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King Taloren

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Posts posted by King Taloren

  1. 17 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    No. I might be wrong but the rules state that: "If a reserve unit has to be set up on the battlefield at a specific point - e.g. at the start of the controlling player's first turn - but that point comes before the contingent's arrival time, that unit cannot be used as a reserve unit in that battle - either set up that unit with the rest of its contingent or do not use that unit. "

    So two reasons why your suggestion actually is a big problem.

    1. you're breaking a rule just to be able to use an ability. Every contingent after the first enters at the end of the turn. So unless it happens at set up, you just can't use that ability because it automatically means 'that point' comes before the contingent's arrival time. You can't transfer that to another turn. 
    2. It kind of defeats the whole intent (and more importantly in my mind the narrative ;) ). It's a traveling army  and the way the rules are only the first contingent can use reserves, so after that when you take your turn the opponents contingent is already on the table. By transferring the reserves ability to the next turn it means I can't react to their set up. Which is clearly (in my mind at least) against the intent of the rule and the narrative of meeting engagements.

    Of course big problem is very subjective. If you think is cooler to house rules the reserves rules in the way you describe, fair play to you. 

    There is that but there also units which are worded that are just setup and no indication of when that setup occurs. Khinerai for example do not have to be setup at the start of the game. So they can arrive with the contingent and then set up in the sky and deep strike the following turn. Just make sure your setups don’t say a specific turn.


    A traveling army doesn’t mean that you will not have soldiers making moves to flank or other objectives.


    And I am not saying you can deep strike a unit before the contingent arrives just do it after it has arrived:

  2. 3 hours ago, Fert said:

    The issue I have with reserves in meeting engagements is that most deep striking units arrive at the start of a hero phase or end of a movement phase... But the contingent they are likely part of will arrive at the END OF THE TURN.  Thus, according to the rules, must be setup with their contingent or not at all.   So basically, no deep striking.  TBH, the meeting engagements need an FAQ to clear up some nonsense.

    You just deep strike at during the Hero phase or end of movement phase after the turn the contingent arrives. It’s not really that big a problem.

  3. It depends on if the terrain has cover or not. The warscroll will say it provides or it is something you agreed to with your opponent. Check what the rules say for terrain pieces or work with your opponent on what you are going to do with each piece.

  4. He rolls 6 dice total if all the blightkings are in range of at least one of each other. not 5 X3 because it is only looking for any unit with this ability to affect a unit. Having more than one provides no benefit aside from being able to heal each other. There is no “stacking” so to speak. 

    So three for friendly units because they all count toward each other and three for the enemy units.

    • Like 1
  5. You always use the most recent ones released.  So any that are in GHB18 that have not received new rules anywhere else just use the ones in there. 

    Any that don’t have warscrolls in GHB and no recent rules you can use the 1.0 rules or just roll on the table.

  6. 1. Yes and No. in most cases it is looking for models so as long as you do not count any models in range as holding both you can use one giant blob.  

    Some missions vary so be sure to read what counts. Some only heroes with artifacts and wizards can hold the objective.

    2. On most cases yes you will keep control until your opponent gets models into range to capture it.

    Again there are some variations to this. Certain battle plans require you to stay and hold the objective.

  7. It’s a save after save like deathless spirits.  And you can take it and have three saves.

    After the Etheral save you can choose to roll either one first and then use the other afterwards.

    But the Sepulchral Plate is only good against regular wounds it will offer no protection against mortal wounds. 

    On those regular wounds it essentially gives you a reroll on all failed saves. So you are basically giving yourself 6-10% more saves on the roll.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Isotop said:

    A quotation/reference for backing this belief of yours would go a long way.

    The problem is it looks like it was deleted/removed from where it used to be. Otherwise I would.


    Though oddly enough this is a rule still in 40k About models leaving the battlefield from battleshock. Could be one they forgot to transfer to Sigmar 2.0 like the 1s always failure and don’t trigger abilities regardless of modifiers.

  9. In the actual rules you do not remove/damage/slay models until all the attacks made for a unit have been completed. Most people just remove models as they go to keep track since you have so many wounds and dice rolls to keep track of some people feels it’s easier to do it as it comes.

    So you cannot deprive a unit of any of its attacks except for simple overkill when there is no point in attacking further because everyone in the opponent’s unit is now dead.

    You can of course remove models to deprive another unit that hasn’t attacked yet if more than one unit is fighting the same one being attacked.

  10. It largely depends on the factions and they units. There are certain ones that will not let you go over the starting size as the ability only returns slain models. And then others that can expand and even add beyond  the original size. It’s just a matter of looking at which ones can do that.

  11. Yes. You are not required to pile in and attack the unit that you charged. You can pile into any unit as long as it’s the closest enemy  model that it can reach, even if it is 4” or 5” away you can stick other units into combat even if you cannot get in range to attack.

    • Thanks 1
  12. The “count as slain” is only for scoring purposes and for abilities to that return slain models to the field as some battle plans look for number of models slain in combat for tiebreaker. (Partly because initially some rules lawyer was saying that models that fled in the battleshock phase weren’t slain and therefore couldn’t come back to the unit so GW has to fix it and say they count as.)

    They are not actually slain in combat and do not activate any abilities that work when they are  slain normally. Much how the endless spells do not trigger any abilities when they wound/slay units at  the start of the turn. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, darranh1 said:

    It’s 32mm. Ah ok missed that individual models debuffed only.  So yer it’s not worth trying to be clever and take 3 units. I thought abilities and measuring  started at base edge to base edge rather than middle of model now? 

    Yeah it is measured base to base. I was trying to think how feasible it would be trying to have three units squashed and maintain coherence 32mm is virtually impossible 

  14. Not entirely because it is -1 to enemy MODELS not unit within 3” of the Dreadscythe unit so unless you can position three units near every single model at best you could inflict -2 on a pair of them. Maybe a -3 on a few with clever positioning. And then be prepared for salt from your opponent for mixing your units all into one big bunch and claiming they are 3 separate units. 

    Btw what is the base size on dreads? Cause that is also a factor in trying to get three units bunched together.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, Ian R said:

    Thanks, but to be clear if the model moves 0” it has finished its opportunity to move in the move phase, but not physically moved.  Is it caught?

    No. If you do not move the unit the model is in at all you do not have to declare it moved 0” you just say it didn’t move this turn and don’t trigger the deadly terrain rules. It can still move next turn, though any movement aside from pile in will trigger deadly terrain. 


    However moving any part of the unit will trigger deadly terrain even if the model that is near/on the terrain itself does not move/moves 0” , that will trigger the deadly terrain.

  16. This is one of those where, for the Evocators, it’s going to be a question of what everyone agrees on in your area.

    In my group we allow climbing up the empty gap without going to the back wall. As if they have ladders or ropes to make it up there. Thus it’s a 5” move and a 7” charge to get into b2b though that only gets one Evocator in range to attack depending on how you place them with the rest either hanging in midair on using the 6” leeway vertical unit coherence.

    On the flip side if roles were reversed, flying units ignore vertical movements so it is just a straight line flat on the table. So it would just be however many inches it take to make the charge as if they were on the ground.

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  17. Let’s not forget that GW has stated to always use the most current FAQ regarding any questions on interactions and abilities if there is conflict between rules and FAQ answers.

     The Slaanesh FAQ is the most recent regarding fight first/fight last interactions so it should be considered to take precedence over any other FAQ until/unless  GW says differently.

  18. Endless spells do not have any allegiance ties outside the fact that only wizards with the allegiance keywords can cast them and do not cost ally points because they are not tied to the allegiance itself.

    I.e. you can take Sigmar’s Comet in any army you wish but only a Stormcast Wizard can actually cast the spell. So taking it in any army that cannot ally a Stormcast wizard is useless. 

    As long as there unit casting the spell has the proper keyword required they can cast the spell regardless of their current allegiance. So yes a Nurgle army can take Skaven endless spells as long as there is a Skaven wizard included. Even if he also has the Nurgle tag he is still Skaven.

    • Thanks 1
  19. 5 hours ago, GlitzFan said:

    So if it is the glomspite turn then the terrorgheist doesnt fight first and in fact will fight LAST.

    No he will still fight in sequence instead of fighting last because the two abilities cancel each other out. Even if it is your turn the ability to fight first isn’t ignored but just cancelled by itchy nuisance as usual.

  20. No the Stormcast do not count as ally points when they are included in a battalion for another army. It’s in the core rules FAQ under allies.

    You will still have 400 points to ally in something else if you wish.

    • Thanks 1
  21. Idoneth Deepkin:

    We will be faster than everything else outside of anything that can always run and charge. Half our stuff flys too. Don’t try to outrace us instead limit our places to move with broad coverage of units. Don’t let us go where we can do damage to you.

    The more damage you do in turn 1 and 2 will limit the return damage if turn 3.

    Unless you can outmaneuver us, you will only be allowed to shoot my 3+ save Ishalen Guard because they will be in cover always unless they charge. And then they will still have 3+ save.

    The faster you either kill them or hit me with a scary unit into my Morrsarr Guard the faster I will pop my mortal wound ability and save you from worrying about something else getting zapped.

    Charge my eels, don’t let me charge. Things are worse for me when I can’t charge them. Because my bonuses don’t get to be used.

    Leviadon is a underrated melee monster that will wipe out chaff units like a boss. Fear the Massive Scythed Fins!

    Volturnos is the lynchpin of my army. Kill him and my turn 3 fizzles our like a wet firecracker. But you have to shoot everything in front of him, hope you can use magic with his 3+ ignore spells, or try to charge him with something that can live through 5 3+ 3+ D3 that can be -5 rend on 6+. If he survives the attack.

    Don’t fight me on turn 3. Just run and try not to give me two turns to attack you first during high tide.

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