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Posts posted by HammerOfSigmar

  1. Well, for the comet, I prefer take two wizard on the list, one stay away from 30" of any enemy wizard and then cast the comet, then if the enemy dispel it, there is great, I can cast it again, if the enemy do not dispel it, I will dispel it with my other wizard and cast it again. 

    The major concern here is that it is a little difficult to stay 30" from any enemy wizard, and SCE don't have easy access to casting buff, so the comet is not very reliable.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Talunus said:

    I've been looking at models and units to run and how to change up my local meta. I've seen plenty t of talk on here about people using birds to screen for them, but then I got an idea. If you're not using vanguard hunters (either) or using an anvilstrike list, why not use a couple units of Prosecutors to screen? They have great movement to be able to shove their way in front of an incoming charge, their charge is an 18" radius, a great range for denial, and they can deal a bit more damage and have more damage than birds. Only downside I see is yes, they do cost 50 points more and have the same wounds as birds as well as unit size. But damage characteristics might just be what can make a list with them as a screen.  What do you guys think?

    Well, the bird is special, it moves at the start of your opponent's charge phase, so if your opponent did not shoot it down in the shooting phase, their unit will probably get stuck for one turn. The prosecutor, on the other hand, did not have such mechanism, it is very easy for the prosecutor to do a successful charge, then? They will probably been wiped out in your turn that you charge them. If you just place it between the enemy unit and your key unit, it is very hard to deny the enemy unit to charge your key unit like the bird did. 100 points for 3 model can hardly build a wall like the skinks  or clanrats

  3. Actually for 1000 game, if you know that your FEC opponent will take the 400 dragon, then you can use the anvil longstrike list to beat the FEC, since you can remove that dragon in turn 1. In 1000 game, the dragon cannot bring the ignoring rend aretfact, so it is much more vulnerable to longstrike, also take a incantor to auto-unbind the 5+fnp magic. 

  4. 39 minutes ago, Serpico said:

    I’m playing 2k of Blisterkin FEC on Friday. He told me he has two TG’s, and a total of 6 spells/unbinds so I presume that means 2 arch regents and two other heroes. I haven’t played him yet but I know he likes knights so that means summoning more and probably running a fair number base. 

    What should I bring? I’m new, but so far have run a balanced list where I bring a modest amount of shooting and surround it with a buffer block of 20 Sequitors for protection. But he has so much MW output I wonder if that’s pointless and I should just go MSU and focus on objectives.

    I should mention I can ally in KO, like 20 Thunderers for extra shooting or Seraphon, maybe 20 Skinks as a screen.

    Do you guys use the realm artefact? I mean did he bring the ignoring attacker's rend artefact for the general dragon? If not, take the longstrike, finish the dragon before it reaches you, it is pretty hard to eliminate that general dragon without sacrificing a lot by melee combat. The non-general dragon is much easier to deal with.

  5. 1 hour ago, kuroyume said:

    I would get rid of the extra command point and switch the Liberators for Judicators. I find that there's rarely anything good to Gav. Bomb into in Turn 1, as opponents will be aware and bubblewrap high value targets. Once they spread out with charges and move into objectives you can charge them in Turn 2. Judicators never fail to do great work for me.

    I also like to put the Godforged blade on Gavriel, as I don't really want my Arcanum or Castellant getting into combat anyway, and Gavriel is disposable after the charge phase.

    Gavriel is a named character, he cannot take the godforged blade.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    I'm thinking of popping in the Soulscream Bridge in my Anvilstrike list. Can either use as a backup teleport to Translocation, or as large blocking "terrain" to keep them safe by zoning off charges. 

    Otherwise I've been fiddling with Gav bombs again. There's a lot of bubble wrapping in the game, but I think with the right setup and variable layer charges (rather than Alphaing in everything at once), you could end up doing well. I'm feeling that heavier on Sequitors than Evos is the better way to go.

    Did you consider the soulseeker for seq/evo? With the soulseeker and heraldor, the threat range in 12"+D6"+5"+2D6"=17+3D6", in average 27", which is a lot. Thanks to cycle of storm, SCE don't need to pay the shipping fee.

  7. To be honest, as a SCE player, I hope that "leaked" info I heard is just nonsense. I hope longstrike have small points drop or at least keep the current level.

    I currently own 6, if its point doesn't change in the GHB19, I plan to buy extra 3-6 longstrike.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    A guy who knows a guy who is nebulously working for GW has never been a reliable source. 

    Nerfing Longstrikes would be stupid. They're literally only viable in Anvils and even then nowhere near as outrageous as other things in the game. 

    Well, I actually mention that "from not very reliable source" at the beginning😂

    Since part of his previous "leaked" message come true, so maybe he really have some special way to get the information ahead. 

    • Like 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, jake3991 said:

    The battalion vanguard justicar conclave might offer a good route.  It not only contains the units of interest (raptors and aetherwings) but it reduces drops and re rolls 1s!

    From my point of view, the problem with that battalion is that you want a big raptor unit to use Anvils CA, then you will spend many points on the raptors(9+3+3?), which you need to spend like 1000 points on this battalion and the units inside alone.

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  10. 12 minutes ago, Qrepin said:

    Could you share the wisdom of a charge denial with Birds for a flying unit? TG starts a charge - you move the Birds in front of him - he still makes the roll and just charge past them, or am I getting this wrong?

    If your bird is within 3" of a TG, it cannot declare charge. 

    If your bird is in a dedicate position in front of your raptors, and the TG doesn't have such a good roll that fly all the way to the back of the raptor, it needs to charge at the birds, since there is no place for the TG to land between the bird and the raptor.

    If your bird is the closet unit to the TG, retreat to keep 12" away from the TG, it cannot even declare a charge.

    • Thanks 2
  11. 10 minutes ago, Overread said:

    Hmm would it though?

    Cycle of the Storm

    Once per turn, when a friendly Stormcast Eternal model is slain within 18" of this model, instead of removing the slain model, you can heal 1 wound that has been allocated to it.

    The model slain by a boat is outright "slain". It has no wounds allocated to it to recover. The spell specifically states healing a wound which has been allocated to the model, so with no allocation there's no healing. 

    I don't think there is a problem here, outright slain has no wound allocated, but it is still the same as allocated wounds and slain the model, this ability prevent the slain model from being removed, so I can get the slain model back. Since there is no wounds allocated, the revived model should be in full health.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    That's cool, sure, but I mean actual benefits, not just avoiding the negative. I'm thinking of stuff like Hearthstone cards where when a thingie dies, you get a better thingie or damage your opponent.

    Maybe Khorne have some cheap HQ so that Khorne player can sacrifice it immediately to get bloodtith.

  13. 1 minute ago, Sleboda said:

    Are there any units out there that benefit the player (or at least hurt the foe) when slain?

    For instance, if you had some squigs that would explode from failed battleshock, could you maybe use the Soulseeker to create a bomb?

    SCE can actually save the slain model using the cycle of storm.

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