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Captain Marius

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Posts posted by Captain Marius

  1. 6 minutes ago, Double Misfire said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if we got a start collecting set with a Grundstock Gunhauler in. It's smaller than the Frigate enough that GW could easily put out a box with it, an Arknaut Company and a hero in. I'm going to buy the book and a box of Arknauts to keep myself occupied while I wait and see.



    I wouldnt hold my breath on this to be fair. Stormcasts got a SC box with all new models about a year after they were released. Of the other new ranges, Bloodbound include the old Skullcrushers, Ironjaws have Ardboyz, Sylvaneth have Dryads and a Treemen... and Fyreslayers are conspicuous in not having a SC box at all!

    Ill happily eat my words and start me some sky-dwarfs if they do release one tho!

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, TerrorPenguin said:

    agree, but humans, aelves, goblins, beastmen are allegiances, not a so called 'grand' alliance. The funny thing is that people think 'death' is an army akin to 'stormcast' when of course it should be akin to 'order' but it's nowhere near.

    And you're right, I could go and play another army, but I've invested in this one, both my time and money. I like it. I'm not even asking for models, a blades of khorne like release for Deathrattle would be absolutely perfect.


    I agree Death should be akin to Order with multiple independent factions, and it will be one day. I also agree a deathrattle book would be the logical choice for a quick release, like beastclaws or pestilens, though personally i would prefer them to expand the range a bit with chariots and archers like TK had, even if this means them being later in the release schedule. Nighthaunts could be another option maybe, or whatever Malignants are supposed to be!

  3. Given the lead times and the way Nagash has been heavily built up in the lore despite no new releases in AoS, I infer that one or more new army books are ready and just waiting to be released, just like Kharadrons, maybe Scourge Privateers and maybe Grotbag Scuttlers.

    I dont think GW have 'neglected' Death any more than theyve 'neglected' Humans or Aelves, or Goblins, or Beastmen, or Skaven, or any other race that hasnt seen new models outside of random Silver Tower models. Its just not been their turn yet.

    For anyone wound up by this, the answer is simply deal with it or play something else, whether its another army (for the record I have Sigmarines, Bloodbound, Beastclaws and Flesh Eaters on the go, plus whatever allies i fancy - i enjoy flitting between projects) or a different game.

    • Like 5
  4. Isnt the general consensus that theres around a two year turnaround from concept creation to release? So everything new weve seen so far in aos is still part of the initial plan and will likely include a force for shadow, light and death... and I guess gobbos!

    The books get done after the models are approved so their turnaround is quicker, hence stormies and khornies getting updates only 6-8 months after the GHB massively shook up the game.

    This also means the designers are currently working on stuff we wont see til 2019! 

  5. 11 hours ago, Alcina said:

    here you are:

    Khornish Zombies featuring dead Bloodreavers half-eated by surviving cannibal Bloodreavers ?

    with a dual Warscroll with Death keyword as well as Khorne keyword ?

    I believe due to their deathly pale skin they will be known as Khornish Pasties ;)

    • Like 6
  6. Id be up for seeing the constructs come back as a new Death faction, with the archers and chariots folded into deathrattle. Maybe a liche king/mummy command faction in the style deathmages/soulblight/deathlords and what have you. More interested in new ideas to be honest, but the sphinxes and snake surfers are indisputably lush models so itd be nice for them to come back to the range.

  7. 2 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    At a guess, around August but this is based upon the release last year

    Wasnt the first GHB out in June, followed by Sylvaneth, Beastclaws and Bonesplitterz then the 6 week Season of War across July and August?

    Id expect the new GHB around the same time (and not before! An annual update is fine but more than that is ridiculous. Im still bitter about the 2yr shelf life of 40k 6th ed!)

    • Like 1
  8. Im pretty sure this will be an expansion of Scourge Privateers, as aforementioned they have a good core range and their background is suitable for expanding on. I think this release will be similar to the Sylvaneth one, an expansion and reimagining of a small existing faction.

    Also they are thematically similar to Kharadron Overlords fwiw!

  9. I dont buy this theory that Slaanesh is being toned down, they already did that years ago when the Diaz daemonettes were replaced with the plastic ones. The Keepers that have appeared in recent art are waybmore sexualised than the cowhead/squidhead model still on sale.

    I reckon Slaanesh was side-lined for both narrative and product release reasons. Not only will it be the last of the 4 to get a big release, but there will also be some sort of rationalisatin between Slaanesh getting his butt kicked by Tyrion/Malerion in AoS and his upcoming buttkicking my Ynnead in 40k.

    With a new Keeper and Daemon Primarch Fulgrim on the cards I think Slaanesh is being set up for a big return, just not any time soon, which I am happy with as we need some time to focus on Tzeentch and I guess Nurgle if we assume an AoS release alongside the Death Guard.

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  10. 44 minutes ago, Bjarni St. said:

    The difference is you can bring Warp-Lightning Cannons with Unpredictable Destruction. It remains to be seen whether BoK have any reach. Without it I don't have high hopes.

    Bleurgh! Good point but this is exactly why factions should benefit from more and better allegiance rules than the Grand Alliances, in return for giving up a broader selection of unit choices. Im happy to stick with my good old unreliable Skullcannon and enjoy those juicy new prayers and tithe bonuses!

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  11. 4 hours ago, Teletomas said:


    I can see how Death could be a hard opponent for Khorne as Blood Tithe needs the Khorne player to eradicate units to give bonuses - Death with their ward save and regenerating units could actually be a viable answer to lock them down.

    Blood Tithe is basically a free extra rule replacing the completely useless Unpredictable Destruction, so I dont think it will make much difference, except Khorne players can manage when theyll get their bonuses by focusing on units etc 

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Nico said:

    If the Warshrine is able to use a Prayer, then it's going to be a seriously strong part of a Khorne army.

    Thats a great shout, i only painted one up last month and found it... uncompelling in battle. A cheeky prayer might give it that extra edge (i would still take it before a second bloodsecrator anyway!)

    It still doesnt need to be in the Khorne book though. The fact I could take one, keep allegiance AND get a boost for it does boggle the mind a bit when i cant do the same by adding my (bright red!) Chimera!

    In other news, if Blood Tithe is based on how many models are killed my Dark Feast bloodreavers are gonna be more suicidal than ever!

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Galas said:

    Hmm... I think that all those batallions its a little overkill. I have prefered more pages of Lore and History, but well. Priorities and all that. 
    A shame they don't include Slaves to Darkness units.

    Dont need generic old Slaves getting in the way of the pure Khorne goodness! Theyd fit in a book with Everchosen and Chaos Monsters quite nicely tho...

    • Like 1
  14. I think drawing the distinction is the tricky bit. I think reinforcements is quite a broad spectrum in AoS and effects-wise even includes saving throws!

    - saving throws stop models in a unit taking damage

    - some special abilities allow you to ignore the effects of a failed saving throw (eg 'ward saves') further preventing damage.

    ok these seem fine.

    - many models can heal wounds

    ok so we have to redo unsaved damage weve already done there

    - some units can have models returned to them, eg ghouls, daemons, some of these are noted as being resurrected while some specifically refer to new models joining the unit

    right now we're having to re-kill entire models ok

    - the GHB specifically prevents units having models added past their starting size

    that seems fair, but ultimately devalues those model-adding abilities

    - some single model units can be resurrected, eg death hero with Carstein Ring, flamespyre phoenix, Skarr Bloodwrath

    they have to pay full points to do this and dont necessarily get all their wounds back! Seems a tad unfair when some single models can regenerate wounds or be healed with much the same effect as a resurrection

    - some units can be returned to the board eg Hammers of Sigmar Liberators

    im not sure of this one, the rule reads like its the same unit being restored rather than a new unit being summoned...

    - many units can be summoned by magic or otherwise arrive as reinforcements, eg most death and daemon units, Flesh Eaters, Ardboyz in an Ardfist etc

    well yes we can see how this could get out of hand, play against Nagash or Tzeentch daemons in Open for an example!

    where exactly do we draw the line when it comes to having to deal the same damage to a unit more than once?

    Personally i like the theory of only being able to summon units which have already been destroyed in the game (and no chain summoning!), ive not tried this though and it doesnt fix everything (ill level with you, i just read Khorne armies will have a Blood Tithe that culminates in a Bloodthirster being summoned and I really want this to work in matched play!)

  15. 34 minutes ago, Umjammerlama said:

    I saw this on the Bell of Lost Souls website:


    Very excited if true

    Now thats a good rumour! I wonder how theyll do skaven, i cant see them shoving everything back into one book, maybe pestilens will get folded in with nurgle (could tie in to 40k death guard release) and skrye can get a book around the size of sylvaneth/kharadrons?

  16. 27 minutes ago, KillagoreFaceslasha said:

    No, they are explicitly stated as not being the sons of grungi who fled.  In so far there's no mention on their ties, but I think we will see some sort of cult of grungi a la ferengi from star trek.

    Ooh ok that is interesting! Still Metal Dwarfs to me until I get to read their juicy background/fluff!

  17. 4 minutes ago, Turragor said:

    I think there will be some ethical differences but I think they'll be based on their environment and the solutions to problems (which let's be honest is "how do we kill the chaos stuff thats running rampant?") that suit their lifestyles as a result of that environment.

    So a new kind dark and high dichotomy.

    Shadow and Light, same race! Just like duardin are now Fire and Metal. It does make me appreciate the tragedy of Teclis mucking up giving Malekith the Wind of Fire in ET Khaine still. What would Fire Aelves be like!!

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  18. It might be worth noting that GWs Order faction releases are all tied to a single god eg Fyreslayers Grimnir, Kharadrons Grungni, Stormcasts Sigmar, Sylvaneth Alarielle. Id expect the first aelf release to be the chosen representatives of either Malerion or Tyrion, and rumours point to Malerion. I'd also suggest there is no longer a high/dark split for aelves - the End Times made a big point of uniting the race, as we're seeing in 40k currently!

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