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Posts posted by Zamik

  1. I plan on treating myself to a Bloodthirster--my first--when I submit my Black Library pitch. I have a nearly all-mortals collection, aside from 20 Bloodletters and a Daemon Prince. I lean toward Skarbrand, just because the model is so cool, and I like the fluff of him being eternally p*ssed off for coming at the king and missing. But then he can't be summoned, and I don't know if it's better to have another bloodthirster that I can use more flexibly. I run mortals, generally in Slaughterborn or Gore Pilgrims, and I'm wondering what complements that best. Thanks!

  2. I'm not sure what this means, but I was looking at the warscrolls for the Warcry models, and they all have the unique "Cultists" keyword. I wonder if this means something for how they'll be used in an upcoming StD book, if they'll have a special battalion or unique allegiance abilities. Hmmmm.

  3. On 8/8/2019 at 2:03 AM, FaBa said:

    😭In my opinion, the one which really shines in the roster of the iron golems is the *have a look to the names* Drillmaster!
    As you can see the Drillmaster cost the same as the Prefector (the guy in the middle of the last row) has overall the quite the same stats except you get +1 move  (which is awsome)/ + 1A  / a seconde range attack (could be handy sometimes) an just sacrifice 1 crit dmg which is compensatet in my opinion by the +1 A! 

    And the skill from the drillmaster is really badass! .. okay it costs a quad ... but every enemy model suffers the amount of the quad as dmg in a circle of 3" around the Drillmaster.... BÄM ^^ 

    And that makes me a little sad ... because you only have 9! different characters in the warband and one have to be the leader ... so you only have 8. And you still have some crappy choices :/
    I mean ... if you give him such a big hammer like the leader ... why not giving him strength 5 ... and the ability which only both of them use (the black skull... star ...thing) gives them a dmg boost for ... lets say +1/+1 ... would be quite more potent ....


    But after all ... i like the game ... i like the warband... but if you want to play competetive you really need more boxes of iron golems :)




    It really annoys me that the Armator doesn't get a unique ability of his own. It's not even worth having him throw bolas. I'm already looking for proxies for additional Drillmasters because speed counts! I lost a game this weekend to my friend's Cypher Lords because the last person I had to kill in his Dagger burned a quad to leap up on the bell tower in round 4, and there was nothing I could do about it!

  4. On 8/10/2019 at 2:56 AM, LeSwordfish said:

    Could probably get away with either Blood Warriors or Chaos Warriors as extremely beefy Iron Golems, perhaps with a bit of converting.

    I'd thought about doing this, and just explain the different look as warriors of a particular god taking interest in the Golems. Thus adding in a few Blood Warriors would be like the favor of Khorne manifesting.

  5. I've built the Untamed Beasts and Iron Golems from the core box, and I'm trying to get ideas for interesting ways to expand these warbands, or any others I get. I'm not really sold on buying multiple boxes of the exact same set to build a roster though. What are your plans for expanding your warbands--any warband--curious to see what people have planned.

  6. 23 minutes ago, PiotrW said:

    Fluff question regarding the Unmade:

    I haven't read what the Warcry rulebook says about them (if anything), as I'm still wondering whether Warcry is something for me... But I've read their description on the GW store page and it seems they originated in Shyish? But, if so, then... how come? I read the lore in main AoS rulebook this weekend and what I got of Shyish is that it's a realm made of underworlds, full of ghosts etc. Do normal (well... relatively) people actually live there?

    The book says that they ruled a city near the Shyish Nadir. Their leader, who came to be known as The Flayed Prince, turned to Chaos to protect his people from the constant attacks of the  undead. Their hook for being in the Bloodwind Spoil is that they believe the Flayed Prince is there and they want to find him.

  7. You can include the beasts in your warband as Thralls, under certain circumstances. In Campaign mode, you can earn territory which allows you to add beasts to your warband, and some Twist cards (such as Sinister Bargain) allow you to take a Thrall too.

  8. 49 minutes ago, xking said:

    GW really need to work on how they name animals in AoS.  "Gryhp-hound" is fine, But "rocktusk prowler" is absolutely terrible.  

    To me it sounds exactly what an uncivilized tribe would call the beast--it has a powerful bite with sharp teeth, and it stalks. Seems reasonable--and world-consistent--to me.

    • Like 7
  9. 52 minutes ago, soak314 said:

    Lookin to jump into Order with an SCE Warband, and I have no idea where to start. Are the Aetherwings available anywhere outside of the vanguard kits?  Likely going to start myself off with the ez build Castigators box for counts as Raptors, as I love the tabard look and the doggie in that box is very cool.

    The Farstriders box from Warhammer: Underworlds will net you a Hunter-Prime and two Hunters for $25 (models only) or $30 (with Underworlds cards).

    • Like 1
  10. I haven't picked up a box of Vanguard-Raptors yet, but I have my basic Vanguard Start Collecting models organized into this starting team:

    Hunter-Prime: 210

    Hunter x 2: 330

    Hound x 3: 450

    990 points.

    I'll test this out when I get the SCE cards this weekend and then tweak.

  11. I want to paint up The Unmade warband as Mardi Gras revelers, and I was interested in trying to get a body glitter effect on their skin and, uh, face-belts, without making the skin look metallic. I want the effect of a light dusting of body glitter here and there, but I'm not sure what will achieve this without looking clumpy and without overwhelming the skin tone so they look robotic. Anyone have experience applying a light glitter look?

  12. I love these models and want to paint them up as a Mardi Gras krewe! That carnival aspect plays nicely with their "blissful" and "joyous" personality.  I can even paint their face-buckles like colorful masks!

  13. I have a question about the Lord-Aquilor's Lord of the Azyrite Hurricane command ability: I know it happens at the end of the movement phase, but does it count as a move for the Lord and the unit he takes with him? If I have a unit of Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows, and they don't move in the movement phase but get teleported at the end of it, do they get the advantage of Rapid Fire (ie, getting three more shots per model when they don't move in the movement phase)?

  14. 10 hours ago, Nactigal said:

    What colors are you planning to paint this warband? I was thinking of using one of the color shift paints for the armor.

    I’m leaning toward a green and gold look like Horus Heresy-era Salamanders. So base Waaagh Flesh, layer moot green, trim with retributor armor shaded with Agra’s Earthshade.

  15. 1 hour ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    I had an odd thought, what do ya'll think of using some allied iron golems as home base babysitters? 70pts for 10 4+ potentially re-rolling saves wounds. Absolute garbage for damage and no synergies, but a thought. Also bravery 8. The murder turkeys are interesting as well. The potential -1 to hit from the cyphers could be interesting. Basically thoughts on the warcry units?

    I hadn't thought about that, but yeah, 11 wounds and a 4+ rerollable save for 70 points sounds decent. I'm also interested in the Furies being like little flying chaos skinks, running in and running away to cap an objective here and there.

    • Like 2
  16. 2 minutes ago, RedRowan said:

    The wild beast thing is quite interesting. This game would be a great opportunity to add some interesting or unusual beasts and monsters just like Blackstone Fortess has done.


    One of the Twist cards they show in the How to Play video has you adding 400 points worth of monsters to the board, which I assume are just meant to attack anyone and everyone.

  17. 33 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    I don't know about you but I just can't wait to pull someone off a ledge with the harpoon. I know based off the leaks it won't do too much damage unless I pull them off over a spike pit, but it would just be fun visually. 

    Will say that the snag could be very good for pulling a guy into combat, and having a dude just stand there to have a two action attack without having to move.

    Yeah, fall damage won't be much of a factor, but I'm looking forward to pulling someone off an objective or right next to a hungry hound. And since the distance they move is determined by the number on the dice for the triple, you know exactly how many inches they have to move, and where you need to be to meet them.

    • Like 1
  18. 21 hours ago, kuroyume said:

    GW: Warcry is about close quarters melee combat

    Also GW: Only lets SCE use ranged units

    They must be really, really desperate to move Vanguard boxes, they've been pushing them hard lately.

    I think the Vanguard could be really interesting in this setting: gryph-hounds are there to dart in and hold enemies up, while hunters take potshots, and raptors rain down death from high ground. Those are fanciful notions, to be sure, borne out by no evidence whatsoever, but still! At least it makes sense to me that the raptors are the ranged specialists, hunters are middle ground (pistols and axes/swords), and the gryph-hounds are fast melee. I'm looking forward to using my collection!

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