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Posts posted by Gothmaug

  1. 2 hours ago, Bog_Goblin said:

    I’d prefer grotbag scuttles, but I think it might be new Necromunda spyrers:



    Talk about a deep dive! 


    COnsidering how different the RE "metallic wings/fins" are from any current AoS and 40K aesthetic, I think Bog_Goblin hit it right on the head. Flying units for Necromunda ash wastes. 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    I didnt even realize there was a thumbs up option  ===jumps over to GW community site === Oh shoot, I guess there is! Ill start clicking on those for AoS articles. Good idea CommissarRotke

    Ok...now I'm depressed. Just looked back through the entire month of October to click the thumbs up. Theres only been three AoS articles released, and two were for the sons of behemet battletome. 

    • Sad 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Everyone else is thumbs-upping the AOS articles right? Drive some engagement, MAYBE having actual web traffic patterns will get us more articles.

    I didnt even realize there was a thumbs up option  ===jumps over to GW community site === Oh shoot, I guess there is! Ill start clicking on those for AoS articles. Good idea CommissarRotke

    • Like 7
  4. 9 hours ago, EntMan said:

    On the plus side - the new FreeGuild heavy cavalry looks good although they seem to have made a mistake at the top of the lance.image.png.f4ccbe85eb8303a6133fb692f803b4f7.png

    Considering the sheer amount of chaos bits I have lurking around, I foresee a unit of Chaos Marauder Horsemen for my Slaves to darkness army in my  future 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    It’s being done by Forge World, but that doesn’t mean as much as it once did - the specialist games team are part of forge world and they do quite a bit of plastic. There will almost certainly be some resin though 

     I really hope theyre not recycling old molds, and dusting off old stock they have had stacked in warehouses for decades. 


    I'd like to see all new sculpts, but that's a huge investment in time and materials, to even have a half dozen forces at launch.  


    Do we know the scale? 25, 28, 32mm? 15 mm epic? (oh god please no) Could GW be going backwards compatible, and allowing you to re-base your AOS armies (hope you saved all your old squares). Soulblight, Cities of Sigmar, Beasts of Chaos, Slaves to Darkness, Skaven, and Seraphon would be easy for direct conversions, since they have so many older models in thier lines. Cities of Sigmar could be broken back intho human, elf and dwarven forces. Its not my favotite solution, but would allow some players to instantly play the Old World, with minimal investment from GW, giving GW time to manufacture and release some new forces. 

    Probably be a mix of the two. Utilizing a few old armies, and then making 2-3 new available at launch. Kiselv, Brettonians, and Greenskinz are my guess, they seem like like low hanging fruit that would sell well. 

    Also im betting Beasts of chaos doesnt get a range refresh for AOS until the Old World launches, thereby allowing GW to double dip into 2 markets..... Oh wait, that would actually be a rational plan that makes sense. Scratch that, BoC is getting squatted and relaunched 2 years later in TOE.


  6. 1 hour ago, Aeryenn said:

    I'd like some zombie heroes and monsters for a second wave of Soulblight.

    I'd second that. For the Era of Beasts, I think we were all hoping for some more beastly diversity. Huge skeletal/zombie undead monster would be cool, but a 3 model unit of some large undead creatures would be good too. 

    Or a skeletal mega-gargant? Not even the whole gargant, give me some crazy dynamic sculpt of half a gargant zombie corpse crawling along the ground, pulling itself along with those huge arms, while vomiting forth hordes of normal zombies. 

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  7. 4 minutes ago, novakai said:

    If there is, my bet would be they flesh out Vykros dynasty as it seem that one was the most lacking compare to the other dynasty despite the focus it got with characters and cursed city.

    I think Legions of Blood needs the most attention. Vrykos got all the cursed city models, as well as the new dire wolves, bats and synergy with zombies. Legion of blood needs help, and its connection to deathrattle forces would allow a revamp of those models to revitalize an old favorite, and boost one of the weaker options in the army. 


    But as a soul blight player, i'd be happy with anything new, Vrykos, Blood, Night or something entirely new. There's still those death-like rumor threads out there that look like flesh eater courts, or possibly vampires. I'm hoping for something death related. 

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  8. 34 minutes ago, novakai said:


    OBR and Soul Blight don't have 3rd edition tomes so they still have chance of a wave of models because models are often tied by rule book launch. 


    I'd love to see SoulBlight gain a second wave, where they offer the mounted WightKing singly, new graveguard, and new Black Knights kit. Oh and some sort of skeletal foot hero whether wight king or something completely new (a vampire skeleton would be nice ala the Underworlds kit)  Basically revamp the entire deathrattle sub faction. 

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, EntMan said:

    No Old World news yet.

    Maybe now HH is released Thursdays will become Old World Thursdays instead?

    My guess is Old world is waaaay off in the future,  like in 2025. That gives them a 4 year rotation cycle for new editions for thier large scale games, starting this year with Horus Heresy, 2023 with 40K, 2024 with AoS, and 2025 with the Old World. That way every year can be a "New Edition" release year, and everything edition resets on a 4 year cycle.  

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  10. 4 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Yeah, there are some possible FEC rumour engines that have been around since before the original Cursed City release. Plus the whole faction is, like, 5 kits. If they were to redo the basic ghouls and crypt guys, that could shake up the look of the faction a lot.

    I would hope that if they redo the faction, they concentrate on some additional units and not just remake the older sculpts. 

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  11. 25 minutes ago, madmac said:

    I'm not very well versed in Necron design cues, but I don't think they have any real leather/cloth bits? That alone makes me lean a little towards Seraphon.

    I would hope its Seraphon, but they're mesoamerican themed, and more cubic than geometric. 


    I wonder if its a new faction, like the new Dark Dwarves or the Dark Mechanicus?


    Or its entirely something different like a weird blood bowl character. 

  12. There's a leather strap and a ring attached at the base of the Blade thingy. Meaning it could be hanging from something, and they're messing with the angle for the photo. 


    My first thought was Seraphon or Necron, but the weird PlayStation-style button symbology is throwing me off. 

  13. 3 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    If we get a full on no holds bar Strigoi Faction they can take all my money.

    Oh by the soul of Max Schreck, if only this would come true!  In the meantime, check out a miniwargame called "Carnevale" They have a Strigoi faction that I dip into for vampire models. I run them as units of Vrykos blood-borne. 

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  14. 47 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    Both the bones and ramshackle feel of the cane give off destruction-y vibes to me, actually.

    Wasn't there an older rumor thread that looked like a vampire/ghoul hand, resting on the pommel of a sword? I feel this hand loosk similar. New Ghoul king sitting in a throne perhaps?

    • Like 1
  15. 11 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    I remember WH Weekly talking about that fix and saying it was a poor fix, despite many people suggesting it, and I agreed.
    Its bad because it creates even more incentive to never fight with your gargants, since they get worse on the objective if they do, and one of the big problems with the old book was that it was often better for gargants to just retreat out of combat to live longer.

    A better rule would be something like "enemy models within 3" of this model can't contest objectives", since it encourages the gargant player to be aggressive.

    I never thought about that... Having the Gargants constantly retreating would be so frustrating (and a good way to annoy your fellow players). I wonder if its a large problem outside the tournament scene? Sons of Behemet is the only AoS army that's not represented in our local meta, so I've haven't really seen them played outside of Youtube battle reports, or as individual models run as allies/mercenaries. 

  16. 10 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    I know why they’ve done it, I just don’t like that they’ve done it and don’t think it really works. It’s just annoying now because they’ve just shown 1, and then annoying later when they later ‘waste’ a reveal slot on something we’ve seen some of. (In my opinion of course). 

    Problem is the "new" chaos knights came out in the slaves to darkness starter set, what? A year and a half ago? I couldn't wait that long for the multipark kit, so I found some other models to supplement the knightly ranks of my Tzeench-themed Slaves to Darkness Army.


    Say hello to my Corrupted Palladors! All full of  Tzeenchy goodness


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  17. Heck, I wouldn't have ever picked up Warhammer Age of Sigmar if it wasn't for some pictures I saw online of Chris Tomlin's Ironjaws conversions. Tracking more of those photos down led me here, and started my fall down the rabbit hole of tabletop wargaming. 

    Now I've got multiple armies, a plastic pile of shame, and a lot of fun!


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  18. Honestly I use this specific thread as my AoS news outlet, for all things interesting AoS related. I love the rumors, but honestly, AoS rumors/spoilers have been very thin this year, and I enjoy the occasional tangents this thread takes. DO I want this thread to evolve into a deep dive on the games tournament Meta? No. Do I enjoy a dip into those waters for a page or two of discussion here? Absolutely! 

    Now if GW would just hurry up and leak some info for Warhammer Day next week, we could all get on to speculating on what cool models we might see during the presentation!

  19. 48 minutes ago, EntMan said:


    There's starting to be lore about a menace in the void between the realms.

    Eldritch horror and related cultists would be fantastic. Would love to see them as a new Grand Alliance, and not just a new chaos flavor. Heck, their appearance could shake the foundations of the Mortal Realms and cause the current system to collapse. Create an all new Grand alliance system for 4th edition in 2 years. 

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  20. 33 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Lol, I just called them chaos dwarves as that's their old name, they will get a new AoS name I'm sure. 

    Sorry, but a nid/insect line that can be used in 40k and AoS sounds awful. 

    Ehh, to each his own. :)  At this point id take any new design space for AoS, and a mindless swarm army would be an entirely new design space for AoS. I mean how many humanoid smash things type factions can you have? Some sort of non-humanoid faction would be a welcome change, and there's been clamor for some version of the Silent ones for some time now. A vehicle heavy army would also be another welcome design we don't see much of. Either skygrots, industrial dwarves, Ironweld legions, or even vampire pirates could fit the bill.

    I mean we've already got various flavors of good humans, bad humans, snakey humans, pointy eared humans, short hairy humans, rat humans, greenskinned humans, cow humans, large humans, huge humans, scaly humans, dead humans, on and on and on... Only Sylvaneth, Kharadron Overlords,  and Chaos Demons really feel like a unique design space apart from the others. And I guess heavy beast factions like Iondeath deepkin and Seraphon also provide some new design space. Whatever we get for the next AoS army, I hope its something unique and refreshing, and not a re-tread of what we already have. Let those GW modelers and sculptors branch out and create some truly awe inspiring models, lets see where they can go!.

    And for all your various humanoid flavors, don't worry Warhammer the Old World is coming up fast, and you can get re-treads of all your classic factions you already bought 20 years ago :)

  21. 1 minute ago, Ogregut said:

    I think we'll see chaos dwarves either as a destruction faction or dual faction with a industrial focus and mix of machine and magic. 

    A couple of Sylvaneth sized model waves. 

    The start of the end of era of the beast with the next big power rising. 

    "chaos" dwarves are by definition chaotic, and therefore in Chaos 🤔. I can't imagine they would relaunch them and ditch all the Hashut chaos god connections. 


    Destruction has an identity problem, as its a very narrow focus, and tends to pigeonhole armies into Orruk clones (ie brutish rampaging forces of destruction). That's an issue that's been discussed here in depth before. The only easy design space I see left for destruction that gives a portrayal vastly different than brutish, smashy humanoids is a devouring swarm type army ala-tyrranids. Something like a horde of mindless locusts that devour everything around them, with no thought of morality. 

    With the rumored 40K 10th edition starter box supposedly being Tyrranids vs. Blood Angels, I would love to see a tyrranid line revamp that crossed the 40K/AoS barrier, similar to how chaos demons work.  Hordes of the "Silent ones" awaken, answering some primordial urge (like cicadas) and swarm up from below ground, devouring all that's in their path. New Hormagaunts and Carnifexes, and a pile of other new bugs to terrify the mortal realms. Doesn't even have to be tyrranid related, but if I was GW, I'd link the two lines and promote my unique IP for increased exposure and sales. 


    How's that for a Rumor? 🤪


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  22. 6 hours ago, Kempak said:

    The rumour on valrak channel is they'll be hero heavy for 40k probably shifting models they struggled to sell. Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a rehash of some older ones ironjaw and khorne springs to mind. I missed those boxes by a year getting into aos.

    I think they may also be Daemon heavy run in with the push for 40k hopefully a greater daemons or two.

    But if we stick with the four we normally get for aos my guess is.

    Stormcast thunderstrike box set

    Kruleboyz or big waagh themed one

    Khorne or nurgle or stretching a std one.

    And lumineth.

    Death got a lot of love last Xmas so unless it another soulblight with the characters they struggle to shift and a mortach neferata/Manfred etc box I'd be surprised.


    Anyway just my predictions. 

    You know, I think I'll still bet on Lumineth. They've had multiple releases now, lots of models, and I feel like they're the new upcoming poster children of AoS. I'm betting a force based around a different element, Wind? with a bunch of those hurricane kangaroo riders and a spirit of the wind. 

    And Ill go out on a limb here. I went back through to 2016 and all the chaos factions have had a box. Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeench, Slanesh, slaves to darkness and even Skaven. But do you know ho hasn't? Beasts of Chaos. So my prediction is that the true meaning of 2022 Era of the beast, is a Beasts of Chaos Battle Force for Christmas!


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  23. 29 minutes ago, TreelordRecent said:

    Looks like there already some rumours for the 40K Christmas box sets : imperial fists, raven guard, custodes.

    Has anything leaked for AoS?

    Nothing that I've heard yet. IF I had to guess, I'd look at whatever armies came out in 2020-2021 that don't already have a battlebox. Lumineth realmlords and Kruelboyz i'm guessing. And we didnt get a Stormcast box last year, so were due for one thisyear. Probably with Vanguard troops and perhaps one of the mounted dragon models. 


    Anyhow thats my guess. 



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