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Posts posted by Blightzkrieg

  1. 4 hours ago, ShadowSwordmaster said:

    I would argue that example is bad and it goes back to my point on how the Freeguilds throw humans into one faction compared to the other races that we have. That would make it worse.

    There are more human factions than anything though. Stormcast are all human. Freeguild are human. Darkoath are human. Maggotkin are human. Arcanites are human. Blood warriors are human. All of death are ex human. 

    We are missing normal humans, but that just shows how low of a priority it is. While it will certainly happen eventually, there's no reason to believe we will see multiple factions filling this niche in a setting that clearly isn't interested in it. Maybe in the distant future, but certainly not anytime soon.

  2. I think the Imperial Guard serve as a good example of what to expect from Free Peoples: one or two main lines of units with a few optional kits representing different cultures.

    As is AoS already has an enormous number of factions (assuming FP, Aelves, Dispossessed and Gutbusters continue to be supported) so asking for more human factions when we already have FP, SE and StD seems a bit much.

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  3. I suspect the IDK is very much just a case of GW setting their expectations too high. They were the first completely new Elven army for AoS, with a very striking aesthetic and lore completely unlike what had been seen before. They likely thought this would get a lot more attention than it did. As for myself, I love their look and hope to see more of them, it's one of the first times since LotR that elves have really interested me.

    Fyreslayers of course have really obvious problems and I wouldn't be surprised if their sales are actually a big issue. It's kind of amazing that nobody at GW realized that. Even something as simple as giving them different beard colours in the official box art would do wonders. 

  4. 1 hour ago, HollowHills said:

    If you look at ageofsigmar.com, the new store layout and the way armies were previewed on whc prior to aos 2nd I think it gives a good picture as to what soup tomes we may get.

    I fully expect StD and Slaanesh to be the only big model releases for aos for the rest of the year. But I do think we can expect more army boxes like carrion empire which also include a few new kits here and there. 

    An order army vs a destruction army next on the menu later this year? Ironjawz v sylvaneth? 

    These all seem like reasonable assumptions. Maybe a mid sized Slaanesh update this spring or summer and a larger Gloomspite style StD update near the year's end, with a handful of minor updates scattered in between.

    The Aelves have always been the big question mark to me among the potential soup factions. There are just way too many different styles going on (which is why they became so fractured to begin with). 

  5. The Imperial Guard remain a popular 40k army despite suffering from the same issues that Sigmar humans would, and having an unusually bland design for the setting. I don't think Sigmar humans would be anymore out of place than that.

    That said, a human release isn't quite as sexy as a night goblin or sea elf release, even though it might have a fairly broad appeal.  It doesn't seem to be a priority. Also due to the heavy old world focus in the current human designs, I would think they'd require a major release, which hasn't been rumored at all in the next year. Maybe at the very tail end.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Aren’t fyreslayers technically seen representing both elements of fire and earth?🤔 just wondering, but love the theory you made there

    I think we'd need to see more Fyreslayer models before we could say for sure which way that is going. Right now the concept is fairly bare bones. We  could get duardin wearing boulders as armour, or duardin who coat themselves in ur oil and light themselves on fire.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    While i hope disspossesed gets some love, i wouldnt get my hopes up too much. Morathi has a dead Elf on her base and so far... nothing.


    Crossing fingers tho!

    We could in fact be looking at everything in reverse. Instead of meaning "these factions are alive look at their neat designs", these models could really mean "these factions are dead here are their corpses and ruins". 

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  8. I suspect Free Peoples (and possibly one or two other older factions like Wanderers or Dispossessed) might eventually get a complete overhaul/replacement similar to Gloomspite, resulting in the shelving of older models and possibly entire (sub)factions. That would be a major release though, and probably isn't coming for a long time.

    I think GW is here relying on the new faction to "replace" the older faction and soften the blow. So I would suspect they continue this trend in the future, perhaps (just as an example) by deleting Greenskinz when they update Ironjawz with a broader range that could be viewed as a direct replacement for the old orcs. It doesn't make sense for AoS to have a potentially infinite number of armies going forward, so something has to give if they keep adding new ones at their current pace.

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