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Posts posted by HammerOfSigmar

  1. 42 minutes ago, Talunus said:

    Is the CP to increase the +charge an ability of his? 

    And for Azryos, still good enough to consider into the list then or should be comped for something else?

    gav's CA is use 1 cp to add 3" to charge distance for friendly units wholly within 12", and this CA can stack.

    I think Azryos is good for the reroll 1s to hit buff.  And if you are lucky and get double turn when against chaos, the 8" aoe bomb is devastating. I mention the bomb because I want to remind you the aoe bomb is not very reliable, I am not meaning azryos is unworthy of its point.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Talunus said:

    Building a cleansing phalanx 2k list and I hear many people mention a Gav bomb move with this list, I understand gav gives re rolls on charges but how does a gave bomb tactic work?

    Also, would it be a good idea to run a night azryos in the list. I'm thinking this - screen and fight with sequitors, finish off with evocators, Azryos clears remaining units. Then the same for going against heroes. Opinions?

    gav give +3 on the charges rolls and you can use more CP to stack it to +6, +9 or even +12.

    Azroys is good for its reroll 1s to hit, and from my experience, the 8" aoe bomb is not very easy to use well if you don't have double turns.

  3. 8 minutes ago, schwabbele said:

    Mine will be ready soonish for battle :) but having 2d6 movement for the block means they need to stay close in order to be reliable? 

    There are two ways to use the bird. One way is to move the bird within 3" of the enemy unit to prevent it from charging, the other way to the put it close to your raptors, but a dedicate distance away, so that the enemy can only charge the bird but not the raptor.

  4. That's because none-SCE player can counter most SCE list in many ways, while for the FEC terrorgheist, you very limited way to counter it. For example, FEC terrorgheist can counter every melee focused SCE list effectively, but SCE player doesn't have much way to counter the dragon unless you spend about 900 point of your army to counter it.

    Another thing need to mentioned is the points.... A powerful FEC terrorgheist cost only 400 points(if we consider the summoning, it cost even less), it's deadly by itself already.  

    Check the SCE combos,   lord-ordinator+3 ballista(440 points),   garviel bomb with 10 evo(500 points),  anvil shooting(540 points).....All these combo are more expensive than a single FEC dragon while FEC dragon is no doubt  more powerful than any of these combos. 

    At last, data won't lie, FEC winning ratio increase significantly in recent tournament(if I remeber correctly, it is over 60% already), while SCE already drop below 50%, so doesn't it means that the FEC is much stronger than SEC in average? 

    Fortunately, other FEC units are not so great and some are also overcost in my opiniont(for example the ghouls), hence you still have a chance to play against it....  

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  5. 4 minutes ago, ChaosLord said:

    Hi, I'm new to the game, thinking hard about building a Stormcast army in addition to the Khorne army I've started building. 

    I'm finding it difficult to build lists I really like and can't decide which way to go. I'm trying to build my initial armies in the 1000-1500 point range since that's all anyone at my local GW plays, and it's really hard to squeeze in many units.

    There are certain models I really like, such as Vandus, Lord-Aquilor and the Vanguard-Palladors. These are some of the best models in the whole game IMHO. I like all of the dracoth/dracoline/gryph mounted stuff, actually, but especially those three. 

    The first problem is the units I like are incredibly expensive points-wise. Concussors and Fulminators are cool, but dang they are 120-130 per model! That's more than a lot of heroes. 

    Also, the battlelines seem really limited. Liberators are fine, but Judicators don't interest me, and the only other two options are general-specific. Vanguard Hunters also seem bad and don't interest me. It seems like everyone and their brother is using a Lord-Arcanum with Sequitors as battleline.

    So assuming I don't want to go the Arcanum/Sequitors route, that pretty much means I have to run Liberators. Ok, fine, that's not so bad. But I feel like it would be cooler if there were more options to add battlelines based on general.

    For example, what if Lord-Aquilor as general could make all Vanguard units battleline? That would be really appealing (and flavorful IMHO). You could build an all-Vanguard army if you wanted, which you can't do now. Or what if Vandus (or Lord-Celestant on Dracoth) made all the Dracothian Guard units battleline? Khorne can make Bloodcrushers or Mighty Skullcrushers battleline with certain generals, enabling cavalry armies, so it's not unprecedented, and Khorne doesn't even have the variety of cavalry units that Stormcast has. 

    Back to the issue of cost... does it seem like a lot of the Stormcast units are over-costed? In fact Sequitors and Evocators are the only units everyone seems to agree are good for their cost. Vanguard-Palladors, Ballistae and Raptors all seem fine as well. But all of the Paladins seem over-costed. The Dracothian Guard seem quite high, too. Same with Judicators. Prosecutors don't seem to get used much.

    If I was putting together an army with models I like, I'd probably do something like this:

    980 Points:
    Vandus Hammerhand (280)
    5x Liberators (100)
    5x Liberators (100)
    3x Vanguard-Palladors (200)
    3x Evocators on Dracolines (300)

    1500 Points:
    Lord-Celestant on Dracoth (220) - use Vandus model
    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)
    10x Liberators (100)
    5x Liberators (200)
    3x Vanguard-Palladors (200)
    3x Evocators on Dracolines (300)
    2x Fulminators (240)

    While I like these cavalry-heavy armies, I'm guessing they might be bad due to the low model/wound counts.

    Any thoughts you have on any of this would be appreciated. :)

    In my opinion, most  SCE units are overcost. Non-SCE player tends to think sequitor and evocators are undercost when they just come out, but with the new release model's point lower and lower than their old counterpart, I hope their points just don't change.


    For dracoth army, I suggest 4-6 fulminators with 1-2 heraldor. They are pretty good in my opinion, although they are definitely not the most competitive list for SCE. 

  6. Assuming that AT ballista list have one ordinator+4 ballista, then DS it near the terrorgheist and the FEC player doesn't use his hugh amount of ghouls to block the 18" range shoot, then each ballista 4 attacks 3+ to hit 3+ to wound 1 damage, the terrorgheist have 4+ save ignoring rend, 5+ fnp and another 6+ fnp


    so average is 7 wounds per shooting,  considering its own healing ability, you need 3 turn to shoot it down. However, FEC have a magic(I am not sure whether there is a mount trait have the same ability) allow it to ignore the damage table when dropping wounds....

    In three turns, it can wipe out something like 40 sequitors on average......

    If it gets a successful charge in turn 1, this number increase to 60...To make the thing worst, it attacks at the beginning of the combat phase and can attack two times without interruption using 1CP, so the 20 sequitor blob will just die without inflicting any wounds on the terrorgheist....

    That's the reason why I think 400 points for terrorgheist is ridiculous....

  7. 12 minutes ago, Salami Vendoe said:

    Who does knight help reroll? For sure that model is sick. 


    Would gavriel do well with retributors? 

    Nowadays, retributors get outperformed by evocators in every aspects. However, I heard rumors that there will a point cost change for most of the SCE units in 2019 GHB, so if retributor get points drop in 2019 GHB, they might be good again.

  8. 50 minutes ago, Salami Vendoe said:

    Is it possible to do deep striking with a ballista/ raptor force behind? 3 ballista seems fun. Is it worth to run battery at that point? My friends all play 2500 so we can have fun

    dropping 3 or more ballista with ordinator is a decent choice, personally I don't recommend the hailstorm battery battalion.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Salami Vendoe said:

    Hi there. I am brand new so please excuse my ignorance. I recently inherited two get started boxes thunderstrike brotherhood and half of the soul wars box. Two additional ballista. I was directed to come here for stormcast eternal discussions! From what I understand I see our armies are built around the heroes for SCE. I really want to play the Hammerhand guy with his awesome abilities and models, the Gabriel sword and board dude, lord ordience and or any of the winged heroes. I understand this may not be tournament competitive. I also got two Balista additional for cheap so I have them. Raptors with long bows loook neato and I’m not sure where I should go from here. I am very eager to learn and my meta is fun even though they play tier one armies no one plays tournament lists. Paladins look awesome to me as well!  Please help a poor confused dad to understand how to be a efficient tier 2 army general!! We cannot fail. 

    If vandus get points deduction, he's actually pretty good. garviel is kind of great if you want play deep striking, lord ordinator is not worth bringing if you have less than 3 ballista in your list.

  10. 11 hours ago, armisael said:

    Do we have a good list that still use old unit of Stormcast? i.e. Paladin, Dracothian Guard or Lord celestant on foot.

    Honestly, I feel that they need some update rule to get some use again. Because, right now, new stuffs are tended to be more powerful than old stuffs.

    And another thing is the Stardrake, do you guys thing that it’s overcosted? I just try to compare it with Terrorgheist and Alarielle. It seem that the Terrorgheist is lower cost but much more deadly and has a free one unit of Crypt Flayers. For Alarielle, she has a free treelord with a slightly more point cost than our Stardrake (and without a doubt, also much more deadly than our Stardrake)


    The Stardrake is definitely overcost and overcost a lot. However, terrorgheist is something very special, it is a unit that is undercost and undercost a lot. I guess GW gives it very imba rules to promote selling. I practices, a 400 terrorgheist can deal with a 1500 army from many fractions, especially those melee focused one. Its damage output is crazy and  it attacks at the begginning of the combat phase,  so it just elimiate almost anyone standing in front of him. Not to mention his super durability,  4+, ignore rend(maglin arctefact), 5+++, 6+++.

  11. I don't think that's an average MW output, even two rounds of attack, 10a, there will be 5 hits on average, less than 1 natural 6 wound rolls, which means three bloodthirster do 12 MW average.

    3 bloodthirster to do 30+MW is not an average cases.

    In my opinion, consider extreme cases is not very helpful, this is because if you are super lucky 4 ballista can do 96 wound on your enemy with -2 rend, which will wipe out almost the whole army in just a single shooting phase, but I doubt anyone get that happen since the ballista is released.....

  12. 2 hours ago, stus67 said:

    Yup, I'm running sequitors as battleline. I played around with the stardrake version, and it's really powerful, but I didn't have fun with it and when it inevitably dies to a bucket of mortal wounds there goes a massive points investment. If the arcanum dies to mortal wounds then it's whatever, if he doesn't then he's a serious pain to remove.

    Bring ignax scale for you stardrake.

  13. 35 minutes ago, Túrbóbelja said:


    As a proud follower of the great god of change I have begun searching for a fun side project army.

    I have undying love for underused models and my mind is racing towards the Lord Aquilor and his merry men. How great/awful are the vanguard section of Stormcast? I have never seen them on the tables and having a crazy mobile and flanking army sounds really fun and fits my play style well. The grand illusionist takes great pleasure watching feeble minds heighten themselves mistaking schemes for strategy.

    My thoughts : 

    Lord Aquilor

    Neave Blacktalon

    3 x Palladors

    10 x Hunters

    10 x Hunters 

    - which comes down to 1000 points. 

    Well, from my opinion, the vanguard chamber sucks except raptors, which is the only thing you miss in the list.....

    The problem with the vanguard chamber units excluding raptors are they move very fast, but they do little damage and themselves are not durable.

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