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Posts posted by Maddpainting

  1. On 4/1/2023 at 4:01 AM, The Red King said:

    Side note for anyone like me who didn't notice. The beastlords base size was updated to 40mm with the new model. Might need to rebase. It's actually good for me because it makes him more proxiable for BoK if I want to try that (which I might).


    Anyway I FINALLY got in a game tonight with the new beasts against a highly skilled tournament opponent running his tournament list (causal unplanned pickup game I just didn't realize I was going up against the number 1 ITC ranked sylvaneth player in my area). I only call it a quarter of a win because he was very lenient about my mistakes and due to the mission being lurkers below and me stupidly charging Durthu on HIS TURN with the doombull command (allowing him to strike and fade) he COULD have won on turn 3 by controlling all objectives but chose not to in order to have a longer game. The only reason I consider it even that much of a win is because by the time I sneak captured all 3 objectives (thanks to blood taunt) to win it at the bottom of 4 I don't  think he was necessarily trying that hard to win but he wasnt trying that hard to lose either.


    What I learned is never charge a sylvaneth on their turn and unbuffed gors can really bounce off of things so maybe not charging everything in on turn 2 would have been a better idea. Contemplating dropping the wildfire taurus to upgrade ungor to raiders but I never cast it and I want to paint at least this list before I change it up so I'll try it out a bit more before deciding.


    Chariots are not bad. I shouldn't have bogged them down into a castle quagmire but they still did okay and survived until turn 4.

    Not a lot of experience into new Sylvaneth book actually, what is so bad about on their turn? 

  2. 3 hours ago, Myrdin said:

    Hot dog what ? I dont get this pun.

    So what you want to say is that DB with Slitherwrack is insanely good, and so are regular Bullgors ?

    But I thought people here said they arent good at all for those points, though at "ideal" they can output high dmg.

    I am still waiting for my book to arrive at my LGS so that I can dust my beasties off hence I had no chance to test anything yet.

    Hot dog is a sfw saying for holy ****** basically. 

    Bullgors 6man unit has been my MVP every game so far, dealing an average of 14 MWs with paired weapons and charges, They are doing about 20D consistently without buffs and you can give them some good buffs. 

    Doombull with the helm can charge in your opponents turn, so you counter charge and make the unit that charged you fight last, deal MWs to it, and have another unit engaged.  

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  3. My issue with Raiders is after those 40 shots they do all but nothing the rest of the game, Having played 40 Raiders in almost every list in 2nd, and 20-30 in almost every list in 3rd, they really dont feel worth 115pts. You can Ambush and shoot a lot sure, but once they are on the table they do nothing. Most of my opponents now know to stay on the inside or put bad units near the edges Especially given 1/2 the shots has to be the closest unit and I had to ritual pull to shoot if I dont go first, or I have to shoot a bubble wrap unit which I feel is a waste on a side/back unit I dont care about or want to Ambush near. I do only have a couple games with them, but so far after testing I think i'll drop the 20 completely from my lists. 

    Chimera really doesn't feel good anymore with low rend, it was doing like 4D in combat. You have to use its rampage and AoA just to get damage through. No backet is very nice, but really just take Centigors, they out preformed it almost everytime. Heck A cockatrice did as much as it did on the charge. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Magnus The Blue said:

    Which ones in particular?  For me only Bestigor and Centigor feel a touch over costed.

    Worst points imo was Enlighten on foot, they are grossly over costed, I can see 100pts, maybe even 110 at the most, but no way 165 especially when Slaangors are way better and 130pts, or Tzaangors for 5pts difference. This IMO must be a typo its so bad.

    Shaggoth is grossly over costed too, by 50pts or so IMO, he doesn't have a role outside of thanks battle mage, no real support to the army other than a spell. If it was 2 Spells and more wounds it would have been perfect for its points. 

    Next bad ones are the Jabber and Chimera lost a lot of damage via less rend, D3 from D6, and not counting herdstone rend gone (yes got cheaper but they do almost nothing now it hurts). I wouldn't take a jabber for more than 140pts, 130pts IMO would be fine. Chimera needs to be 160, especially given it lost its +charge rule. 

    Bestigors got everything they wanted but at a terrible price, 20 Gors actually can out damage them very easily, so what is the purpose of Bestigors? They really should be 180pts. 

    Ghorgon are a little too much too, I dont see any reason to take them over Bullgors or Giants. Yes it's X swallows are insane against coherency, but outside of that hitting on a 4+ just limits its damage way too much for a 5+ save monster. 

    Centigors are jack of all, master of none. I'd rather just have 2 Chariots for the 20pts more. They are over costed but IMO not by much, 10pts on the safe side, but 20pts to make them want to take more than 1 unit. 

    Raiders are hard to balance, but with the pre-game gone, and less range for more shooting, I feel they are more of a wash than better, I would lower them 15pts. 

    EDIT: Also Skyfires, IDK why they even went up lol. 

    PS: Dont get me wrong, a lot of the book is good, just a few things over costed. Chariots, Bullgors, Doombull, Shamans, Gors, are all great, M Spawns are amazing too, many things are also mostly balanced too like War Hounds, Dragon Ogors, Ungors, Giants, Cygors. I just feel a handful are over costed. 

  5. Honestly forgot about this place lol (discord is so nice). 

    Loving the new book so far, my games has only been with Allherd, but hot dang is Allherd fun. 

    I feel some units are way over costed, and will work with them more when they go down some points in a few to 6 months. 

  6. GW has done cave rules before in older core books, I believe 2nd rules had a full narrative already base around this (might have been 40k also)? Just used more normal core rules and added a lot of restrictions to list building. You can look into that for some ideas too. 

  7. On 12/22/2022 at 5:36 AM, Dolomedes said:

    So I'll assume that folk have seen the new updates for season two - if not, here's the link.


    What are we thinking lads? Doombull and Minotaurs time to shine? Beastlord and Bestigor combo? Maybe we can acchieve something tasty with Dragon Ogres and Doombull?

    Or is all speculation pointless til we get our new book?

    Yeah with Taurus FYI bc we get Fight last with the new battalion that means if we make them also fight last then we in turn ... fight first! lol. 

  8. On 12/22/2022 at 1:23 PM, The Red King said:

    Half of my skullfray gors are now complete along with my first freehand banner featuring the custom emblem of Mazarak Blood-eye. 

    Sneaking an endless spell under khornes nose by making it entirely out of the blood of slain foes.

    The striking red color should really add to the "alarm" feeling most players get when they're suddenly surrounded by ambushing goats.




    Link broke for me

  9. On 11/19/2022 at 11:50 AM, Sinfullyvannila said:

    That's operator error. The whole point of their shooting attack was too blow up heroes with mortal wounds.

    Well most heroes I fight are 3+ saves with high wounds and many can even heal.... so no? Bc trying to roll "6's" with 8 dice, cool you got 1 6 for average of 2D, thats not really reliable at all. 380pts and a CP to maybe kill a 140pts support hero is not what I call ideal. 

  10. I have 9 and they never have done anything for me, I never needed to worry about being -1 to hit either, as well they used to be better in melee and still did all jack, so I am not going to say they are MVPs at all for me or will ever be with a worst warscroll lol. 

  11. 19 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    based on Maggotkin being so high your period isn't as long as what I had mentioned.

    This is based off the last 100 matches (well 98 technically and 39 players) since the Skaven release, we have only gone up as well not down. I've been checking monthly and never seen over all 60%, now some certain weekends that might have been the case but not over all.

  12. On 9/19/2022 at 11:59 AM, Popisdead said:

    I would honestly follow the AoS Coach on twitter.  He posts tournament lists and you can see the common threads from list to list.  I think someone was just 4th last night with a BoC that went 4/1 in a tourney.

    In 2022 BoC have a 60% WR in tournaments according to the Honest Wargamer's stats people.

    Shaggoth and 6 DrOgurs are in nearly all lists though.  Gashrak is still common.  I don't think Gors are in lists.  

    Dan Bradshaw,.. as of a month or go or so was 27/27 in the UK Masters scene but he had a heavy side of Tzaangor units which he's always had.  

    I haven't played my BoC yet in this edition (Sylvaneth got a new book and treelords and ancients really pull their weight and are BL so that was my focus this summer).

    Purple sun is gross.   Less so vs BoC but amazingly gross.  If you have one you have to field it.  Not so much for the rend but the "i rolled a 1, so archaon is removed from the table".

    Um no? We are at 53%image.png.ace7772c1a40fe60e84b55f73866f087.png

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  13. 3 hours ago, madmac said:

    I don't think SoB players are really itching for their $800 army to arbitrarily go to $1000, personally.

    There are other armies are 1k if not more, how is this any different from those? You should see a BoC army with a summoning pool of at least options. Its a costly hobby sadly, yes some armies are $500-600 but others are 1200-1500. 

  14. So.... just Gargants? I really hope not, also please make the Gargants 25% weaker and 25% less points, let them take 1 more now the game is more fun for everyone bc each one is weaker and easier to kill now you can kill 3-4 and feel good instead of killing 2-3 (also count less on points). 

    Players like big things, but they are so hard to actually balance on the tables you should just make it more models to have more granularity in balance.

  15. 8 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    anyone think the Cockatrice will still be in the next BoC tome?  Wondering if I should bother cobbling together another 2 from some spare Phoenix heads and things.

    Its very popular so I would assume yes. 

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  16. Yeah these are quick pre-tome releases, most of the time they are not the same as the tome release rules. Also the name is not the same as our units, so really it doesn't effect us yet, when their tome comes out that might be a different story. But for now just continue how you have been.

  17. 1) Have dice ready, multiple dice pools that are color coded and stick to this code, make sure to make wound dice different as well. 
    2) Pick up misses, this way your opponent can see, it becomes much faster too with 2 people looking to double check and have a dice tray, this will help more than you think speed the game up
    3) If you dont know your rules print a cheat sheet out, Its ok to have cheat sheets. Or even unit cards, Dry erase marker on chips or tokens as well can really speed up things, cast mystic shield add a blue token/chip with MS on it. 
    4) Plan your moves during your opponents turns as much as you can, have a game plan, it can be tricky sometimes with redeploys and such, but the more you know what your plan is you can execute it much faster.
    5) Movement can take a bit, there are a lot of ways to speed this up, measure front to front and back to back. If you dont know how far a unit can move always measure the farthest away model(s) instead of the front models. If your movements are small pick up the back models and move them in front instead of moving all the models this way you most likely dont even need to move your front row or even 2 rows of models (say dwarfs or zombies as an example with 4" move, even with a 2-3" run you dont always need to more the front line) NOTE: If you need a picture of this let me know and I can make one for you.
    6) When making attacks, try to do the attacks that could kill the unit first and all other smaller attacks last, this could save your time rolling an extra set of dice which takes up time as well. 

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