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Posts posted by Warbossironteef

  1. I'm leaning towards Wisseland colors and lore. I think it would be cool to incorporate a lot of Dwarfs into the army based on Wisseland's culture. I also think I'm going to include some Temple ruins into my bases because Wisseland includes the remnants of destroyed Solland. I'd like to do an end of Winter type base with some melting snow, yellow/brown foliage and then incorporate some Temple ruins. It sounds like a fun challenge, now I just have to find the time :).

  2. Does anyone have any examples/pictures  of a mixed race army? I was thinking about buying some Aleves and then using some of my dwarfs and having mixed raced units of Crossbowmen (all 3 races), Handgunners (Dwarfs and Freeguild) and Guard (all 3 races). I think if you paint them in the same colors and base them the same way they could work.

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  3. I'm looking for people who know more than me about the Free Peoples. Would it make sense at all for an army to include some Dwarf and Halfling in the army? I wasn't sure what the lore says about those two factions. I think it would be cool to have a mixed race army.

  4. On 11/20/2018 at 1:11 AM, Stulle said:

    I really like this idea, will try this in my next games. Thanks for this tip. Sounds fun :)

    Ahhh...damn, I forgot about this stupid rule. This one really sucks. For the FreeGuilds it is nearly impossible to include more than 2 allied units :(

    I myself played my first small local tournament last weekend to great success. Scored second place with a similar list.

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    Allegiance: Free Peoples
    Mortal Realm: Ulgu

    Luminark Of Hysh With White Battlemage (240)
    - Allies
    Freeguild General On Griffon (260)
    - General
    - Shield & Runesword
    - Trait: Indomitable
    - Artefact: Sword of Judgement
    Freeguild General On Griffon (260)
    - Shield & Greathammer
    Freeguild General (100)
    - Stately War Banner

    20 x Freeguild Guard (160)
    - Swords and Shields
    30 x Freeguild Crossbowmen (300)
    10 x Freeguild Archers (100)
    20 x Freeguild Guard (160)
    - Swords and Shields
    30 x Freeguild Crossbowmen (300)
    10 x Freeguild Handgunners (100)

    Endless Spells
    Quicksilver Swords (20)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 240 / 400
    Wounds: 162

    It is mainly inspired by the one  @Hugh Halligan is playing. (See this vid on Page 6 of this Thread, great insight!) Next time i will skip the Quicksilver Swords and gamble for a triumph. I never used them in the tournament and think the triumph on a 30 man block of XBow men will have far more effect.

    The Tourny was really fun. I played Ironyaws in the first game on "The Better Part of Valour". Killed two mawcrusahers with the the crossbows only loosing one unit of guards in the process. The second game was on "Shifting Objectives" and really close and tense. In the end I wasn`t able to win against a DoK player. But even 80 witch aelves can be shred to pieces by Freeguild crossbow lines. The 3th game was "Focal Points" against a Legions of Nagash list. Luckily i was able to snipe his general turn 2 with my Luminark. After this the crossbows just had to perform their bloody work killing 60 zombies and  20 grave guards in one turn .

    Here some Pics:

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    In the end i tabled two opponents and nearly tabled the DoK. In 3 games i killed 4300 points more than i lost. So the FreeGuilds can perform really well. With a little bit of luck here an there ;)

    If you are interrested in a recap of the tournament by the DoK-player you can watch a video here. There you can hear his thoughts when facing the FreeGuilds.


    Sooo...long post finished. I hope it was fun to read for at least some of you guys.
    I wish you all the best of fun in your next games. For the glory of the Empire!


    Great info! Thanks!

    Have you ever tried a block of 40 Guard to get more out of the General's buff and the the unit buffs?

  5. 3 hours ago, CaptainSoup said:

    Greetings and welcome! 

    • According to the warscroll the Butcher can take one or the other. There is no mention of them having to take one set of weapons if they take the cauldron. 
    • According the official FAQ regarding base sizes (found here) the base size for the Butch w/ Cauldron is 105 x 70mm.
    • I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Typically screens are used as a "speed bump" to prevent enemy units from attacking high priority units in your army. As far as charging is concerned, in order to declare a charge your unit has to be outside of 3in of an enemy. Also remember that you cannot end a movement in the movement phase within 3in of an enemy unit. Once you are within 3in of an enemy, either by charging or by piling in, they are considered to be in combat with that unit. 

    Thanks for the response. I was more asking for general tips on how to either absorb a charge with the Grots and then charge Ironguts with 2 inch range behind them?

    I'm assuming you keep the grots in 1 unit rows so that the Ironguts can pile in and are within 2, but I wasn't sure if people had any general tips on how to deploy or move your grots to keep this option available. 

  6. Hi All! I just ordered my first batch of Ogors and I'm really excited to join the GutBuster family. I have some noob questions, and sorry if I am repeating things already on here.

    -Can the Butcher take The Cleaver and Tenderiser with the Cauldron or does he have to take the Stump Blades?

    -What is the correct size of the base for the Butcher with the Cauldron?

    -I'm relatively new to AoS, could a more seasoned player explain some basic tacis on how to use Grot Screens and then charge our Heroes and Ironguts with 2 inch range? I wasn't entirely sure of that interaction.


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  7. I'm interested in running the below list for a competitive 2k tournament. I need a few more boxes of Blades. Does anyone, on paper, see any major flaws? I think it would struggle with killing big monsters, but I think it is fairly balanced. I know that Ruler of the Spirt Hosts is great, but the Shroudguard needs the KOS to stay alive and being -2 against ranged is great. Arkhan makes up for the lack of RotSH and he he is great magic/anti magic. I originally wanted to play 20 and 20 Blades, because of the unit discounts, but I worry about their lack of reach and fitting them inside my KoS and Spirit Torment bubble.

    I'd love all and any CC!

    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (140)
    - General
    - Command Trait : Cloaked in Shadow
    - Artefact : Pendant of the Fell Wind
    Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)
    Spirit Torment (120)
    - Artefact : Midnight Tome
    Spirit Torment (120)
    Arkhan The Black Mortarch of Sacrament (320)
    40 x Chainrasp Horde (280)
    10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)
    10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)
    15 x Bladegheist Revenants (270)
    15 x Bladegheist Revenants (270)
    Shroudguard (110)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)


  8. In terms of Tournament lists/competitive units can we get a healthy discussion going about the Black Coach? Mine is in the mail and I'm pumped. When I look at the stats two things stick out to me. 1st is this thing is super durable and can be a great, "hey look at me!" unit to distract the enemy from our important, squishy leaders. It is also self-sufficient, which is a huge deal because it go hunting backfield units. 2nd thing is the number of attacks it has and its movement. It is set up to be a great objective clearer. 

    I honestly think it is so well rounded. It's durable, fast, reliable, can deal mortal wounds, gets better as the game goes on, and even offers utility. I think it will be the lynchpin of most of my lists. To me it is extremelly important to force your opponent to make tough decisions in terms of targeting important units. This is a non-leader, durable, self-sufficient one which is the compliment we desperately need to our utility leaders.

    Am I wrong? If people who use them would like to comment, I’d love to hear from you. 

  9. Below are graphs for 8 Myrmourns against a +4 armor unit. The first graph is base 8 attacks and the second graph is if they eat a spell.  You can see how big of a difference their output is when you get the 2 attacks. 



    graph 1.JPG

    graph 2.JPG

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  10. Hi Garxia. I think a lot of your questions vary based on the type of list you are trying to build. Also my answers below are very basic answers/observations built up from a long history of miniwar gaming/40k. Mileage may vary. 


    -Dreadblades per point aren't terrible. The issue is they compete with other Leaders who provide buffs and support. Dreadblades don't offer that.

    -The size of your Grimghast will depend on your list. I would tend to go with the full size. Discounted and more staying power. Also don't forget that a lot of buffs/spells affect ONE unit. So it is often better to have max unit size to get the most out of those buffs (Mounted Knight of shrouds for example).

    -Banshees are definitely good on paper, but their 1 base attack is not ideal. +4 to hit is unreliable. If you can make them work and get extra attacks from eating spells, they will feel amazing, otherwise I would say you might be disappointed. They are probably sometimes going to be very powerful or a little weak. I would run them in a unit of 8 or 12 imo. -2 rend and d3 dmg is no joke, but when you do the dice math on 1 attack hitting on 4's you have to put in some work or eat a spell to make their variance work in your favor.

    -Cogs depends on your list. Aggro lists love Cogs, but they are not an auto include imo. Although don't forget about the casting bonus as well. Cogs can be great at keeping a caster a live, especially because of Ethereal. 

    -Depends on the list. Our buffing leaders are great. IMO you want to always fit in as many buffs as you can. GoS and Spirit Torment buffs are great.

    -Depends on the list. GoS are one of our best heroes for a lot of lists. Spell casters are always strong and being able to cast 2 spells (Lady O) is a super strong abilitiy in AoS. I also think the Midnight Tome is very very good, which can give you even more casters.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Nevar said:

    I run Shroud Guard pretty much the same.  Consider the Pendant of the Fell Wind as your second artifact for the KoS, and you can let them jump even farther out of combat.

    Also, Guardian of Souls can make the 20 Bladegeists extremely annoying to kill with his spell, and you can give him Soul Cage to make the hit back on your Bladegeists less damaging.

    The only difference I play, is I use a foot KoS for the +1 to hit.  With KoS and GoS they have 3 attacks hitting on 2+ and wounding on 2+, can be regenerated, have a 5++ after their 4+ Ethereal, can retreat and charge, can be either given Shademist to make less wounds find them, or can have their target hit by Soul Cage to give them a leg up.  If you can get a Chaingast or Spirit Torment into the mix you are rerolling your 2+ to hit.

    I understand that +1 attack increases the damage potential of the combination with the mKoS, but I am the sort of player who prefers reliability over potential.  I all ones can happen, but a rerolled 2+ is much closer to an auto-hit than a rerolled 3+.

    I have usually used the Spirit Torment for the rerolls because it is very likely three models will die, and his additional recursion is outstanding.  Give him the Midnight Tome and you have two wizards right in the mix with the Bladegeists to ensure you can keep Shademist or Soul Cage up even if the Guardian of Souls is busy raising the dead.  Or go with the Beacon of Nagashizzar to bring even more back and make the block nearly unshiftable.  It all depends on how much you assume you will want to 'phase through' the enemy lines into their backfield or not.  If they are going to be bouncing around and not duking it out in the center, you can easily trade out the Pendant for the Beacon and have best of both worlds.  If you want to be unable to be locked down, Pendant and Cogs are amazing for Bladegeists.

    Can you report on the success of that battalion? On paper it seems very very good. If you build the right pieces around it, it seems like it can compete against most armies and compete in tournament settings. 

    Also, my biggest question for you is what size units are you using? It seems hard to put together all the support pieces/other threats in an army that maxes out the 2 units. I was going to start with and test 20 and 5 Blades. 

  12. When I look for untapped power in the book, in terms of tournament winning lists or units, I look at the Shroudguard. The equivalent of having Feel no Pain on a super killy unit that can retreat and charge in the same turn seems amazing. Are Bladegheists battleline? No. Are they cheap? Not really. But I think they over come those things with their mobility, +3 to hit +3 wound stat line and their durability. I want to try a unit of 20 and a unit of 5 in the battalion. The unit of 20 gets a price discount and is the best way to use the KoS's extra attacks. That unit, if it charges, gets 4 attacks each at +3 +3 -1 1dmg. That is so good. 

    I'm about to buy 3 boxes. I hope to put them on the table. I really think they will smash face.

  13. Has anyone here taken Morghast Harbingers/Archai in their Nighthaunt Armies? I feel like they are the perfect unit to chaff with our Chainrasps and then fly over for a turn 2 charge or the countercharge. 

    I'd love hear from someone who has used them. They are a little expensive, but 3d6 charge, 12 wounds in total , with high rend weapons (if you go spear) seem like a great addition to our army as high rend is something we lack a little.

  14. Newbie looking for some help.


    Could someone please explain to me the best way to get all the updated rules for our units? If I only have the Nighthaunt battletome I missing out on the changes made in Soulwars right? What book do I need to have in addition to the battletome in order to have all the updated rules?

  15. Hello All! I recently move my home and in the process sold off a bunch of loose miniatures. I have about $300-400 to build an AoS army and I have been drawn to Nighthaunt. I am a fairly competitive gamer and like to be able to compete in tournaments. Still relatively new to AoS in general, so I decided, without knowing much, to start with an established list, Martin Swaffield's list. I'd really like to add a Black Coach though. If anyone is bored and has time, I'd love your insight on how Martin most likely plays the below list and how you would fine tune it (my version is at 1900).

    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (240)
    Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (140)
    Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)
    Spirit Torment (120)
    Spirit Torment (120)
    40 x Chainrasp Horde (280)
    20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)
    6 x Spirit Hosts (240)
    Black Coach (280)


    Chainguard (120)
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)

    TOTAL: 1900/2000

  16. Can you imagine how much fun it would be if the Skullcracker was still available and you could drop 3 down next to an execution herd. God that would look so amazing on the tabletop and it would be pretty damn good. It would roll over a lot of armies. 

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  17. 2 hours ago, Blackspine said:

    I believe that model is far bigger than the skull cracker.  That model is a bit wider than the Stonehorn. 

    in friendly games that may work, but considering how powerful the Skullcracker is, I don't think many people would let that fly in matched play/ competitive.

    My opinion? That's just a model proxied as a different one. You'd have to do a TON of work to make it a passable conversion.  Given that the GHB now states that proxies are at the discretion of both players, this could be pretty hazardous. (I'd probably say 'no' to this in matched play) 

    This would be an expensive route as well. I think you can make something out of bits, chains and some work. You can do this! Just gotta think outside the box.


    Lol i don't have any bits that would work. I don't think I can really kit base it without buying a bunch of different stuff that would basically cost as much as a model.


    I would love to buy one :) or two or three :) 

  18. 1 hour ago, Tanfew said:

    How do people feel for allies in LoA? Always had fun playing Belakor in my generic lists and I feel he can add a lot to the hero phase.  

    Belakor seems like a nice addition. Is he able to be a Legion of Azgorh Ally? I'm not sure what allegiance he falls under. 

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