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Posts posted by ColsBols

  1. So I've been doing some research into quick, speedy allies after having been forced to just sit and be unable to contest unguarded objectives in my last game. What are everyone's favorites? 

    My ideas so far are:

    Reavers - 15 shots and 14" move, plus their free 2d6 move in the shooting phase, is very nice, and i already have some Silver helms I could convert

    Freeguild Outriders - rend shots, can run and shoot, grenades

    Stormcast Birds- cheap and fast

    Doomfire Warlocks - fast, wizard for unbinding, rend in melee, but a tad expensive. that spell could be super nasty though

    I guess I really want to stay away from Stormcast though lol

  2. 11 hours ago, Bufkin said:

    Ive played a lot with mixed order with a healthy portion of aelves and my favorite units are:

    Reavers: amazing unit that snatch so many objectives. It’s the unit that probably singlehandedly won me the most games. I always tell my opponent how fast they are before the game, but they still quite often get surprised.

    White Lions: Undercosted 2hander with a 25mm base, one of the games best units.

    Dragonlords: They are not just for Order Draconis. Since I wont play for the alphastrike as you would with draconis I give them all shields, no horns, and just leverage reroll armor saves as much as possible. They are fairly flexible, really intimidating and if you bring more than one (I use three) even unreliable abilities like breath weapons becomes very usable.

    What list do you use, if you don’t mind? I just got a whole bunch of elves in a lot and trying to figure out how to build with them. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

    Just a quick question, has anyone based their heroes on 32s instead of 25s? I’m thinking of doing this so they stand out more and I can do more with the bases.

    My king is on a 40 just because I’m an idiot and didnt check the sizes before ordering runebases from Etsy but who cares he looks awesome on it


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  4. Had my second game out with my dawi tonight, with mixed results. 2k points, Dispossessed against Troggoths. Game was The Better Part of Valor, ended 18-14 after a few poor decisions on my part and some bad luck. Once again the Irondrakes were the star; everything else literally melted away the second any trolls got close. My opponent ran a Troll Hag and a Colossal Squig, lost 6 of my 20 hammerers immediately to her vomit before I managed to snipe her out with the irondrakes — but then the Troggoth King or whatever he is got in close combat and they too melted away. Hammerers ended up doing barely nothing, but I also lost a few to battleshock when I forgot that I didn't need to roll. I ****** up and didn't read the rules right, not realizing that a cogsmith's aura of effect on a gun is just ONE freaking inch, are you kidding me? The cannon did big damage, especially with the reroll; the organ gun, not so much. Still not sure if the artillery and cogsmith was worth it. My Thunderers performed pretty well too until they got backed into a corner and vomited to death. 

    I just get so frustrated with how fast everything dies and how little it feels like they're able to sometimes; my warden king, even with rerolling saves and Scales of Ignax, did no damage and was just mortal-wounded to death by the colossal squig. By the end of the game, all I had left were 3 thunderers and the cannon to his Troggoth king and colossal squig with 1 wound left, but I could never challenge his unguarded objectives with the exception of the one the irondrakes and king pickaxed on to. Definitely need some kind of fast allies, thinking Reavers maybe?

    I probably should have just ran the warriors and longbeards towards his objectives and left him stuck in the middle lol, their rerolling saves were negated by the -2 rend everywhere.

    Here was my list:

    Warden King




    Warriors 20x

    Longbeards 20x

    Hammerers 20x


    Organ Gun 

    Irondrakes 20x

    Thunderers 20x

    (i know it's technically violating ally limits but my buddy agreed that it was microfaction ****** and I should be able to take artillery)

    his list:

    Troll Hag

    Colossal Squig

    Rockgut Troggoths 6x

    Fellwater Troggoths 3x

    Fellwater Troggots 3x

    Shaman with mushroom hat?

    Tiny Shaman guy

    Cauldron endless spell

    Squig Gobbba

    Any advice as to what I should have done?

  5. On 4/9/2019 at 1:36 PM, ColsBols said:

    playing a casual game with my dispo force for the first time today, how ****** am I

    Allegiance: Order (Tempest Eye)

    Warden King, Ignax Scales
    Unforged, General, Relic Blade, Legendary Fighter

    Warriors (20)
    Longbeards (10)
    Warriors (10)
    Reavers (5)
    Reavers (5)

    Other Units:
    Ironbreakers (10)
    Hammerers (20)
    Irondrakes (20)
    Thunderers (10)

    Grudgebound warthrong (170)

    Total 2050/2050

    The grudgebound were victorious! 3-1 on objectives thanks to the reavers quick speed, who other wise did maybe 3 wounds between them the entire game. 4s and 4s is not good. Irondrakes are insanely good. I definitely need better speed allies though 


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  6. playing a casual game with my dispo force for the first time today, how ****** am I

    Allegiance: Order (Tempest Eye)

    Warden King, Ignax Scales
    Unforged, General, Relic Blade, Legendary Fighter

    Warriors (20)
    Longbeards (10)
    Warriors (10)
    Reavers (5)
    Reavers (5)

    Other Units:
    Ironbreakers (10)
    Hammerers (20)
    Irondrakes (20)
    Thunderers (10)

    Grudgebound warthrong (170)

    Total 2050/2050

    • Like 1
  7. Greetings fellow grudgebound!

    i got Battle For Skull Pass for Christmas and went with Duardin and finally am getting around to turning it into a proper army with the discovery that a buddy had a full Dwarf Battalion box new on sprue.

    heres what I have so far, what do I need to round out? What’s more important judging from this list, more hammerers or ironbreakers?

    42 warriors 

    10 thunderers; 16 more unbuilt ? Ranged units 

    14 hammerers 

    18 miners I’m gonna run as long beards 

    10 ironbreakers 

    20 irondrakes 

    warden king

    2 runelords 


    2 cannon

    organ gun



  8. hello fellow regents, I am new to FEC and forming my own court right now and wondering what's the best way to put everything together. I have an SC! built (Royal Zombie Dragon, 3 horrors, 10 ghouls), endless spells, an SC! NIB, a carrion empire half, and a vargulf coming towards me.

    Between that, I have 9 Knight models to build. Here's the list i was thinking of running:

    GC: Blisterskin

    Abhorrent Archregent



    30x Crypt Ghouls

    3x flayers

    3x flayers

    3x horrors

    Royal Mordants Battalion

    Chalice of Ushoran



    What do we think?

  9. Do we like Hunters with great bows? Just played my first game as sylvaneth with a small 1k force and they didn’t seem to do enough, that 4+ to hit sucks. 

    Also looking for advice on how I should expand my force from here.

    so far I have 




    5x tree revs

    32 dryads 

    3x KH with bows 


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  10. Hello guys! I am new to AOS and to Nighthaunt but played 40k for a while, I love the Nighthaunt army and I'd like some advice on a list I'm putting together.

    Do we like the Coven Throne? Is it better or worse than a Black Coach? I have Soul Wars and a Tormented Spirits set and was thinking about getting a SC! Malignants box for more spirit hosts and hexys, i love those goofy skellies, but I also want to run Lady Olynder and a bunch of buffing heroes which doesn't leave me with much extra room at 2k. 

    list would look something like this




    spirit torment

    Lady Olynder (planning on buying)

    Coven Throne OR Black Coach (planning on buying)


    20x chainrasps

    10x hexwraiths (have 5, planning on 5 more)

    6x spirit hosts (have 3, planning on 3 more)


    10x Bladegheists (planning to buy)

    8x Glaivewraith Stalkers

    any help would be much obliged! this list isnt meant to be SUPER competitive but should be able to hold its own

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