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Posts posted by Warbossironteef

  1. 55 minutes ago, Kaz said:

    This is a really cool list! It’s a good show of how the new battletome has seriously improved our roster over the old one! Admittedly, it’s still gore pilgrims, but I like how varied the list looks. 

    Any idea what was the general meta (like DoK or LoN)? 

    It's funny, it requires 2 command points and some positioning, but it's like a mini Tyrants without paying for the battalion. You can hit twice with Wrath and use your other command point to keep your Unfettered BT outside of 3inches so it strikes first before it'******. Basically you are trading your 3rd BT for 10xSkullreapers. They are slower but more board presence and kill hordes/chaff. Seems like a balanced list. 

  2. If anyone was curious I believe this is the list that just took 2nd at GothCon, a 30 person, 5 game tournament with some competitive armies. A mixed army! Really cool to see a mixed army of BTs, Blood Warriors and SkullReapers.



    Allegiance: Blades of Khorne

    - Slaughterhost: Reapers of Vengeance

    Mortal Realm: Ulgu

    Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster (320)

    - General

    - Trait: Mage Eater  

    - Artefact: Sword of Judgement

    Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury (300)

    - Artefact: Skullshard Mantle  

    Bloodsecrator (140)

    Slaughterpriest (100)

    - Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh

    Slaughterpriest (100)

    - Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy

    Slaughterpriest (100)

    - Blood Blessing: Blood Sacrifice

    10 x Blood Warriors (200)

    - Goreaxe & Gorefist

    10 x Bloodreavers (70)

    10 x Bloodreavers (70)

    10 x Skullreapers (360)

    Gore Pilgrims (140)

    Hexgorger Skulls (40)

    Wrath-Axe (60)


    Total: 2000 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 1

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  3. Final question, do you have to be within a certain range of it to do so?

    So I'm originally a Seraphon player. I was planning on using the comet and incantor in my list. Slann's (kroak or starmaster) have unlimited unbind range so I'm hoping that mean they could unbind it and not have to be in range.


    ** I just realized your picture is Kroak lol.

  4. I'm looking to play Stormcast as my lower model count army.


    Are any of the units on dracolines competitively viable? I like Fulminators or is just better to play a stardrake for a low model count army?

    Are there any combos or tricks for the fulminators?

  5. 53 minutes ago, KhorneySteve said:

    So for me as a relatively new Khorne player I always take a unit of 30 Bloodletters as my main battleline and either WoK Bloodthirster or Insensate Rage BT, depending on what size game is being played. I try and also take Skulltaker or Bloodmaster and put them with the Bloodletters for that locus of fury ability. Blood Warriors are quite tanky but I'm slowly phasing them out and replacing them with Bloodletters or Flesh Hounds as I've had more success with them than Blood Warriors. Slaughter priests with the altar are also really good at 100 points but only as support, mine have done next to nothing in combat. 

    I've heard other people talk about 30 bloodletters being harder to use in the new book, i think due to the size of th unit and the wholely within rules. If I were you i'd bust out my models on a table and do some trial movements and see how hard it is and how restrictive it is to your list. 

    • Like 1
  6. It's hard to really get a lot out of talking about things in a vacuum. Units are so list dependent and also different based on your matchup. I think you could talk about different ways to use units and what their strengths and weaknesses are but that's pretty much what's been happening already.  

    I think the most value comes from sharing actual table experience and thinking of ways to maximize your units in different scenarios. 

  7. I just put together what I would consider as a unique Brass Despoilers list. I think this direction I'm going in has legit potential but it's a million drops:


    Bloodsecrator (140)
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    Doombull of Khorne (120)
    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    1 x Khorgoraths (100)
    1 x Khorgoraths (100)
    1 x Khorgoraths (100)
    5 x Wrathmongers (140)
    10 x Bestigors of Khorne (120)
    10 x Bestigors of Khorne (120)
    6 x Bullgors of Khorne (320)
    Brass Despoilers (190)
    Hexgorger Skulls (40)
    TOTAL: 2000/2000

    It's pretty fast, super choppy and has 2 powerful core "units" the bullgors and Khorgies. Both of those things reroll everything. As weird as the list looks I feel like something in this  could be scary on the table. 

    • Like 1
  8. 41 minutes ago, Impa said:

    The only thing is if You wanted to go heavy with the wrathmongers you’d probably want to take that battalion geared towards them. I feel the damage output is better on the skullreapers and the mongers/stoker are purely support to up the attacks on the bloodwarriors and reapers. Although I do see your point. I guess it boils down to what’s more valuable. Drop a priest loosing a blood boil, potential judgement, a prayer and also have to Drop 5 blood warriors. To gain 5 wrathmongers giving you the extra attacks on 5 less bodies essentially equals out. But you do gain the monger attacks in themselves. And they have rend and reach. Hmmm it’s a tough decision. I’m just under the assumption more anvils and more prayers are maybe more valuable then a few more attacks and a 5 man rend/reach. Also we have to consider the wholly within junk. That does sound pretty cool with the manticore too though. Haha so many options. Let me know what you find when you play your lists. 

    I've advertised for the Mani-Lord a few times but I'll do it one last time. Here are the two dice graphs for the Manti-Lord with Bloodsecrator, Whipped and buffed by a prayer (not that difficult):

    (Charging a unit with a 4+ save)

    Dimensional Daemon Blade:




    And then his mount attacks. Imagine if you can actually pull off some Wrathmonger and Aspiring DB buffs... I feel like every Mortal Army should consider him. He's a freaking Blood Thrister. Most Mortal heroes are wasting the plus one to damage and that is sooo good.

    • Like 2
  9. 40 minutes ago, Impa said:

    Test running this list hopefully soon! Will report back when I get a game in hopefully Sunday. Think I’m done with gore pilgrims. It’s too reliant on your priests/secrator not getting picked off. And this bloodmad business with goretide seems like so much fun! Skullreapers, bloodstoker, bloodsecrator, priest and blood warrior unit with a reaver screen in the back for blood sacrifice and to hold up any rear flank charges on one side of the board. 2 x 10 BWs, wrathmongers, the deathbringer and 2 priests heading to the other side of the board. Nice board coverage and some speed. Extra attacks from the mongers or secrator along with the battalion. Can’t wait to put this into action. Also you can drop a priest for another stoker or reduce a 10 man BW unit to 5 and pick up more spells if you desire. The priests and bloodsecrator or like bullseyes to any opponent I play, so when you loose one gorepilgrims is essentially wasted points. So at least with the bloodmad battalion it has more opportunity within the scope of each game. Sad to shelf my daemons, but they just seem to be bigger more expensive bullseyes.. Tyrants of blood/reapers is great times. But when you loose two of your bloodthirsters and if you took your squishy bloodletters into battle and they got hosed down by ranged attacks. Or some crazy charge.. It can be game over. But oh man when things go your way, it’s a beautiful bloody victory where the game is called literally immediately I’ve found... but this list here seems to have a lot of anvils with MW bounce back from the blood warriors, some decent damage output from the reapers and priests doing their thing. I hope others have done a list like this, I’d love some feedback. I’m not a competitive player, so I’m limited to opponents.. cheers 


    This is almost the exact list that I'm running/testing. It will be interesting to see if you can get a lot out of 30 BloodWarriors. As much as Khorne is about killing stuff I actually think this list is best suited for playing the objective game and counter charges.  

    All my mortal lists seem to have 10xSkullreapers and 5x Wrathmongers, but I would love to test 5x Skullreapers and 2 5xWrathmongers. You could spread the Wrahtmongers buffs to more of your units and they can fight behind BloodWarriors with their 2 inch reach. Might be something considering. Shoot now that we are talking about it,  even the idea of 3x 5xWrathmongers is interesting. Bascially your BloodWarriors and Mongers would get onto objectives and fight together. Sounds like it could be good because every extra attack on a BW is great because they swing again when they die. Maybe you could test dropping a Slaughterpriest, 5x BWs and adding another 5xWrathmonger unit & Bloodreaver(or something else).

    I'm also planning on taking a Chaos Lord on Manticore and also trying Chaos Warshine. The Chaos Lord with Demensional Blade takes full advantage of the Goretide command trait and it gives the list another fast unit that really packs a punch. It has a 6 inch pile-in as well, so it's great behind chaff and can also fly 12, run and still get into combat. 

    • Like 1
  10. Same. I've been liking Bloodmad because it doesn't need the hero and if you when you shoot Goretide Bloodwarriors they often times get outside of buff range.

    It's a small thing but I feel like Khorne got the short end of the stick when it comes to weapons. Only one Goreglaive per 10 models and also Skullreapers not really getting any weapons feels a little bad, but I guess you can't get everything, unless your a Stormcast Sequitor......... :) 

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  11. I feel like the more I play the more I might like 5man Blood warriors. Less of a physical footprint than reavers but if you buff them to like 3 or 4 attacks they do great, even at 5 man strong. You throw them into a choppy enemy unit, attack, then take like 30 hits back, dishing out some mortals, then attack again when you die. They seem like great little "grenades" in a goretide army. I mean nothing game breaking, but just a solid little unit that I think can do more work than people give them credit for. 

    • Like 3
  12. 1 hour ago, Requizen said:

    1) Swords are better, but Hammers are cooler, personal opinion. You're correct in that most people use them because the easy-build kits use them, and it doesn't really matter. The difference in damage is fairly negligible, as most of the punch in the unit comes from the Grandhammers.

    2) Grandstaves are better against most targets, and allow you to fight in two ranks. If you take anything above the minimum, Grandstaves are recommended if nothing for the reach alone. Both are fine, though, since you get the Jazz Hands no matter which option you choose.

    3) Yes and no. They are a solid choice, but most lists either run pure minimum Battleline (3x5 Liberators) or go heavy on Sequitors since they're very good for their points. Judicators are in an odd spot due to their price and the fact that their role is kind of hazy - Raptors and Ballistas shoot better, for the most part, and Liberators and Sequitors hold objectives better - but they're far from bad. If you want to use them, use them. They're not the killiest units in the game, but they are a Battleline unit that can participate in damage while holding side objectives and can occasionally pop off and deal solid damage to an important model. 

    4) Not cheesy at all, since you'd be so heavy into shooting that you don't really have room for much else. There will be armies that you table because they can't make it to you before dying, but there'd also be armies that just get to you and kill you since you have no models to hold objectives/screen with. Maybe there's a build there that loads up on Libs/allied Skinks, but just those 12 models together isn't really that broken.

    5) If you mean the Gryph-Charger that comes in Soul Wars, yes he's extremely viable. If you mean the big Tauralon (which isn't a Griffon but looks like one), then... yes kinda but not really. He's a solid support unit with double casting and some reasonable melee potential, but you'd be better off taking the Gryph-Charger version instead and using those 100 points elsewhere. It's not bad, but not excellent.

    Both are fairly similar. Core is Stardrake with Staunch Defender + Castellant and then things to support. Relictor and Heraldor are good Support units, as is an Incantor for dispels. You might want bodies like 20 Sequitors, or beta-charge units like Evocators/Fulminators. 

    Unkillable Stardrake lists will take Ignax's Scales and then focus on using the really hard to kill Stardrake to lock down poritions of the board while the rest of the army cleans up. This will often take the form of holding back the Stardrake, and then charging it into a threat in such a way that you lock it down for multiple turns or until he can get assistance from Fulmis/Evos to kill the unit. You may also invest more in debuffs/buffs to keep it alive, such as a Life Battlemage who can heal and give an extra shrug save, or multiple Relictors to pop out multiple -1Hit debuffs.

    Punch Yourself Stardrake is a variant where you take Smouldering Helm (or similar) as the Artifact and then stack Save buffs and Azyrite Halo to force the opponent to blow themselves up. This variant will often result in as many MWs reflected onto the opponent as attacks they made - I once had a mid-sized unit of skeletons force 12 saves and then take 17MWs back. With this build, you play much more aggressively with the Stardrake, forcing the opponent to attack it as much as possible. Your Stardrake often dies with this sort of build, especially against opponents with lots of MW output, but it generally deals far more damage than the previous version. 

    Here's a general list for the former:

    Stardrake - Staunch Defender, Ignax's Scales, Keen Clawed



    Everblaze Comet
    Geminids of Uhl-Gysh


    Here's a possible list for the latter:

    Stardrake - Staunch Defender, Smouldering Helm, Keen Clawed
    Incantor - Azyrite Halo


    Evocators x10
    Sequitors x20


    They're similar, but play differently on the table. The former wants to zone out with the throwaway units, and then hard engage with the Stardrake and Fulmis only once the opponent has committed to a position, moving out as a spearhead (or splitting off one of the three units depending). The second one wants to move up the board as a singular force, getting the Sequitors and Stardrake stuck in asap, so they might deal early damage and then sweep in with Heraldor + Evocators for the cleanup.

    I personally play a bit more cautious with my Stardrake games, so I play something similar to the first one a lot, but I could see either doing well at an event. The main difference in any case is what you charge and how, and how the support units work together on the table. 

    Thank you! I appreciate the responses! 

  13. 1 hour ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    I am saddened I never got to try out my Council of Blood launched forth by 3 Bloodstokers.  It would have been like 3 huge cannons, but alas, no more Bloodstokers for daemons, and apparently the Wrath-Thirster's ability has changed, so no more run and charging for any Khorne guys that I can find.  Skaarac used to have that for monsters I think too.  

    The new focus for me will be Beasts of Khorne, basically getting more attacks for my Bullgors with great axes in a Brass Despoilers battalion.  Using Gors for cheap battleline/tithe points.   I can ally in a Bray or Tzaangor Shaman and maybe a Shaggoth to help out the Khornate Dragon Ogors.  I like those Beasty Endless Spells.

    My friend is focusing on bloodletters and the daemon slaughterhost to let bunches of them strike first in combat, and then attack again I think.  Coupled with the Tyrants of Blood, I think some Khorne units (when they reach combat) could be able to strike perhaps 3 to maybe 4 times in a turn if things work out properly.  The one Bloodthirster that lets daemon units attack and pile in within 6" is a good aura ability.

    Mortals as usual will need many many heroes and their abilities.  Frankly I'd just use a Skulltake and the Wrathmonger battalion for them.  Solid combos there, and probably with the Skullfiend Tribe.

    I am definitely happier with the new Skaven tome though.

    Brass Despoilers does seem interesting. It would be a whole different army but it could be quite good. You pick up some more speed. 

    Khorne Bestigors get freaking choppy next to a Bloodsecrator and some Wrathmongers. Yikes. 

    • Like 1
  14. Noobie Stormcast questions:

    -I think the math says swords are better on Sequitors. Do people just use hammers because they only come with hammers from the starter set?

    -How do people generally run their Evocators? A mix or usually all Staves or Swords?

    -I really like the look of Judicators. They are a little expensive but seem like a super solid battleline. Are they used in competitive lists?

    -How cheesy is 3xCelestar Ballista and 9xLongstrike? It seems like it wouldn't be fun for your opponents in a casual setting. 

    -Final question: Lord Arcanum seems awesome. Is the Griffon verison viable? I love the model. 

  15. 17 minutes ago, Smooth criminal said:

    Regarding cannons.

    Are they really in the unplayable territory though? It's not like we have something else that threats 38".  A unit of cannons should be able to reduce opposing ranged power or at least pull the shooting away from your other stuff for a turn. And they have the output of 30 letters in melee if they get to double shoot (against a 10+ people unit, comparable since you won't get full 30 letters in combat against anything else). They also have exact same survival rate against no rend.

    So basically 420pt buys you an equivalent of letter brick with 120pt that you overpay on shooting. Is that bad?

    Sure, opponent can deepstrike their ranged stuff or hide it, but monger nerf didn't affect that.

    What's our next best thing to do against shooting? 3+ save run&charge warriors? 2+ save move 8" crushers? Doesn't sound very convincing.

    They probably make up their points if you are able to get them into combat and shoot twice. To me the big thing is that in a mortal army it also means you need to take a daemon leader for Locus. So when you add up the Daemon Leader points and the 420 points it is very inefficient. 

    But to your point, even though it is so pricey, the army doesn't have anything else that can do what they do. So maybe it could work, but it's a huge investment. 

    If you shoot at a 10 man enemy unit with locus, you do about 4-8 wounds on average. That's not enough imo for 420, so it would really be about getting them into combat for the double shot.

  16. Is Korghos Khul not being recognized enough? He only works in Goretide, and I feel like he is 20 points over costed but he has a few unique things. 3+ armor save, 8 inch pile in, an axe that can one shot any model and a good command trait that pairs perfectly with Goretide reroll 1's to wound. With a few extra attacks he actually hits pretty hard and gets to like 11 totally attacks. 

    Is it just the price tag that make people write him off? A bloodsecrator cost 140, it seems odd that he is all the way up at 180.

  17. The whole Skullcannon thing continuesto bug me. They should have taken the time, after realizing that they wanted to nerf them, to realize they are too expensive. 

    A simple fix would be to change Mongers to melee attacks but then also lower the Cannons points to like 120... instead they are completely dead. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Killax said:

    Slow armies suffer from this, we can't really interact due to that wonderful FAQ.

    We basically can work against Magic, but need opponents to basically not shoot. Consider Slaughterborn with Goretide, hope to survive and not have opponents be able to teleport or quickly move said ranged units. 6 Skullcrushers could help too.

    It feels kind of bad that running tanky guys into the enemy is one of our only tactics. I get that Khorne does one thing, Khorne things, but I think from a gameplay option it would be nice to have more movement/strategic options. 

    Like 10x reapers with 5xWrathmonger behind them is pretty awesome, but it's so slow and expensive that it's hard to even get to fun part. But I do love that combo. Bronzed flesh on the Reapers and then the Wrathmongers can hit from behind because 2inch range.

  19. 1 hour ago, Killax said:

    Old advice: bring some ranged support with Wrathmongers and Skullcannons

    New advice: we don't have any good interaction. The best thing we can do is likely 2x 10 Blood Warriors to scoot up with Goretide Comman Ability and hope your key stuff sort of survives and your opponent can't screen these Blood Warriors.

    Yeah I was using bloodwarriors to try and break the lines but it was still hard. 

    One game I played freeguild and I think that's just a hard counter to Khorne. He went heavy shooting and because we are so slow he was able to set up on objectives and then never move and get all his bonuses. Plus shoot again when I charged. Stormcast has also been difficult but maybe Freeguild are just a hard counter. 

  20. I got some games in this weekend and I felt pretty helpless against shooting armies. 

    Some of hardest hitting units are so slow, our battalions offer no movement shenanigans and BTs are so squishy. 

    Does anyone have any advice? At this point it almost seems better to have a 6xblood crusher unit than a WoK BT

    • Like 2
  21. 16 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    Mathhammer warning:

    With the locus active you have about a 50/50 chance of hitting and wounding with each skull cannon shot. Assuming your opponent never makes a save, that gives them an average damage of about 1.75 per shot. You can increase the average damage to about 2.2 if you have a +1 to hit, but that's about it.

    So the question is whether or not 140 points, plus whatever you've taken to trigger locus, is worth about 2 damage per turn at range. Sure, there's more to the  cannon than the gun, but having  that ranged attack is the big draw and the only unique thing with the model. Everything else it does can be done better by something else.  Personally I don't think it's worth the cost, but your mileage may vary. 

    Yeah the math per point is pretty bad. If you do play them, you will need to be super aggro with them so you can get into combat. But the idea of using them as a ranged support unit is gone. They now need to get into combat to make the 420 points worth it.

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