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Posts posted by DingK86

  1. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:

    All three lists just are there to show off the ability to make very different kind of lists. It’s a marketing tool and not, as @Nezzhil seems to have expected, a guide to make powerful lists. 

    first shows a good trick with stacking damage on the mournfang but it’s there to show a mounted list. I think for games where the goal isn’t top tournament practice it will be fun and good to play. 

    Yeah, the first list seems like an example of a mounted list, and to showcase how to affordably and efficiently buy the required models.

    Second is an infantry list, and the third is a crazy, only played by those who already have a 180 grots, list.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    I've been trying variations of this URL but no luck as yet:


    If you want to have a few guesses, just try changing the Warscroll name towards the end of the URL there :)

    Might not have been uploaded yet though!

    Try this! GW actually misspelled Mournfang in the URL...


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  3. I got into this game at the start of season 2. Seeing a large part of my collection become invalid for competitive play hurt. Quite a bit.

    But I also thought this was coming. Not right now, and not in this way specifically, but some kind of rotation. It STILL hurt, and there's nothing anyone can say or do that remedies that. It's an emotional, irrational reaction. Not one stemming from reason.

    However, the more I think about deck builds and the more games I play, the more the game surprises me. It feels fresh. And that, in the end, is what will keep me and others playing, and what will pull new players in.

  4. 3 hours ago, PJetski said:

    There is a full spoiler available if you know where to look for it...

    They have a lot of great Surge cards, and it seems like they can easily score stuff like Cover Ground, Longstrider, and Keep Them Guessing. They seem to play very similar to Spiteclaw's Swarm (5 dudes, very fast & fragile) but they trade the ability to respawn dudes for access to some magic and ranged attacks.

    Nobody is scoring Cover Ground in Beastgrave, at least not in competitive play.

  5. 1 hour ago, AthlorianStoners said:

    So what expected changes to BCR would fusing them with Gitbusters lead to, just in terms of increased options and play style? 


    No more allying in Butchers, or Firebellies for that matter, so magic becomes a bit more accessible.

    Cheaper battleline in Bulls at the least, so points are saved to spend on the big beasties.

    Grots could provide a cheap screen for your heavy hitters.

    No idea what Man-eaters and Tyrants could brings depends on the warscroll.

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