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Posts posted by Ironbreaker

  1. 2 minutes ago, Skavelynn said:

    A little confused to why Khorne is getting an updated tome, and especially endless spells of all things but I'm not complaining. The teasers for future releases like the new AoS game and soul wars 2.0 seem promising! I wonder if the "something ancient and terrible" has something to do with Tomb Kings? The Sylvaneth and 40k models look lovely, I especially love the chaos spider model.

    Tomb Kings have been kept in a secret vault by Sigmar. Soon he will unleash them upon Nagash.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Nighthaunt Noob said:

    Looks like Soulblight is getting a battletome this year. I've always wondered why more rumors don't swirl around them. They'd make a lot of sense for a  revamped look.


    8 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

    Huh, Blades of Khorne is the next battle tome, that seems at the bottom of necessary.


    I wonder if the armies show are indicative of what is coming.

    Fyreslayers, More Stormcasts(seriously thinking of selling that army if I have to by a new book every year), Soulblight, not sure what to make of the chaos one and Ogres.

    Besides the Chaos portrait, these haven't changed from their appearance on the factions page.


  3. 1 minute ago, Aryann said:

    That is obvious.

    That's what the whole discussion was about - assumption that GW is moving from mono-faction battletomes to LoN and GSG combo battletomes. And I made my post disagreeing with it. I believe it's temporary. Now, we might see 1-2 more combo battletomes and sure there will be rewrites especially for fan-favourite Legions of Nagash but I believe that GW will mostly focus on mono faction battletomes in their future releases. At least that's what I want to believe as this seperation of WHFB factions was one of the things that attracted me into AoS (and wargaming). I understand that there is no room for each and every little subfaction to receive its own battletome but I won't accept pulling back as f.e. if they decided there is no need for Fyreslayers as a faction and they will be pulled into DWARF BATTLETOME - hell no. If I see they are going that direction it might be the very moment they loose a customer. I'm really, really, tired of classic dwarfs, orks, elfs, humans generic factions and AoS is a leader for me in doing exactly the opposite- creating great, original factions with a strong unique theme.

    Well, if they get rid of classic dwarfs then they will lose a customer with me. I doubt Fyreslayers will be grouped with Dispossessed unless they do something with Gotrek. It would take some twisting to do so since as far as I know, Gotrek has no dealings with Dispossessed besides being originally from a similar culture. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 hours ago, Dammaz said:

    Let me guess... Full Irondrakes in his bloodthirster's face ?

    And a perfectly aligned shieldwall agains't his bloodletters ?

    All in all, congrats !

    Yep,  he tried a turn one charge into my line with the bloodthirster but failed and was left sitting in the middle of the field. Irondrakes and Organ Gun blew him off the board.  Blocked his bloodletter charge with Warriors and Longbeards while the Irondrakes took out half the unit of thirty turn 2. His Slaughter Priest tried to pray to Khrone but was deemed unworthy and took 3 damage and was sniped by the Gunmaster soon after. His Bloodsecrator, a backbone to his army, was taken out with a single Organ Gun use. His army started having to take battleshock after that which decimated the two Bloodletter units left. it was overall a bloody battle that more than likely pleased Khorne, my opponent was sorely disappointed however. 

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  5. 19 minutes ago, xking said:

    What was his list?

    Allegiance: Khorne


     Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (320)
    - General
    Bloodsecrator (140)
    Slaughterpriest (100)

    10 x Bloodletters (120)
    30 x Bloodletters (320)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 65

    I don't remember what the traits and item was on his general, but it doesn't really matter since he was killed first turn.

    • Haha 1
  6. Dispossessed rule idea: Many new armies rules have seen the creation of summoning tables. Certain events in the game generate points used to summon units. How about Dispossessed get a table of their own. This would not be a summoning table though as summoning is not native to our army. Instead it will be a rune magic table. Any time a spell is denied by a Dispossessed unit (runelord and icons), you gain a point. Points can be turned in (Runes activated) to apply buffs or trigger effects. Lower on the table would be things like +1 to hit or other simple buffs. Higher on the table would be more powerful buffs like extra attacks or mortal wound generation. I feel that adding a system like this would add a nice foil to the heavy magic system Age of Sigmar currently finds itself in. It would certainly be something interesting we don't really see on the tabletop. 

  7. I'm afraid the new Skaven update will completely disrupt the power balance in my local group. I only just barely and able to hold up against GA: Chaos Skaven as it is. I'm worried I won't be able to have an enjoyable game until Dispossessed get a battletome in a year or two.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Melcavuk said:

    I'd be sad to see the Ironweld being gutted of half their artillery roster with it rejoining Dipossessed for a couple of reasons. It would likely mean we are seeing no new dispossessed kits or atleast no new running themes through them as the current roster would likely just be maintained. It'd also spell the end of Ironweld as a unique subfaction to be expanded as what little they had left would logistically have to just fold back into the Freeguild. From a lore perspective the Ironweld have been mentioned in a couple of the novels for their roles, if the dispossessed regain their artillery and remain the Azyrite duardin then the role of the Ironweld becomes muddied.

    What's wrong with giving the duardin units both Ironweld and Dispossessed keywords?

  9. Just now, DrDemento said:

    So, maybe Dispossessed will be forced from their underground strongholds yet again to roam the realms in cogforts.

    I doubt the throngs would so easily abandon their Karaks, especially after retaking them from Chaos.

  10. I looked through the new Gloomspite Gits battletome and the only mention that points towards Dispossessed is the mention of Grots taking over Duardin Karaks in the list of places Grots are likely to use to create their lairs. It also mentions Fyreslayer Magmaholds in the list so they must be considered separate things in the universe. 

  11. 13 hours ago, Furuzzolo said:

    So, did we help you in the last 2 months? 😉

    Kind of, I believe you guys mentioned playing the objective so that's what I did.

    10 hours ago, Dammaz said:

    Glad you push those squeeky rats away ! What was his list again ?  Skryre ? Verminus ?

    Did he got a specific tactic, or did he rush head on ?

    (Getting info, my dear beloved one is starting Skryre soon... :/ )

    He ran a mix of Skryre and Verminus with a Demon Prince of Slaanesh thrown in because he wanted to try it. Here was his list.

    Allegiance: Chaos

    Skaven Warlord (100)
    - Shield & Warpforged Blade
    - Artefact: Crown of Conquest
    Daemon Prince (160)
    - General
    - Sword
    - Trait: Dark Avenger
    - Mark of Chaos: Slaanesh

    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Blade
    40 x Clanrats (200)
    - Rusty Spear

    1 x Warp Grinder Weapon Team (80)
    1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (70)

    War Machines
    Warp Lightning Cannon (180)

    Total: 990 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 105

    We played Starstike and his plan was the tunnel 40 clanrats onto my backline. First turn started with me going first and starting the usual artillery battle with my Organ gun against his Lightning cannon.  I got it down to two wounds and he got my gun down to one wound.  We also moved out armies up to prepare for the first objective drop. The objective landed in the center of the game board and on deadly terrain so we were both a bit cautions to approach it. We ended up contesting it. The 40 clan rats broke from underground in my territory. They charged my artillery and gunmaster. The organ gun was destroyed by them.  The gunmaster held them off with with just one wound left. My Irondrakes moved within range of his Skaven Warlord and obliterated him with 18 drakegun blazes at 3+/2+/-2. The two last objectives dropped at the start of turn 3. Mine dropped thankfully right where I had my Ironbreakers stationed. His fell in the far end of his territory, but he was too far pushed up in an aggressive play style to hold it.  My gunmaster unloaded all his weapons into the clanrat hoard and beat them with his telescope. He managed to kill 5 before being torn apart beneath the tide of skaven later. Ironrakes targeted the demon prince and scorched him hard with one wound left. Ironbreakers had left the objective to block the clanrats heading to my objective and my runelord and the remaining gun crew moved back to hold the objective. The demon prince flew into my territory and charged the Irondrakes stationed near my objective to try and contest it. He tore into my irondrakes and killed four of them but his demonic rampage was cut short by the mailed fists of the irondrakes. I forgot to mention his flamer and cannon were taken out also by my warriors charging forwards. He was left with just his two clan rat units and conceded after his prince died. I didn't even score a single victory point.  

    • LOVE IT! 3
  12. 28 minutes ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

    Was there any specific reason why they conceded? 

    But congrats on the win though, what army were you playing against?

    I obliterated his two heroes using Irondrakes and he conceded turn 3 with just two hoard size clan rats left. He tried to table me rather than play the objective.

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  13. 1 minute ago, xking said:

    Small? I wouldn't call the dispossessed small and they play a major part in the lore as the Builders of the free cities.

    Sure, but I going from the angle that we don't really know too much more besides some hints at a lost empire and traditional culture. 

  14. I've heard rumors that all the battletome lacking Order armies will be bundled into a "Free Cities" Battletome. Personally I really hate this idea as it kinda dilutes the character of whatever armies would be included in it. It also would be too similar to a Grand Alliance Order 2.0 book. It probably won't happen, but there are idiots on the internet pushing for it to happen. Personally, I think the layout of the webstore is more or less the finished look of the AoS factions going forward. I back this up the fact that GW had Warherd and Brayheard in a single army on the community Factions page along with Grots and Troggoths being included together on the page which latter corresponded to the Gloomspite release. As of right now, the three Battletome lacking armies in Order according to the layout are Free Peoples, Aelves, and Dispossessed. There are two possibilities I am seeing with this. Either we will get a combined Aelves battletome featuring abilities for playing specific kinds of Aelves, or they will be split up and distributed into the upcoming armies of light and shadow aelfs. The caution with the latter is that some models could be axed during the transition as we have recently seen with Gitmob Grots in the transition to Gloomspite.

    • Like 2
  15. 29 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

    What if a new player recently came in and chose, say, Darkling Covens from the online store?

    He/she would have no context or evidence for that faction being older than any other, nor would he/she even know what a Dark Elf is.

    At the moment, the web store presents Dispossessed at the same status as, say, Fyreslayers.

    Darkling Covens and Dispossessed at least have faction rules unlike the High Elf stuff.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    What still bothers me tho is the huge amount of plastics into all this factions not beeing used on any major army... and the fact that we are still on square bases while wanderers were moved to rounds, just as Dispossesed for example.


    yeah, not being updated to rounds is concerning. Freeguild are not on rounds yet and they are more or less confirmed to be a viable faction for future updates. I'd say that maybe GW is not quite ready for a rebrand. The moonclan grots were reboxed twice. First was for AoS transition and later was with the new Gloomspite release. They could be trying to prevent a double reboxing. 

  17. This something I've been thinking of in order to further push Dispossessed into a direction we've never really seen before. How about instead of the rune golems being simple magic constructs, they instead house the spirits of ancestors sort of like the wraith constructs Eldar have in 40k. Call them Living Ancestors or something, too stubborn to truly die. I'm not sure how this would work fluffwise with Nagash and his claim on all souls. He's already pretty mad at Sigmar for cheating him. Grungni and the seven smiths are the ones who created the reforging process, maybe the Living Ancestors are a more primitive and single use method. The spirit gets transferred, but  the spirit is lost if the construct is broken.

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  18. 6 minutes ago, Lowki said:

    I seriously doubt if a disposessed  statue showing up in a new grot/trogroth model should be considered to be a strong lead for a upcomming disposessed release, but if it is here is another one:


    Here's all four references found so far in the Gloomspite release. I know it means nothing definitively, but when you play an army that doesn't have a battletome and feels a bit left out in the grand scope of the setting, you get a little excited when GW remembers you exist after four years and four Stormcast battletomes.


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