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Posts posted by HammerOfSigmar

  1. 39 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    Stormcast models for Warcry were confirmed https://ageofsigmar.com/warcry/

    I wish we were able to use Prosecutors instead of Longstrikes :/ especially since I expect LOS to be more limited. They feel like overkill for a small skirmish game. I get why they didn't give us Palladors though.

    From the leaking rules, shooting is not separate from close combat, it is just a special close combat that with long range(I deduce this from the untamed beast warscroll, check the spear with 8" range)

  2. From what I observe, warcry and apoc might suggest that in 40K 9.0 and AOS 3.0,  the game will be more interactive, without one player sitting there doing little when in his opponent's turn since the concept of one battle round consists of each player's turn might just be gone.


    The initiative design of warcry is pretty interesting, the one lose initiative gain some benefits. Not sure whether it is balanced enough, but it seems a good way to balance the initiative problem.


    The attack sequence has been simplified greatly, instead of use 3 or more D6 dices to determine the damage, now we just need 1 D6(hope GW won't bring the FNP into warcry).


    Well, another good thing I have notice is that attack twice  (typo, I actually means attacks more than normal times) exists in warcry and is available to everyone, but the price is pretty big, you need a quad ability dice. This is more reasonable when compared to the one exists in current AOS game system.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Nos said:

    Looks like that Tomb Kings prediction based on a vague silhouette didn’t work out ☹️

    I remember someone said in this thread that it will come out about October, right? That's still very far away. None of the battletome for the second half of this year get confirmed yet, so it is too soon to make a judgement.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    So tomorrow, I'll be playing the GW store manager, who's list is :

    - Glotkin

    - Lord of Blights

    - 2x 5Blightkings

    - 30 Plague bearers.

    And on friday I'll be playing against Ironjaws with something like :

    - MAwcrusha

    -6 or 8 big boars with puny orcs on top

    - 2x 5 or 10man armoured orcs

    - 1 Warchanter.

    Any idea of what not to do against those lists? I know Plaguebearers are the ultimate tarpit!

    For against nurgle, you need some -1 hit debuff to make the BK useless and try to remove the glotkin as soon as possible, ignore the plague bearer.

  5. 13 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Why exactly are we going back to plague monks spam?

    I have only heard about a few of those list, which seem to have been eaten whole by FEC terrorgheists.

    also why exactly should put immunity buffs be so drastically overpowered.

    Don’t tell me you hate it when clanrats won’t run away because they have to be wholly within a certain distance (usually 13)  of a model.

    Please tell me which skaven list that counted around 200++ models won a tournament or event because it was battleshock immune.

    yes I agree with you that plague monks are too cheap for what they actually do, but you can’t compare that with other units or armies.

    or please tell me why our battleshock immune skaven (mixed) army had a 0% chance of winning (because almost nobody took them to such events) before the book dropped, when hordes from your perspective seemed to have been dominating the events since 2.0 dropped.

      Anyways I think it’s time we just enjoy our games.

    FEC, the skaven, etc. All have been nerved a bit.

    points have been raised on all verminlords and the warpseer finally went up a ton Of points.

    plague monks aren’t as cheap as they ones were (although still a rather cheap unit to consider taking)

    the warplightning vortex has been changed a bit (although the change might change the game drastically for the skaven builds)

    and all of our very cheap casters got an increase in points too.

    I think it’s time to start trying a few things out and then to discuss the stuff we dislike and like etc..


    I just use plague monk as an example for stacking a hugh amount of the same model in this game, and there are also a bunch similar stuff in the game,  I just don't want to type everything out.... 

    Moreover, I do hear from my friend that a plauge monk model fully buffed can do 21 attacks per model before it is removed(I remember it is using some magic that allow the mdoel to pile in and attack before it is removed, and this effect can stack).....

  6. One of the imbalance GW created in AOS2.0 is the widespread battleshock immunity desgin, which should be a fatal penalty for large unit. But it is reasonable since GW write rules to sell models, balance is just something secondary from their point of view, players stacking a lot large units, like 120 plague monks, will certainly benefits GW. 

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  7. Well, I remember that those fraction terrain is made in China, so if not considering the steel mould price and the cost for desgin and shippment, tax stuff, the cost for each box will be like less than 1% of the leaked price(including  every cost the factory needed to produce those trees if produced in considerable amount).

  8. 36 minutes ago, scrubyandwells said:

    "Start of phase" order is determined by who has the turn. The person with the turn does all of their "start of phase" abilities first, then their opponent does theirs, if they still can.

    Well, both the skullcrusher and raptor ability does not refer to the start of the phase, it refers to after the skullcrusher finishes its charge.

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  9. Well, once they finish the design of the model and steel mould created, GW doesn't need to spend much on producing each spruce. So the raising the price of those very very old model doesn't really make sense, unless GW need to renew the steel mould recently...... 

    By the way, I just get into this hobby about a year, how often did GW increase the product's price in such a wide range? If it is something like 5 to 10 years, maybe it is still acceptable.

  10. 5 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    If we consider all different mentions of unreleased factions  from official GW books (not considering the novels) we have for now: Hysh aelves, Shysh aelves, Grotbag Scuttlers and unnamed automatons/golems existing in Chamon.

    Point is reference in a book does not mean they are coming before others, neither that not being referenced they are not coming at all... Did I miss any?

    Also didn’t read the whole Lake Lethis lore yet but if the new faction is coming from that stormvault that would mean uttermost defeat or even annihilation for the Anvils of Heldenhammer since their headquarter is on top of the storm vault... We sure that’s what gonna happen?? 

    Not really, from what I remember that stormvault is under a graveyard that is close to the stygxx fortress, the primary stormkeep for anvils. At the end of that story, the monster within did break free but the stormkeep stands still with the help of the nearby FEC.

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  11. 17 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    How badass is it if you have a unit of immortal soldiers wiped out to MW through fight first 🤣

    I guess my issue with being a new player is...price tag that comes with a wide unit range. Yes SCE are versatile, but I just heard that GW prices are going up again. I don't have the money to buy enough units to mix and match, especially when it feels like we need basically ALL of the Stormcast heroes. Maybe that means I should be playing casually anyway! Doesn't feel too great though. This is why I like the Meeting Engagements; 1k lists, easy to swap around, seems like they will be more tactical than relying on certain 'gimmicks' armies need 2000 points for.

    I'll keep this in mind, sometimes it can be easy to forget forums skew competitive. It's definitely nice to get advice on which units to look at/purchase first, though the hobby part is what I enjoy most (even when the dang stormcast torsos slip around!)

    From that leaked list, I don't see any SCE stuff.

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  12. Well, is there any explanation why GW have a wide-range price increase again? This is the second time this year. GW is doing great when checking its stock and it also claims that it is expanding its factory in UK. It doesn't seem to me that GW is in short of money......

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  13. So probably it is not about shippment. I guess it might happens that the factory prints the wrong version(or have some defects?) so they need to reprint it....

    Or like some guesses posted before, the syl books drops into the ocean and they also need to reprint it🤣

  14. If slaanesh counts as the new release for chaos, that's very weird, slaanesh is available before the warhammer fest(available to buy anytime, not just available to be pre-ordered). Then the staff says one more tomes for each grand alliance on warhammer fest, this is a contradiction from my opinion.

  15. 59 minutes ago, EngraBlackSword said:

    But my question as a begginer in AoS is, is it worth buying? I mean, I've read a lot of complains about it, being too expensive in points for his effectiveness. The model looks great but since I'm building my army right now, I don't know if I should look at it, with semi competitive point of view or just pass.

    Model is great, just it doesn't have a place in competitive game. In semi-competitive game, I think you can still bring it with a decent list, its AOE is pretty good from my opnion. So the question come backs to do you really like the celestant-prime model? If so, get it.

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  16. 3 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    It just says vanguard raptors so both should be an option. But yeah it’s a very short list. Which helps a project hopper like me, but I agree maybe to fragile to actually play. 

    I mean you can write a 1980 point list with that big battalion, but you have to use the hurricane version. It is valid to use the longstrike version, but there won't be enough points to do so, assuming you are writing a 2000 list.

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  17. 4 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Funnily enough I was looking at a vanguard expension to my blightwar set this morning! So @Milano your thread came at an opportune moment for me 😄

    Looking at your list it now comes out at:

    Aquilor 180
    Neave Blacktalon 120
    Venetor 120
    Azyros 100

    5x + 5x + 10x Hunters 440

    6 Palladors 360
    6 Raptors 340
    3 Aetherwings

    Blacktalon battalion 160

    Couple of questions and my ideas. 
    1. I don't know how it works with these special battalions. I assume it's still valid?
    2. What are your stars in this list?
    3. I was thinking about the Zyphyros instead of Neave because I would like to bring the sword on judgement on her as my second artefact. 7 attacks every 6 turning into d6 mortal wounds. 
    4. That's why I was also looking into what could give a +1 to hit and the Blacktalon would be very good for that. 
    5. What are your thoughts about the big battalion: vanguard auxiliary chamber? Lot of points but some very useful abilities. Extra shot for every thing in there, including the 3 required units of raptors that can re-roll 1's to hit. The Palladors get some extra speed which makes it a lot easier to get behind enemy lines i'm guessing. 

    I'll stop there, but having just painted Neave i'm just excited about actually playing them ;)

    I don't recommend the bigh vanguard auxiliary chamber. Indeed after the points change, you can fit that big battalion into a 2000 list, but you only use 3 units of raptor with hurricane crossbow, which benefits little from the extra attack since it already have 9 attacks each model. If we can fit in the longstrike version, that's another story. By the way, that list will be very fragile, 2000 list with 40-50 w in total.

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