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Posts posted by Ironbreaker

  1. Just now, Zadolix said:

    Great. Just great. So I guess the 20 warriors, 20 thunderers, 2 Cannons and Unforged that I painted up earlier this year was absolutely pointless. Not to mention the other 20 warriors I was looking to paint up. I'll be putting my dispossessed up for sale soon on the trade section after I get pics. 

    Way to go GW, you just expunged a player from your player base by neutering over half his army. 

    I just bought half of Skull Pass and now that purchase is invalid. 

  2. Just now, Zadolix said:

    "No fewer than seven sets of allegiance abilities allow you to field mixed forces of duardin, humans and aelves, with a massive roster of units available. 

    "The arrival of Cities of Sigmar does mean a handful of Order units will be leaving the range and becoming Warhammer Legends later this year. We’ll be providing a full list of which ones closer to the time. The number of units available in the book is still vast, with loads of warscrolls."

    I just hope this means my warriors/thunderers/quarrellers will be in the book. It would be odd for them to have just published them in GHB19 them a few months later. What are likely candidates from other order factions to get axed? Is there alot of old finecast stuff around on still? Our range is all thankfully plastic. 

    I think the elf sword guys are resin.

  3. I’m sure you guys will criticize me, but the books are very special to me. I went so long without a rulebook. When I got my first army book last year with Adeptus Custodes in 40k, it felt so magical to flip through the pages and take in all the fantastic art. I won’t be able to do that with this book as it will be all mixed and also Stormcasts. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, DatHomieSilverSurfer said:

    the Skaven, Slaanesh, Gloomspite Gits books were all phenomenal... I don't know what you're talking about. 



    And all this grumbling before any other details have been announced  is both very dwarfish and hilarious. Based on the  soup-tome design paradigm  set with BoC, Skaven, gloomspite there will be effective rules and options to play the dispossessed just as effectively alone as with other pro-sigmar oldworld folk. People are starting to make things up in their heads and get angry over nothing lol

    I don’t want to cover of my army book to be humans and Stormcast 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Honestly my guess is this is their temporary bandage solution. This way they have everything somewhere in tome and they can go in deeper with individual tomes. Hopefully it will be as fast as the nighthaunt which were released about 5 months after they where included in Legions of Nagash  

    I’d rather wait longer but get the full deal then be rushed. So I’m going for the dwarven virtue of patience. Hope that’s a something something on the horizon  


    That’s what I am holding out slim hope for since this book includes so much from other armies like KO and Stormcast. Stormcast inclusion was what really broke it for me.

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  6. 19 minutes ago, kenshin620 said:

    Then just say they don't come from a city?

    I mean heck thats basically Wanderers MO! They...wander!


    I understand people want their own book, but I don't think GW can support literally everyone in WFB having their own book PLUS AoS books. Sure they squatted bretonnia and tomb kings but imagine if they didn't consolidate, then what do we have?


    • SCE
    • DoK
    • Fyreslayers
    • KO
    • Sylvaneth
    • Seraphon
    • Free Peoples
    • Dispossessed
    • Darkling Covens/Dark Aleves (not to be confused with the real shadow aelves)
    • Wanderers
    • Light/High Aelves (not to be confused with the real light alves)
    • IDK

    12 books! Thats almost the entire library of WFB!  And who knows how long it'll take to print each one.


    Even BoC, it was a pretty major jump. Very few people ran Brayherd Allegiances and even the stuff that got copy pasted over were altered a bit (like there was the old GHB artifact weapon that got purely buffed in BoC). And then they gained accesses to 2 brand new general traits, 2 new item lists, 1.5 spell lores, several battalions, tzaangors, many things under the monsters of chaos faction.

    Even if you just ran a pure Brayherd force (no warherd, thunderscorne or monsters) from BoC, it's leaps better than GHB2018.



    Once again I don't mean to belittle the pride of dwarf players, I'm a person who to this day still love Tomb Kings so I understand that gw doesn't share the love equally, but I think people are sounding a wee bit too hostile to this?

    Look how many books Imperium has in 40k. Why should the Fantasy good guys be any different?

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  7. Just now, Zadolix said:

    Yeah they will be city sub factions/allegiances not racial ones. I don't even want my dwarves to come from  free city... 

    This, I want a Karak. I don't want a multicultural city. I want a throng of duardin with shield and axes standing before the gates to their stronghold. The only aelves nearby should be looking at our glorious beards longingly while rubbing his boyish chin.

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  8. Just now, FPC said:

    Note that it did say a “full 7 allegiance abilities” so it at least appears they’re trying to keep the individual factions playable on their own. I highly doubt the units they’re talking about relegating to Legends will be staples like Warriors and Thunderers. With the FAQ increase to Warrior points, hopefully they’re here to stay AND getting better.

    I'm putting money on them pasting the GHB Dispossessed rules into the book and calling done.


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  9. 1 minute ago, Thiagoma said:

    Im on on the same boat with my High Elves .

    Cant Dispossessed mix with Ironweld to make it own army? Human/Elf free?

    Nope, that would require more books. That would risk profits, better to just cram them all in the same book because **** you.

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  10. I’m thinking of quiting Sigmar now. I want a book of MY DUDES, full of lore about MY DUDES, and art of MY DUDES. What I hate most is that this book is at the end of the day basically just GA: Order 2.0

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  11. I won my first Meeting Engagements game against Gloomspite Gits. I was about to lose  the game final turn but I managed to charge my Knight Incantor into the blob of grots holding the objective and basically suicide bombed them by shattering all three spirit flasks. Managed to kill the majority of them (and sadly my last 3 Irondrakes) with it. The Knight Incantor and Runelord cleaned up the blob some more and it fell to battleshock. He only had the shaman left on the objective so I won by having one more model on the objective than him. It was a glorious ending even if it felt a bit dirty.

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  12. On 7/9/2019 at 7:27 AM, Clan's Cynic said:

    Another Rumour Engine.



    Given the design of the crowns, this is clearly an AoS one. I'm thinking Slaves to Darkness/Everchosen due to the specific theme of noble heads being taken, as well as the hook aesthetic fitting Chaos more than say... Soulblight. Ogres are a possibility, but I don't think they'd be picky on who they take and 'save' heads from, noble or peasant. 

    Hot take: New Ogre character called a "King Eater". Gets a bonus for attacking the enemy General.

  13. 3 minutes ago, soak314 said:

    Had a Meeting Engagement game vs FeC! Nothing too tryhard, mostly just a learning game.

    Ran GA Order with a couple of cannons and gunmasters, and some deepstriking miners. My main punch was 20 warriors and 10 irondrakes backed up by an unforged with sword of judgement/legendary fighter.

    Aaaand the FeC spearhead by itslef (Vhargulf + 3x flayers) proceeded to wipe out about 800 points worth of duardin. Provided the wave 2 archregent kept the flayers topped up with an insane amount of attacks, and the Vhargulf itself was casting the Ghoul King black hunger spell to give em even more attacks. While also butchering 5 dwarves a swing and bringing the flayers back to full strength *every bloody turn*. Getting constantly lucky on CP gen also let the FeC attack twice with either unit once they hit my bodies.

    The FeC were running blisterskin, and we were on fat deployment, so I may as well have started the game with them 6 inches away from my face. The blisterskin have an artefact that gave the entire spearhead a -1 to hit from ranged attacks. That paired with some truly dismal rolling pretty much invalidated my one full strength irondrake volley.

    The cannons and the gunmasters killed a bunch of ghouls before being swamped by the 20+ they couldn't get to,  and it was overall a very sad time for the dwarfs who played the role of FeC uber eats for that evening.

    Yeah, playing against a top tier army with a bottom tier army is usually going to go that way.

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  14. Don't even get me started on Skeletons. I can't even engage the units in combat. My army, Dispossessed, puts out very little damage and the strike back from the Skeletons blows anything I throw at them out of the water. It's basically sacrificing a unit to engage them in combat. I'd have to engage my entire army in combat and hope that other 40 skeleton blob didn't pounce on what was left over from the combat. 

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