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Posts posted by BrAiKo

  1. 16 hours ago, BrAiKo said:

    So do we think the warband with the Tzaangor will be:

    1. all tzaangor (x4?)

    2. Tzaangor and acolytes

    3. Tzaangor and brayherd 

    4. Other?

    Now that I think of it, is it potentially likely the Tzaangor will be led by a Shaman on foot, with all the magic in this edition?

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Sleboda said:

    Isn't this the first war machine released for AoS ... period?

    Well yes, but the war machines they have rebranded in AoS packaging have generally had ‘on-board’ crew and it had been looking like those separate crew style of war machines had been trending towards compendium.  But not any more.

  3. Am I right in saying this Stormcast artillery piece is the first AoS war machine release to have a separate crew?    

    Previous examples (rereleases) like Plague claw and Skullcannon have the crew built in to the actual main model.  Is having separate crew going to be a good thing for the game?  Gives me hope we might see the return of things like Aelven bolt throwers.

  4. 10 hours ago, Naflem said:

    So the heralds for order and chaos are parts of two new armies/battletombs from AOS (lord ordinator in the new Stormcast and Knight of Shrouds for Nighthaunt); wonder if they borrowed models from upcoming armies for that rather than them being purpose-designed... and if so, does that mean moonclan/fungoid grots and norse barbarians in the near future...

    HARBINGER, noun

    1. a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another; a person sent in advance of troops

    2. anything that foreshadows a future event


    I think it's safe to say we will be seeing Moonclan and Darkoath releases in the near future.

    • Like 3
  5. 4 hours ago, flamingwalnut said:

    Spiderfang have the biggest chance of expanding on that theme, though in all of these spiders/insects are a support or as additions. But actual bug men troops? Might be a stretch, but would be awesome.

    Bug grot troops though? A definite possibility (see Grot Scuttlings).

  6. While I agree the sleeves are very snug all around, they otherwise seem to be very good quality both in look and feel.  The designs on the reverse are fantastic and customized not only for the warband itself but for each of the power/obj decks as well.  I will be continuing to buy them for other warbands.  Time will tell whether the tight fit could warp the cards or not.

  7. 41 minutes ago, ChaosUnited said:

    Perhaps it's just my wishful thinking but I just don't see gw leaving nurgle as it is,

    Regardless of new models or not, it's just so strange the way nurgle was handled in GHB17.  There was a quote from Ben Johnson on whtv about Nurgle not being included in GHB17 because they knew Blightwar was coming. If they knew Blightwar (+/- battletome) using combined Nurgle was incoming, why would they divide up Rotbringers and Nurgle daemons separately in the match play profiles (unlike all other Chaos gods, Slaanesh included).  Factions had to specify whether they could ally with Rotbringers or Nurgle daemons or both.  Seems a real lack of planning;  GHB16 felt far more prepared for their upcoming release schedule.  

    Anyway back to rumours, it's all probably intentional so that people who picked up Blightwar/GHB17 have a reason to pick up a new battletome as well.  It's also going to have to immediately errata all the nurgle ally options.

  8. 3 hours ago, Captain Marius said:

    I would expect Stormcasts to be able to ally with literally every Order faction. The Order GA book made a point of showing how Stormcasts can be integrated into the other factions.

    I suspect you will be right, but I would prefer the reverse.  All order factions can have SCE allies (they arrived to help) but SCE armies don't necessarily have access to all allies (how are their allies following them on the stormbolts.. except for seraphon).  

    • Like 9
  9. 2 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    A point of purely personal interest:

    -I did not expect Brayherd on the list of Forces to get allegiance, nor did I expect that Beasts of Chaos support in Path to Glory. I am a Beastmen fan, so I am happy for the support, even if it means we will not get a battletome anytime soon. But this does mean we can at least hope to get a battletome and new miniatures for undivided Beastmen at a later time. I just really hope they widen the scope of units that qualify for Brayherd allegiance, the ally allowance does not really allow anything close to a mixed herd.

    Yeah if it's Brayherd allegiance, it seems as if the god-flavoured gors won't have the right keyword...

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, someone2040 said:

    Wanderers: Nomad Prince, 16 Glade Guard, 5 Wild Riders + 10 Eternal Guard.

    Nice selection of stuff, lands in the right ball park.

    Daughters of Khaine : Cauldron of Blood, 10 Witch Aelves, 5 Doomfire Warlocks

    Can do one with the plastic kits they currently have. Nice rounded set. I don't think they'd get tone though, as this contains all the models for the Daughters range.

    Bonesplitterz: Savage Big Boss, 20 Savage Orruks, 10 Savage Boar Boyz

    Pretty doubtful set, there's just no variety available in terms of kits as Bonesplitterz is made up of 2 kits + characters. It ends up just being a load of Orruks. Compare it to Greenskinz which throws a Chariot in the mix (even if it's an old shoddy Chariot model). 

    Please do these ones first!  Daughters of Khaine would be instant buy for me. As for your doubts on the latter two, didn't the FEC start collecting contain their entire plastic range as well?

  11. 26 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    The only way out on this one for GW is to claim all akolytes change into a masculine "battleform". I will be curious to see if the Battletome makes any mention of something like that or if "all cultists are men" is just taken for granted and assumed to be accepted.

    Yeah Tzeentch is very discriminatory; if he doesn't like something's appearance he will change it until he does.   Khorne on the other hand, warmly accepts all comers.  He cares not from where the blood flows.  More likely to see female bloodreavers :P  

  12. Already have 2 copies of these... but still want the new booklet :/

    Hoping that those old 'highborn' warscrolls are getting updated.  I suspect the reavers, griffon and spire guard may be getting added to the Swifthawk faction.

  13. Perhaps a general rule applying to those with random-number-summoning spells like Branchwraith or Ogroid Thaumaturge - as an alternative to putting aside full minimum-unit-size points for this summoning, allow it to replenish lost models in a nearby existing unit (and thus not requiring points).  Unfortunately this solution doesn't work for things like Coven Throne and Screaming Bell summoning.  Also shouldn't be applicable to more reliable summoning of daemons/seraphon which is fine as it is.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Malin said:

    Whatever it will be, Must resist the urge to buy this box, must resist the urge, those weapons are not that cool, must resist the urge, Tzeentch be praised, I really don't need those models right now...


    Urge resisted, for now...

    Don't worry, I'm sure there's no power in the mortal realms that could possible change your mind B|

  15. Here's a perfect example where having more flexible unit sizes would be a big help (one of my suggestions for GHv2).  Bestigors currently have a minimum unit size of 10, so assuming Tzaangors will follow suit.  At least let us pick 15 so we can use 10 in a box + 5 of the Silver Tower models.

  16. 1. Fix heroes that have unique summoning spells with random results like Branchwraith, Ogroid Thaumaturge.  We shouldn't be paying maximum unit points for these summons.  Likewise for models that have a small chance of summoning a unit, like Coven Throne, Screaming Bell etc.

    2. Allow units with mimimum size 10 to have more flexible model numbers (eg. 15, 25 models).  I like how elegant the current solution is by just multiplying by the minimum, but sometimes you only own 15 models, or sometimes you don't have the points for another 10 models and it would be nice to have the flexibility.  I can understand that dropping the minimum to 5 for many units (especially battleline) is not a good solution.

    3. More allegiance spell lores.

    4. Redo (or at least rename) the Chaos Allegiance battle trait.  Whoever decided to call the Chaos trait Unpredictable Destruction needs to be fired.

    5. Include all pointed units, including Forgeworld.  

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