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Posts posted by Zamik

  1. On 6/30/2021 at 12:58 PM, Oldhat said:

    Adding Beasts has me excited even if just for fun variety.

    What are folks planning on adding from them?

    I'm leaning towards a Chimera, because it has a lot of attack profiles (each of which I can pump up with the Bloodsecrator), it gets +2 to charge rolls so you can be sure you get at someone to bust out monstrous rampages, and it's got a shooting profile that's just Hey you get these mortal wounds.


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  2. 2 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    It's fine, any monster can get lucky and tear it down

    Yeah, with my luck a monster would run straight at it, raze it, and I'd roll a bunch of 1s for all the garrisoned models. AH well, I'm just enjoying the mental image of a slaughterpriest stuffing himself and ten bloodreavers into a utility closet for the battle.


    • Haha 2
  3. So it says you can garrison up to 15 models in a regular defensible terrain piece, which I assume the Skull Altar is since it isn't Large or Very Large. If I put a Bloodsecrator and then 10 Bloodreavers in it, does the Bloodsecrator get the +1 Save and -1 to hit rolls targeting him AND Look Out, Sir! for an extra -1 malus to incoming fire?

    I think it would be fun to garrison a Slaughterpriest with Blood Sacrifice in the Altar with his sacrificial Bloodreavers. The garrison gets him down to a 4+ save, apply other bonuses etc.

  4. Goretide Bloodsecrator can fire off units of bloodreavers to eat shots while stronger units move into position. Also thinking about Furies who can move in the Combat phase—thinking they can charge a screen and then Cower toward a shooting unit. They won’t stand up to anything, but they can maybe force an error.

  5. 8 hours ago, Perturbato said:

    For the slaughterpriest i'm very stressed too because it is a very good unit currently and i would be sorry to see it decrased even if there is some explanation. Don't you make a diference between prayers (warcroll prayers, smite or banish) and khorne benedictions ? If we are only allowed to make one prayer per turn .. we would still be allowed to chant khorne benedictions arn't we ? And then one invocation in total ? Where is the rumor from only one prey coming from ?

    Maybe the possibility of one invocation getting disband result of the disapearance of the roll at the end of the round to check if the judgement stays ?

    Maybe they will give the ability for bloodsocker to buff EVERY khorne units instead of just mortals ?

    Khorne priesthood hegemony was is a good identity for bloodbound armies ..

    With the new Heroic actions and command abilities, I'm hoping that'll actually take some of the pressure off Slaughterpriests--and the pressure to take a lot of them. And yes I really want the Bloodstoker to buff everyone--at the very least Khorgoraths! I'd love to see the Bloodstoker become some sort of beastmaster who could give additional buffs to monsters and other beastly types.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    I didn't understand the giant chains at first but...




    They were not kidding about "best edition yet"

    I mean, why bring teams of laborers and wagon upon wagon of materials to build a new city when you can pull it along and drop it into place?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  7. 40 minutes ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Oops, duh!  Yeah, that's a great mounted set of doom.  And a Bloodstoker to get those knights in there for sure.  I'm almost leaning towards reforming my Khorne army to be more Slaves to Darkness for double tome duty in case I want to Despoil sometimes.

    I'm definitely looking that way myself! I made a little 1000 points Despoilers list with the StD SC Box, a daemon prince, and some warcry warbands, and it sounded like a lot of fun to play.

    • Like 1
  8. 16 hours ago, Skarband said:

    Hi guyz i need help with full mounted khorne army my core is 18 skullcrushers and lord i need some sceen and some hammer 

    I've become quite fond of the CHaos Lord on Karkadrak and the Chaos Knights/ With the lances the chaos knights are -2 rend 2 damage on the charge. The Chaos Lord has decent damage with multiple weapons, and Hew the Foe command trait (in Goretide) and Gorecleaver artefact can make his axe do 6 damage a hit.

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  9. On 5/30/2021 at 6:35 AM, Charleston said:

    Well, narrative can change quite drastically as we have seen witrh BR Kragnos. A new entity appears, is OP and gathers the whole destruction álliance for an assault and then gets banished within minutes. The same way Khorne could appear 2 weeks after the new set drops, get some love, and evaporate for the next 12 months. It is quite hard to tell exactly what will happen in the narrative as not all breadcrumbs we get dropped by the writers lead to releases and vice versa we have several storypoints that appeared out of nowwhere

    I'd had hope after BR: Morathi that the whole Slaanesh Newborn thing would rouse the armies of Khorne to play a role in the narrative. Then again, the whole Slaanesh thing has taken a backseat too, so maybe when it comes up again, Khorne will have something to say about it.

  10. 7 hours ago, Perturbato said:

    Yeah, it says you must inflict the damage but there is no problem if it is negated. I personnaly prefer using a Chaos Spawn as it cost 50 points and you can make it a small bodyguard for the slaughterpriest providing at least 4 Blood tithe in general. And it's easier having it stay in the 8 inch range. 

    That's a great idea, I was thinking only of the Chaos Warriors' ability to negate the wounds, but really they're more useful being out in the battle. Thanks!

  11. Is there any errata or other sort of rule against me using my Slaughterpriest's Blood Sacrifice blessing on a unit of Chaos Warriors and then using their runeshields to attempt to negate those wounds, is there? There's nothing in the Khorne book that says they have to just take the wounds or else you don't get the Blood tithe, right?

  12. 1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

    All they have to do is drop the guns and the servos and such and I would run an Adeptus Sororitos army in AOS in a heartbeat. If I had the money and time to do so I would gladly convert a Free City based on the range. 

    I love the Sisters, but all I see when I look at this new model is this and it makes me want to barf


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