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Posts posted by Icegoat

  1. 2 hours ago, michu said:

    SC! sets are not limited releases. They are going to stay.

    I am very sorry to tell you this is not the case in this instance this box will only be available for probably an hour max this weekend once the pre orders go live. This is not the same as a normal start collecting 

    You will see come Saturday this will sell out very quickly and won't be restocked for a very long while. Ala archregent, archrevenanvt, ogre tyrant, skaven bomber, goblin squig rider etc.. 

  2. Wait until the start collecting box goes out of stock two minutes after pre orders are up. People don't even know the meaning of disappointing yet. The start collecting and the warcry warbamd are a limited release. One and done. No new chaos warrior box to come after either so it's a real kick in the face to fans. AGAIN. why can't they stock product anymore? 

  3. The old world is dead long live the old world. 

    When people get back on their Brettonian horseys and crank up their screaming skull catapults I think many will realise how much they miss the old world. 

    And I think AOS will find itself in big trouble. Look at The naked fire dwarfs and fish elves they have none of the history of the predecessors none of the great story lines. Malekith getting burned and living in agony for millenia only too realise woops. I am the phoenix king. I mean when AOS can pull off narrative like that I'll be pleased but it seems to still just be I'm god sigmar summon my new BIGGER storm cast chamber, nagash has made BIGGER bone men. 

    • Like 1
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    • Confused 1
  4. It's very clear GW will never bother to update the human side of cities of sigmar. Thusly the chance of us ever getting good human female representatives that fight for order and aren't storm marines is basically zero. And that's what's most disappointing. We guys get lots of human male models and we get big monsters and big trolls or big trees but making an actual order female human seems to be something GW have no interest in doing. Same in 40k with the imperial guard. 

    I've read a lot of books that have had female imperial guardsman and freeguild women in them

    I don't actually think GW will ever update the old empire with mixed units. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Indecisive said:

    Gave it some thought, and honestly, who cares.
    The kicker being, 3 or more (probably in 2023) years away. It is entirely possible most of the people here may be on hobby hiatus well before then.

    Something with nothing but a logo and is a long time away is nothing to really care about. Maybe come 2022 you'll wanna think about it. But until then, just enjoy yourselves while you're still in the hobby rather than concern yourself with almost half a decade out.

    I get what your saying but in three years time look how much AOS has changed I could have been happily collecting high elves and orcs and goblins until this year. 

    Now those armies are gone never to return  where are the people who were collecting those armies going to go??? Dwarf cannon lines. Gone. Goblin wolf rider army. Gone. Devoted of sigmar. Barely exists anymore. AOS has torn out a lot from its starting line up and replaced it with armies whose popularity I find questionable. FYreslayers, kharadron, idoneth have good gimmicks but very few people I know collect them. And I have never in my area met an ironjawz collector. 

    I think people should be more worried than they are about this. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Dead Scribe said:

    I'm gutted.  Some of our older players set up a WHFB 8th edition game day yesterday.  The amount of interest really kicked me in the gut.  There were so many people that showed up for it yesterday, I had no idea that that many people wanted WHFB back.  I haven't even seen a lot of the guys that showed up before in my life.

    Its really going to tear my community apart and endanger our AOS group.

    Sadly yes this is definitely true. I mean total war vermintide they are all set in the old world and are ripe for miniature form. Wfb was my childhood and teenage years. Seeing my old enemies the high elves go the way of the dodo in age of sigmar was a sad time. 

    Now bring them back in three years time. With my own chaos army to fight them and I cold happily abandon AOS forever. 

  7. Well it continues the trend that all these box sets looncurse feast of bones carrion war all have been limited runs featuring key parts of their respective armies that have languished unreleased for almost a year. How ridiculous it is that battletome FEC and sylvaneth both feature on the front bleeding cover models that cannot be bought from games workshop. It's absolutely ridiculous. Arcregents are a vital part of FEC and you can't even buy one.. 

    It's just not a good way to treat new customers. Product should be available otherwise people will just not bother. 

    • Like 8
  8. GW wants to make money right.. If they are going to release a box set three years from now I can gurantree a way for it to be an instant best seller and that is of its brettonia vs tomb kings. Would probably be the most sold item they would ever sell. 

    Anyone who ever player fantasy battles would buy that set. I would and only ever collected a small Brettonian army. The allure of the long dead would be to great. 

  9. I have a sinking feeling the new chaos start collecting will be a limited release seems everything they are producing at the moment is. And if I I don't manage to get one of those I don't think I will continue with this hobby much longer. 


    Imagine a sisters of battle collector who has collected the army for years. Thousands of them this day have managed to get nothing while ebay scalpers probably managed to order hundreds of boxes. 

    GW really needs to stop these limited runs. It's generating a lot of Ill will. 

  10. These two games cannot exist together. It's not the same as 30k and 40k. In five years time either old world will be back to being dead. Or AOS will. 

    They have cannnabilized their own fandom for no reason. I definitely won't be buying anymore big AOS only armies until I see what the old world looks like. 

    This announcement was very premature and ultimately I think a mistake. 

    • Like 1
  11. I feel like this announcement has destroyed the solid ground AOS seemed to be on. The old world was dead AOS is the setting now. To go back on that now is just odd. 

    If you have an army with old models pre 2015 I think you will be having to switch settings back to the old world in a few years time. Only a matter of when not if that they squat the entire old world range. Every freeguild every dispossed beastman and dark elf will be going in the next three years. I would bet a lot on it. 

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  12. I mean at this point whose counting down to the end times of AOS cos it seems like that will definitely happen at some point now. Probably relatively soon. 


    Also this means no chance of new cities of sigmar models within the next three years for sure. 

  13. I think this proves the theory correct that the armies that are selling well and keeping aos going are the armies that were already present during the old world and have been expanded on and that the new armies are not as strongly supported. KO, Ironjawz, FYreslayers IDK, etc. 


    Otherwise why on earth would they bring back the old world??? Just to annoy even more the people thst burnt all their models on pyres and left the hobby forever??? 

  14. 3 hours ago, Myrdin said:

    Well technically they are ambushing (which makes the whole thing even more hilarious) but still....


    "Master, news from the front"
    "Yes servant ?"

    "The scouts heard some weird rumbling, screeching noises from the forest. Shall we investigate ?"
    "Weird noises you say ? Nonsense, thats just the local fauna embracing the gifts of Chaos!"

    "But master there is black smoke rising from multiple spots, and its drawing ever closer!"

    "Excellent! The wild beasts of Chaos have begun their assault and are on their way to join with my army! Thats a good thing servant, the Gods are with us!"

    "But master! Cant you feel the earth shaking ? As if something large and heavy was rolling down the hill ?"

    "But of course servant! They brought Gorgons and Gargants. Very good ! My attack on the City shall truly be Victorious !"

    *Something flies out of the forest at high velocity and smashes the Chaos warriors ranks*

    "Hmm they need to train their Cygor better. the Enemy lines are that way. Maybe I should make a case with the Lord of Change and ask him to grant them a second eye.... or a magnifying glass"

    *Rolling Stones music starts playing as the first shape bursts out of the tree line*

    "See servant ? I told you it was the Beastmen! Thats why you should never doubt me!"

    "Certainly master, I`d never..... although.... dont you think those beastmen are a little bit.... err how to put it nicely..... mushy ? pierced by metal spikes protruding from the wheels ? You know.... as if they were squished by that giant tank kontraption thats rolling down towards us ?"

    *More steam tanks appear from the forest, all similarly adorned by gore and blood as they made their way through a beastmen horde and start firing into the Chaos Lines.*

    "(in a hushed voice) Seems like old Gregor was right once again.... sigh.... Ahem!...Your orders Ooo Malevolent one ?"


    "Master ?"
    *Gregor turns around to see the chaos lords flying mutated mount preparing to take of the ground.*

    "Master.... where are you going ?!"
    "Ah! This is not how it looks! I am.... I was.... err... I forgot to turn of the Oven! I must return the Castle Fluffyspike Immediately! We dont want to risk it burning to the ground now do we! And with that said Gregor.... off we go!"

    "Aaaah wait for old Gregor masteeeer!"

    *The old servant latches on top of the scaled beasts tail as it swiftly takes off into the sunset, while as a cadre of "ambushing" *cough, cough steam tanks plunge through the Chaos army ranks.

    This is why I tga. 

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