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The Darkest Soul

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Posts posted by The Darkest Soul

  1. The wording for the Brayblast Trumpet says it only works on units arriving via Brayherd Ambush but surely it counts for units arriving via summons too? Otherwise you can basically only use it turn 1...

    5 hours ago, kenshin620 said:

    Also man I LOVE the different realm color schemes they had examples off. I never thought of glowing eyes like the Shyishan one!


    The Shyish one was really cool, also liked  the Darkwalker and Ulguan Gor, pity they left out Chamon!

  2. Was just wondering about some of the synergies of the Gavespawn Greatfray and Nurgle Battalion. If a hero dies they deal a mortal wound in  a 7" radius and transform into a Chaos Spawn.. But if the spawn dies, since it would have the Nurgle keyword, does it also deal mortal wounds? 

  3. So now that we know all the command traits what's everyone thinking for a general?

    The Shaggoth seems like a really solid pick with his trait that gives extra command points plus the rend spell he can take.

    I don't really like it from a fluff perspective, but being a wizard now his utility is awesome!

  4. - Allherd sounds very underwhelming compared to the other two Greatfrays, really interested to know more about the Darkwalkers teleport command ability., but putting the Gavespawn artefact on a Doombull sounds mighty tempting!

    - Chimera and Ghorgon seem like the go to monsters.

    - Ungors not being battleline is a bit of a headscratcher I expect that to be changed rather quick.

    - Taurus sounds great provide it is reasonably priced (80 points or less is fair IMO), the dirgehorn sounds good on paper also, but really needs a few turns to be effective.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    Curious about ungors. I get that they are chaff but aren’t being mentioned even for shooting or as cheap sacrifices

    I'm half tempted to run a blob of them with bows and just camp around the herdstone shooting and dying to summon Bullgors..

    So we can get 2-4 summon points per turn, but surely there will be an artefact or trait to boost this?

    Also the Slaanesh battalion sounds too awesome:

    The Slaanesh one is called "Depraved Drove".. it lets you re-roll charge rolls within 12" of the enemy, and enemies must re-roll successful attacks against your heroes...

    I really hope vanilla BoC get some good battalions, my main worry with marks is BoC getting relegated to just propping up the god armies..

    • Thanks 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Yeah I kind of doubt we'll get anything in the Battletome, but maybe if it sells well and proves popular enough we might get a model in a year or so.

    The fact the models are so old and no longer sold on the GW website doesn't bode well.

    The selection of heroes available for BoC in general is a bit disappointing, it would of been great to at least get a plastic Beastlord with a few options for weapon loadouts.

    Other than that maybe  new kit with the option to make Gors/Bestigors, but a lot of the Wardherd and Thunderscorn stuff still surprisingly holds up well today.

  7. 4 hours ago, The_Yellow_Sign said:

    Given that they discussed the Gavespawn Greatfray that worships Morghur in the twitter stream, do you guys think we'll see a Morghur model at some point? He could make a really cool centrepiece hero (which GW seems to love) if they make him super huge and mutated.

    I would really like to see the return of some special characters from the World that Was, but I have  bad feeling we won't get any special characters in the new battletome. And instead we'll get little references like the Gavespawn Greatfray and the Khorne Battalion which is obviously named  after Taurox. 

    I hope I'm wrong though, would love to see Morghur and even a Kholek model for the Thunderscorn!

  8. This is all the info from the stream, courtesy of the Beasts of Chaos FB group.

    - Gors get +1 attack at 20+ models, instead of their current rule. No more rolling for benefits randomly
    - Bullgors get extra horn attacks. No idea the profile
    - No allies outside of StD, but you can bring the God battalions in their respective God armies without counting as allies
    - Shaman keeps movement buff
    - Jabberslythe nerfed. 4+ to do 1 MW for each wound it takes. But its other aura has been buffed to be more reliable, but also hit allies. 160pts now
    - Gargant is 180pts now
    - Beastlord is 80pts now
    - Skyfires down to 200pts. MWs only on unmodified 6s to hit
    - 8 Battalions. One for each God. One for Brayherds. One Warherds. One Thunderscorn. One mixed (probably mega-battalion?)
    - 18 Artefacts and 18 Command Traits. 6 for each Brayherds, Warherds, and Thunderscorn
    - Allherds Artefact: gives +1 rend against units of 10+, and +2 rend against units of 20+. Max rend on the weapon is -3
    - Allherds Command Ability: give reroll charges to a Brayherd unit within 18" of your General, if said General is within 3" of the enemy
    - Summoning: +1 point per turn. You can then do D3 motals to a unit near the Herdstone to get the same amount of extra summoning points

    What do you guys think?

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