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Posts posted by DocKeule

  1. 9 hours ago, Megahurtz said:

    What is actually the best synergy with a Warp Grinder? So far I have thought about expendable CR with WFT, but I see potential for some other tricks, such as warpgale to (hopefully) block charges, putting in SV and adding a Deathmaster or two for charging myself and some extra damage? If we are lucky, maybe we managed to bring a GS or CL close for some extra punch. What do you think? Just for fun or will it have a good effect?

    I have played him with six Stormfiends and an engineer. Main downside of course -  the only available buff the turn they show up is the warpstone token. 

  2. Please not. The flying fishes of the IDK are already silly enough. (And I say that owning a Sushi-Elf army of round 4500 points.) 

    I could imagine some flying devices but on the other hand do we really want more AoS armies go the KO-way? It would be easier to introduce Skaven into 40k.

  3. 57 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Well it would be the first real rumor about the skaven.

    Something we haven’t had the last couple of years

    I think that came from some reddit topic. Not sure how reliable it is. The same guy had the "Fyreslayer vs. IDK" box right but that has been ciculating for a while now.

    The prediction was a Skaven vs. Seraphon release as the first paired battletomes in 2023. 



    28 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

    I can definitely see Skaven getting a new book, its a bit overly prescriptive and out of step with the rest regards sub factions and battle line right now and a few units have had their battlescrolls completely replaced or werent included, especially if we do get the rumoured warcry/underworlds stuff. 

    A new book is only a matter of time. When IDK got theirs than Nighhaunt and Beasts of Chaos have the two oldest battletomes. But after that Skaven would be next in line.

  4. Since Eshin ist the last big clan that hasn't gotten anything yet there is a decent chance that they get the next overhaul in a campaign book or White Dwarf.

    I don't see GW releasing a new range of Skaven models any time soon though. 

  5. I think apart from tournaments organized by GW (which are very rare in my country - here it's mostly tabletop clubs that have events) I think most organizers will be OK with some 3D prints in a Skaven army especially as Skaven are about as far away from a pay2win army as possible. 

    I have been to a few events in the last couple of month where people showed up with all printed Sons of Behemat and Stormcast Dragon armies. That kind of rubs me the wrong way. I you play an army with the sole purpose to steamroll about any oponent without having to deploy much of any finesse or skill at least pay the price.

    But no one would mind someone bringing a few off-brand rats to an uphill battle.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Drofnum said:

    and while they arent full Namarti armies do we really want that?

    It would be fluffier than the all-elite builds we see now most of the time. 

    I don't really buy the Reavers hype and I guess with the updated "unleash hell" rule we will se a lot less of those lists (pending the new book). Main problem with mixing Namarti and Akhelians is that most heroes only support one or the other. Especially the Isharanns do little to nothing for cavalry. Same with the King the other way around. Leviadon and Eidolons are obviously fine.


    1 hour ago, Drofnum said:

    Thralls need 2" range to really shine

    This would also be my no. 1 change in the IDK roster as it is today.

    Other than that I think we need more rend and or more mortal wounds and (since other armies are getting more rend and mortal wounds) better saves and/or ways to get wards at least on the heroes.

    The Isharann characters should be pretty much re-done in my opinion. Soulcryer has pretty much a once per game thing. Same with the Tidecaster. At least those have some value. Soulrender is borderline useless. Lotann would be OK in a Namarti-heavy list. Maybe his bubble should be a little bigger.

    I think the King should do something for everybody. The re-roll Ones is OK but the main reason to take him now is to make eels battleline and not having to bring Thralls. 

    On the other hand beeing no too depended on characters can also be an upside. Other than a lot of other armies IDK still work pretty well even after the last hero is killed. Making characters more important could be a mixed bag.

    Let's hope we get some more information early in the new year and can debate on more details and less speculation. 


  7. The main issue with both Namarti units is their fragility. If GW fixes that they could become an option.

    I expect them to re-do a lot like they did with Nurgle. And there is potential to go both ways. (Also seems to depend heavily on the writing team).

    Sure the Sylvaneth-example is looming every time a new book is released but that (and maybe the second Slaanesh-tome) is the only example where they made a faction considerably worse with a new book.

    And lets face it: Without a new book ITK will be passed through tier after tier with all the -3 rends and 2+ saves and wards and mortal wounds that the other factions get and are going to get in their new rules. And since IDK have played pretty much the same for four years now I don't mind a little shake-up.

    As for specific rules:
    Tides - I would expect them to stay somewhat similar. And I wouldn't mind a little less fixation on the third round
    Forgotten Nightmares - More of a coin toss but could be seen as one of the characterizing features
    Cloak - Don't see why not. Other factions have similar or even better artefacts 
    Ishlaen - Might be changed to taking no modifications to their save like "etherial" units. On the other hand IDK have no ward (so far)

  8. I could see this being similar to what Sylvaneth do when they put their roots down. Trading mobility for a better save-roll or something similar. 

    I hope they won't weaken the warscroll and make the buffs dependent on a five-wound hero that probably won't be around for too long. But after the changes made in the new Nurgle tome (which mostly sound pretty fitting and fluffy) I could also see them rewriting most profiles and units playing very differently with the new book.

    But that is all speculation. We will have to wait for some more bits of information.

    Edit: I like the prospect of putting the Namarti more in focus even if that would be the third forced (or lets say encouraged) meta-change with the IDK within a year. But I always found it kind of sad that we could not build fluffy lists (that would be Namarti-heavy) that were competitive.

  9. 17 hours ago, Coyote said:

    Plagueclaw still overpriced and underwhelming.

    Plagueclaw is very much depending on the opponent's army. Against hordes it can be pretty good (swingy though like all old cannon-profiles). 

    Just doesn't fit the current meta.

  10. 12 minutes ago, TimeToWaste85 said:

    Yeah, that’s what I was curious about. Do they still benefit/contribute to things like Epidemius’s tally? I’m sure the V-Lord Corruptor still has his GD/Nurgle keywords, but if he no longer contributes to tally or daemon of Nurgle abilities, my Skaven models might as well go up for sale. 

    I think the issue is that all the buffs only work on "Maggotkin of Nurgle" and the "Nurgle" keyword alone does not qualify.

  11. I am having a hard time finding the points for him frankly.

    The +1 to wound is great but it does not really justify the 330 points for me. When I last played IDk I ran double-turtle lists most of the time and that did a lot more for me than Stormy. 

    And running two Leviadons AND an Eidolon is unfortunately out of the question.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    We did, yet with maybe the plague furnace as an exception, Imm not certain if that is enough to even consider one of these units as a viable option.

    Most of them still feel overpriced 

    Pretty much. The Furnace was and still is an auto-include if we go Pestilenz. Other than that one might run a Deathmaster as a gimmick but he will barely kill a small standard bearer on and other hero of that size.

  13. On 12/19/2021 at 5:06 AM, Riff_Raff_Rascal said:

    So RIP having nurgle allies now. Double RIP for glotkin, doubled points. Should have seen that coming. 

    Looks like they still have the "Nurgle" keyword in addition to "Maggonkin of Nurgle". 

  14. 23 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    I forgot that we are supposed to get the FAQ soon, it normally just points change no?

    About the stormfiends, what weapons are generally recommended for them? 6 of the are enough to fill the artillery role in a more balanced list or they need the support of a Cannon or Jezzails?

    One thing that confuses me a little is when a unit need a support hero. Like I have 30 stormvemin, do they need a clawlord to buff them or they do enough by themselves? The Skryre units fall in the same category. There is a general rule of thumbs of which units work without the support of a warlock of some kind? Or are their buffs essential for all of them to work?

    The Clawlord for Verminus units are good but not essential in my opinion. If you really want to to Clanrat- or Stormvermin-heavy then yes I would use the Clawlord for the extra attack in combination with the "Death Frenzy" spell from a Grey Seer to get some impact.

    Skyre heavily relies on Warlocks to get things done as well. A well buffed unit of Stormfiends can be brutal. Without buffs they are more like okey-ish. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. Generally Ishlaen and if possible withing the Leviadon's bubble. Their main job is to tank damage even if they can chip off a wound here and there. 

    With Namarti - Thralls are a glass hammer so you want to get them at least into their first melee engagement as unharmed as possible. On Reavers I am frankly still not sold at all. I have 20 and haven't run since 2018.

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