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Posts posted by Shankelton

  1. 14 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    I see your doubt and double down with a nope. 🤞

    Really hoping Gitmob are getting a limited release. But I don't know if I can commit to that kind of hope lol.

    I will say, only having the snarlfangs in that aesthetic is an extremely weird choice.

  2. $850, Obo. Retail $1370. All in Cnd.

    Looking to sell my Games Workshop Ogre Army, useable in Warhammer Fantasy/AoS or the upcoming Old World.
    Lot is assembled, thinly primed in Mournfang brown spray, or Fully painted to what I would consider a tabletop standard. Weapon conversions, and some character conversions across the full army. Reason for selling is a dip in motivation for the project, and a desire to pursue another army collection. (Snarlfangs upcoming, or Nurgle)
    All models based in a desert style motif, varying from dunes to sand blasted rock. No need for stripping, as primer and paint layers are all thin. Base bottoms magnetized for ease of transport. Pictures included, apologies for poor quality as I do not have a light box.
    Full retail value of the Lot is around $1370 Cnd. Looking for $850, OBO, but open to negotiations as this is a large force (Roughly 5000 points of Ogres.) Can provide the recipes for the army portions that are painted.

    Might be interested in trade, but highly prefer cash. Nurgle AoS might be of interest, or gits in decent condition!





  3. 28 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    A narrative archive on the Warhammer Community would be nice.

    The White Dwarf Flashpoint series has been great following Ka-Rokk* through the magazines who’s on a vision quest leading a Waaagh from northern Lendu in Rondhol down to Everquake city at the bottom.



    Which has narratively been a fantastic “filler arc” as we get see battles in the plains, sea crossings made hazardous by predatory aelf-squid hybrids-


    -info on the city of Brinnock which is making special magic armor for the crusades from an ancient forge that can fuse metal, stone & bone together but keep it light enough for a human to wear and some info on the Ogor lord Glittermaw who’s selling out Man-Eater forces to aid the crusades(more business partners potential).

    Lynx’s Crescent introduced us to a new God-Beast and landmass it created:

    “Sarathrasca is a female Godbeast that resembled a feline that attempted to hunt Gorkamorka during the Age of Myth. 

    It is said that she lost a claw during her hunt which became the Lynx's Crescent in Rondhol. “

    “The Lynx's Crescent is a promontory and part of Rondhol, a continent in the Realm of Beasts. 

    The crescent is notorious for the cunning of its feline predators whose intricately patterned amber pelts are coveted by many.”

    “In the Age of Sigmar it was invaded by Targug the Cleaver, a Ogor corsair-captain whose fleet made landfall on the Crescent to hunt the felines. As they used the simple but brutal method of burning them out of the lairs, they quickly came into conflict with both the local Sylvaneth and also the Kharadron Overlords who already traded in the pelts and had outposts in the area. “

    Kharadron Overlords: They have well-armed, mid-altitude outposts in the area. 

    Sylvaneth: Protective of the felines and other creatures, they hunt poachers.”


    Then we got to the river lanes that are patrolled by a widespread River Warden Stormhost the Kraken Blades who among others are out there to either recover Artefacts or find lost races to forge new alliances.

    “White Dwarf Issue 479
    Lands of Rivers and Rage, Pg. 26-33

    Enter one of Sigmar's Stormhosts: the Kraken Blades. Drawn from coastal and sea-reaving tribes, these Stormcasts are renowned for employing flanking forces like the tentacles of the beast from whom they take their name. Such tactics and self-reliant dicisions of force are well-suited to navigating the valleys of Lendu and thrashing waterways of Rondhol.”

    Also implications that the living amber avalanche, Drakatoa, that engulfed Gorkamorka back in the Age of Myth is hiding and healing beneath the Lendu fault lines after Sigmar splattered it to free the Destruction god.

    and now it’s leading up to the siege of Everquake city itself.(a rough and tumble free city known for gladiator events and using large dice made from gargant bones)

    *Ka-Rokk himself is the crazy leader from the 2016 Ironjawz tome. He leads those blue orruks with checkered armor.


    lastly on currencies they’re still expanding on them through the novels & Soulbound. So far there’s 60 known varieties through the Realms. 🪙 



    See. This went kinda over my head that it was even happening, because I dont tend to turn to novels for world building research and especially not white dwarf.

    Why not create a wiki style page filled with all of this stuff. I'd happily even sub to warhammer plus if they wanted to tie it behind something.

  4. In general, I've certainly felt the sting of stagnating story/ world development lately. Broken Realms was amazing, and I was so into the community discussion going on at the time.

    We could really use more of a consistent release of information/ maybe a info website/wiki GW curates. Im reminded of an old WH community article about currency in the mortal realms, and how they vary from realm to realm, and how different races/ places value things higher then others.

    Give me more of that between the narratives at least


    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Ganigumo said:

    I'd say the chances of getting just the wolfriders are almost zero. They're probably a nomadic light cav army, which treads on spiderfang a little bit, so I'm not expecting any monsters here.

    I think Gitmob could get by with 3-4 kits for the whole subfaction though.

    • Wolfriders (confirmed)
    • Wolf mounted hero (boss or shaman)
    • Chariot mounted Artillery multi-build kit, Would have at least 2 build options, one for a doom diver, and one for another artillery, maybe spear chukkas (like back in WFB), maybe a build without a war machine and just some extra grots.
    • (Optional) Hero #2 from bullet 2
    • (Optional) Pump wagons, units of them, like the one from blood bowl that was on a 32mm base or something
    • (Optional) Massive chariot centrepiece, with fat goblin named hero.
    • (Optional) Big centrepiece pump wagon

    I think the war machines, if they show up, will be on chariots, since its a bit more "AoS", and will fit the narrative of nomadic tribes a lot better, plus you're killing two birds with one stone, Both war machines and chariots were gitmob staples. Just 3-4 of those things would be enough to have a pretty fleshed out sub-army in my opinion.

    Yeah, I really want them to be a light cav/siege themed army to be really evocative of the Mongolian aesthetic. But getting all, or at least part of, the above would absolutely please me.

    Might just have to roll the dice and pick up a few boxes of wolf riders. Then just wait and see what comes in the future


  6. If Gitmob are getting a corner of the Gloomspite book, I'm in like Flynn. Militant grots has been a huge desire of mine for a long, long time.... awesome as moonclan is.

    So how confident are we in a new, if likely limited, range of gitmob style grots as the third, fourth if you count troggoths, arm of the gitz faction? They feel really out of place if they are the sole representative.

    I think Infantry grots would be pointless in a world where stabbaz exist, since I assume they'd like to not create duplicate units in the greater book . So I suppose what I'd love to see for these gitmob are the wolf riders forming the primary battleline. Some war-engines/ spear chuckaz to form some supporting power. Maybe a plains native trogg, with 2-3 supporting hero units to provide support.

    That seems like a realistic ask for a smaller faction. But what do you all think? Anyone with info/ rumors that might pump up my hopium? I can't imagine there is more then the wolfriders for the tome release. But maybe in the coming year?

    • Like 1
  7. Like the two changes. Range generally seems to be one of the biggest buffs you can give a unit. And the Ironguts rule actually seems impactful now.

    Very curious about the line "Used to weathering damage", as if implying Ogres can take a lot of punishment which isnt really the case. Not sure if its a "Just a deadly" type line, or if we have rules to make us more of an anvil army.

    Lets hope I can finally feel good about putting my gutbusters on the table, with some mournfang cav.


  8. So it sounds like, at least from the preview narrator, the the warhammer+ battle report for the ogres is the new book. So despite not seeing them this week, if anyone is subscribed we might get a good look at any big army changes... or if the book is largely a copy paste.


    • Like 3
  9. 7 minutes ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Oh that’s from 40k, guy pointed out it’s from a Xenology book.


    I actually talked to Emmet about that on Reddit. Seems the Ulfenkarn supplement takes place Before the events of the Cursed City board game. Making it closer to how Anvilgard is historical content now with both being before Broken Realms narrative.

    (I was curious about it because the Soulblight update White Dwarf said that despite the Duke being defeated the city still sank into the Shyish Nadir, though the heroes managed to get all the innocents out of the city before that happened. So I was wondering did it take place right before it sank into the black hole of death magic)

    Oh good to know!

  10. Random, but I wonder if anyone has heard anything about classic dwarf releases, I'd given up hope on them a long time ago, but found myself nostalgic for the aesthetic after watching Rings of Power.

    With all the current rumors swirling around, i'm guessing the hopes of a Grugni faction are pretty low, yeah? 

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    I am happy for all that got some models, some of them look really awesome.

    I am actually getting some hope that Gitz will be getting a redesign of the Spiderfang with a Sylvaneth/Nighthaunt sized update. 

    But i cant shake the bad taste this edition is giving me so far. As a player of Bonesplitterz/Ironjawz/Gitz i have had high hopes for a while now and it seems like i have to wait untill next year for something good. Kruleboyz didnt do it for me as it is a separate army within the book and i am not a fan of the smaller/cunning Orruk design (i think gitz have the cunning part covered). 

    At least Nighthaunt is the gift that keeps on giving.

    I would have originally disagreed, thinking their range was good enough from GW's perspective. But now I'd say you're most likely right to hope for that. They've shown with LrL, Nighthaunt, Stormcast, ect that they are quiet happy to pump in more releases for armies that have a large footprint in the community and have proven to be a defining aesthetic. And I would argue that gitz have become that for destruction, absolutely more then SoB and Mawtribes.

  12. 1 hour ago, Nezzhil said:

    It is a Votann priestimage.jpeg.a9784f09d8d7acc09690c72481314324.jpeg

    I just deflated like a balloon

    Great catch though! Will see if Ogres end up being shown or not xD

    Edit: Spoke too soon. Missed the Bloodpelt Hunter leak! Sad we are likely not seeing a butcher, my gutbusters desperately need it.

    I'll take what I can get!

  13. 49 minutes ago, willange said:

    Khorne Warband for warcry?

    Posted on the AoS FB page.



    They could be showing off tons of the STD stuff in better quality/ framing. If they are winter, that either early Dec or Nov so its in line with the 2-3 months of "hype" cycle that GW seems to like to do for big factions updates/ releases.

    Which would suck if that is a major part of the show, because we know a lot about them already. But it's possible?

    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, willange said:

    Dude if they soup gargants and ogors that will be so sucky! The orruk soup has been mostly awful so far and the goblin "soup" also doesn't work.  If they do soup them, then they need to actually synergize together instead of being multiple factions in 1 book for no discernible reason.


    4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    You know what. Im calling BS. This Tweet came after the Footprint. Just trying to drum up activity.

    Honestly I could see it. Historically in Fantasy Ogres and Giants had a lot of history together, even if that history was the Ogres hunting the sky titans into extinction lol. 

    Own 5000 points of ogres I'm going to finish painting this year. First reaction is I'm ok with it? So long as it builds on the lore and really takes a huge bite into Destruction's story and how the tribes/ giants interact. 

    But if they souped them and it was just squishing them together, I feel that would break my back. Almost as much as if new Ogre sculpts make the old one look to small

    Two biggest fears as someone with a collection of fat lads.

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  15. Sons is not a bad candidate for a tome all things considered. If things are shifting from monsters to focus more on battleline, having rules written to keep them competitive/ engaging with that is a good thing. Hoping they have as inventive of a tome as Nighthaunt and Nurgle have gotten.

    Ogres is my army, but im not sad to not see anything for them. I think the sculpts have aged pretty well, and I'll be damned if I'll let my bias say we should get a range update before lizardmen and skaven xD. Really, I'm fine waiting. I just hope we get two major things in our release.

    - A new tome with interesting and fluffy rules, that offer gimmicks/ tricks and fun systems in our Allegiance abilities. Eating or Hungry is pretty bland and boring when you compare it to Bloodtithe, Nighthaunt, or Nurgle.

    - A new, plastic butcher kit with the option to make a Slaughter Master. Really the main kit we REALLY need. Yehti, Gorger being the two next in line, with Cats then Gnoblar being my next in line. 

    Give me those, and im happy. Let the other factions get the big model refreshers, or new and exciting armies/factions. 

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