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Posts posted by bernoodist

  1. Looking at running this list, any suggestions ? , would like to find a cheaper order battle-line option to the Reavers so can afford to bump Swordmasters up to 30 in the unit

    Allegiance: Order - Mortal Realm: Ghur
    Loremaster (140)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Inspiring

    Archmage (100)
    - Steed
    Anointed of Asuryan on Frostheart Phoenix (320)
    - Artefact : Gryph-feather Charm
    20 x Swordmasters (280)
    20 x Phoenix Guard (280)
    30 x White Lions (300)
    5 x Reavers (140)
    5 x Reavers (140)
    5 x Reavers (140)
    10 x Sisters of the Watch (160)


  2.  Sending missile troops unsupported is to doom them, if you realm wander 20 Eternal Guard first turn as bait trying to get closer to an opponents objectve they cant ignore you , give them first turn if you are lucky or planned well with battalion , in your first Hero phase cast Thorns from Sisters of the Thorn and you realm wander the EG in movement phase , does not count as movement from FAQ so they stay in Fortress mode so thorns his bouncing mortal wounds on a 5-6, if you get even luckier you get the double turn and Sisters of the Watch Realm Wander in behind the EG screen and shoot for joy, if not you hope 20 EG buffed can last at least 1 round of combat to be a viable screen for the Sisters to realm wander in behind you for missile support.

    I gave up realm wandering after several games and find can provide more damage output castling up with Prince and Battalion to get extra shooting in Hero phase, lacks mobility but have out damaged many armies but still loose (not as much though) on the scenario due to lack of mobility

  3. Shield of Thorns on Wardancers is nasty, with shadows coil they get +2 save , so punch back mortal wounds on 4+, pity they are not longer wanderers so come out of your allies allocation, 60 points for 5 is decent for what they do (8 move,  2 attacks 3+4+) , another downside is they cannot be regrowthed by spellweaver , im gong to try these next to 10 Eternal Guard for some added screening

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  4. Greetings All,

    Im starting with DoK and have some questions on models, i have the following but planning more, So as you can can see i have a fair bit ahead of me in painting and assembly...more likely mods were i can

    20 Witch Elves, assembled and painted with twin daggers (good deal second hand)

    3 Boxes of Witch Elves - with the 30 WE was planning on dual blades but are the bucklers worth it as may drop in 10 with bucklers, or are Sisters of slaughter worth a look in ? , and can these be assembled with the standard witch heads as dont like the mask look

    2 Boxes of Khineri - are Heartrenders or Life takers better?  , or a bit of both as i could do 5 and 5 of each, again would be using witch heads as dont like the masks unless they cant be assembled as such

    Box of Doomfire warlocks - looking for alternative heads that look more elven

    Morathai - looking for alternate wings , something leathery as dont like the ones she comes with

    Im also planning on Melusai and prefer the blood stalkers witch heads/bodies over the blood sister masks, is it possible to assemble the Blood sisters glaives on the blood stalkers bodies and heads ?


  5. 9 hours ago, Gwendar said:

    How will they charge you and also stay outside 3"? When you charge, the first model you move must end within a half inch.. so a hero model would be forced to end within .5" if it charged.

    You can do this with oval shaped cav/monsters, charge in to .5" on the unit next to the Nomad Prince with Forget-me-knot, stay just out of 3" and when you pile in just turn the oval base 90 degrees and your just in range with a 2" reach with your Dragons bite/Lance/etc, does that sound legit/legal ? , when i get home will test this theory with models

  6. On 4/1/2019 at 7:58 AM, Aezeal said:

    I think the only option is to think way ahead in the turn you got charged and make room for the character during pile in.

    I think the forget-me-knot needs to be updated in GH2019 as its largely ineffective, currently any savvy opponent will charge your unit and stay outside of 3" so  as to not trigger it, then they pile in 3" plus the 1"-2" weapon reach depending on what they use/riding and smack your little elf ar*se back to the the forest so goodby Nomad Prince and protective volley in the next hero phase...unless they get a double turn...grrr i hate double turn

  7. Yes i use as the Nomad Price  i like yours and have inspired me to add some eagles to mine , it was also the first game where the eye thief worked on a minotour and gave it -1 to hit for the rest of the game

    Also here are some High Elf Runes for that horn


    Elven Runes.png

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  8. 10 hours ago, Nick907 said:

    The horn looks very much like what a Wanderer Aelf would use. Hooray!



    Not yet convinced this is elven , it could be freeguild or even dwarven.... i do live in hope that its the elves at last though !

  9. On 3/16/2019 at 12:34 PM, bernoodist said:

    Greetings All,

    I have been playing with this list over the last few weeks

    Allegiance: Wanderers - Mortal Realm: Ghyran  - 1990 Points
    Nomad Prince (80)
    - Artefact : Forget-me-knot
    Spellweaver (100)
    - Heartwood Staff
    - Artefact : Wand of Restoration

    Waywatcher (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Masterful Hunter

    Waywatcher (120)
    Waystrider (80)
    Anointed (80)

    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    5 x Wild Riders (120)
    5 x Wild Riders (120)
    20 x Glade Guard (240)
    20 x Glade Guard (240)
    10 x Wildwood Rangers (140)
    20 x Phoenix Guard (280)

    Waystone Pathfinders (200)

    So the problem i have is that while the damage output is awesome when the enemy hits my battlelines and i can fire in the Hero phase im then find that i just cant hold one side as the EG and WWR just cant take a beating having only a 5+ save,  so i get chewed up and spat out . Also the WR are nice and fast but just dont have the numbers or durability to hold objectives , so yes i can do alot of damage from shooting and the PG can hold up one unit and survive most games i just cant get objectives and victory points by turn 5


    Doe anyone have any suggestions on how i can bolster my battleines to protect the all important GG that provide the punch in Hero and Shooting phases ? should i drop the PG for something cheaper to screen , maybe look for large chaff units that can hold up ?

    I have yet to beat anyone after 3 games and while i can nearly massacre the other player they always get me on VP as most of my damage is centred around the Nomad Prince bubble





    So i finally managed a win with this list , played Knife to the Heart vs Beasts of Chaos , basically i shot enough of his army by turn 5 he only had 1 depleted unit and a Hero left holding his objective so got the minor victory based on points that i had killed





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  10. Greetings All,

    I have been playing with this list over the last few weeks

    Allegiance: Wanderers - Mortal Realm: Ghyran  - 1990 Points
    Nomad Prince (80)
    - Artefact : Forget-me-knot
    Spellweaver (100)
    - Heartwood Staff
    - Artefact : Wand of Restoration

    Waywatcher (120)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Masterful Hunter

    Waywatcher (120)
    Waystrider (80)
    Anointed (80)

    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    5 x Wild Riders (120)
    5 x Wild Riders (120)
    20 x Glade Guard (240)
    20 x Glade Guard (240)
    10 x Wildwood Rangers (140)
    20 x Phoenix Guard (280)

    Waystone Pathfinders (200)

    So the problem i have is that while the damage output is awesome when the enemy hits my battlelines and i can fire in the Hero phase im then find that i just cant hold one side as the EG and WWR just cant take a beating having only a 5+ save,  so i get chewed up and spat out . Also the WR are nice and fast but just dont have the numbers or durability to hold objectives , so yes i can do alot of damage from shooting and the PG can hold up one unit and survive most games i just cant get objectives and victory points by turn 5


    Doe anyone have any suggestions on how i can bolster my battleines to protect the all important GG that provide the punch in Hero and Shooting phases ? should i drop the PG for something cheaper to screen , maybe look for large chaff units that can hold up ?

    I have yet to beat anyone after 3 games and while i can nearly massacre the other player they always get me on VP as most of my damage is centred around the Nomad Prince bubble





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