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Posts posted by Jetengine

  1. 18 hours ago, JPjr said:

    ah nice, I like that it at least appears like they're going for a more story driven, less crunchy, dice pool system. Much as I like having all sorts of stats to nerd out over and thought C7 did a good job with WFRP I'm glad they're doing something different here.

    I've really been getting into Free League's 'Tales From The Loop' & 'Things From The Flood' RPGs recently that have a similar system (though with their's pretty much every test you have to roll 6s), and in fact just 5 minutes ago pre-ordered their upcoming 'Alien' RPG, as I think it's a great system for more narrative focused role-playing games I reckon.


    I'm intrigued by the Alien RPG, especially what lore theyll use since theres so much.

  2. Wargaming is like Roleplay games. Its all about finding what kind of group you want to play with. If your current group is hard-core competetive people and you just want to roll dice then maybe you need to find a more chilled group, vice versa as well    fgor those who take the competetive scene seriously.

    Alternatively you need to have a frank discussion about what kind of game you want to play and be aware of what your faction can do. 

  3. 2 hours ago, mikethefish said:

    I believe it was at Warhammer Fest that the devs stated in one their seminars that they were unhappy with how Gloomspite was performing, as an army, and that the army would be given some assistance in the next GHB.

    Certainly we can expect points drops.  There's a chance that some Scrolls get a change too.  Not sure it's a GOOD chance, but there it is.

    What do you reckon will get cheaper ?

  4. 6 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    It’s funny but the possibility did exist😂.

    Now where were we, ah yes the rumor picture showing us the new crocrat.

    No, he legitimately DID have rules to have a dragon as his steed. It was whether it was during 7th (The era of "Do what you want, we cant make models for everything") or 8th (Which started like 7th but as soon as Chapterhouse becamea thing it was "Rules only for kits") which will  influence if the kit was meant to be a kitbash or a new model.

    If the kit was made during 7th to be released in 8th then the thought would have been "Eh they can just glue Franz on one of the several dragons we make" if it was made during 8th however then they would have intended to make a new kit for it which would be odd 

  5. 38 minutes ago, StealthKnightSteg said:

    I'll chip in aswell!

    I think it's the long awaited Dragon for Karl Franz! or in this case a generic Free Guild General on Dragon


    Did Franz even have rules for his Dragon in 8th ed ? Cause I know thats when they bought out the Griffon kit that could make Karl Franz and GW dont like doubling up kits.

  6. From a buisness perspective bringing Tomb Kings back using the 8th ed plastics is a smart idea. Much smarter then making all new models. Skaven literally have 1 new model yet sell like hotcakes. If GW are unsure about Tomb Kings then throwing out a Battletome, Endless Spells and Terrain with reboxed kits is easier then making new ones and if they dont sell well ? Then next edition they get absorbed by LON.

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  7. I dont play my dispossesed anymore which is frustrating cause I love Dwarfs and have alot. They need SOMETHING cause atm their (debatably) free peoples with beards and slower.

    The new boatmen endless spell (with an allied wizard) may help with mobility

  8. The funny thing is the Undead of Vampire coast was already a thing in WFB. Back in....6th ed I think ? They were going to be a forgeworld army, big resin ships the whole shebang. Then Pirates of the Carribean came out and GW got very awkward, concerned that Disney might take them to court and squashed the idea. The most that came of it was their involvement in the Lustria campaign book and a White Dwarf army list.

    Now though Pirates of the Carribean is a dead franchise no one cares about (Disney make more money from Marvel movies) and GW can theoretically mine the idea (since the OG idea is very old world based) for an AOS faction.

  9. 7 hours ago, AverageBoss said:

    Zombies are unfortunately in an odd place. They are less offensive the skeletons, less defensive that chainrasps, and of course lack the speed of wolves. They lack any sort of special identity to make them stand out from our other battleline options. Pretty much the only thing unique they can do is take up more space on the board due to 60 man units, which is very much a double edged sword.

    Easy way to make them stand out.

    They flat out ignore mortal wounds.

    An actual wound is someone going to the effort of stabbing something to death and ensuring its dead. MW are big explosions and cool magic attacks which kill most living things but ignore that zombies keep coming.

  10. 40 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    +++ MOD HAT ON +++

    Very annoyed that I have had to hide some posts around global politics. This is not the forum to discuss such things.

    Keep it to Age of Sigmar

    Where can we talk about it then because its DIRECTLY AFFECTING age of sigmar.  Sylvaneth was the first Battletome halted by it but since all the "Tome, dice, scenery, endless spell" stuff which is what has made up 4 faction releases so far (and theoretically another 3) is made in China it will still be effecting it.

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