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Posts posted by Frowny

  1. 3 hours ago, Walrustaco said:

    Should I use riderless spiderfang grots as frost sabre proxies? And convert an icebrow hunter with spidery bits from the unused grots to ambush with them? Huh, should I?



    Unrelatedly, Has anybody tried using just regular stonehorn beastriders? The FLOSH gains a lot of versatility with traits and such, but I just did the good ol-math, and per point, a stonehorn beastrider does more damage than a FLOSH! Also, the blood vulture especially gives a bit of value on its own, plinking off crucial last wounds or reducing units to below critical buff thresholds. Finally, it is not quite as sturdy per point, but actually sturdier per point against very high rend attacks and sturdier against MW. And 100 points isn't nothing.

    I'm currently enjoying my FLOSH w/ etheral amulet, but the math is having me think otherwise. And I'm trying to find points to squeeze in a few more odds and ends. But there is also something to be said for overkill- it brings confidence and reliability, which has value all of its own. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, Kirjava13 said:

    Yes, it's this. Having gone through the entire thread, I am struggling to find all that many people who are unhappy that a broken ability was reigned in and brought in line with what the intention was.

    I am happy with the change to the nurgle dp. That ability was broken as heck. No army should have 1cp: win target fight. I played it twice as ogors and despite having a lot of high damage high quality attacks, literally everything with that buff traded upwards in points. I can only imagine how crippling that would be to anything with droves of weaker attacks. It made utterly terrible plays good tactically like charging a single lone marauder into a stonehorn, safe knowing you will cause 5+ damage even in dying. That's ludicrous. I was actively retreating from every fight with things with that one  buff, since it consistently singlehandedly did more damage to me than I could do to him. Let alone the enemy unit actually attacking me.

    It needed to be fixed promptly or it would single handedly crush everything. Maybe could have been done differently but even just a single mortal wound would have been overpowered so you'd need to rewrite the ability wholesale. Which they usually don't do in FAQs and erratas

    You just don't see the people celebrating because it is distributed so much.  The players who liked it are hurt and the players who played against it are helped but only slightly, but there are a lot more of them.

    The faction will still be fine. There's lots of other tools there. Just use him as a khorne demon prince.

    • Like 1
  3. It would've been very useful to give the circle abilities outside of that single faction which already gets it. I thought initially that that was the intent, but yes, as is it's pretty lackluster.

    Im still glad they nerfed the nurgle do ability though......coulda been on 6s to save or something to make it still somewhat useful but the previous was too strong by a mile. 

    Marauders with that buff alone would mathatically beat every unit in the game on a point for point trade. It was horrifying. No army should have  1cp: you win target fight. It sucks now but will be better for balance down the road.

  4. 2 hours ago, Elephant_fresh said:

    Hey guys,

    I think it won't be able to hold out against the top tables. You will still just bounce off petrifex elite. A charging FLOSH will only do about 10 wounds to a petrifex elite mortek guard unit. Even if you get all 3 in, you will have trouble getting through 40 of them before they start resurrecting and you start taking wounds. I might consolidate the Mournfang a bit into at least on 6 man unit.  You should be able to get them all in, and it gives a nice target for the huskard buff ability for that one groundbreaking charge. 


    Some questions for everyone:

    How has the hunter+frost sabers been working for people? I loved the idea of them, and really liked tree revenants from sylvaneth, but unlike the tree revenants (which are dirt cheap) these don't feel like they quite carry their weight, given that its nearly 300 points for them. Maybe I should just take a single gorger to keep opponents honest with backfield objectives and then take something else.

    Yetis? the 6 inch pile in is amazing, but they just don't do enough damage once they get in to make it helpful. I'm thinking I may need more to be certain of their outcome. The 4+ to hit makes them kinda unreliable and swingy, where I want them to be a targeted assassin type unit. But then the 50mm bases seem to cause trouble fitting around a target?

    Gluttons vs. leadbelchers vs. Ironguts? So far I've tried Gluttons and Ironguts, although am hoping to paint up some leadbelchers soon. Gluttons seem best if you are going to buff them a lot, but Ironguts get it done a little more easily if just by themselves. Even though they are more fragile, the 2in reach and easy gnoblar screens seem valuable.


    Best mawtribe for diverse, non-skewed lists? Currently i'm trying the obvious winterbite since I have 700 points in yeti's and sabres etc. The strike first is nice, but takes some planning around, so unless I'm using yeti's as my main line, doesn't seem to offer much. Maybe I'd be better off with the much more boring Bloodgullet, as several of the spells buff anything near them (or debuff the enemy). Boulderhead to help my single FLOSH has potential too, or I could add another FLOSH to really take advantage. 

    How have underguts done for people? That seems like the most skewed list, but to me looks like the strongest. Hard to deal with for some armies at least. I think in the long run, this is where I'm heading.... I almost think the rhinoxes are a trap and you just want more leadbelchers. Stationary leadbelchers actually outshoot ironblasters, even with the command ability, and are both sturdier and fight harder in melee. Shorter range though. I think even with the command ability


  5. I think 3s of gluttons are not where you want to be. If I were going full msu like that I'd be playing more leadbelchers and underguts or embracing the winterbite and going with yetis. 

    I disagree with the above... I think a slaughtermaster isn't that valuable for msu. What is he going to buff? 3 gluttons? Not that impressive.

    I would also rearrange the cats into a 6x and a 2x. Tiny unit to cheaply grab objectives and a slightly bigger one to use the trait and maybe command ability

    Currently I have


    FLOSH, ethereal amulet, black clatterhorn

    Hunter, general, mandatory winterbite command trait and artifact

    2x Frost sabres

    6x Frost sabres


    12x gluttons

    3x yetis


    3x yetis

    4x ironguts

    2x mournefangs

    20x gnoblars

    Going to try to replace all the mournfangs and gluttons with leadbelchers once I get some. Gluttons have been underperforming for me, good only against targets that cant fight back and failing totally against armor. The mournefangs also haven't really done anything for me. I wouldn't mind another hunter either. The FLOSH has been excellent, tanking like a champ and wrecking units singlehandedly.


  6. My very simple modification: Everything is a 2d projection for LoS. 

    Boom. Done. All you now need to do is have all line of sight measured to bases, from base to base, not body to body. Any part of your base can draw a line to the target unit, you can shoot it etc.

    For example, the line of sight rules for sylvaneth Wildwoods basically work like this already and they are very intuitive and quite easy.

    It immediately fixes all those stupid windows or doors or trees or whatnot that you can see through. Big things have big bases and still can't easily hide. And they can keep producing fun interesting terrain with holes in it.

    Maybe I'm missing something but I think this would be very easy and fix a lot of problems others are encouraged to point out the problem here though.

    • Like 2
  7. 60x35mm oval

    also, as an fyi the gw webpage states the base size for basically everything right on the description.

    it makes getting a lot of them in contact rather hard, especially since they need to be wholly within 12 of the hunter who himself is unlikely to make the charge. I think more than. 6 you have trouble fitting them 

  8. I kinda thing wfb would actually make sense on smaller bases. Kinda like titanicus or old epic. You could fit bigger ranks of troups on a table, and still keep the ranked fighting feel. I always thought the coolest part was maneuvering the blocks of Infantry, not all the fiddly points for various items on heroes 

    • Like 3
  9. Terrain rules are for sure a weakness of age of sigmar...


    On 1/3/2020 at 8:39 PM, Vextol said:


    "Do you think this guys eye's can see the tip of the Spear on that guy?" has no place in matched play.  "Can you draw an uninterrupted line from one model's base to the other model ignoring your own units" is 2020 terminology in competitive play. 

    This. 100x this. Just make everything measrued base to base and be do be done with it.

    • Like 1
  10. Yes, they have the potential to get damaged, BUT, if you keep around some brimstones, you can lose those to battleshock. If you take, say, 10 wounds total, The obvious thing to do would be just removing pinks 1 at a time and have a unit of 8 pinks. But then you'd lose d6 more PINKS to battleshock, leaving you on average 8-3.5=4.5 pinks. The better approach would be to lose 4 pinks and 6 blues. Then you can battleshock off d6 brimstones, leaving you with a unit of 6 pinks, 2 blues and a few brimstones. Its not that bad. And also, just remember how incredibly cheap they are as wounds. Very Very cheap. One of the cheapest in the game at 4 pts /wound. So dying in droves is fine. 

    The free double TP on changehost still seems amazing. Maybe better than before.




  11. 14 minutes ago, Dongilles said:

    So now the new rules are out, what would be the best starting point for a new player?
    The start collecting box of the new aether war box half?

    I think you can't go wrong either way. Both now have battleline which is great, and was one of the main weaknesses of them before. 

    • Like 1
  12. The key thing people forget is the points. Everything is broken at 1pt per model and terrible at 1000 pts. The worrying thing is we already know the points for the summoner on disk, and at 250 for him plus 10 horrors, which have the split built in, and who are themselves already useful casters, I think this book will be outrageously strong. 6 summoners on disks summoning 6 x10 horrors for 1500 points with what we already know for sure and was just confirmed brings 18 casts and 300 wounds, and still leaves you with 200 points of Battleline and 300points of endless spells. Very concerned there.... then throw in a free Lord of change on turn 1 and another one on turn 2. 


    • LOVE IT! 2
  13. I think the logic is more for the dreadwood command ability. At the end of the day, sylvaneth require a lot of moving parts to not really do anything better than anyone else, making them overall a bit weak. To jump woods and charge you need to 

    1 summon a wood (usually casting a spell)

    2 not get the spell dispelled

    3 summon another wood or be near a wood

    4 make a 9inch charge.

    Dreadwood gets rid of 1,2 and 3 making it a lot more reliable. The strongest performing lists I've seen are bare minimum outcasts for the artifact, 2 big units of hunters you are planning to deepstrike, 1 to 2 branchwraiths, and maybe some dryads or other bits to taste. I wouldn't focus too much on the rr1s thing.

    In contrast, skaven get mawholes which don't have to be summoned, and give a boost to casting to boot! 

    • Like 1
  14. 13 hours ago, Kramer said:

    Question though: I have only skimmed the sylvaneth book. But how do they divide into three styles? 

    The poster was mistaken. They don't really. Some of the stormhosts (glades) give slight bonuses to one thing or another, but you always have the same 3 reasonable infantry Battleline choices. Obviously you can play a lot of treelords or whatnot but that isn't any different than current ko taking minimal arkonauts and then loading up on ships or balloons and would be just as ill-advised for a sylvaneth as it would be here


    • Thanks 1
  15. People talking of gnoblars and dying on the counterpunch: have you tried putting your ogors 2.5 inches behind the gnoblars and just advancing up? That way if the plague monks hit the gnoblars you can still pile in the ogors and take out the offending unit over their 25mm base, leaving you free to charge and still take on another unit on your turn. Works even easier with ironguts.

    • Like 1
  16. Has anybody tried yetis? I see lots of lists with gluttons but I just finished making 9. I'm excited about how they look and at least on paper, they seem strong. Losing out on damage to unbuffed gluttons but with rend, and that amazing 6inch activation to almost always strike first.

    Is it worth going winterbite for 9 of them? I find they often get out past their buff artifact with the long pile in, so just going with bloodgullets or something might be better anyway. Or even going with the basic command stuff. 

    3x3 or 1x9?

  17. 1 hour ago, Magnus The Blue said:


    Possibly not as clear as I could be, I had 6 units of 2 Leadbelchers

    I guess I thought it was 2 units of 6! He might have been able to fate dice gauranteed a charge if he wanted.

    A thought- if you aren't using any big units to bully and you don't take the trophy rack, the Tyrant doesn't seem to offer much. Maybe Consider dropping him? You have lots of other tools you could buy with those points (another wizard, more leadbelchers or ironblasters, somegnoblars a battalion for ethereal amulet on the FLOSH would all be great for you)

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