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Posts posted by AxolotlQuestions

  1. I'm no expert, but it really depends on what you want your army to look like, and how competitive you want to be. Grots/squigs/troggoths are the main split. 

    Stabbas are good, but you really need to run them in big blobs, which I personally don't find much fun, though YMMV. What you are doing there is buffing up big units with extra attacks from Sporesplatta fanatics and sneaky snufflas, along with the loonboss' command ability.  

    Squigs are fun, though less competitive (though still viable if you aren't looking to place at tournaments). You're going to need squig herds for battleline, then a couple of big units of boingrot bounders, and then a couple mangler squigs. Maybe some squig hoppers for a different battleline and harassment and capturing objectives on flanks/in the backline. 

    Troggs are probably the least competitive, but are a small model count elite army. Troggboss, some units of 6 rockguts, and units of 3 Fellwater. 

    Of course you can also mix and match.  Regardless of what way you go, I'd pick up a Fungoid Cave Shaman or two. 

    If I was basing an army off the battleforce, I'd probably get a shaman, a couple of boxes of stabbas, maybe a squig herd, and see how I go from there. 

  2. They're certainly all viable units, if not the most competitive choice.

    Manglers are good. Boingrots are good. Trolls aren't bad, though rockguts really need to be in a larger unit. Loonbosses are very useful, though not with any units that actually come in the box. Fanatics of both sorts are useful. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, Erdemo86 said:

    Hey guys, small question. If i take a brainchwraith as ally into a stormcast list, am i able to summon dryards?

    if yes why no one is doing this?

    As far as I can see, a branchwraith can only summon dryads on to a wyldwood, so unless you have a way to get wyldwoods, they can't summon anything.

  4. 30 minutes ago, Nickmoss90 said:

    So the next question is are stabbas worth it due to the hiding of a loonsmasher unit? Or just taking up more area with Congo line?

    Stabbas come into their own once you start buffing them with snufflas and sporesplattas, especially if you can trigger the loonboss command ability. Not to mention that you can bring them back with the loonshrine. 

  5. I'm off to an event with more of a narrative focus, so while I'm not looking to wreck face, I want to put up a decent show. I've put together this list. Any suggestions?

    1000 point Stormcast List

    Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline [240pts]: General

    Lord-Castellant [100pts]

    Liberators [100pts]: 5 Liberators, Grandblade, Warhammer and Shield

    Sequitors [240pts]: 10 Sequitors, 4x Stormsmite Greatmace, Stormsmite Greatmace (Sequitor-Prime), Stormsmite Maul and Soulshield

    Castigators [80pts]: 3 Castigators

    Evocators [200pts]: 5 Evocators, 5x Tempest Blade and Stormstave

    + Allegiance +

    Allegiance: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals

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