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Posts posted by Realmhead

  1. IronJawz

    (To bring back an old spell)

    Gork's Warpath: Just a pair of big stompy feet. Can't be dispelled (or maybe its boud like the OBR spells), but if it ever doesn't stomp on something, it gets bored and wanders off, ending immediately.

    Throwin' Handz: Orruk units in range can be removed, and set up anywhere, even in combat. However, each model takes a Mortal Wound on a 3+, if set up within 3" of an enemy unit, roll a doice for each model you set up, enemy unit takes a Mortal Wound on 3+.

    Mork's Deathglare: All units within 18" add 3" to move, but must end further away than they started, Orruk units can charge after running  within 18"

  2. 1. Its once per battle for the ability.  So if you decide to only use one flask, you can't use the others later.

    2. It does one mortal wound to the whole unit, which is allocated by the player who owns that unit.

    3. Same as 2, it's  1d3 for the whole unit.

    4. Wounds are allocated to her last because (if she were chosen first) if she were slain by that ability, an argument could be made that no one else takes wounds as nothing is within 3", as she's not on the board. Mostly it's there for clarity.

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    • Thanks 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, Forrix said:

    Those are definitely Ogor bits on his boot. I'm interested in what he's standing on though? Id say its the hunter but I don't see him standing on a platform.

    All the ogors I've seen have those pointy metal toecaps. I would love to see the new UW hunter, but this looks too 40k Orks to me.

    My personal prediction: it's the next holiday model, the Red Gobbo's personal oppressor, Da Git What Looted Kristmas

    • Haha 1
  4. It says 'can attempt to cast' because you don't HAVE to attempt to cast another spell. It specifies Green Puke, because if you DO use this ability to cast spell, it HAS to be Green Puke.


    Hope this was helpful, sorry if I'm just re-saying what you already knew.

  5. Its been a while since we've  heard anything, you all okay?

    Anything new you can tell us? A resumption of Mortal realms Mondays?

    C'mon man, I'm jonesin' bad here...


    Heck, to pass the time, we can all share the campaigns we're  hoping to run when this comes out.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, novakai said:

    maybe they do the alliance similar to how they did Ynnari

    A thought occurs. If most (if not all) the armies have times by the time of the next general's  handbook, they have the perfect space for meta-alliegences, like United dwarfs, new cities, or great waaaghs! (Like Stoneklaw's Gutstompas)

  7. A thought just occured: Will there be any rules for large scale combat, like having the players lead the defense of a town against the oncoming hordes of undead/orruks/chaos?

    I feel that AoS proper isn't a good fit, because it's not built around having multiple people on the same side. 

  8. I got into the hobby in a roundabout way.  I was book shopping before heading off to summer camp (I couldn't go anywhere  without a book at that time),  and I stumbled across this massive book with a picture of blue power armor using a chainsaw to decapitate some gribbly space-beastie (the Ultramarines Omnibus,  if you're wondering).  It looked awesome, so I got it. 

    Went to camp, and someone saw me reading it and told me, basically "hey, did you know that there's a whole hobby that goes along with this?" All this happend when I was , I don't really know, 12-14 maybe?

    Long story short, I found a book, and the hobby found me. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    Ogors? With such master-crafted weaponery? No. This seems to be of aelvish nature!

    Btw I would love to hear from someone who is keen to bows, if such a bow makes somehow sense :D

    Obvious, more strings fires more arrows more faster. 

    But you make a good point. 

    Revised idea: six armed Hyshian archer. Or an aelven bolt thrower

    • Haha 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    This was not expected :D

    Like any good grot  attack.


    Seriously  good models too. See, stuff like this keeps me looking forward to the days when the battletomes are all out, and GW starts focusing on getting everything  beautiful new sculpts, without a piece of resin or metal in sight.

    • Like 2
  11. 16 minutes ago, Lior'Lec said:

         Which base did you use for it? Apothecary White was literally the only contrast paint I was excited for but was seriously disappointed by it’s performance. I tried it on a grey seer base coat and just ended up with a cool grey which needed layering to bring up to white (which defeated the purpose of even using the contrast paint white). I’m still holding out hope that using Wraithbone as a base may give it more of a white look but so far haven’t had to energy to attempt it. 

    I've been using Apothecary  white a bit, and I've had pretty good results using it over Corax white, though I'm thinking it might look good over white scar/ceramite white

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