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Posts posted by Coyote

  1. Target identification.

    Well, Acolytes have Rend -2, What are all the Units in AoS that have a 5+ or 6+ Save?

    And then those with no Ward?

    Those are the units the Acolytes will do a bit better approaching, and targeting, especially for all the Armies I’ve never played against.

    • Like 1
  2. Sorry for double post - Subject change.

    is there a list out there if every unit in AoS for every army with all their stats - I.e all their points costs, Armor Save, battlefield role, etc.?

    The old WHFB Bug Red Book (BRB) had such a list in it, maybe not points per se but the Stat lines including Move and Armor Save.

    Does such a community project, document exist and *Where*?

  3. 9 hours ago, Skreech Verminking said:


    a Verminlord warpseer

    and a single grand Arch warlock, to destroy them all

    How would you break up the 130 Acolytes by Unit?

    I’m considering either 10x units of 10 or 6-7 units of 15 but definitely need the advice.


  4. Off topic - but just want to say I’m excited- an end is within sight for my Great Undertaking project.

    i should have 120 heavily modded Acolytes created from old WHFB Empire troops - think Rat Musketeers.  Also with a smattering of scrounged 40k weapons - IG lasrifles, etc.

    They wont be pretty, but at least my opponents should be able to identify them by sight.  

    • Like 2
  5. Take this with many grains of salt.., Many real life years ago it was said by some that WHFB might have happened after 40k.  The exploded warp gates warp above both the North and South poles may have been been placed by the Old Ones - the same ones that terraformed the planet and created their servants the Slann.  The C’tan were the Old Ones that made the Lizardmen.  

  6. Same reason as no Tyranid or Necrons in AoS.

    As for Deathmaster, that’s just a minor errata without having to make a points change.  I’m all about more usefulness - like a spell, or mortals (the Deathmaster should be * all about * mortals), but they’d raise the points to like 140 or something ridiculous.

    • Like 1
  7. Random thought - Deathmaster- I think easiest way to give a little fix to our Ninja is to allow Hidden Killer to activate in Hero phase instead of Combat Phase - that way DM can deploy with a unit and Surprise! be able to Gnawhole them too in Movement phase of same turn . Or pop out of unit and still be able to Shoot in same turn.

  8. Darklog  day 140 in the Year of the Great Horned Rat 

    Any rumors on GHB release (and points reductions for Skaven)?  

    Be back tomorrow to ask again.   How can they not have a Skaven update in the year of the Rat?

    • Like 2
  9. Has anybody put together a list of 6-10 units of 10 Skrye Acolytes or the same - 10ish units of 10 Monks?  (10ish Bringers if the Word on the table for free mortals depending on positioning.)  

    I’m modding old GW models into my * UNDERTAKING * and thinking about swarming the field with MSU lists.  

    Feel free to talk sense into me.

  10. If you have other armies Proxy games until you figure out what you need.  Get Azyr app, the rule book.

    Skaven have all the toys with Skrye; and I have 3 different Verminlords assembled, and 2 Bells - So assembling the army can be costly.

  11. 43 minutes ago, Gdead909 said:

    So this isolation seems like a good time to start something new.  Do you guys have a good start collecting guide? Or is it just piece it together?

    Have you played AoS before?

    The start collecting box is great.  

    Eventual goal would be 3 units Clanrats, and probably 3 units of Plague Monks to run a Pestilence list too.



    i keep wanting to use them (have 5 models) but just can’t seem to add them to a list.  

    Was even considering taking one just to hide in reserve for when Acolytes need to fight and last more than last more than 1 round of combat.  Still not worth 100 points to augment Combat for another Unit.

    The Deathmaster - 

    If shooting- 4 shots, odds are no wounds land.  12” range - even with 7 +1d6 Run - just not enough consistent and reliable punch.  I dont think I should field just to generate  1 wound (maybe) from shooting,

    Combat - (vs characters/ multi wounds) 3 attacks - 2 hits, maybe 1 wound - odds are no wounds. (-1 rend)

    Combat - 7 attacks (vs horde) - odds are 2 hits, perhaps 1 wound which might be saved. (No rend) - odds are zero wounds.

    Combat results are not worth spending 100 pts.

    The Deathmaster doesn’t offer any buffs outside of a Warscroll, and even then not so much. No other Command abilities outside of the norm. 

    Shooting maxed 12”,  and no magic means if we are to use the Deathmaster in combat.

    So, not great at Combat, only decent at Shooting but have to be within 12”, and no magic.

    Help me out here, if we use the Deathmaster for other missions- what do we do? 

    100 pts is a lot of points to use as a distraction especially if we give up Victory Points for secondary objectives.  That means essentially Keeping the Deathmaster out of enemy spell range, shooting and combat. 

    Why bring him to the table?

    He is fast, one of our fastest models.  He can use a relic - but at a 1 for 1 cost on other superb relics.  But I think that’s it.

  13. Minor subject change - Anyone hear anything about any Skaven news?

    (Aside from WHF roleplay, video games - (any system), or OldHammer?)

    Any points discussion, rumors of Warscroll changes, any anything?

    Running out of models to paint, may need to bid on another (unpainted) Skaven army on EBay or something to get me excited again.

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