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Posts posted by Clise

  1. 15 hours ago, Sinfullyvannila said:

    Keywords have absolutely nothing to do with Faction selection anymore. Your faction is now the pitched profile list you pick at the start of the game, units that you pay for on that list have access to your allegiance abilities. Allies do not. Right now there are references to a mechanic called Coaltitions that needs to be clarified. If you can take the units from BoC they wont benefit from your faction abilities(Destiny Dice, agendas).

    The Soulblight book is worded the way it is because otherwise it would simply not have functioned in 2e. Dominion warscrolls are irrelevant because literally every single warscroll unit size is overwritten in their matched play profiles.

    sweet, thanks for the clarification!

  2. 22 minutes ago, Frowny said:

    I don't think you should try to ally in the BoC tzaangors, even if its allowed. Firstly, the recent warcom article states they are pointed differently for a reason, regardless of whether you agree with that or not (although clearly tzeentch has better allegiance abilities than BoC). Secondly, it was clearly an intentional decision to make them different points costs. allying them in definitely defeats the rules as intended even if it may be rules as written (and I'm not even sure if that is the case). 


    Sure its bad sportsmanship and is clearly not something they intended/thought about. Either way its gunna be used and abused and leads to potential issues with other units/future units that can jump across allegiances like tzeentch beastmen. A simple FAQ stating that you cant take a warscrolls from another battletome if it shares the exact same name as one in your allegiance's battletome or even that you cant take a warscroll as an ally if it has the keywords necessary to be used in your core allegiance. It just seems like a glaring issue/exploit to me and something that easily destroys the intent they have towards their new point cost philosophy. Issues like this should be addressed and confirmed so they can be brought up to people who have the ability to fix the problem.

  3. 2 hours ago, Acrozatarim said:

    I mean... are Beasts of Chaos a viable ally for Tzeentch? Are they a valid coalition faction? If neither of those is 'yes' in the new rules, then we can't take the cheaper BoC Tzaangor.

    They are allies at least for now and I dont see that changing in the future. But do you even need to take them as allies, they presumably still have the tzeentch faction keyword and therefore you can just take them without it counting against allied points. The slaves to darkness mutalith vortex beast doesnt have to be allied in at all since it also has the tzeentch keyword. Based on the soublight and dominion boxset warscrolls there appears to be no change to how faction keywords function in the new edition.

  4. So as far as I'm aware, with the way faction keywords currently work you could play the cheaper Beast of Chaos tzaangors in pure tzeentch army and just pay the lesser points value right? Unless their keywords change then you can just select them and pay the cost on their warscroll. I know it works this way for the Mutalith Vortex Beast when you take the version in the Slaves to Darkness battletome which is 30 points cheaper then the one in the Tzeentch Battletome and has all the exact same stats. Am I crazy or is there something I'm missing?


  5. As a new slaanesh player I have a question. Taking a look at the wrath of the everchosen book I see that the slaanesh subfactions are tied to the original 3 subfactions in the book. Does this mean that a lurid haze army also has access to the rules for invaders hosts on top of their new rules? I've never seen another army subfactions worded like these ones so I'm a little confused.

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  6. 18 hours ago, prochuvi said:

    Nop,sorry but you must activate it in your turn.

    As you hadnt activated it you havent it in the first turn of your rival.

    This is correct as far as I have seen/played as well as ruled by TOs in any tournament I've been to. The part of the shield wall rule that determiens this is "This unit can create a shield wall instead of running or charging in its turn." The important part of the rule is the "in its turn" since it is not the turn of the unit with the shield wall it cannot activate it. If you want to run it in your local group that you  can activate in on your opponents turn then be my guest but in a competitive match you will not be allowed to do this.

    • Thanks 2
  7. I have a question, the split rule for when pink horrors die is on the blue horrors warscroll, does this mean that in order to gain blue horror points/take petty vengeance that i need to have at least one unit of blue horrors in my army? Same question pertains to brimstone horrors as well since the split rule for blues is on their warscroll. It just seems very strange to me that the pinks don't have the rule on their warscroll and I want to know for sure before potentially getting called out by other players for doing something I'm not supposed to.

  8. I got a quick question. I've seen a few battle reports where Tzeentch players have cast offensive spells such as Infernal Gateway on the LoC without there being any enemies in range in order to generate fate points. I had always thought you needed a viable target to cast a spell but now I'm not sure. Are you allowed to cast offensive spells and generate fate points even if the spell will not target anything?

  9. Im looking into playing a dispossessed heavy list with a treelord under the living city rules and I have a few questions regarding wyldwoods. Does it cost points to include wyldwoods in my army? How many wyldwoods can I summon with the tree lord over the course of the game? Do I start the match with wyldwoods out on the field like sylvaneth players? Any information people can provide for me on this would be greatly apreciated. Also if you have a FAQ or document that supports the rules for anything related to my questions I would love to see those for reference. Thanks!

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  10. Whenever i see a battle report of Dispossessed or see a list for a tournament i always see people only take the runic icon on units that have access to both that and the clan banner. Why not take both? As far as I can tell it says the units can take any number of standard bearers and you can do it for units like plague monks who have many banner options. Is it that most tournaments typically only let units take a single standard bearer or something? I'm a recent AoS player starting with dispossessed so I'm trying to figure out all the nuances of their army.

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  11. I have a question regarding the clan banners that most Dispossessed infantry can take. It says "If you fail a battleshock test for a unit that has any standard bearers, halve the number of models that flee (rounding up)." Does this mean if I have a dwarf unit that would potentially lose 1 model to battleshock that I reduce it by 0.5 and round back up to 1, meaning the 1 model doesn't flee?

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