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Posts posted by skeen77

  1. I think they could have put out anything with skeletons of multiple sizes and people would have screamed Tomb Kings.  As it is, non-Western looking is enough.


    Will this play like Tomb Kings? Because if we're talking spiritual successors that's where the heart of it lies.

    • Like 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Furuzzolo said:

    So... Now that we have a new army on the way WHEN are we supposed to get CoS and the Orruks book?

    I know some of you have done some shamanistic-calendar-prevision of the upcoming stuffs.

    I mean, it's all cool and fun but I got a cover art 30 days ago and dead signal...

    They said that they were coming so soon that they weren't even going to talk about them because we'd know soon enough anyways.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Nos said:

    Hey Necrons 👋 

    The Mortarch is an outstanding kit but faction is otherwise a conceptual and aesthetic mess.

    Fundamentally- fat skeletons. That’s your problem. Even forgetting the already very concrete archetype of fantasy skeletons, your Ray Harryhausen guys, We are conditioned by nature to understand skeletons as being a fragile form which needs protection.

    Which, they do. The creators of He-man appreciated that you can’t have a guy whose name is skeletor, one letter away from skeleton, and have him be an actual Skelton if you also wanted a buff dude. GW themselves designed a race of metal skeletons with big guys but they still followed the essential laws of the natural world, they just accentuated the areas we associate with strength-chest, back, shoulders, upper arms-and kept the rest of the body in appropriate proportion to that.

    But these Ossiarch  guys never miss leg day,  they’ve piled on the beef. Except-they have no beef.  They’re bone. Buff skeletons are conceptually a violation to us as human beings. It would be like to trying to make a race of water people who are perpetually on fire. Every time you look your brain will just establish a disconnect. 

    The other (better) alternative was a living Terracotra army but conceptually speaking that’s Stormcast. I *think* the idea was specifically to sort of give a mirror image of SC and where the excesses of its eugenics are headed if Sigmar doesn’t chill out, but designing a character to make a narrative point usually just leads to the creation of a week unfocused character, because the character only exists in the first place to make a point, otherwise they wouldn’t be there. To justify their existence you have to make them into living exposition which just because new sermonising and tedious.

    Case in point: saying so and so is the greatest strategist ever is an utterly meaningless piece of fluff in the circumstances . What made actual generals the archetypes we still look to after hundreds, thousands of years in some cases comes down to mastery of logistics, morale and the capacity to manipulate tens/hundreds of thousands of men despite there being sometimes hours between their instruction/vision and it’s execution. 

    Pretty sure if you gave anyone an army that immediately executes orders at your will without the considerations of morale, psychology and the general constraints of mortality and physics acing upon them, they’d probably manage pretty well.

    But it’s also a lazy device. Most great generals were also men of great vision and it was their interest in science, philosophy, geography and Human behaviour  that gave them the tools to be able to outwit other generals. Frequently they were outsiders and opportunists whose lack of comparative social advantage was used as a strength to outwit the battlefield truisms of aristocracy who at least in Western history comprised the majority of generals, men who commanded soldiers not by dint of military virtue but by dint of social hierarchy. 

    This guy though, just, really good at The War, I guess. A general as designed by Donald Trump. A fantastic general, just, the greatest. You won’t believe how good he is guys.

    First misstep AOS has made in its faction design, for my money. They are baaad. Very PS3/Xbox 360 era generic videogame, that is to say a hollow amalgam of visual inspiration with no clear identity or focus.

    They're not skeletons. Plain and simple. Your comparison to Stormcast is accurate. They are suits of fused armor made out of magically forged bone and had some spirits shoved inside to control them. And they're not mindless automatons, they do have distinct personalities. Yes they're in service to nagash but they exercise their own actions.

    • Like 8
  4. 1 minute ago, swarmofseals said:

    Totally. Grim, emotionless construct faces would have done it much better for me.


    I forgot to mention something in my previous post. While the 40k announcements usually don't matter much to me (I don't play 40k), this one actually has me really excited. I think I have posted this a couple of times, including in a thread with the theme of "what would you do if you were GW?", but one of my biggest hopes is that GW will move away from exclusively relying on single faction releases and move more towards campaign based, multi-faction releases. It looks like this new 40k campaign will be doing just that. With each chapter in the campaign providing new rules for a couple of factions (and presumably corresponding model releases) it gives the opportunity to add a new kit or two to an existing faction without having a full update. If such a system were adopted for AOS it would mean that factions could get more attention outside of major releases and there would be plenty of opportunities for updating outdated kits piecemeal. I very much hope that I am right that GW is going in this direction!

    Sounds to me like a way to sell lots more books. They said that each book would focus on two armies, so there's quite a few potential books out there. I'm not too big into 40k either but I was happy to see Eldar *finally* get new howling banshees.

  5. So to sum up a few things:

    - CoS and Orruks very soon, probably next week or two, and won't have traditional endless spells and terrain

    - they officially confirmed the mawtribe battletome in the q&a. Someone asked if it was a thing and they said they'd already confirmed it. Whoops

    - there's more OB yet to be shown, including a flying unit. I imagine most of what we haven't seen is alternate build for multi kits though.


    Sure I'm missing some other stuff that wasn't outright said in the article.

    • Like 3
  6. 3 hours ago, Drakensgreed said:

    Just in case anyone missed him, ol‘ coffin-head was in the video.



    I must say I really like this sort of elite bone construct although I‘m curious how exactly Orpheon‘s story is intertwined with Nagash (and if his name‘s similarity to Orpheus means anything). Definitely a cool take that he‘s like a statue with a diorama.

    I am genuinely surprised that he's wearing that thing. I totally thought it was going to be part of the base kind of, a big stone slab behind him. He looked cooler in the drawings unfortunately.

  7. 3 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

    For a topic a bit more on-topic, what kind of roster can we expect for the Tithe army? DoK got one animated trailer and around half-a-dozen units, I don't even remember what the build up to GG was, but they got a fuckload of stuff, the Skeleton IRS has had 3 trailers, can we expect a Nighthaunt/GG level of units?

    I think it will be GG level at least. I don't think they'll use the old TK skeleton kit, nor the generic one. They're going for a definite theme here, I think they'll be more ornamental. We're going to have several new kits I believe, maybe 3 weeks of releases. Could bring back a construct or two from TK, maybe use the morghasts from LoN.

    I'm expecting NOVA to show off the book and a few models. They said that the next 2 battletomes we were getting were Cities and Orruks, so I think we're just going to get a taste of the new one.

    Any guesses on what the new faction will be called? 😄

  8. 6 hours ago, Greyshadow said:

    That’s a rumour about the watch tower but it could happen. I am planning a cities army that has Stormcast as the elite core. I reckon the  Eternals will look cracking against their Freeguild allies.

    It would be a mistake to use that old Watchtower. It doesn't fit the AoS aesthetic at all. The warscryer citadel went last chance to buy with all the other cut stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if it was renamed and repackaged for Cities.

  9. 42 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    It seems pretty obvious that this guy carries a tomb stone with candles on his back (Rumors Engine). I hope he‘s not the freed servant since He looks rather unimposing ^^


    the new skeletons give me a slight Asian vibe though some remind me of Bretonnian Levy?

    May not be on his back, but rather behind him, and is more part of the base than him.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, madmac said:

    Yeah I think this pretty conclusively kills "Tomb Khans" in favor of this being a true remake of Tomb Kings. Which is perfectly ok with me.

    While coining it Khans was maybe a bit too specific I still feel confident that it's more of an Asian vibe than Egyptian. The accent of the guy and the buildings don't really fit the theme.

  11. 19 hours ago, Sete said:

    "My faction is ok,  and I don't care about yours" opinion. Cool thanks for sharing.


    Bummer I thought we would have some AoS august 3rd. The waiting game continues.

    The mods keep trying to get people back on the topic of rumors and away from the complaining about what we don't have.  I have no horse in this race, I like unaligned chaos.  This is a rumor thread.  That's all I'm saying.

    • Like 2
  12. 5 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

    Well, you better ask the StD people, they don't even have a book.

    If we talk unacceptable we start here.

    I'm tired of the beat of this drum. StD are in a terrible spot and we all know it. This thread isn't for complaining about that.

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  13. 11 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    My Guess:


    WHU season 3 starter gona be Wanderers X Ogors, based on the old rumor of a duo box, the fact that aparently no Stormcasts on the Starter and all the rumor engines showed lately.

    That would be wacky as heck and I doubt it, but I'm ok with it.


  14. 4 hours ago, 123lac said:

    Probably an unpopular opinion but I'd rather see GW scrap the old high elves and dark elves so they can properly re-imagine them in the themes of Hysh and Ulgu.

    Old model lines have to die at some point, right?

    I agree, but they could always just leave them in with their weird little factions and just make whole new armies for Hysh and Ulgu.

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