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Posts posted by Diablo

  1. next saturday I have my first tournament game,  I do not know which units I should use  :(

    I hope you can help me !

    units that I have ;

    1x Abhorrant Ghoul King

    1x Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist

    1x Terrorgheist

    65x Crypt Ghouls (inkl. 5 Crypt Ghouls Courtier)

    3x Crypt Horrors

    3x Crypt Flayers

    1x Varghulf Courtier


    I thought of the following lineup:

    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist + magestic horror

    Varghulf Courtier

    30 Crypt Ghouls

    10 Crypt Ghouls

    tactic: i summon with the GK 3 horrors and 3 flayers ....


    the following lineup:

    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist + magestic horror

    Crypt Ghouls Courtier

    20 Crypt Ghouls

    10 Crypt Ghouls

    +Ghoul Patrol

    tactic: i summon with the GK 3 horrors and 3 flayers, and with the Courtier I fill up my ghouls ......

    but only 20 Ghouls is very risky

  2. 1 hour ago, Honk said:

    Good start...

    your list is not nice (friendly), but  imo pretty strong and competitive. 

    I like it and even if your opponent is able to counter properly, the game still will be fun. The only reservations, but that can’t be helped, are the min squat flayers... but that’s just the way it is. Maybe drop the battalion to crank up one unit, but on the other hand you need the CP... with the summoning, you can attack from all the angles and really go into board control, even if your modelcount is super low. 




    okay ;)


    yesterday I played with my seraphon army against the slaanesh and in the first round are  all my 80 saurus warriors were killed,  so I have big doubts that I have a chance with my FEC list  :(

  3. On 10/11/2018 at 12:39 PM, Honk said:

    Not very nice... if the flayers get into combat and you a double turn, your not going to make new friends. All the summoning will really drain your CP, tricky for bravery and charges. 

    Sooo tricky but doable, if s/he charges your flayers and gets a double your just toast. 3 flayers are 12hp with 5+\6+ almost nothing

    ehm, why is the list now bad ? First you tell me that I should put the kings on the dragons, because of regeneration and more units that I can summon , And now you say that's not good?  I'm confused  ;D


    • Haha 1
  4. so my new armylist:

    Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Magestic Horror
    - Artefact : Splintervane Broach
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)
    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Zombie Dragon (440)
    - Artefact : Blood River Chalice
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
    Deadwatch (170)
    TOTAL: 2030/2000
    i give my AGK on ZD the Blood River Chalice Artefact for longer live, TG can faster die then when he die he makes BOOM and maybe can the TG some units.
    the rest of my tactics are the same: try attacking the opponent first, 
    try to conquer points quickly,
    BATTALION  i use now the Deadwatch  for the extra attack in the herophase.
  5. 1 hour ago, Honk said:

    Every Abhorrent Ghoulking regenerates d3 wounds during your herophase, that’s why sitting him on a gheist or dragon not only keeps the monster alive, but in case of the terrorgheist also saves 40 points...

    all three warscrolls state that under the royal blood ability 

    AAAH okay now i have see it, i allways think only Abhorrent Ghoulking and Abhorrent Ghoulking on TG can regen

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, Honk said:

    Classic monster mash, but with flayer spam... your list is cool, very elite with strong units.

    the Kings on their mounts can summon in a bunch of stuff (varghulf and 2x flayer or vv), the feeding frenzy from the dragonlord turns your melee mob to 11, the gheistlord can grant the extra 5+ save and all the big baddies can regen. So if one takes pressure and you’re able to retreat to objective duties, 2 rounds later he might be good for a final suicide charge.

    really need to focus on your objective game though. Summon in ghouls to secure points and flappflapp up the flayers to bind the enemy. Called in varghulf can resummon all your stuff 

    Nice, thx for your Tipps ;)

    But not all big Baddies can regen, only the TH can regen, and the ZD only with the Battalion.

  7. 1 hour ago, TheWilddog said:

    I love the fluff of your list but I think there are more streamlined ways to run the core of the list. 

    thx, and sure another units are maybe better, but i think the ghouls/horrors are to slow, and then must my dragons fight alone, so this is why i use flayers, i think dragons are fast and need fast units for support.


    1 hour ago, Honk said:


    no, I meant 2xgkotg and 1x gkozd or vice versa... they heal d3 per round and have neat spells. 


    ah okay, i can try it.

  8. 54 minutes ago, Honk said:

    Fluff wise very funny, competitive wise very tricky...

    and over 2k... 


    160*3.     = 480         1020

    3*300      = 900

    B:RM        =140          1040    2060

    and you might as well give the infernal dark wizardry, he has no summon CA.

    what if you drop one tg and the battalion (300+140=440) and get all the beasties mounted (440-100-140= +200)...

    then up on flayersquat to 6 (200-140=60)

    then make a legal list... -60 ??



    over 2k point is no problem for us, my  mate  can for the 60 points take a another unite or spell, we often play with a difference of about 20-100 points.

    dark wizardry can i give only the general and i must make the Crypt Infernal Courtier  to the general so that the flayers become battlelines,  In addition, the Crypt Infernal Courtier gets the ability to summon ghouls (from the Abhorrant Ghoul King ).

    you mean 4x Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist/Zombie Dragon ?

    I find the Royal Menagerie useful because of +6 "movement and additional healing

  9. What you think about this Armylist ?


    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist (400)
    - Artefact : Blood River Chalice
    Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Magestic Horror
    - Artefact : Splintervane Broach
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
    Terrorgheist (300)
    Terrorgheist (300)
    Zombie Dragon (300)
    Royal Menagerie (140)
    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Honk said:

    Every attack in AoS is resolved on its own, in theory. be it the scream, melee or ranged attack or whatever. Just to speed things up and keeping the flow you are allowed to roll in batches.

    targets have to be declared beforehand though, can’t roll single till you kill a hero and then the rest into the unit ?

    okay, thx.

    4 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    No, you're misunderstanding it. You roll 1 dice for each Flayer and add +1 to each, meaning the highest total you can achieve is 7, which against a Bravery of 6 would Inflict 1 MW. If all 6 Flayers rolled a 6 (7 with the +1) against a Bravery 6 target, they would in total inflict 6 MW's. 

    What you're doing is adding all of those rolls together and thinking the total number is what you subtract the bravery from and that is incorrect. It would be far deadlier if it worked like that, as you pointed out.  

    damn, but this is stupid :( I was looking forward to this ability  and now not anymore , now i regret that i have built flayers


  11. 16 hours ago, Honk said:

    It is (d6+1)-bravery, so useless against anything with bravery 7+ (Undead, demons, seraphon, stormcast, witch aelves)

    Against armies with bravery 5, each flayer does 1MW on a 5, 2 on a roll of 6... (KO, Skaven,...) so highly depending on opponent and unit. The MW on a 6 is pretty good, but for what they do, the are totally overpriced (also in RL).


    Eh what ? 3 Flayers makes only 3 MW ? But in the description stands : "Suffers a number of deadly wounds equal to the difference" so when i roll with 6 dice (6 Flayers) 5,4,3,4,5,2  against undead (-10 for bravery) then i make 13 MW,  Or did I misunderstand ? sure with only 3 Flayers is the Damage less but with more Flayers i think is the Damage very strong.


  12. 46 minutes ago, flowerpot_chimp said:

    Both of the monsters are good, it depends what you want out of them. Unless you're against another bravery 10 army the 6+d6 from the Terrorgheist shooting usually does a decent number of mortals, and it's maw attack comes up often enough that it's respectable in combat (the dragon is obviously more consistent there). 

    Which you pick I think mostly depends on what you want out of its summoning and spells. Personally I really like the Terrorgheist's spell and would rather summon in units of crypt flayers than more courtiers, but I can imagine someone else paying for big units and wanting to summon more courtiers. 

    The dragon is also 40 points more expensive, for some reason, and that's a real consideration with how tight on points FEC can be given you're wanting extra command points. 

    Okay thx, then i make both versions of the GK with dragon.

  13. 39 minutes ago, Glaurung said:

    ok zombie dragon. Because shooting is bad and losing what brings back your models is worse.


    TG is good, but you would need a list centered on lowering bravery to use flayers’ one too. And I think it would not be a good list.

    Sorry, but do you say: Zmbie Dragons are better then Terrorgheists ?

  14. Thx for your Answere

    42 minutes ago, Glaurung said:

    I’d go for horrors, I really don’t like flayers nowadays, they always fail to do anything... 

    But is the Missile WEapons from the Flayers not god ? I mean you can make many Kills when i have 6 Flayers can i make 26 Kills (when i have 6 with all 6 Dice and -10 for Bravery) or do I misunderstand the ability?  and with deathwatch you have a "free" attack,  I want to build a deathwatch and ghoul patrol army  (not together)  ;D

    or I'm planning an army with

    Crypt Infernal Courtier (140)
    - General
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
    3 x Crypt Flayers (160)
    Terrorgheist (300)
    Zombie Dragon (300)
    Terrorgheist (300)
    Deadwatch (170)
    Royal Menagerie (140)
  15. Helas

    I m new in AOS and i build a FEC Army, what for Units  i need for a 1000 P list ?  and what for Tactic is the best against Slaanesh ?

    atm i have:

    -1  GK

    -1 GK on TG

    -1 TG

    -3 Horrors

    -65 Ghouls

    and with the another 3 Horrors/Flayers I do not know which unit I should build.

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