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Posts posted by Thenord

  1. 1 hour ago, Malakree said:

    Actually we are using them in 5s and stacking waaaghs to abuse the brute boss klaw+Smasha.

    That said 10+fov is totally reasonable if you aren't doing mass waaagh abuse.

    That makes sence.. I just started the army and ordered models for a 1000 point army to start with. So would like to hear what people seem to prefer ☺️

  2. Hi guys

    Long time reader, first time poster.

    Been playing SCE and khorne daemons the last couple of years, and wanted to try a completely different army- ie, wanderers!

    Since I have zero experience with this army, I would really like some input on the list I'm working on..

    It looks like this:

    Nomad prince

    Waywatcher (general, eagle eyed)


    Spellweaver (viridesent shawl)


    Anointed on frost pheonix (ally)

    30 GG

    10 SotW

    10 SotW

    5 SotT

    5 Wild riders

    5 wild riders

    quicksilver swords

    2000 points.

    The idea is to get as many spells of as possible close to the anointed, to stack up the +1 to his save, which coupled with shield of thorns from the SotT should make him a super counter anvil, that can go tie up the biggest, baddest unit the opponent has. GG will stay back, boubblewrap the prince and use their boodkins with his command ability to take out  (or try) either a monster or heavy armored unit and afterwords hold objectives. SotW and waywatchers do what they do and shoot stuff, wild riders go objective/ wizard hunting. 

    What do you think, could it work or have I totally missed something. I know wanderers are in a tough spot now. But I really love the models and think the playstyle of the army looks like a lot of fun and something completely different than what I'm used to :)


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