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Posts posted by Frowny

  1. 10 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    LotR‘s combat mechanics 

    I loved how heroes worked. They could use their might to win key combats but also felt like they could still get overwhelmed if alone. Thematic! And how they attached to units without formally doing so with heroic moves etc.


    Also, I also like the double turn. Makes aos not a shooting gallery, and gives a significant edge to t2. If say almost too strong, but still interesting. I wish first turn was also decided randomly

    • Like 3
  2. Im unsure how much hallowheart actually needs the whitefire retinue. The command ability already gives so much extra +to cast. You could drop that to get down shadow warriors. You already have quite a few drops so I'm not sure if will actually help you get turn order much. The artifacts also aren't that useful I think. I also think darkshards will be better than bleak swords for some minor shooting for you.

    The current core seems to be 

    Hurricanum, knight incantor, (2 of 3 of sorceress, battlemage, lord arcanum). 

    Most common spells-vortex, spellportal, comet, bridge, sometimes feminists or lufeswarm or something cheap.

  3. On 8/19/2020 at 3:44 AM, Nqshou said:

    Maybe the answer is both paint scheme at once, with a base a corroded steel + weathering effect with moss?

    I tried literally this. It came out well, and could have been better. I put too much moss on at first which covered up the details.

    I never got around to trying out the whole scheme on anything bigger though. The stormcast was a trial for the scheme i thought looked best. Super rusty and weathered with moss

    I had been aiming for a brighter forest rather than a swamp.



  4. I'm ok with fails being fails. Spells are currently very powerful I think.

    I think some broad categories could've looked at. Notably cavalry should feel more impactful on the charge and mid level monsters never quite feeling good enough. Often too low damage for their points. 

    But those are warsscoll changes, not edition problems. Even just allowing units of 3 or so and adjusting the points would go a long way for some of them.

    Optional seige rules would be fun, I agree. I was expecting that in wrath of the ever hose but those ended up with this weird other Minigame.

    I mostly just hope they use a light touch. Things are quite good right now

  5. Could really be any other kharadron hero to go in the ironclad. I'm open to suggestions. I thought the +1 hit cup might be good, but I think you could make a case for the D3 heal on the endrinmaster or the displ+wind of the navigator. Maybe a navigator actually.

  6. I don't really like the terrain rules. More like 40k with Los blocking would be nice. Who even cares for most of the rolls? 

    -battalions must be dropped either all together or all separately, not both ways.

    - roll off for first turn (and roll winner picks) instead of decided by drops. Stops that silly race to the bottom and I think would help balance a lot.

    - look out sir allows a 5+ pass off of mortal wounds onto nearby characters. Too easy to snipe little support characters for far too many armies now with magic. 

    - battleshock like 40k Changes seem good However, you keep taking battleshock each turn if you've lost more than half your models, with 1s again always failing and 6s always succeeding. If 29 of your friends died t1, I can't imagine those last guy is feeling super brave t2, and will continue to be in danger of running off.

    Mostly I don't want a lot of changes. Seems pretty good right now. I really hope they don't do some psychic awakening ****** like wrecked 40k. The aos missions are excellent

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  7. So far considering:

    Arkonaut admiral, general, hawk-eyed, seer stone amulet

    Freeguild general

    Hurricanum with battlemage

    10x arkonauts (retinue)

    10x pistoliers

    10x outriders

    5x outriders

    5x outriders

    5x outriders


    3x gyrocopters, steam cannons

    3x Ätherwings

    all the kharadron ride in the ironclad. If given t1, gyros nuke a hoard, ironclad runs up a flank and both try to do damage+lock them in their deployment zone. Outriders move up, one squad as a screen. Hopefully the next turn they can all unload without moving with the general command ability. 

    Ätherwings takes far away objective to keep me even on points while everyone else flank overloads.

    If given 2nd move, hopefully evreryone advances up enough that I can unload everyone t1 and just do damage that way.

    Ideally one squad of outriders makes a screen so the others won't have to move to shoot.

    I wish I could fit in the battalion but the griffon seems too many points for this approach


  8. First, you need something to sacrifice to your sorceress. Second, you might want some mobility to snag cheaky objectives. The phoenix guard can only be 1 place. You might also want a screen for your sisters after they arrive. Even with stand and shoot they are still fragile.

    The easiest is to just swap the handgunners for darkshards (more mobile, can be sacrificed). Alternatively drop the sorceress and upgrade the luminarch to have a wizard. Also gives you 50 points to buy some Ätherwings, again for some mobility. I really like sacrificial units to sit on objectives t1. Keeps you competitive in points without risking a more expensive piece. Tree revenants are also good for this.


  9. 55 minutes ago, swarmofseals said:

    Tried another game against Zaitrec Teclis. Not sure there is any way around that though as there's no reliable way to kill Teclis early that I can think of.

    He does seem brutal against little heroes. I'm worried about a lot of cities lists because of him (or lord kroak) let alone any other list dependent on 5-6W little heroes. Even +2 to dispel is no good against them. Maybe a small unit of shadow warriors? Force him to defend his backfield. Probably can't kill even kroak, but at least force him to stay back a bit so you can win on the front faster, before your heroes all die. 3x30 ironbreakers seems a bit too many. What about 2x30 and then using the points for some Irondrakes. Gives you BOTH the mobility of the darkshards AND the firepower of the drakes. Alternatively, since you are in the melee direction already, hammerers? A bit more independent and still killy if all the characters die. 

  10. I have been thinking about the same kind of thing. +1/+1 to hit and wound on an ironclad seems awesome. I was trying to squeeze the battalion in there as well, since I think it helps the pistoliers a lot.

    Alternatively, it almost seems like an arkonaut admiral or arkonaut squad to go inside the ironclad. 10 arkonauts are quite good with the +1/+1, with so many cheap but weak shots 

    I was considering

    General on griffon-patricians helm, hawkeyed

    Hurricanum with battlemages, some artifact.

    10x pistoliers

    5x pistoliers

    5x pistoliers

    10x arkonauts.


    3x gyro copters

    Aether guard windrunners.


    I like the idea of just running up the ironclad t1. A 2+ save is very sturdy, and with an average 16.5 inch move it gets in range to unload with even the arkonauts on t1. 

    I love the gyros too. 21 inch move +s6 turn one means they could roast a hoard with almost no recourse.

    It might be better dropping the battalion like you did though. The griffon doesn't seem super great here. Maybe some infantry to hold the backfield. Or more pistoliers like you have. 

    I agree with others that I'm not sure endriggers are necessary and are quite expensive. Your 6 endriggers are barely sturdier than 10 arkonauts and actually shoot less shots at range while costing twice as much.

  11. I've been pondering mass min squads of leadbelchers for a while. 

    Something like.

    FLOSH, brand of the svard, gnoblars blast keg,

    Butcher, mass of scars

    4x Leadbelchers x2

    4x ironguuts x1

    2x leadbelchers x 15

    20 gnoblars (screen to start)


    Lots of little units running around, tons of for charges, guns to soften up any targets before fighting them. Seemed fun, maybe good at objective play. Use units of 2 as a screen so they can only kill a few models per turn while you keep firing away or mass charging weekend enemies. Might be better to get a few big blocks to pick first when activating.




    • Like 1
  12. I agree and disagree. The new Keeper of Secrets is Stunning. Beautiful and sexual but without any cheap nudity. Elegant and deadly, exactly as Slaanesh should be. That being said, I don't really like the new deamonettes. BDSM demons is just as aesthetically monotone as Sexy demons, just in a different dimension. At least the Diaz ones felt elegant, which these dont. The new fiends fit that aesthetic though, so I quite like them, but most of the chariots and such are somewhat flat. 

    Maybe when they redo noise marines it will get itself sorted.

    • Like 1
  13. I'm planning a list based around the athergaurd  windrunners, with a bunch of pistoliers and some outriders.  However, even though competitively it would probably be strongest just maxing out the battalion, I can't bring myself to actually paint that many cavalry, so need something else for my owns anity. Besides the griffon and a hurricanum, what else is good with a lot of pistoliers and some outriders?

    Currently thinking a freeguild general (to buff the outriders), a unit of 3 gyrocopters (to clear hordes) and /or a big block of infantry (pheonix guard, eternal guard, ironbreakers or greatswords maybe- to hold the middle and give me something to pivot around with my mobility).

    What compliments that best?

  14. I'm pretty set on cities of sigmar and happy to give them guns or crossbows or so, which is why I'm posting here. 

    I mostly play with a single group that is very understanding of conversions, so am not too worried about counts as. The only tourneys I ever went to aren't at a gw store, so I'd be fine there too. 

    My other army is gnoblars stacked on each other to make ogors as a gnoblars liberation army, so some conversions and counts as are a plus. Indeed I won a gift card for coolest army. To give you some ideas, I'm considering all mechanical legs (mechanical horses) and mounting dwarves on them, to give you all some ideas of the possible conversions.

    I'm looking for some help building lists within within cities? What is competitively strongest? What types of foot troops compliment this style? 


  15. Has anyone tried Ätherwings with sisters of slaughters? Let them attack the Ätherwings and then pile in the sisters from 6 inches away so they can't get hit. I did this with yetis and frost sabres in my ogres, and it worked great, although the yetis didn't really hit hard enough to make it work. Or do sisters just kill everything anyway so it's irrelevant?

  16. Hey everyone. I just bought 40 bretonnian knights, mostly as a painting challenge what with the ability to decorate each one diffently. I and am looking for some ways to use them, hopefully competitively as well. I am happy to do some conversions, likely giving some pistols or handguns as pistoliers

    Ideas: tempests eye pistolier and outrider hordes. Seems fun and maneuverable.

    Living cities, put 2 per base and use them as lance dracoths. Also, anyone have luck with dark riders? They seem mostly like worse pistoliers really.

    Also, what foot infantry go best with these lists? Maybe great swords or phoenix guard (converted as foot knights) ? Phoenix guard seem best but if im already getting a free guild general, great swords may be better.

    Trying to avoid a horde army if possible although 1 to 2 units are fine.

  17. Interesting list. I think dwarves go pretty well in tempest eye both to get up the field and since +1 sv is great on a 3+.

    For your list there I might

    1. Drop or split up some longbeards. They are best for grumbling, which you get at 10 anyways. 2x 10 would give you better coverage. You already have ironbreakers for linemen. 

    2. Swap one runelord for the dwarf lord. Big bubble of battleshock immunity, and the +1 attack can be strong as well.

    3. Exchange patricians helm for something else, possibly the seer stone amulet to use your new command ability. Dwarf lord does battleshock immunity better.

    4. Consider dropping the knight azyros. You now have another way to get cps for rr1s if you need. At minimum, give the new item to someone else so you don't lose as much if he's sniped.

    5. You now have about 200 pts to play with and haven't really lost anything critical. You still have 5 dispels, battleshock immunity and have only list 11 bodies. Maybe consider something else fast so you don't fall behind on objectives, or a 2nd block of irondrakes

  18. I think destruction is missing engaging characters and non-smashy approaches. Most lists are variations on big bruisers (trogs, ogors, orruks) and some even play similarly. A little more scheming, intelligence, shooting, magic and a few more named characters with good storylines would help. 

    Warclans has goddrak but that's it? Moonclan have skaggrot, ogors have nothing. 

    Barbarian humans straddling order and destruction (naturalistic but vicious)

    Wizards/elementals/unconstrained magic.

    Grots with seige weapons and ranged technology.

    Something fast and cavalry based (?like the mongolian Wildriders).

    Lots of potential but they really just need to do more of it. They've had a lot of good releases lately, so I think they'll do fine if they actually do it.

    I'd also love some stories of destruction allying with order when appropriate. A shift away from just violence only would be interesting. For example, there was a great short story of stormcast teaming up with ogors to eat some orruks, which was fun and flavorful. 

    • Like 2
  19. I don't see how universal access would help this worried pistoliers bomb. I guess you could give them a lot of rend with runelords, but there is nothing in cities to give extra shots or damage. Even 80x shots at 2+/2+ with rend 3 is hardly broken when it costs 1000 points of buff pieces and like 3 cp. 

    You can already basically do that in hallowheart with 30 Irondrakes, bridge, A runelord and some wizards. Certainly strong but I don't think that would be the thing that breaks it.

    Honestly I'm more worries about the efficiency of charging Wildriders with an extra attack or demigryphs in the battalion with lances and an extra attack. Or maybe darkshards with rend removing their biggest weakness. 

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