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Posts posted by ColsBols

  1. 22 hours ago, ccconner777 said:

    Give them a nurgle warshrine buff and oracular visions from a sorceror and youve got marauders on a 4+ rerollable save with a 6+ aftersave. Not exactly dying to a stiff breeze. Since chaos warriors get reroll saves baseline they don't need the buff, and chaos sorc is one of the cheapest heroes that emit an aura and are good spellcasters aside, so its not unlikely that you'll have an oracular visions available to give those marauders, and the ability is just within, not wholly within, so it's easy to use. And every list ive made has a warshrine, so its not like that's a tax to make my marauders better either.

    how do you get the marauders to 4+? Isn't it 5+ with shields?

  2. We can argue about whether the book is *good* or not all day but it's not gonna change anything, also remember there's a supplement coming out very soon that I assume will have new ****** for us to use so keep that in mind. 

    Now I have some important questions.

    Axes or flails for marauders, and Mark of Khorne or Slaanesh in units of 40 with Archaon?

    Lances or Swords? I like lances aesthetically and took out an entire unit of evocators with the charge plus the D3 from karkadark charge with them last time but they are ****** poor off the charge. Is is dumb to screen with marauder horses? 

    Do we think the Karkadark is worth the hefty price tag, esp with etheral amulet?

    Honestly I kind of want to ditch Chaos Warriors entirely and just run knights, horsemen, and chariots with Archaon in an all cavalry list. Think this is viable in any way? 

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I think Skraggrott has to be General to generate his CPs, for sure to move Da Moon.  But 2 Fungoid Shaman are less points and generate CPs on a 4+ every hero phase.

    ah its true. that might be worth it, this army feels like its gonna be very CP hungry

  4. 19 hours ago, Intrinsic said:

    I personally prefer to run my Riders in 10, and even at 10 there are still some bravery issues. Clever positioning with your loonshrine and having one of your Aroks as general will mitigate some of that. You are also right that Riders are ridiculously terrible screens. Super terrible. If my opponent wants to play competitively, I run Stabbas as screen. I would also strongly recommend dropping the Mushroom for a Fungoid Cave Shaman. A surprise Hand of Gork on a unit of Riders that's spent the majority of the game holding obs in the backline has pulled out so many games for me. Spiderfang isn't the greatest competitively but we are super fun to play and can be annoying to play against with our MW output.  

    Yeah, I've been thinking about all our options and it seems like the Spider Totem that makes us do MWs on 5+s combined with shaman casting the double damage spell and a rerolling ones CA is our best damage dealing route, which makes me think a big unit of spider riders would be best.

    Does anyone run Skagrott to hopefully get a webfull of CPs and to act as a sniper, which I think he's surprisingly good at?

  5. Greetings spiderbros

    I impulsively picked up a Venomclan box on ebay that I found for cheap and am ready to start my first destruction army. I know spiderboys are not in a great spot right now but I am determined to find a way to make them work. Can anyone give me a quick rundown on the best way to run things and has anyone tried including Bonesplittaz allies because I hate troggoths and like the potential color possibilities with between the two factions.

    I'm gonna have one big spidah (shaman right?) and 20 spiderriders plus another 15 i was using as LON wolves i have to get riders for

  6. Has anyone considered using allied Chaos Warriors as objective holders or general tanks? I find that while ungors and gors work fine for screens they melt away as soon as anything looks at them and was thinking about throwing some in to bog down tough blobs

  7. I did. The Twitch stream was extremely unhelpful, it mostly consisted of them recounting what's in the Community article and then them telling us it's going to be reeelly reelly cool but we did learn that Daemon Princes get the Slaanesh fight first thing innately. I had to go to work and missed most of the battle rep but I know STD lost against a Bonesplitters army that included 2 rogue idols, that the Nurgle aura is a flat +1 damage which is wild, and Chaos Knights are +3/+3/-1 now

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Forehead said:

    I second this request!

    Centigors and Razorgors are the two models I don't have for my army because they are ludicrously expensive. (I didn't realise the centigors were smaller). The warscroll for Centigors looks good on the charge.

    I third this request >_> I bought what I thought were  old metal centigor models off ebay for cheap, thought I had scored a huge deal only to discover they were gor toros glued to the bottom of plastic farm animals

    bit on the small side


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  9. 2 minutes ago, Chaos Shepard said:

    I find that I always ambush the same 3 units every game, a unit of 40 Ungor Raiders, 10 Bestigors, and a Beastlord with Mutating Gnarlblade. I try to be aggressive with the Raiders striking at a weaker flank. The Beastlord sits inside the Raider within 2 to 3 inchs from the edge to really punish any would be chargers. The Bestigors usually ambush near by to counter charge anything that gets close, alternatively i will try for an ambush charge if my opponent has a relatively soft isolated unit or to go sit on an isolated objective.

    that's a great tip on the beastlord, I've been wondering how best to use him since he's squishy but can put out so much damage

  10. Hey fellow beastmen, I have a couple questions.

    Can you use the ghorgon's chomping ability to force units to break coherency? 

    Do you like Tzaangors? what role do you see them playing in a BOC army? I ran them for the first time in 2x10 and they were not nearly as killy as i thought they'd be with all those attacks

    Which units do you prefer to have in ambush and which do you have start on the table? Especially thinking about big blobs of 20 bestigors and Enlightened on discs. 

    In your experience, is it better to ambush in and try for a 9" charge or start farther away and threaten?


  11. 10 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Really love seeing those proud dwarves standing up to demonlords. That's why I play cities (though more floppy hats on my side)!

    I just ordered one of the shiny new plastic runelords but the old metal one at the bottom of the screen ended up being the last man standing and slew the keeper of secrets with his hammer and now I don’t know if I can replace him 😝

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