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Posts posted by Bululu

  1.  Long time no see, here is the last of the leaders, Durotan, wich will take the role of a champion of a goregruntas unit all conversed from mourfangs and ogors (in his case again from a  tyran t), next will be the 4 other goregruntas 2 will go with durotan and another 2 with orgrim


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  2. While i doubt we need to get into nerfs just yet, as i said before, the meta is in a very premature state with very little count of events and with the events been small. But in any case, if nerf is needed it would be on the WLV or the spell in the bottle or the zilfin one trick to place the endless, its just a alpha list that could need to be addressed on the rest we are fine

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  3. worst momment for gw to do a meta breakdown, with very little tournaments and very small ones due to covid. That stat list is biased as hell, in fact they should forget about a december point adjustment and ghb 2021 as there wont be enough data to collect. They should focus on making aos 3.0 meanwhile.

  4. 2 hours ago, Badlander86 said:

    Thanks for asking this. Afraid I've been playing the rules wrongly.


    But if I use There is Always A Breeze, can I "Fly High" instead of making a normal move in the Hero Phase, then use a Normal Move in the Movement Phase, the Arkanauts can charge 3D6 per Iron Sky Squadron's benefit correct?



    Exactly, and the charge is considered a move so in that scenarios where you capture after a move, you will be able to meet the requeriments, for example consider this.


    Green is the objective, Blue square is your unit, red square is an enemy unit and little blue squares are your unit miniatures after doing the charge.

    In 1 of the scenarios, to capture, you must end a movement 3'' of the objective with a battleline unit, as charge and pile in are valid movements for this, you can charge the enemy unit, leaving the first miniature 0.5'' of distance to the red unit, and then the rest of your unit doing a line to the objective. In that situation you will end a movement within 3'' of that objective and capture it.

    Remember also that pile in is also considered  a valid move for this purpose, i will give another example.


    In this case you have 2 unit but one enemy unit doesnt let you reach the objective, so you charge with both



    After your first unit combat you destroy the enemy unit, but still cant capture cause you aint at 3'' range, but then as you charged with your unit 2, you can pile in getting into range of the objective and finishing a move within 3'' and capturing it.

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  5. 20 hours ago, C.A.O.S said:



    I've a rule question: is exit from garrison considered a movement for the purpose of gaining control of objectives? For example in place of arcane power. 


    The doubt is related to the fact that the garrison rule says that exit from a garrison Is considered the move for the unit in that movement phase. From FAQ related to reserve a unit that has been removed from play, and set it up again on the battlefield, does not count as have made a move por other rules purpose. But KO exit from garrison do not require to remove the unit from play and set it up again, the unit is in play and it is in the garrison, a big difference (so it is not like a teleport, or fly high rule, for example), moreover from faq KO garrisoned unit does not count as reserve. 


    So I think that deployment from garrison can be considered as a movement for catching objectives purposes! What do you think? 

    Well the faq says the "this count as their movement text thing" means they did not make a move, independent of if they are or arent in the battlefield. So i would say no, you cant capture the the objectives that need to finish a move to be captured i think :(. This and the fly high and drop the batallion arkanauts needs to get faq fixed, its just stupid imo.

  6. Hi mates, i have a question about the iron sky command attack squadron, what is the general concensus about arkanaut leaving the frigate after flying high. As general FAQ flying high is not a move and vessel doesnt count as moved, since the batallion lets you get arkanauts after frigate has moved then you cant do it after fly high.  At least its what i read, have i missed something?

  7. On 1/5/2020 at 11:41 AM, cofaxest said:

    I hope that in the next ghb gw will change our pointcosts:

    Gunhawlers - 120

    Frigate - 220

    Ironclade - 480

    New Endrinmaster -180

    Brokk - 200-220

    Alchemist, endrinmaster - 80

    Plus I still not convinced that arcanauts are viable choice for 90 pts. With 9 inch pistols and only 1w I doubt that they can hold any objectives more then one combat phase. But at the same time 30 arcanauts for 270 pts in 4+ looks much better... But they have only 4 inch move... I think 80 pts for unit of 10 will be more balanced. So we will have 30 arcanauts for 240 pts and almost the same dmg output as 20 old arcanauts under alchemist in 9 inch bubble. And at the same time 10-20 arcanauts inside the ships will be more defensive but less deadly.

    Well guys, im starting with kharadron and i usually read all posts from new codex release till now. I just looked at this post and this guy practically nailed the points changes of ghb 2020 seven months earlier and he got blamed and called things like bad player, i dont usually do this kind of things but i though it was a nice idea to show him some respect, i would like to add that im not looking to make any trouble of discussion, im just recognizing a good eye that was treated badly so at least for me ill say GOOD JOB SIR!

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  8. On 8/5/2020 at 12:26 AM, umbratica said:

    I think the warscroll is perfectly clear. It changes what you are supposed to use whatever you look up from the table. So yes, you skip turn of combat and he gets his optimum numbers for the next battle round. As I think the final entry is plain wrong I guess ressurecting an old thread is less harmful than leaving the wrong answer to be found (as I just did looking for another detail).


    I guess the warscroll changed with the last battletome, so what now is perfectly clear maybe wasnt back on that time

  9. 7 hours ago, Isotop said:


    You are wrong. "Within 6 inches" includes "6 inches away". Here is the relevant part from the Core Rules:


    "[...]So, for example, a unit is within 12" of another unit as long as any model from one unit is 12" or less from any model from the other unit[...]"

    (https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Rulesheets/ENG_AoSSW_Rules_booklet_web.pdf, page 2)


    You are absolutely right about this. Even without the actual rules at hand, you provided an intuitive and elegant explanation to the problem. Another person voting you down without even discussing your argument shows that you left no real room for a counter argument. 


    Your intuition is correct. If an "Ambush" ability states that the unit has to be wholly within 6 inches of the battlefield edge, the following Designers' Commentary clarifies the meaning of it:


    "[...]A: A model is wholly within a certain distance if every part of its base is within the stated distance[...]"

    (https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/8f9bd00c.pdf, page 3)


    In combination with the quotation about "within" above we can see that "wholly within 6 inches of the battlefield edge" means that one point of the models circular base can be exactly 6 inches away from the battlefield edge. Lets put the model on a line with the objective and let the line be perpendicular to the battlefield edge. Since in your example the center of the objective is 12 inches away from the battlefield edge, it means that it is now exatly 6 inches away from the "6 inch point" of the models base we discussed beforehand. Since "exaclty 6 inches away" is included in "within 6 inches", the model is now within "capturing distance" of the objective.

    I am sorry that multiple people were trying to tell you that you are wrong and did so without any backup from the rules. We should always be wary when people speak from intuition alone and fail or not even try to connect their statement with the actual rules of the game.

    I hope my explanation is clear and that you can make use of this knowledge during your future games.

    wow this one got hot, thanks for the cover!

  10. i would say yes, 1 miniature can be within 6'' of the objective and the edge, because the 6 belongs to both places there doesnt exist a space that separes both places, its like if you have a ruler       0 -------|------- 12      the | on the middle is 6'' and within 6 let you touch that | and that thing is also within 6'' of the objective, there is no imaginary space that separes that place.   The | spot is both within 6'' of the objective and the edge so it is a valid capture and ambush point for 1 minituare to get in. At least that is my opinion.

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  11. 8 minutes ago, Heijoshin said:

    The change was to be expected. GW was bound to do something with this much fuss being kicked up by people. As for choosing RR 1's, well if you look at the GHB and the LRL BT, you see they've been adding lots of RR1's to things as basically a fallback when they don't really know what to do, but want something quick. It's not the end of the world by far and it's nice to see only point reductions to accomodate the change. And again, we still have Mortis P. if we want the crazy save, albeit with more nuance and thought behind positioning and using Katakros, which I am all for of. 

    Only thing I didn't expect is the "melee" only part. That kinda sucks, but it is what it is. I just hope we can finally move onto being the boogie man and I can actually take PE without being seen as some kind of monster for it. 

    change yes, change for something useful not directly removal for basically nothing

  12. Just now, Saturmorn Carvilli said:

    Beyond first turn, I think the only thing Double turn gets you is better table positioning for the most part.  After Round 2, most of my hammer-ish (Knights/Varanguard/Heroes) units have locked themselves in fights and very likely by the end of the Round are either looking to clear that fight or have been cleared themselves.  If the objectives are static double turn movement isn't that much of a boon usually.  Moving objectives can be won or loss with Double Turn moves, but that's the drawback of me having a fairly slow army too. 

    The only thing that really upsets the balance is armies with high amounts of Shooting.  Which I do face quite a bit with DoT flamers and KO overall.  It does seem kinda OP to me, but I can't say that for certain as my faction is very low on meaningful ranged units so of course I am going to feel a Phase that I don't really participate in is going to feel broken when 9 flamers and an Exalted flamers basically hit me with +2, Rend -1 while I am bogged down against Pink/Blue/Yellow Horrors.  But I could say the same about healing and summoning which I feel my army is also pretty weak.  So while I feel it is OP, I don't know if it actually is or if it is just a matter I can't really do anything about it with my army.  I lean toward the latter since the 'Grass is Greener' is probably more in effect than it actually being overpowered.

    I cant agree more, the new shooting meta is something i dislike the most, specially combined with teleport and/or 1 drop armies that will shoot you down before you can do anything, or leave you to go second if you have no answer to them, so they might get the double turn to shoot you out even more...  I mean long ago the nerfed shooting because they realized something. And now they have gone back to shooting, i dont really know what are they thinking...

  13. On 7/10/2020 at 5:55 AM, JackStreicher said:

    How did you paint the bleach Blackrock Skin?

    Im sorry mate, he doesnt remember exactly, he usually uses vallejo paints and he did a couple of washes with diferent tones until he found what he wanted. Im sorry i cant help more

  14. 49 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Going second is already more appealing because of the potential for a double turn*.

    Additionally, in turn 1, many spells/abilities will be outside range at the top of turn 1.*

    *Unless you have an alpha strike army that can circumvent the range limitations.

    I agree, in fact that very same scenario is the one i disliked from the new books. So did i dislike the "gain 3 points if you go second or 1 point if you go first" scenario of before. Having the chance of double turn is usually better than going first, except on alpha or ranged meta teams when the enemy has an answer to you

  15. Of course, and again of course it will be updated. I was sugesting in a bit subtle way that maybe the FAQ is not as inminent as we think. Because if it was going to be released in a couple of days then why not wait and post the points and the  FAQ altogether. I wasnt telling that the warscroll builder is not useful or that it wont be updated. I use it alot.

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