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Posts posted by MrRoff

  1. I finally got enough to make an 2000p list in LoN and we're having a mini tournament me and my friends in a couple of weeks.
    Please give feedback! Could need some help with artifacts.
    I've chosen to go with an spell heavy army this time.

    Allegiance: Legion of Sacrament
    Realm: AQSHY


    • Arkhan The Black:  Soul Harvest. - General
    • Necromancer: Overwhelming Dread, Shroud of Darkness artifact.
    • Necromancer: Fading vigour, Ignax's Scales artifact.
    • Vampire Lord: Amaranthine Orb

    • Mortis Engine

    • 20x Chainrasps
    • 10x Skeleton warriors - Ancient Blade
    • 10x Skeleton warriors - Ancient Blade

    • 30x Grimghast reapers
    • 10x Hexwraiths

    • Lords of Sacrament

      Total points: 1990/2000p
      Ally points: 0/400p
      Artifacts: 2
      Command points: 2 at start of my turn.

      Whit this army setup i'll have a big wall of summonable units while i'll just stand on the other side with all my wizards and try to debuff the enemy with fading vigour and overwhelming dread and ofc use Arkhans command ability.
      With the battalion i will have 9 spells to cast each turn aslong as i'm in range of my mortis engine, +2 to cast with the Necromancers and Vampire lord, and Arkhan will have +4 to cast.

      CC is much welcomed!
  2. Once again, im here with more questions.

    Locus of Shyish

    If you make an unmodified casting roll of 9+ for a Death Wizard that is attempting to cast a spell from the Lore of the Deathmages or the Lore of the Vampires, and it is not unbound, then after resolving the effects of that spell you may immediately resolve them for a second time.

    Does this mean that for example Overwhelming Dread would be cast twice and they'll get -2 to hit rolls and -2 to bravery?
    How will "Soulpike" work? Will they have to roll dice equal to dubble the charge roll when they charge and take mortal wound on a +5.
    Which spells from the Lore of the Dead/Vampire's stack?

    Also, is there any rule if you have less points than your opponent you'll get to start with an extra command point?

  3. Hi again! Noobquestion again sorry:

    Got in an heated argument last game when i used Arkhans spell "Curse of the years" and manage to ge the roll all the way down to 1's, and to my knowledge the unit is insta slain since you do mortal wounds on +1 and you can't roll lower than 1 so it just keeps doing mortal wounds untill the unit is slain? Killed my friends unit of 30 orruks with this spell.

    Am i wrong or? Since rolling a 1 is not always a fail, only hit, wound and save rolls. So this spell should not go under the rules of 1+?

    And i think i read somewhere  a long time ago in FAQ or errata that the unit is slain regardless of wounds or any special abilities it may have or something like that.

    Is there an FAQ or Errata for this spell i could find to show my friends?

    Oh, and there was also alot of arguments that Arkhan is way to strong in Legion of sacrament with a +4 to casting withing the range of a mortis engine.
    What do you think?


  4. Thanks you! Got a buddy who's been playing with 2-3 battalions with the prices from the tome, so he hade like 3 extra commandpoints and artifacts for shy 100p extra.
    Thanks for the clarification!


    Edit: I now also see that the correct point costs are in the Battlescribe app, is that a reliable source to use?

  5. Yo, just a little question about DoT battalions.
    Is the point cost for battalions correct in the DoT battletome?

    Because some of them seem super cheap like:

    Arcanite Cabal - - 50p Warscroll Battalion
    Arcanite Cult - - 60p Warscroll Battalion
    Alter-kin Coven - - 20p Warscroll Battalion
    Cult of the Transient Form - - 60p Warscroll Battalion
    Skyshoal Coven - - 80p Warscroll Battalion
    The Pyrofane Cult - - 80p Warscroll Battalion
    Tzaangor Coven - - 40p Warscroll Battalion
    Witchfyre Coven - - 60p Warscroll Battalion

    Way way way way cheaper and stronger than any other army's battalions i can think of, has there been a point increase after the tome was released?
    Is there anywhere one can see the correct point prices`?

    Because on 1d4chan the prices are way up in the 180p range.

    Really glad for an fast answer!


  6. 11 hours ago, mmimzie said:



    You lose one to your own endless spell


    Battle shock brings back 6. 


    Your opponent kills 6. 


    You can now bring back 6 with fold reality. 


    6 have to have died. You can't bring back more than have been slain.

    So if the unit is full because of summoning in more models (not brining back or ress) but models in that unit have died i can use fold reality to bring back the slain models evern tho the unit is now full because of resummoning in more models.
    And then the unit will exceed the total unit size.
    So it will go against the rules of unit size?

  7. Thanks guys!
    We have a new guy playing with us that insists that he can do that, like picking battalions from bonesplitterz when he's playing Grand Alliance destruction, aswell as bonesplitterz spells, just so he can use some units that isn't bonesplitterz like ironjaw's and still get stuff from bonesplitterz.

  8. 1 hour ago, Honk said:

    A necromancer is not able to choose from the lore of dead while being part of a Soulblight or GA:Death army...


    I was all rooting for the Castellans battalion in Soulblight or deathmarch in Legion of Sacrament, but after reading the rules, it doesn’t work for them, since they are bound to Legion of Blood and GA:Death alliance. FAQ only loosened it for within the legions (f.e. Castellans within Legion of Blood)

    I don’t know what type of battalions he wants to use where and how, let him show you the specific rules that allows him to cross use an alliance specific battalion and he can do it... but if the battalion has a specific alliance and his army has not, he has to ally them in, which probably doesn’t fit the 20% point limit.

    An example here:
    In one of his armies he want to be Grand alliance destruction, but still take battalions and spells from bonesplitterz alliance.
    Would that work?

    Another example for me:

    If i play LoN, can i take battalions/spells from nighthaunts alliance or vice versa ?

  9. Just now, CountryMou3e said:

    It returns slain models , so if 4 models had previously been slain, 4 is the max you can return. 

    Yeah i get that, but what if 4 models had been slain previously, but then i summon in more to the unit before i return the slain models?
    So now the unit is full again but it still has slained models

  10. 11 minutes ago, obmik1 said:

    Chaos spawn don't have the daemon key word so fold reality doesn't work on them. 


    I also don't believe that fold reality can take a unit beyond its starting models no matter what but I could be wrong.

    Anyone else here know if fold reality could bring back more than the starting value if you had summon in more untis previously

  11. Quick weird question about the fold reality spell.

    If i summon a full  unit of chaos spawn 6x and 2 of them dies, and then i summon 2 more to the unit so it's full again.

    And then use fold reality:

    Fold Reality has a casting value of 7. Ifsuccessfullycast, pick a visible friendly unit of TZEENTCH DAEMONSwithin 18" of the caster and roll a dice. On a roll of 2 or more, you can return that many slain models to the unit. On a roll of 1, the unit is wiped out!

    Can i then bring back the 2 slained models to the chaos spawn unit so it exceeds the total unit size of6, so now it's 8 in the unit, but the unit limit is 6?

  12. 2 minutes ago, ModerTherese said:

    Made a list for my Nighthaunt made with Mourngul (love that model!).

    Gotta love the mourngul! 

    Got one for Christmas from my gf, absolutely love it! 

    It's so sad it's been nerfed down to oblivion, let's pray for some love from gw this year to make the mourngul great again! ❤️

  13. 4 minutes ago, CaptainSoup said:

    It seems like the effects can stack with one another. You roll your first set of dice, get a 6 so you deal a MW and roll an additional dice. This is mainly because they are one, different abilites entirely and two, the first 6 roll you make first is still a hit you just deal MW instead of wounding. If that second roll is also a six then you get to deal another MW then that's it.

    This is my thought process on it anyway.

    What if with"Swift strikes" i roll a 6+ and get another dice, and that one is a 6+ also, do i get another die to roll? Could i (with luck) roll forever?
    Since the trait only specifies that, Each time you make a hit roll of 6+ in the combat phase for your general, you can make one additional hit roll for the same weapon against the same target.
    That hit after hit roll is still a hit roll with the same weapon in the combat face.

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