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Everything posted by Orzo

  1. Nah, this is not a redeption cache. That guy just likes his necklace and wants to show it to others. You can build two redeption caches from normal sequitor box.
  2. I believe they does. You “choose shields”, they “enpower shields” and it is done “instead of rerolling ones” which deys they need shields.
  3. Don’t forget easy to build castigators with single gryph-hound, which you can’t use as single gyrph-hound anymore...
  4. I don’t know about Evocators but you are correct about sequitors. They really have just 4 maces. I guess reason is that they obviously chamged their warscrolls, but not boxes. Warscrolls which came with soul wars said “ome mace in every 3 sequitors + one for prime”. It’s 2 of five or 4 of 10. With this it makes sence, but actual warscrolls say “2 of 5 “
  5. OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Iam Glad I still have some unpainted pieces and I can switch their weapons. Thanks, I just totally missed that
  6. How can 10 sequitors bring 5 greatmces? Isnt it 1 for 3 sequitors + 1 for prime? 4 total?
  7. Ok, thanks, that’s better then I thought. But really goot to know
  8. Oh, I am new to wh and I totally missed that keyword. Does it mean that I have to pick Hammers of Sigmar stormhost to be allowed to play him of for example A streia insteda of lets say Vindicators?
  9. Hi, I have quite simple question. Is Aventis Firestrike or Lord Arcanum on goat worth playing, or is buying that model jist wasted money? Thanks :)
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