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    In practice I don't see single heroes on foot getting shot at very often. With look out sir and all out defense they become less of a juicy target. 

    I'll rather shoot at the threat coming for my objectives or shoot at units holding objectives or the monster that gives me victory points for killing. 

    AoS isn't won just by killing stuff, it's all about the objectives and strategies. 

    Also the battlesmiths ability range is 18'' as he's a totem which is a fairly decent range for rally. 

    You obviously don't play Ironjaws  😆

    If I got paid a $1 for every one of my warchanters shot off the board, I could fund an entire new AoS army 

    • Like 6
  9. On 2/14/2022 at 2:00 PM, Nightseer2012 said:

    Skeletons should 100% roll a battleshock after losing over half their unit, no question there, but at least let me roll twice for the models you are penalizing me for losing twice.  Especially after you took away all my shiny +1 attack stacking to skeletons (admittedly over powered)... just let them do 1 thing well, plz thank you.

    Skeletons are mindless automatons animated from the mortal remains of a dead creature who's soul has already passed on to whatever god(s) lay claim to it. They're already dead, and should be wholly immune to battleshock!. 


    Overall I feel that Battleshock in AoS needs a complete overhaul. Too many armies either wholly immune to it, or are utterly devastated by it. Death/Chaos demons are all 10+ (or immune) and basically ignore battleshock, elite armies with lots of MSU like stormcast are for all intents and purposes unaffected, and armies like Grots and Orks are completely wrecked by it, and are forced to hoard command points to try and mitigate the losses. Dropping all units by 1-2 bravery across the board might actually help make the battleshock phase more relevant. but thats an argument for another day. 


    In my local meta, the first time skellies activate we roll once for every skellie model killed that combat phase. If they activate a second time, we roll again for every model still missing PLUS any additional models that died since the last activation. So if your 30 man block lost 20 skellies, we'd roll 20 dice and bring back 10 for a total of 20 skellies in the unit. THen lets say 6 more are lost due to the enemy. On the second activation we roll 16 dice (10 for the ones that failed to ressurect the first time, plus 6 for the new skellies that perished since the previous activation).  No idea if that's the intent, but its what the group settled on. We also modified battleshock across the board to not count ressurected models, no matter what army you play. Thematically its a morale check, right? If at the end of combat you look around and none of your buddies are currently dead, then troop morale is going to be pretty high.  


  10. On 2/8/2022 at 9:33 AM, Liquidsteel said:

    Yeah I'm not overly sold on LoB still.

    Vyrkos offers a better package in my opinion, as does Legion of Night.


    Thanks for all the input everyone. Hmm.. I've played a bunch of Vyrkos games a this point, just got done an entire 10 week narrative campaign with them vs 5 other players. Ended up winning in the end, the Vrykos re-roll of spells and +1 to wound were clutch. 

    I'll probably dabble in LoN eventually, but I just finished painting Neferata and a coven throne, so LoB seemed like a good avenue to try. I thought about building around the Red banquet battallion (two 5-model Blood Knight units, 1 coven throne, 1 vamp lord on foot, and 1 vamp lord on zombie dragon), then backfill with black knights(3) and deathrattle (2) as cheap objective holders and speed bumps. That leaves 275 points left for specialist units, perhaps some grave guard or a vengorian lord to accompany the Dragon/


  11. So has anyone tried out a Legion of Blood army with the White Dwarf 471 updates, and the reduced point costs of Black knights/Coven Throne? I'm trying to build a thematic list around Neferata, a coven throne, and a bunch of black knights. Probably two vamp lords on foot for support models to take advantage of the +2 to cast, the new Deadly coordination/and the LoB ignore rend bubbles, and a big ole block(s) of skeletons to provide some bodies to accompany them. 

    The question is, what else to add?

    - Do I add 2 units of blood knights and go heavy on black knights as battleline,  trying and make a fast moving army, using black knight screens and the supporting debuffs/command abilities from Nef/Throne?

    - Do I toss in a terrorgheist endless spell, and related command/artifacts and play the bravery bomb?

    - Do I utilize the boost in spellcasting, drop Nef or the throne for an additional vampire lord in the form of a  VLoZD and go spell heavy?

    Coming from an Ironjawz player, I feel spoiled for options with Gravelords, not sure where to put my resources at this point. 

    In the end, my local meta isnt super competitive, so I can probably make any theme work. I like the idea  of the army led by a coven throne with a bunch of female vampire lords as support, just trying to figure out the rest. 



  12. Blast from the past I figure some of you would get a kick out of. 

    I'm working on castlevania Styria-themed all female vampire led  Legion of Blood army  (with a Coven throne general), and just got around to assembling and customizing Neferata's Mortarch model from an old Start Collecting Skeleton Horde box I've had kicking around for a few years. Looking at the included paperwork, I realized its from 2015, so pre-AoS. Looking at her old warscroll, its fairly similar to her current AoS one, with one BIG difference. Her old Mortarch of blood power allowed her to summon a Vampire Lord to the battlefield if she slew an enemy hero! Not THAT is a thematic power! Wish she still had that.

    Wouldn't it be nice if our vampires could make more vampires, as opposed to just having the hunger... We need a summonable unit of low level vampire thralls or something that you can deploy in reserve and automatically bring in with Endless Legions if one of your vampire units (anything with the vampire keyword) destroyed an enemy unit.

    Well, I can dream cant I? 😁

  13. 6 hours ago, lare2 said:

    Nope... just wishful thinking on everyone's behalf. 

    I think i'm going to get my hands on the Corpsemare stampede Endless spell, split all 5 horses, and then stick 5 glaivewraith stalkers or grimghast reapers on them, and use them as a unit of hexwraiths. 

    • Like 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Those are some awesome predictions.

    hope they come true.

    although even a clan eshin  warcry box would be fantastic 

    A Dawnbringer crusade presented as a new city tied into a new codex for Cities of Sigmar would be awesome. Gain a whole new city, and at the same time be able to release some updated human Fanatics and Freeguild units that could be used across all the Cities armies. 


    I'm betting on Dwarves though. All that Grungi/White dwarf lore out there, I'm expecting something to happen with the dwarves. OR possibly chaos dwarves. Either way, something beardy.. 

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  15. I know we all constantly speculate about which armies get an update/refresh, but its possible that the summer release is a brand new army. Looking back over the last few years, the largest releases have been for big shiny new armies like Nighthaunt, Ossiarch Bonereapers, & Lumineth realmlords. There have been some sizeable updates as well (Slannesh, Gloomspite, Kruelboyz, Stormcast, etc) all represent large editions or complete reworks to existing armies. 

    Soulblight I feel is an oddity, with a much larger update than expected. I still feel many of the units in that launch were intended for the Cursed City line, but got pushed into the Soulblight release due to production timing issues. 

    I'd like to see some of the older forces get updated as well, but I think we're due for a brand new army at some point in 2022. It makes sense from a business perspective to keep expanding the brand, while quietly semi-retiring the older  model lines. 

  16. On 2/1/2022 at 12:50 PM, darkdaysdawn said:

    A new Boat-hemoth Monster, please! With spooky cannons, of course. 

    It could end up being a terrain piece or endless spell. Or its a complete curveball and were getting an undead ghost Krakeneater gargant model (calm down brodd :) ), and the rumor engine ship prow is just a gribbly bit on the model. Or it could be totally unrelated and be for a smaller game like blood bowl. We saw the snotling pump wagon, I wouldn't be surprised if its something similar for a dead team/. 


    Is certainly does resemble the prow of a ship, but it could also be some type of chariot or other wooden construct. 


    Nighthaunt have such a wide range of kits, I'd be really (and pleasantly) surprised if they get anything beyond the new boxed set hero and crossbowmen unit. 

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  17. What happened to the Penumbral Engine? I know the endless spells all got new warscrolls, but did this terrain feature get an update as well for 3rd edition? I looked through the FAQ, and flipped through my books, maybe I missed it, but I don't see it anywhere. 



  18. 1 hour ago, madmac said:

    I find it easier to think of the short term. What are they putting out next week?

    Probably not the Eldar codex already. And the Necromunda thing feels far off, and the Kill Team release hasn't been covered past a single model yet. Nothing going on with Warcry or Underworlds for a while, obviously.

    Good chance we'll see at least one AoS battletome next week, IMO.

    knowing how little love the iondeath and fyreslayers get by GW, I'm betting next weeks codex  will probably be the nighthaunt!!!  🤪

  19. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Or ignore line-of-sight. But hopefully not right, that's an awful mechanic.

    Or based on every other nighthaunt warscroll, 0 rend and 1 damage 🤔


    I hope they turn out to be a solid unit, and Im optimistic about a 3rd edition battletome. 

    • Haha 1
  20. I have had a lot of luck in our local meta with a block of 30 skeletons, supported with a necromancer (Danse) and Vamp Lord (mystic shield) on foot.  I think people tend to forget that they hit on 3's wound on 4's, and if your playing Vrykos they wound on 3's with that vamp lord nearby. Toss in the vamp lords command ability and suddenly all 30 models are +1 attack (so 60A @ 3+ 3+), not bad.  I've had quite a few opponents underestimate them and lose large pricy models to that swarm of regenerating skeletons. Also at 30, they are really hard to move if your opponent doesn't have a lot of spells/shooting. 

  21. 11 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Mysteriously, all these paper and shipping issues don't seem to be impacting 40K much. A few small delays here and there, but they're still getting a steady stream of Codexes.

    Codexes could have been printed a year ago. I feel GW is having some horrid supply issues, and what we're seeing for AoS model releases and announcements is whatever happens to trickle in on a slow boat from China. I don't think this is what they had planned for their big 3rd edition launch. But GW, has a nasty habit of holding all their cards close to their chests and not telling their customers what's going on. A single post of "Hey guys, supply chains are a mess, we'll be releasing what we can over the next 6-8 months, but can't really predict exactly what will arrive when" would go a long way to placating the player base. 

    Hell even if it was a bald faced lie, it would make us feel better :)


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  22. I also noticed the spirit torment is Crawlocke, which provides a nice alternate sculpt if all you have is the standard spirit torment miniature. I assume its because he's ont he same sprue as the Chainghast miniatures, but I'll take it. 

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