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Posts posted by FireAbend

  1. 1 hour ago, Enoby said:

    Do they not expect to sell much, and want to make as much back as possible? The limited edition box didn't sell out, so maybe that's the case, but we just don't know.

    Would be interesting to know if they use this "pre-launch" boxsets as indicator for the following army pricing.
    IIRC the 'Feast of Bones' box sold fast. Maybe there for OBR was 'cheaper'.

    I'll hope so, else we maybe see again an price hike for future models?

  2. 3 hours ago, 123lac said:

    These loot boxes are $220 AUD each.

    I'm frankly astounded anyone would want to pay that much for a lucky dip of what is probably old stock that isn't selling well.

    I mean, most of us have a pile of shame already...

    Yeah same here. On the german GW page the boxes sold out instant.

    First i was also thinking about getting some UW-box, cause i havent bought the most of beastgrave stuff (but maybe there are 90% Season 1 and 2 stuff?). 
    Then i saw it is only in english language (i don't like to mix the languages in 'one game') and while i was bickering .... 

    aaaaand it's gone!

  3. GAMA 2020 is in 9 days, any suggestions?

    DoK Warband for Underworlds -> Adepticon new Warbands or Season?

    Warcry Warband -> Adepticon new Starter?

    A new Pointy Aelves Model? -> Adepticon full reveal 

    Teaser for SoBe -> Adepticon full reveal?

    Last year we got KillTeam, Necromunda, BloodBowl. So maybe only Sidegames?

  4. 6 hours ago, Null Field said:

    I would very much prefer they they go back to the Silver Tower/AOS version and make it solo/coop.

    Would love to get a new AoS WH:Q with the solo/coop version.  

    5 hours ago, stickybluetoffee said:

    Quest to uncover the secrets of a StormVault

    Would be a nice setting for the current lore progress in AoS.

  5. 3 hours ago, novakai said:

    the reveal is usually quite small so don't except anything big or part of the main line, last year it was Dreadfane, Stormvault, Combat arena, and the Funko Pop toys


    They reveald a lot of side-game stuff in the last weeks: WH:Q BF Expansion, Warcry, Blood Bowl, Middel Earth;
    At Nuremburg Spielwarenmesse: Necromunda, Aeronautica, Titanicus.
    Smaller board games are now a lot of stuff on the marked from GW (Stormvault, Dreadfane, Combat Arena, Space Marines Adventures, Warhammer munchkin ....)

    So what's left?
    Maybe the IJ and DoK Underworld Warbands, new KillTeam stuff, new card game ? Will be interesting.

  6. Hi there,

    i'm on the brink of getting myself a copy of WH:Q Blackstone Fortress (owning already Silver Tower and SoH) and there occured some thoughts about the future of the brand.

    I just wanted to ask if there are any assumption from you guys when GW maybe dropping a new WH:Q?

    And are there some numbers for the success of Blackstone Fortress?

    Currently GW releasing a lot of expansions for BF, so i think it's doing well. So no need to bring a new Game in near future?

    Silver Tower 2016
    Shadows over Hammerhal 2017
    Blackstone Fortress 2018

    Maybe new game end of 2020 ? 

    Just want to hear your thoughts :)

  7. I always liked the look of them but was busy with my ironjawz and  turned off by the bad rules (heard from others, never take a look at the old BT).

    But now i got myself the Aetherwar box and 2-3 other boxes. Btw. in Germany 3rd party retailer stock of Aetherwar still good/available.


    Not so much interested in Pointy Alefs, so i hope i can afford to spend some money on the KO now. 
    But we'll see what we get the next week/months for AoS.
    Next Week release already known?

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    in the Orruk Warclans battletome it is confirmed Gordrakk is striking at Excelsis

    With this i‘m hoping for an new unit or scenery/endless spell for ironjawz and an update of the freeguild (which protects Excelsis together with Dome Stormcasts) models next year.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Dirtnaps said:

    That's Nagash sitting on a throne. The model has the bone tendrils too, that rumour engine is something new probably related to the new Death faction or a Warcry warband from Shyish.

    Ah thx for clarification.
    The dudes in the front looks a bit IDKish to me 🤨

  10. Hey, i had the same thought last week when i orderd a copy of the new kharadron Warband. Some kind of fluff like "you stumble over a group of duradin pirates, rivals of your black fleet ark master, who want to take revenge for the other killed pirate leaders (from the intro)".

    I did not have much time to think about exact rules yet, but for Mollog's Mob one possibility is to do something like: when the group is searching a specific room they open a magical portal, if they enter it, they find them selfs in a cave with "the boss".

    Using WHQ:Tiles for the cave like this: cave tile

    I like your idea about the "wandering monster". Maybe something like: (as GM you see the dungeon plan) the monster starts  in the last room of the dungeon and after every hero phase you role a D6. 
    odd number: monster stays in the room.
    even numer: move to next room 
    (if there are more possibilities: 1 and 6 = stay;  2 = north; 3 = south....)

    • Like 2
  11. 16 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Exactly. It would really have to tank to not go there.

    I don't mean this next bit in any sort of snarky or cynical way -

    Why sell the game once when you can sell it many times?

    Warcry: Malerion's Arena

    Warcry: Duel to the Undeath

    Warcry: Savages of Ghur



    I totally agree. I think GW is great in milking the money out of us.

    4 times new minis with scenery - my wallet is crying :)

  12. 38 minutes ago, mikethefish said:

    So happy that Khorne got revealed today.  This means that they hopefully won't take any extra time talking about it during the big GAMA reveal tomorrow

    We’ll be previewing what the future holds for Khorne all throughout next week  so make sure to check back tomorrow!‘

    Not sure if this means GAMA or only WH-Com.

  13. Any rumors about a new WHQ AoS-themed? 

    I’m late to the Party and thinking about getting WHQ:SoH. 

    With Release of WHQ:BF Wh40k themed think we have to wait at least a year?

    (Sorry I know there‘s also an WHQ area, but think this question is kind of Booth, i guess)

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