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Posts posted by Warbossironteef

  1. Thanks. That was my understanding as well. The face on you opponent when your pigs move 24 with fly and then retreating 24 after attacking is amazing. I did it this weekend and it was glorious. 

    Because it's a retreat move, can you also run? I wasn't sure about that when I did it so I only moved my 24.


  2. I think Big Waagh has amazing potential to be a powerful casting army. Below is my initial list. The idea is  that your Weirdnob and Wurrgog are both getting to +3 or +4 to cast and doing ranged Mortal Wounds while you also reliably buff your army. You can reliably cast Wrath of Gork/Green puke and extend the range with BWV. The Savage Orruks can be buffed to absorb alpha strikes and to gum up the board. The ardboys, while slow, are there to grind things out and to come back. The Idol can be buffed to +2, +5, (another +6 with Waagh Points) and then move 20 with fly, dmg 3 and smash face. I think this list or a variant of it has some legit legs. 

    The casting power of this army is no joke and it has the staying power with the bodies and recycling Ardboys. The final piece  buffs your casters but also is your hammer. I'd love to put this on the table because theory crafting it seems to be very interesting. 

    Wurrgog Prophet (160) –Boneybitz,  Brutal Beast Spirits/Gorkamorka’s Warcry
    Maniak Weirdnob (120) – Breath of Gorkamorka
    Orruk Warchanter (110)
    Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (110) – Burtin with Power, Shamanic Skullcape – Wrath of Gork & Hand of Gork 
    Wardokk (80) – Kunnin Beast Spirits

    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
    5 x Orruk Ardboys (90)
    5 x Orruk Ardboys (90)
    30 x Savage Orruks (300) 

    Rogue Idol (400)

    Ardfist (120)

    Balewind Vortex (40)

  3. A lot of other people have said this, and I agree, the Rogue Idol and Big Stabbas are our "can-openers."  They bring -2 rend and high damage. I do feel like we might struggle with Ironjawz and the new Bonereapers. Their entire armies are 4+ and 3+.  

    I've been thinking a lot about a Weirdnob in Big Waaghh with Balewind Vortex next to a Rogue Idol/Wardok. He could do some good mortal output. Has anyone tried that out yet? 

  4. I'm looking to convert my old trees. Would anyone be willing to do me a huge favor and measure the distance between the tips of the new tree "bases"? I believe the new tree "bases" have one small one, one medium sized one, and one large one.


  5. 6 hours ago, JoshPP said:

    Hello guyz, I used to run Ironjawz in my town,


    so, we have received "a new battletome" for the updated orruks.


    so far, I have tried 3 games with my colleagues and feels like it has become a lot weaker than before and can't win a single game.

    (against Deepkin, Chaos Dwarf, Stormcast Eternals)


    My question is do you guyz think Ironjawz, on its own, is competitive in a matched play games?


    or I should really think about buying some new models to form a Big Waaaagh?




    Here is my list.


    Ironjawz / Ironsunz


    Megaboss (460) - General / Sunzblessed Armour/Right Fist of Dakkbad / Mean'un

    Warchanter - Killa beat

    Warchanter - Get em beat

    Weirdnob Shaman - Shamanic Skullcape / Big Hand of Gork



    3 Gore Gruntas

    3 Gore Gruntas

    10 Ardboyz

    10 Ardboyz

    10 Brutes





    Extra Command Points (50)

    Total 1960 pts



    The new IJ, BS and Big Waaggh are all competitively viable. They have all already shown up and done well in tournaments. I think if Slaneesh didn't exist they could all win tournaments and the results are already showing they are strong. All the armies  rely on buffs and smart movement/charges. IJ's specifically need to get the most of their allegiance abilties to maximize their usefullness. Maybe try combining the gore grunts into a 6 man unit. That way it's easier to utilize your Warchanters. 6 man, buffed up GorGrunta units are super scary. 

  6. The new book is already showing up! Ian Spink placed 5th at JUSTICE SERIES AUTUMN GT with the below list.  His only lost was the game that the Honest Wargamer covered. It was an interesting game and a tough matchup (75 Ardboyz). Interesting to see the Boarboys with Stikkas and Shields. I guess he would use them as a mobile anvil unit. I'm not sure how well they preformed, but cool to see! 

    Wurrgog Prophet (160)
    - General
    - Trait: Fuelled by the Spirits - Breath of Gorkamorka
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Brutal Beast Spirits
    Maniak Weirdnob (120)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka's War Cry
    Wardokk (80)
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Kunnin' Beast Spirits
    Wardokk (80)
    - Artefact: Kattanak Pelt
    - Lore of the Savage Beast: Gorkamorka's War Cry
    30 x Savage Orruks  -Stikkas  (300)
    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (360)
    10 x Savage Boarboys - Stikkas (260)
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (280)
    6 x Savage Big Stabbas (300)
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1


    • Like 1
  7. Hi fellow Bonesplitterz. I'm looking for some help. I live on the East Coast of the USA and I am looking for a single Boarboy. It can only be the boar too! Painted or unpainted doesnt matter.

    Does anyone have one they are willing to ship/sell? I can Paypal or Venmo. PM if you are willing to help a fellow Big Boss out! 

  8. 1 hour ago, Malakithe said:

    They have rend and similar movement capabilities. Their heroes are waaaaay killier but their magic is worse. Depending on how you build a list you should out number them and a block of arrowboys should delete anything with the exception of a full 30 ardboys

    If you buff 30 arrowboys with +1 to hit and the Boarmage spell, they do roughly 10 wounds to an Ethereal Mawkrusha. That's if you can get all 30 in range without being charged by it or something else. I really do think Mawkrushas are going to be tough to deal with, unless Drakfoot's ability negates the Amulet's ability, but it doesn't. 

  9. I feel like Mawcrushas/IJ's are going to be everywhere at my local club. Anyone have any good pure Bonesplitterz tips/tricks/ideas on how to deal with them?

    I like BigStabbas but with Ethereal Amulet and the extra wounds they gain the Mawcrushas can be tough to crack. 

  10. Stealing a lot of ideas from others but here is my 2k Rogue Idol list. I'm not sure if it needs the Big Stabbas. It might be better to trade them in for a Warchanter and a unit of Ardboys or Wardokk (warchanter on Idol is really good). That being said Big Stabbas are really good and are a decent way of dealing with Mawcrushas and other monsters. The strengths of the list is that it can still alpha really hard but it also has board control with the 60 boys. Boarboys don't necessarily need buffs and they can be solid flankers. A little light on heros, i'd like 2 Wardokks, but you have to cut points somewhere.

    Wurrgog Prophet (160)
    Maniak Weirdnob (120)
    Savage Big Boss (100)
    Wardokk (80)

    30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (360)
    30 x Savage Orruks (Stikkas) (300)
    10 x Savage Boarboy Maniaks (280)
    4 x Savage Big Stabbas (200)
    Rogue Idol (400)

    2,000 points - 206 wounds


    • Like 1
  11. I think 10xBoarboy Maniaks are going to be a blast to play with. Imagine playing a scenario that has a lot of objectives and your opponent has to spread their forces to cover them.

    With only one spell your 10x Boarboys Maniaks are moving 24 inches and then on the charge each model is putting out 7 attacks at 3's and 3's. They will clear almost any light infantry unit in the game. 

  12. Anyone come up with any good Gordakk Bigg Waaagh lists that use Bonesplitterz? You can get +2 to cast from the Big Waggh abilities and take a Boar-Mage from BS with a re-rollable spell for the d3 mortals and fight last in combat. Could be a good way to combat some Slaneesh/activation wars.

  13. 5 hours ago, svnvaldez said:


    Be ready to have your soul crushed painting! It legit took me 2 years from start to finish with my 90 boyz. Do not be the fool who decides to try your best painting a Bonesplitterz army. I was averaging a boy a month... darkest days of my hobby life lol.


    Airbrush + contrast + inks and you can paint these boys up pretty quickly 

    • Like 2
    • LOVE IT! 1
  14. Some newbie Skaven questions, sorry if they have been previously asked but this thread is almost at 100 pages :)

    -Can the Warpseer cast any of the Spell Lore spells? If not, how do people use his double casting?

    -Is it possible to field a competitive army with both Stormfiends and Plague Monks?

    -What heros/combos are the best for buffing Plague Monks? 

    -Is there a generally accepted best build for 6 Stormfiends?

  15. 10 hours ago, CaptainBerk said:

    Just got back from a two day tournament.  I went 3-2 with the following list.  I beat Idoneth Eels, Flesh Eater Courts, another Death army (2 x zombie dragons).  I lost to Night Haunt and Daughters of Khaine (although this was very close and if I had managed a stomp with Durthu it could have been a win).

    My list was :


    Allarielle (Throne of Vines)


    Tree Lord Ancient (Nutured by Magic, Regrowth)

    Branchwraith (Chalice of Nectar, Dwellers Below)

    20 Dryads

    2 x Tree Revenants


    Spiteswarm Hive

    I used Allarielle to summon another Treelord in all the games except 1 (against Idoneth where I used Hunters with Sythes).

    The list was quite durable, and Treelords with Stomp are brilliant.

    Interesting list. I wouldn't think using 2 Treelords would be very good. It's 400 points and it basically could be another Durthu. In games in which your Durthu or Allarielle get killed do you feel like you have enough punch?  I love going for more stomps but the Treelords aren't going to do much killing. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    Yeah, what I've generally found to be the case with cogs, is you cast it for bringing stuff on from deepstrike, either make or fail charges, but the next turn, before you can switch it back to slow mode, it's benefits have been used by your opponent. Reik having 2 casts is great, but his spells and most of the ones from the spell lore are such short range that he needs to be in the thick of it to make use of the double cast, and that means having cogs either in the middle of the board when it can be manipulated by your opponent or at the back of the board, where Reik is then not doing much with his super limited range. Now that cogs has gone up in points and as so many armies can counter our deep striking (even with cogs) so easily, I feel that the 80pts can be better invested in other units or endless spells, such as purple sun and gravetide

    As all things, it depends on your list. The MSU type of lists start at 80 points. You need cogs. MSU allows you to "deepstrike" into smaller areas and find the charges you need. IMO most Nighhaunt lists benefit a lot from Cogs.

    Often times people are only judging it based on how many big charges you get off but with Cogs, and the Underworld, you force your opponent into deploying a certain way and protecting their units. This in itself, the threat of the pop up and charge, is a huge bonus. Plus when having a reliable caster in Reik for when you really need Cogs makes it a little better as well. 

  17. 15 hours ago, Emissary said:

    I've used spiteswarm 3 times.  The spell is money.

    That's cool. I'm sure when it works it is powerful but it is still a little unreliable and restrictive for my taste. It has a limited cast range, wholly within 8 inches effect and it will relies on dice roll (albeit a 2+). I will probably stick to casting cogs the turn I plan on making big charges or an alpha. You can cast it anywhere and it will get the job done. 

  18. Yeah I'm not sure I'd go for the Spiteswarm but all other 3 seem valid. If you can get woods down you can be TP'ing and charging all over the place. Plus 2x Durthu Death squads give you a solid chance of getting your stomp off. Maybe A TLA for a third stomp, woods, and some healing support to keep the Durthu General alive.

    The -1 to all hits artefact is also awesome.

  19. I feel like there might be some "hidden tech" for non-glade armies in the book. Warsinger seems so powerful in a Double Durthu list. Giving +2 to charge to 2 Durthus or some combination of a Durthu and another unit is so ridiculously good, especially when your Durthu's can go wood-surfing. You could combine this with Cogs too.

    Does anyone have any tips for how to run a Double Durthu list? There are also some amazing non-glade artefacts as well and I think it could be a viable option.

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