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Posts posted by Gothmaug

  1. 13 minutes ago, ArcLight said:


    The OBR hero sure does seem uninspired (although admittedly cool), but I actually really like the look of the vampire huntress. The bestial elements are great and I love the idea of another less traditional vampire (with a wood chopping axe!), even if it is a shame they didn't go for a mounted vampire.


    I'm ambivilent about her sculpt and story. Don't we already have a Vrykos vampire lord that has a thing for bats (Lady Annika). Besides Soulblight Gravelords needed another unique foot hero like I need another hole in my head. By my count this new Vamp Lord would make the 15th foot hero (13th unique) for Gravelords. Would have preferred a mid sized beast or a mounted hero. Or heck, a ranged hero? Anything really except another foot boss. Lets hope the new Battletome differentiated between them all instead, of 15 units with identical A4 H3 W3 R-1 Dam 2 melee profiles. 

    Did I miss anyone?


    Deintalos the Exile


    King Velmourn


    Lady Annika


    Prince Duvalle

    Radukar the Wolf

    Torgillius the Chamberlain

    Vampire Lord (plus alternate Sculpt Anasta Malkorion)

    Watch Captain Halgrim

    Wight King


    Heck Soulblight has more foot heroes than Flesheater Courts, Fyreslayers, and Ironjaws have for total UNITS in thier faction. 

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  2. When I saw the Killteam beastmen last night, I died a little inside.

    Now  I can't decide if:


    A) A planned Beasts of Chaos revamp was abandoned and the model sculpts are being recycled into other lines (ala Kragnos, Ogroid Theridans, and Killteam beastmen).




    B) There are a few designers that really love Beasts of Chaos as GW and they have been trying to provide some love for the faction by seeding new models for the BoC players by sliding them into other lines. 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Whitefang said that destruction players who were disappointed with their battletome will get a second chance next year.

    Tbh mawtribes missed out the most with not having new yhetees, butchers etc. Could this be the first sign of the great 2024 destruction wave for broken realms?

    Destruction "Wave"? ...No. Possibly a small trickle to existing older destro factions. If we see any large scale destruction love, it will be for an entirely new army faction.

    • Haha 1
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  4. Wasn't one of the older rumor threads a studded leather glove holding an ornate hilt? We had speculated it was either a vampire or slaneesh. Is this guy it? Also his boots look very familiar. Another rumor thread? Apologies if someone already covered this. 



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  5. 3 hours ago, EntMan said:

    Neutral wondering monsters which could randomly bother either side would have been superb in the era of the beast.

    Still can't really work out which beast(s) this is the era of?

    The "era of the beast" as a marketing ploy is dead.  We got 1 incarnate and a whole lot of nothing. 

    The Sublime Desolation of Namibia's Skeleton Coast - The New York Times

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Hey a fellow biologist!

    I think the gills was to give some node to the salamander part of it (or that this is the sucessor of the old salamanders) as without it is pretty much a dimetrodon with some frills on the head. 

    I assume the old "Salamander" label from the Old World was in relation to the mythical salamander of British lore that is born from fire. Probably a real life anecdotal tale based on someone tossing a damp log on a fire, and an actual real salamander crawling out to escape the flame. Same with the old "toads are born of dung" belief of the middle ages (toads can hibernate in warm dung piles and pop out in the spring).

    As for the new mini, those feathery gills are, well, gills. They imply a fully aquatic existence to the sculpt. They took a terrestrial creature (technically a non-mammalian synapsid, not a dinosaur) and stuck on aquatic larval salamander gills. makes my eye twitch 🤪


    Which is why Ill just snip them off, and have a very nice Dimetrodon sculpt! 

    • Like 7
  7. Why did they give the "salamander" feathery gills? Its basically a Dimetrodon dinosaur with neonate salamander gills, and a tiny seraphon helmet. Its just a weird combo. Then again i'm a herpetologist (biologist who studies reptiles and amphibians), so maybe it just pokes my inner logic circuit in my brain.



    • Haha 1
  8.  After reading the regiments of renoun article today, I saw the imperial dragon article and, for a moment, was filled with hope that my dreams for a faction neutral dragon were about to be met. Era of the beast here we go!

    Alas it is not to be. No true dragons for Warhammer unless your Order, or you find a dead one lying around to animate.  And yes there's the mawkrusha, but its intrinsically linked to iron jaws. Where are my chaos wyrms? Where are my Forest dragons, willing to work for anyone with enough gold to satisfy them? Or a fiery desert dragon that haunts the wastes of Ashqy, searching and consuming Ur-gold? OR a shadowy dragon from Uglu that enjoys using mortals as puppets? So many possibilities. Perhaps one day...


    40Years Minis 06 ImperialDragon

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  9. 2 hours ago, Goatforce said:

    Ah think I missed the context of your post. I didn't realise you were talking about boarding actions box and thought you meant in general the starter for 10th was going to be a full Genestealer Cults (vs SMs) starter, rather than the rumoured Nids. My bad.

    I know people have wanted a gene stealer revamp of those modes for a while, but from what I've seen the rumored 10th edition starter box is Pyrovores/Biovores and some Lictor variants. 

    Of course I'm still waiting for some insectoid army to pop up in AoS. Looking at the Helamite riders GW made for necromunda, gave me hope for some new modern insectoid race design for AoS. 



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  10. 4 hours ago, Matrindur said:


    They where apparently made by a guy over on Lustria but if you go on his profile is seems like he is inactive since 2017 and doesn't sell them any more.


    (He also only sold physical models and no stls)

    I spent years trying to get a set of those kroxigor proxys off ebay. They occasionally pop up, but fetch a $200 price tag these days.. Too rich for my blood. 



  11. I know this is AoS here, but hey, I needed to toss in some daily humor centering around our 40K cousins. 

    So are Desolators what happens when a Tactical marine with a missile launcher crosses the Rubicon and forgets to put his gun down? Or did the Ad Mech just go insane with a welder? Or was there an administrative error and the missile launcher design was outsourced to an ex-imperial world now ruled by Orks? 

    I feel this old Simpsons clip exemplifies the Missile Marines. 



    Well with the introduction of Desolators, at least theres finally something worthy enough to ride in a Repulsor...

    A Deadly Combination: Primaris Repulsor LORE





    • Haha 3
  12. I'm still amazed the old world is coming back at all. I can't imagine them supporting yet another tabletop fantasy wargame when they already have AoS out there. Why split your audience? OR do they really think that many old players (who dont currently play Aos) will come creeping out of the woodwork to support an entirely new game line? I think we're all imagining modern AoS scale sculpts on square bases, but part of me worries it will be some weird smaller scale, (like epic) or some strange niche game. I HOPE its a full army game, and I can use the models in AOS as well, but best not to get my hopes up.

    And they are not doing themselves any favors with the secrecy they've surrounded the project with. Heck, they could have done a "Bretonnia Kickstarter", told us the models they were going to make, and generated enough funds in a month to fund the entire army development and release. Lots of hype, lots of community support. Instead we get three years of crumbs and guesswork. 

    On a related note, a friend handed me a toolbox full of old metal and plastic Brettonnia figures. There's some fun old sculpts in there I think Ill ressurect, especially the mounted heroes. 


  13. 16 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Yeah I think his dragon ogres are good. I just find a lot of the beasts uncomfortably top heavy or potbellied for my liking. Pigs and ogors sure but why are the centaurs fat too? Are they not running around as one of the fastest units in the whole army? And dont get me started on the ghorgon proxy.


    His avian tzaangor proxies are amazing (I'd definitely go winged over disks) but at the same time his avian shaman has such a tiny head. 

    I don't mind the potbellied aspect of the centigor thingys, as to me they look more like a humanoid torso on a bulls body, which is more thematic to the beasts of chaos. Traditional horse based centaurs belong over in the Kurnothi (and apparently as Destruction godlings). Also if your a World of Warcraft fan, they have more of a Mannaroth type vibe, like something natural that's been twisted and bloated by daemonic forces. Less of a classic perfectly proportioned greek myth aesthetic, and more of a warped by chaos vibe. 


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  14. 2 hours ago, The Red King said:

    No minotaur beats zealot miniatures imo but claybeast has some great monsters (cockatrice and chimera).

    I happen to follow claybeast's Patreon, he has some really solid sculpts. If you have a chance, you should look again at his fallen beasts line, He's got a whole plethora of minotaurs, and some really neat shoggoth/dragon ogor stand-ins

    Clay Beast Creation


    And I use his Flying Terrors in my Soulblight Gravelords force

    Undead flying terrors fell bats A from Clay Beast Creation 3D image 1

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  15. 2 hours ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Okay I’m actually starting to get mad at GW. Are the Soulblight Gravelords supposed to be classic gothic undead, Russian/Slavic wolfmen, or that strange mix of Asian/Egyptian aesthetic that the bonereapers are rocking?!?! I’ll still buy the new models, it’s just getting hard to keep an army theme together.

    Nice thing about vampires, is that they are multi-ethnic! all you need it to be bitten and voila! a new vampire spawn. Honetly I'd love to see some non-human vampires appear. Elven or dwarven vampires, or even Ogor/Ork vampires. Add some spice to the line. The Vrykos take on werewolves I felt was a nice edition, created a unique aesthetic for a branch of the Soulblight Line. 


    Now give me a clan of vampric goblins from Ghur!

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  16. 2 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    40K Engine today Mortals.


    It looks like a light, with two cameras/sensors underneath the lens, and two speakers or perhaps engines on either side. New space dwarf piece? some kind of robotic probe for adeptus mechanicus? Or just another amazing sculpt for Necromunda that makes you wish the necromunda and Underworld design teams would combine forces and take over primary model design for 40K or AoS? :) 

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  17. 1 hour ago, DeLewko said:

    100% it's a vampire, question is what will be the rest of the warband. They said when announcing heart of ghur we will see 3 more boxes with warbands from all GA. This box is Khorne vs Death and the last one is Slanesh vs Destrucion. My money is on gloomspite since they fit the name of the last box. 

    Why couldn't it be Khorne vs Slanesh and Death vs Destruction? 

    Secondly, just because its death, doesn't mean its a vampire. Could it be a bonereaper? 

    As a soul blight player, I really hope its another vampire warband. The Underworlds soul blight warbands are some of my favorite parts of my army collection. The sculpts are usually spectacular. Can't wait to get the Sons of Velmorn in their own box. 

    This thing above the figure's head it driving me nuts. is it a fan? a tree? a centurion style helmet crest? 


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  18. 33 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Don't get me wrong, I want some new vampire and undead units, but just going off of the silhouette of the swords of the supposed "vampire," the other warband is slaanesh. The curve of the blade matches up with the blades found within the myrmidesh/symbaresh kit:59017183_ScreenShot2023-01-16at12_35_23PM.png.3d2e4e0acfda840c60547d90365869ed.png553150609_ScreenShot2023-01-16at12_38_51PM.png.760339949a8a2821121d9cde3cc3647c.png


    I agree, either slanesh or blood elves. The soulblight aesthetic has been for rapiers and other long elegant tapered blades. THe new warband silloheutte is defiantly more of a middle eastern/south Asian style sword, which falls in line with the more with the themes for Slanesh mortals. THe curvy swords on some DOK models also tend to have serrated spines, which we dont see here. And lastly this figures shoulder/headdress/back icon (or whatever you call the things protruding from its shoulders, looks more like a chaos warband iconography, that bat wings or something vampiric. 

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  19. 1 hour ago, EonChao said:

    Oh they could be and I honestly like everyone other than unit leaders to be wearing helmets. And the kit still looks like a great update to the old multipart plastic kit in general. 

    It’s just a shame that at the same time we lose the flexibility to build models how we want as well as the benefit of extra heads for conversions elsewhere.

    I use 40K sisters of silence kits to add female models to my tzeench themed Slaves to Darkness army,. Change out the one exposed pauldron and add some chaosy bits and they work great. A five woman unit of them with 2-handed swords runs around the battlefield as my proxies for chaos chosen. I've also got a 5 man unit of "Corrupted Palladors" in tzeench colors that make great tzeechy chaos knights, but that's another story

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  20. 14 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I mean the truth is that the new Chaos Kits have been unbelievable and truly capture why I love the aesthetic of Chaos and Warhammer more broadly. 

    I like the multipart kit, but my brain short circuits when i see warriors weilding large 2 handed halberds in one hand and massive heavy shields in the other. Give them a one handed axe or ditch the shield, make up your mind GW!! 🤔

    But in all fairness, I do really like the new chaos warrior kits. 


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  21. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    with the loud whispers of the 2022 marine boxes not selling well, I wonder how even more saturation is going to work out... at this point I just feel bad for 40k. I know we have various things to complain about with AOS but diversity of armies and model design has never been one...

    It only becomes saturation if they keep all the old "normal marines" model kits into 10th edition. I woul dnot be suprised if all the older kits get retired and primaris become the new normal standard marine. Primaris only exist because GW wanted to modernize the scale of the mariens, but didn't want to re-create the entire catalog at once. With jump pack primaris, missle primaris, and potentially terminator primaris comming for 10th, Tac marines kits and thier brethren can be retired. 


    but that's not really an AOS rumor, so in that case, i predict 2023 will be an avalanche of new human-centric kits for the dawn bringer crusade, modernizing the last remnants of the old Warhammer fantasy line that are still kicking around in Cities of Sigmar faction. 

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