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Posts posted by Gothmaug

  1. 2 hours ago, Sception said:

    EDIT: also worth noting that the cursed city stuff seems to be sticking around, at least for now.  Radubeast's scroll specifically mentiones units of vyrkos bloodborn in its rules, and Raduwolf, his Nightguard, and the Gravekeeper are all shown in one of the army pictures.

    It also seems that bloodlines have been dropped from the warscrolls, meaning the Vrykos stuff will be mixed into the rest of the faction, and I guess we wont have units or powers locked behind bloodlines. I find it weird though that Radakur mentions Vrykos bloodborn units on his warscroll.... Does he count as one too? He has Vrykos bloodborn listed as companions on his warscroll, so do they get buffed as well as an actual separate unit of Vrykos bloodborn? I kid of expected some bloodline keywords to stick around, I hope this isn't a sign that they created a bunch of abilities around bloodline keywords, then decided to drop the keywords later in the design process, but failed to scrub all the relevant related text from the various warscrolls. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Flippy said:

    And rightly so. As always, there are three elf factions in the game - LRL, IDK and DOK.

    I know they're holdovers from the old world, but where do the "normal" fantasy elves fit in, the ones that are part of Cities of Sigmar? Are they lumineth? Or another branch of aelfhood entirely? They dont seem to have the same chaos tainted "Issues" that DoK, LRL and IDK display.  

  3. I do miss the rumors though, seems we haven't had any leaks or concrete proof of anything new in a long long time. Silent ones, chaos dwarves, sky grots, Malerion's brood, or the kurnothi. Heck with Beasts getting kicked to Old world, there's certainly room for another faction. I hope we see something surprising and unique this edition, hopefully for destruction. And if its entirely unrelated to the current gods and chaos gods so much the better. Extraplanar invasion into our reality, attracted by all the rampant magic? Sure bring it on. Or perhaps the very shards of the realms rebelling, with elementals appearing everywhere to wipe out the mortals plaguing its surface. Really toss the narrative on its head, shake up the status quo, and cause the order gods to come back together or face oblivion. Heck, even Chaos doesnt want to eliminate all the mortals.  Be hilarious to see Archaeon team up with the Stormcast, wouldn't it? 

    • Like 6
  4. 6 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Would be hard to do that now since it implies they are now in separated Pitch battle profile if going by the complete wipe of the Orruk Warclans keyword. There no existing nomenclature that would tie them together anymore 

    Well theres one "Destruction"!! Back to a big old mix of Orks, grots, troggs and giants!  But that wont not happen, at least not inthe next edition.  


    Ill miss my Orruk warclans, I enjoyed mixing kruelboys with Ironjaws. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, cyrus said:

    in addition to that  the AoS studio  can focus on each playstyle since Ironjawz and Kruleboyz are really different !

    See you tomorrow Ladz !! 😉



    I run two main Aos Armies. Ironjaws and Soulblight Gravelords. At this rate they're going to be the last two armies previewed. the wait is killing me! 😋 Oh well, the Kruelboyz will have to tide me over for another week. 


    Who's left anyhow? Ironjawz, Gravelords, Khorne, seraphon and Sylvaneth, right?

  6. 20 minutes ago, EthanolMuffins said:

    My prediction for the rest of the previews

    Next week:

    DoK -> Sylvaneth -> HoS -> IJ -> SG

    Week After: 

    LRL -> Seraphon -> BoK -> StD -> KB


    Could be im seeing a pattern where there arent any. I also think they end it off on Kruleboyz because they were antagonists for 3rd and it would be fitting to end it with them I think

    Do we know if the Kruelboys getting split from Orruk Warclans? Have there been any rumors along that front? With the retirement of bonesplitters I was wondering what they were going to do with orruk warclans moving forward? I could see either consolidating them into one cohesive force with the clan differences tied to detachments, keeping them as is, as two semi-independant armies with an option to mix and match, or splitting them into two entirely different forces. 



  7. 21 minutes ago, Tonhel said:


    It's not the first faction focus where I think, "hmm still a lot of rend". This is why imo the damage output is much higher in 4th. Units will not stay long on the battlefield.


    the new edition does seem rend heavy, but I have yet to compare it to Saves. If everything has a 2+ or 3+ save now (or theres an easy universal way to increase your defenses by 1, like through spells, traits, commands or cover ala 40K), then the proliferation of rend 1 will basically be cancelled by the save increase. 

    Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing the 10th edition 40K cover rules come into play here, where all units get a +1 to their save while in cover of any type, but you cant ever get better than a 3+ save total due to cover

  8. 4 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Vyrkos lady can summon the wolves. 

    Aren't there sylvaneth spells/units that let you summon units of dryads? I'm not super-familiar with that army though, so I could be wrong on that front. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, GenericEdgyName said:

    Seems quite good. The biggest change is that now the effect of the charge depends on the unit type. 

    Also Rend, lots of rend. I feel like nighthaunt were sorely lacking rend in earlier editions, and every unit seems to have it now. Though i haven't played them in a few years, so my memory could be faulty on that front. 

  10. On 5/21/2024 at 11:32 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Yeah, but Stormcast should have at leadt rend 1.

    I don't want to play through another edition where the literal golden super men and women are among the most pillow fisted armies around 

    I disagree. base troops should have a rend of zero. Maybe an argument can be made for the golden boys, but if you start their base troops at Zero then that means all their elites need like a 2, and thats not really fixing the rend creep problem. Toss in the fact that rend+X vs Y seems pretty common, and they're not selling me on the overall rend reduction. Everything this week we've seen so far this week for stormcast, skaven, and Gloomspite gits, all have at least a rend of 1. It could be model selection bias,  we'll see I guess. 

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Mcthew said:


    (So glad the new rules aren't starting off on a ridiculous footing tho :D)

    I'm not so sure... For an edition that's supposed to reign in the rend creep, every model in todays storm cast preview (and the chariot posted the other day) had a rend of at least 1, including the foot hero wizard!!

    Rules do feel very much like 40K 10th edition. Though I wish they had kept the same terminology for similar things between games (like 6's to hit granting sustained hits or lethal hits). 


    • Like 1
  12. I dunno.... Itts mostly a dog with a bird head. I think I prefer the feathered neck of the older sculpts, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of variety. 


    If you cropped the image for a tuesday preview I would have gone "look a wolf!"



    The weird eyeball thing (enslaver??) is cool, I like to see 40K expand outwards into new ideas and xenos races. If its not a necromunda piece, I wonder if its a "pet" accompaniment for some hero perhaps? 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 3 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    the one in the back seemed like a different (smaller) model due to an photoshop fail ^^

    The one in the back of the line is a goregrunta sergeant. Overall the pigs in the line look smaller because theyre in a trench and farther from the camera 

    • Like 1
  14. 24 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Why though ?

      Hide contents


    Also how did the Book end up in the Mortal Realms ? It wasn't destroyed when WFB blew up ?


    Everything was destroyed when the Old World blew up... Then GW realized their blunder and snapped their fingers, and all kinds of old characters, races and plot points magically recoalesced into this jumble of tangled portals we now call the mortal realms. 

    I DO have a theory as to why.....

    Personally I now think that Chaos won when the old world was destroyed, and all the souls of the Old World were captured by Chaos. The "Mortal Realms" as well call them are just a pocket dimension of Hell that the Demons use as a plaything to torment all the souls who died in the old world, Sigmar included. Its just a big fishbowl, with the chaos gods looking in and laughing :) Every now and then they sprinkle in some "hope" in some form or another, just to cause greater torment and suffering. 

    Now if that ain't grim-dark, I don't know what is :)

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  15. 10 minutes ago, OkayestDM said:

    What about Mawtribes? The highlighting is pretty bright (frost?) and there's a wierd shape coming off the skeleton's shoulder that might be ice?

    Possibly.. but Ogor weapons are usually more crude, with the heads lashed to the shaft instead of socketed. Also often have extra spikes on the side and a harpoon vibe. 



    • Like 1
  16. Rumor Thread



    I think the FEC players will be dissapointed. This spear may be nicked and scratched, but it doesnt shot the pitting that all the Death Faction weapons have. It also has a different base, where the blade attached to the ferule. Nor does it match any of the crude designs from ironjawz, Kruelboyz of Gitz. .

    The blades well made, but worn. and impales a skeleton. I'm guessing Chaos. Its also impaling the skeleton in a very ritualistic/torturous manner, which is in par for Chaos. Perhaps a scenic base piece, a spear on a chariot/war machine, or most likely, a Warcry band. 


    • Like 1
  17. So I noticed that the Troll King has his own dawnbringer crusade box where he's packaged with what looks like 6 other rockgut troggoths. In the Nova presentation the presenteres mentioned that the Ironjaws Mawgrunta would appear in one of the dawkbringer books and there was a detatchment to allow an all pig army. I wonder if the Big Pig will get a simmilar dawnbringer box treatment, with a half dozen gruntaz included?






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    • LOVE IT! 1
  18. New Brute on Pig - Check

    low armor Brute berserkers - CHeck

    Waagh energy infused Brutes - Check

    A new buffing/casting unit (blacksmith) - CHeck. 

    OK, it looks like Christmas came early for me this year. Many of my Ironjaw dreams came true. 


    And Congrats to the Ogor Players, hopefully those Gorgers will eventually get their own box. 


    • Like 5
  19. 23 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I hope so. We are now at 21 weeks without a solve. The problem is that there's nothing that looks like marines or Ironjawz. There's a bunch that are probably FeC which probably aren't being shown tomorrow and there are several which seem to be Kroot which also probably aren't being shown tomorrow. 

    21 weeks!! egad!

    I stumbled across this guy from the inquisitorial henchmen earlier this week, I remember a bunch of speculation about a rumor engine that matches the the weapon he's holding. I had assumed that the community had caught it, but if not here:





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  20. 22 minutes ago, AzarFreymann said:

    It seems the named hero will be "Megaboss on foot size", so maybe not an Ardboy hero (we'll already have one). :)

    Well thats interesting.... Combat hero then? Perhaps has a ward save do to his armor repair skills? Perhaps a "Lord in Iron" type sculpt, with a megaboss covered head to toe in heavy plate. 


    Or..... Could we be getting a MEGA-chanter, who inspires the troops by banging out a marching beat on his anvil? 


    So much design space to play with, hopefully its not just- megaboss with better defense/worse offense-

  21. 19 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    It is part of the new Orruk hero. It seems it is a blacksmith Ironjawz hero

    Blacksmith ironjaws hero? Well the squig does look like an anvil. A blacksmith could be a neat buffing hero I guess, but if its using an anvil, that implies a hammer, which makes me think its an ardboyz hero. I will give GW some credit though, if they actually remember their own lore and make the blacksmith a big, burly brute with clenched fists, that pounds the armor plates into shape with his fits.  :)  And if it does so on the head of a weird squig, so much the better. 



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  22. 4 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    I swear to Behemat all Ogor releases need to match this scale. That is the most lore accurate Ogor height we have yet seen in mini form.

    Far taller than a man but much shorter than a Gargant. I really hope these -'Warhulks' set the standard because if they had a belly they would be perfect. Heck they might just be the best Ogor minis yet and theyre not even for the Faction!!

    The ogor scale is great, but I still cant get over the human sized crow's nest on their backs. It would take a quadruped the size of an elephant to move comfortably with that, and the leverage of having it up on a pole is even worse.  I can imagine the horrid grinding sounds that Ogor's knees are making as it tries to walk under that load. :)


    Are these ogors the same scale as the Hero Ogor from cursed City? I think he may be a bit smaller than these guys. I really like that sculpt, he appears regularly in my D&D campaign as a half-ogre mercenary. 

    • Haha 1
  23. anyone catch this miniature on the warhammer community home page? Its a thumbnail for the warhammer+ article. The figure does not appear in the article, but it was on the homepage as a thumbnail for some reason. Do the horns match the recent Tuesday rumor thread? I think its one of the Cities of SIgmar Knights, with a different helmet option than I've seen so far, but I could be mistaken. I know that kit has a lot of options on the sprue



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