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Posts posted by Drazhoath

  1. 2 hours ago, BaronBanana said:

    Here's a list I thought of that might not be *too* terrible


    Glutos - General


    -Bindings of Slaanesh





    2x10 Symbaresh Twinsouls

    3x11 Blissbarb Archers


    Chronomatic Cogs


    Soulsnare Shackles


    Is one wizard enough for three Endless Spells or should Sigvald be broken down into one Shardspeaker and one StD Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh?

    You cant give Glutos any Traits or artefacts because he is a special character.

  2. 5 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    Slaanesh book seems underwhelming at first glance, while the DOK book seems like (almost) a strict upgrade over their previous one.

    I genuinely hope every new AOS battletome is toned down like the new Slaanesh book - the game needs to take a step back and breathe after the insane power creep in 2.0.

    Thank you! Exactly what I think since DoT started becoming insane (like pre nerf Slaanesh, Karadron, OBR,...).

    I think if every army takes a step back, then we will have more exciting games instead of battles which end in turn 2 or 3.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I'm wondering, for those who are disappointed in the release, how would you feel if the new mortals (and some of the other models) dropped 50 points? So, for example, Painbringers were 100 and Slickblades were 150? 

    I ask because, if you like the sound of this a lot more, then there's a decent chance this will happen if the army is performing poorly as points costs are easy to do. Maybe not a straight 50 drop to everything all at once, but they have very consciously priced these units highly (note, not necessarily too high until we see them in action) as seen by the increases to Hellstriders without a warscroll change and so I think they're aware that things may need to come down but they didn't want another new broken army shooting to the top of the meta. I think the high price is to counteract summoning (and that's why euphoric killers is hedonite only), but after some games and tournaments, if there's enough feedback points may see some changes as it's by far the easiest thing to edit. 

    As for uncreative warscrolls, I agree that they're hardly imaginative, but I think this is a design choice for balance and our tricks are meant to come from battalions and allegiance abilities. I can't say yet, but from the sounds of it DoK got toned down too, so it might be a conscious effort across the board to have less crazy abilities on warscrolls to cause fewer issues in the game as a whole.

    I hope all next battletomes will left the power creep level. So I think the new HoS are a good start to make the game more interesting again😊

    • Like 2
  4. I like the triple Gatebreaker list with an unit of 3 Mancrusher too BUT we need Screens. So I like the idea of double Gatebreaker, one Warstomper and three units of one Mancrusher for screening our megas.

    Because without screens we get in trouble against alpha strikes (yes, I look at you Mawcrusher). An double Mawcrusher list has no problem to put out one or thanks to smashing and bashing, two megas in turn one. I saw this, believe me.

  5. 21 hours ago, Superking said:

    Could anyone direct to sons of behemat tournament lists? Tried to find some but couldnt. 

    Sry but with only 4 Warscrolls Theres no real divesion for talking about tournament lists 😂

    Also I think the chances to loose or win depends on the Opponents armie very strong. If you want to be very good at killing hordes, you need many Mancrusher in a Stomper Tribe. But that’s a bad list against many elite MSU armies. It’s very hard for SoB to build an Allrounder List.

  6. Hey guys!

    After a few games with all three different tribes I will make a resume:

    1. I love how short the Command phase and Movement phase are! The shooting though.

    2. The full painted models look great on the table! Even my enemies are frightened in the first moments. But after every game they will not because:

    3. Our damage output is mediocre at best. If someone or something debuffs is with -1 to hit its devastating.

    4. Even with 35 wounds our Megas die really fast. There are so many hard hitting heroes or monsters out there which can kill one mega in one turn.

    Whats your experience with them and which armies you faced so far?

    • Like 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    I think there's an important point to keep in mind : not many players are actually able to buy a highly competitive top-meta army in an context where GW is far more reactive than in the days of WFB, when you could keep the same list for years.

    Having to invest hundred of dollars or euros in an army that may suck at the next errata / General Handbook isn't that appealing to a lot of players. And I think that's the point here : GW games need a lot of time and investment even not talking about the rules and practicing for tournaments. It's not Magic the Gathering where you buy the cards and there is nothing to do more with them, and it's easier to "throw them away" when they're not competitive enough anymore. Sure, I guess you can sell your less competitive army, but even so that's not what most players do.

    Thank you! That’s exactly what I think. 1-2 Erratas every year (Generals Handbook and the other FAQs with point in/decrease) is too much/too fast. I can’t buy and paint an army within 1-2 month and play with them just 2-3 months until ne next point increases strikes me. Especially when a new op faction is released, than you can count the days GW will nerf them after the sales and you can’t play your list anymore.

    • Like 2
  8. 38 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    I reckon it’s just to keep it simple. Warhammer fantasy battle ended with 300 pages of rules (at least in my memory) 

    And AoS started with just four. But I agree that if they want to add depth to  things this would be a good one. 

    That’s right...but Fantasy never needed FAQs every year just because so many rules are not clear or interfere with another.

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  9. 34 minutes ago, Overread said:

    One thing I notice EVER so often when watching battle reports on youtube - whoever gets the doubleturn nearly always wins. It's one thing I REALLY REALLY wish GW would get rid of from the core rules of the game - shift it to open play. We already have had years of discussion on how a single turn can be supremely powerful and doubleturn lets you do that twice - its just too much power! But that's a rant for another thread.




    I've never understood the whole "balance makes things boring" aspect. If anything it should make things far more exciting and interesting. You get far more diversity of armies; far more options and choices on the table. That means far less predictable results; far fewer repeat matches and far more freedom for players. In addition it means that more factions have a chance and it pushes the chance to win away from purely army list building and back to where it should be - player skill  and choices. Besides, as I've noted before, if you're imbalance then at the top end of the competitive circles you'll just see mirror matches with the current best metal lists any way. So the worse the balance the far more predictable results you'll get; the far fewer options and the simpler you make the game. 

    You devalue the player and choices and put everything in the army list; which for a game that can last several hours, that's a sheer waste of time to put all the weight on the army list. 

    I honestly think most of those who argue in favour of imbalance are either arguing from a point of ignorance/having not thought it through; or they are simply looking for the easy win and see imbalance as a means by which they can buy the best and not have to think any further than that. Which is fine for them, but its a selfish approach to the game and not good for the game nor community's health. 

    That’s the point. I played against so many different players at a few local tournaments. The competitive players ALWAYS chose the new hyped and op factions. Every season a new army and the powerful one...just because they want to win. And guess how the armies looked like...grey in grey and poorly based. There were no work and no love in building and painting... just overhyped grey garbage. That’s sad because I liked to play games because I love painted armies fighting each other on beautiful maps.

    The competitive scene here ruins this game. If I want to push grey plastic soldiers than I play Risiko or st like that. And this is all made by the power creep circle made by GW. God forbids the new Slaanesh will go the same way again...

    In times of WFB we never ever chose our army because it’s op or fresh and hyped by rules. We chose them because of the fluff and background (which was so much better...look how beautiful the army books were) and especially because of the nice models. There were enough diversity and AoS has much more in terms of different factions. Even a balanced rule system would push the curiosity and sales because of diversity.

  10. 55 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I have said this elsewhere before, but I think these house rules just make worse the problems a lot of people have with AoS already.

    Going from the double turn to I-go-you-go makes alpha strikes better, because those usually carry the risk of getting double turned. Of course, another system might work better than the double turn at keeping alpha strikes in check.

    Making the shooting phase alternate like the combat phase just means that oppressive shooting armies get to shoot twice as much. It especially makes things worse for armies without any shooting.

    So what are your experiences with house rules? It sounds like you know what you do.

    The idea was to prevent alpha strikes: Unit A is fast and moves to unit B for a good position for the charge. But Unit B moves and so can avoid a charge when the phase is coming😉 But as I said befor, we just try different things.

    Another idea was to change the shooting a bit like Oldhammer. Penalty for moving and shooting, no shooting when in close combat and so on.

    But again, I want to hear sth about alternative rules sb tried. Let us imagine just a little bit 😉

  11. The imbalance between armies we can’t change but my gaming group an me try to solve a few „bad“ or boring rules to make games more interesting.

    We ignore the double turn and try to use an alternating system. So wie want to try alternating shooting in the shooting phase so in every phase (moving and charging) like in the combat phase too.

    Did sb else try it and can tell the experience?

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  12. 11 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

    Being shot off the board, or alpha deleted, two of the worse feel bad moments the game can provide.

    40k seemed to realize that and they "nerfed" shooting galleries. Alpha strike can be weathered a bit better if you can screen in terrain heavy tables.

    AoS seems a bit behind in this.

    Alpha strike could be avoided by better terrain rules. The current rules (+1 bravery, mortal wounds on 6s and so on) have zero impact. There are too many fast flying nuke bombs.

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  13. 4 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    What I hate is this return to the age of ultimate defense. 2+ and 3+ saves are becoming common (don't even get me started on the 1+ save fiasco). Add the rerolling 1's or all saves into the equation and it becomes a dull slog. Then there's the -1 hit stacking...There's becoming a reliance on having significant mortal wound output, but some factions just don't have that option. Rolling a whole bunch of die, only to do absolutely nothing, is not a fun time.

    Stop giving +1 save bonuses like they're candy, and make -1 to hit non-stackable.

    I agree. Stacking buffs or debuffs can hit an army hard! To example my SoB...against armies with stacking -1 to hit with their normal 4+ can be devastating. 
    And I don’t want to start with mortal wound spamming...

  14. 3 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    Some degree of power creep is inevitable; in a given circumstance where option A is better than option B, a developer will favor buffing option B. Because then those players tend to feel like they are getting something, but players of A will tend not to feel like they are losing something. It is a basic optics thing in making the player base happy. Provided the balancing is done properly, A = B will occur regardless of the method used so why not go with the one that feels nicer for the players?

    The 'new units/armies are better old to sell them' does not hold up when releases are actually examined. It can just seem that way because the OP new stuff sees more table time than UP new stuff, so the 'strong' new options have far more visibility. Besides, at the time of me writing this Sons of Behemat are the newest army and they are sub-par.

    As to helping the OP's circumstance: Before deployment roll off, the winner decides to either deploy their whole army first and get first turn, or deploy their whole army second and go second. Then keep that same order the whole game, cutting random initiative entirely. Like it or hate it, double turn is the single most consistent and most powerful means by which an AoS match can become one-sided.*

    *Aside from army building, but that doesn't occur DURING the match so somewhat of a separate thing. Speaking of, what army and list(s) are you running?

    Yeah, the double turn mechanic makes games unfun which are balanced until the moment of the roll of. You can play as tactical as you want but this ONE roll will break your game. But this is not the worse...in AoS1 it was ok because there were no power houses like in AoS2. There were no rend-3 Mawcrusher with the option of an alpha strike (just one example). The double turn makes op units more op.

    My problem is just the big range of totally insane models/units. I mean, what the hell is the purpose of Gotrek. Will he makes the game more funny? The same with double Ironclad shooting lists...where is the fun? Player A looses the game in turn 2 without any chance to play his game and player B has maybe no match partners next time because no one wants to waste the time to play against op meta lists. In my city I must pack the army, walk an half hour to the place where we can play, prepare the table and the army just for playing maybe 20 minutes.

    I play Idoneth, Slaanesh, SoB and Ogors but not the meta lists but the units I like because of sculpting and beauty 😊 And that’s the point: it should be able to play all the units of an tome useful.

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  15. Hey guys.

    I started with WFB 20 years ago and all the time I had fun with building models and terrain.

    Then came AoS and I was so excited about new rules and a new lore. I love to build models and love to paint and collect them. Damn, two good painted armies look so good on the battle field. When AoS started I liked the simple rules and the strongest things unites could do were -2 rend or rerolling saves. Most of these games ended very close in round 5 and it was funny for both sides.

    Now the most games ends in round 2 or 3 and just because of the double turn. Last month I played against lists with two Mawcrusher (fully buffed flying nightmares), Flamer spam or Nagash + Katakros stuff. I would like to play bigger units of infantry (like FEC Ghouls) but AoS became a game of small heavy hitting units. There a too many models which can burn whole units in one Phase so you must call the game in turn 2.

    I must say that I am sick of this game. Again, I like the models (new Slaanesh😍) and I like to collect the armies but the power creep goes on and on and on.

    Do you think too or do you know any possibility to stop this spiral? I mean its totaly worthless to buy a new army. After two or three other tomes and Handbooks your new army which is completed and painted is outdated and without chances against the new stuff.

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  16. 4 hours ago, TheArborealWalrus said:

    Alright, got my first game in with Sons today. It was total conquest (battle for the pass but from the long board edges) on my friend's jungle mat vs his tournament Tzeentch army in the realm of beasts. (my head cannon had us in the realm of life because of the mat but...) 2,000pts I was breaker tribe and he was the eternal conflagration. Impactful scenery was as follows: An overgrown stone henge in the center right hand side of the mat and a mystical road running down the center left of the map.. There were other pieces but they did nothing but create 2 big corridors up the center. There was a 2 1/2 hour time limit as well. Tournament prep was he name of the game (for him, I just wanted to play giants).

    My Army:

      Hide contents

    Breaker tribe: Idiots with flags - 6 drops 2,000pts, 142 wounds

    Gate breaker mega gargant - general - extremely bitter - vs heroes, portcullis

    Gate breaker mega gargant

    3x1 mancrushers

    1x3 mancrushers

    My opponent's army

      Hide contents

    Eternal conflagration - 12 drops - ????pts, 249 wounds (I think)

    1 herald on chariot - general - unknown spell and trait

    The blue scribes - fold reality

    Fatemaster - artifact that projects a -1 to hit in shooting aura

    The changeling - betrayal of tzeentch

    4x10 pink horrors

    4x3 flamers of Tzeentch

    Deployment: I put the 3 giant block in the center flanked by the gate breakers, the general on the right. 2 of the singles deployed to grab the side objectives with the last hanging back to grab my own if I went first. In my opponent's center he had a double line of horrors in front of the flamers, blue scribes and fatemaster.. On the left was the changeling and another horror unit while the right was the chariot and the last horrors.

    Turn 1:  I finished deploying first and since he wasn't in range I didn't want to give him a free round of shooting and I gave him first turn. Knowing he was out of range, he moved up somewhat cautiously, maintaining formations. Only a handful of models made it onto each objective. My turn I sent the lone mancrushers to take the flank's objectives. The general and the rear giant went right while the other mega went left and the 3 giants went center. I used the hurl rocks on the 3 mancrushers who got 2 wounds through that were saved by destiny dice. The 2 gate breakers killed 4 flamers to hamper his shooting. Both megas made their charges with one little one into the left. Unfortunately the 3 man unit failed its 8 inch charge with a re-roll. Oh well. The general killed the chariot and 4 pinks while the other mega tagged 2 units and killed 14 or so wounds of horrors. The little one killed something like 5 more. (enemy casualties are going to be far from exact. I have a rough total at the end but the turns are kind of guesses) My opponent lost 2 blues to battleshock and I took like 3 wounds in return on the left mega. (I just realized that I forgot the terrify special rule. Whoops) He used another destiny dice to resurrect the 4 pinks lost.  Surprisingly the horrors got more dangerous in melee the more I killed. I'd say the megas rolled below average and the mancrusher kind of whiffed.

    Turn 2: We rolled off and my opponent won it. (there's a mild competition to see who can lose more initiative tests in a "season" Currently he's ahead, but I'm gaining) He took it and mostly stayed put. After all, I was already in his face.  Fold reality revived 4 pinks on the left and all the horrors that could got their spell off. He forgot to activate the re-roll aura from the fatemaster this turn, but to end it quickly, the left mancrusher died (RIP Scaly) and the mega took 10 wounds and the general took 4. Not that bad honestly.  The flamers whiffed (except against scaly) and the horrors did pretty well. In combat 12 wounds for 4 on the general with 3 wounds on the left mega for ... something like another 9. My boys did not roll spectacularly (general whiffed pretty bad for his +1 to hit being active) this turn, but it is a dice game after all. Of note, the expanding blue horde took the left objective from me with their increasing numbers. Nothing notable in battleshock. I think like 2 fled or something.  My turn I could have moved the 3 giants to secure the left objective like a smart boy, but I wanted more dead flamers and kept them on the middle to shoot and hope for a good charge roll (something like a 9). The megas both whiffed shooting, but 2 more flamers ate rocks from the mancrushers. The 2 singles on the right moved to support the boss and then we charged. The singles made it in and the block made a 6 inch charge. Only enough to reach the center. Darn. 5 pinks died in the center and 5 horrors popped on the right from impact hits.  In combat the mega killed 23 for 7 in return on the left unit and the mancrushers rolled spectacularily poorly and killed 11 from the center unit alongside a flamer that strayed too close. On the right the general got 9 through and the singles did a total of 11 for 3 in return on the general. A command point saw none flee from the left unit and 4 fled from the right. My opponent claimed that fleeing gave him the downgraded version, but I remember the opposite being true. I didn't really care however and we moved on.

    Turn 3: I won the roll off and took the turn. Probably a mistake but I wanted to try and save the mega on the left. I was all locked up so no movement. The rocks killed a total of 10 from the respective units. A total of 12 died on the right for 2 wounds on the general ( I whiffed again), the mega did 6 on the left unit and the center got it's act together and killed 19 horrors. The mega took 4 in return. A command point save the center from battleshock. His turn saw 5 pinks returned to the center from fold reality and  none of the horrors getting their spells off. The fatemaster zipped over to my objective and the untouched pinks guarded the right flank only to be reinforced by 10 summoned blues. Shooting saw my mega on the left finished off with extreme pregiduce and 3 wounds on the central giant unit. The right flank took 23 causalities and lost the remainder to battleshock, freeing the 2 gargants and my general. The central horrors took 21 wounds for 2 in return. His last command point saved them.

    Turn 4: I won the roll off and finally saw sense. The 3 mancrushers retreated onto the left objective and the general made his way towards the back. Not wanting a repeat fly by, the last single stayed on the right objective. rocks killed 2 horrors and 2 flamers. If my general got a high enough charge roll he could take my opponent's objective with longshanks (I think that's how it works), so of course he didn't. Still, he did 10 wounds between the 2 horror units he did catch. The lone crusher took back my objective and did 2 mortals. I knew I couldn't reach his objective and let the dice decide who my general fought. It came up with the "untouched unit." The general at 12 wounds had apparently had enough of all these horrors and spiked his dice. 34 damage to the unit (18 from the flail, 12 from his other attacks, and 4 from impact hits). Wow. Needless to say, without a command point the rest fled. Unfortunately the lone mancrusher had the opposite results and did 2 to the fate master. He still took the objective back. With only 20 minutes left and being down by 2 before my opponent's turn, I called it. 

    Conclusions: Wow! That was pretty fun (except a brief argument about my mega being in range to reach the changeling. He wasn't, so if I had charged a bit to the left I might have killed him and removed the -1 to hit from the left. Oh well)! I made a few small yet critical mistakes that cost me the game, but my opponent made a couple of big blunders too. Mind you, I could have still pulled out a win in the 5th turn. He was unlikely to take out my general and had a total of 35 or so horrors left between 3 units with 3 flamers and his heroes. Not exactly a murderous horde. All my objectives were well protected from his available counter attacks. If he won the roll off with a double turn he could have recovered, but I was in a good place. We also wasted 15 or so minutes, so I could have won with the time limit, but I was in this for the joy of Behemat. I must say, the breaker tribe saved me from the annoying -1 to be hit bubble the daemon heroes give off. Hit on normals most of the game. Against other armies, the +1 would have been very deadly. I also forgot it a couple of times as well as completely forgetting the "stuff 'em in me bag" rule. Oh well. I'm not sure about the portcullis, it's not bad, but not great either (the others aren't either, but still) Not sure if I should shake up the command trait/artifact. The + vs heroes is rather nice for dealing with enemy centerpieces, so I'm inclined to keep it. The overall strategy of killing the things that get buffed over the well protected buffers seemed to work. Against a slower, not flying army, it likely would have worked out fine, but I needed to keep in mind the mobility. Lessons for next time. Now, for the ridiculous total of the game            Points: SoB - 16, DoT - 19 (If we had completed the turn) and      *drum roll*            Kills: DoT - 1 mega, 1 gargant. SoB - around 180 horrors, 9 flamers, 1 chariot   Who says the sons are a low damage army? Geeze. Admittedly I was in combat every turn for the whole game, but still...  (I know the numbers don't match up, but between 200 wounds of horrors and all the respawns and summons, I figure it's close to that)

    Hope you enjoyed!   -    For Behemat!

    Congrats! Last time I played against a stronger Tzeentch list with buffed flamers because of exalted flamers. They stood behind walls of horrors....

    no chance for sons because we have no protection against shooting and a skilled player take first one mega out than another... a good sign that specialy flamers are op

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  17. 2 hours ago, Latty said:

    Just a little anecdotal evidence but out of the 15 or so games I've played with SoB so far I've won every game with 3 megas/3 mancrushers and lost or tied every game with 2 megas/6 mancrushers. So far I'm leaning on 3/3.

    I guest your point...Mancrusher have a 5+ Save and an unit which loose 12 wounds (1 Mancrusher) looses 1/3 of its punch. A Mega Gargant which loose 12 Wounds is just a bit weaker. Which Tribe you tried?🤔

  18. On 11/16/2020 at 9:00 AM, mrteige said:

    Ok. I'll give a batrep a try for your viewing pleasure. ;)

    (a little dislaimer. We used proxy models so the arkhan beast is my turlte, the megaboss is the blue scribes and the creature caster daemon prince is some other char that I can't remember the name of for the life of me)

    Battle for the Pass in the realm of life.

    The Lists:

    Tzeentch - Change Coven: Eternal Conflaguration

    Lord of Change (380) - General
    The Blue Scribes (120)
    Fatemaster (120)

    20 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (440)
    3 x 3  Flamers of Tzeentch (140) (420)

    2x10  Brimstone Horrors of Tzeentch (60) (120)
    1 x Exalted Flamers of Tzeentch (100)

    Changehost (180)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Soulscream Bridge (100)

    Total: 1980 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Wounds: 87


    Idoneth Deepkin- Enclave: Fuethan

    Akhelian King (230)- General- Bladed Polearm- Command Trait: Lord of Storm and Sea - Artefact: Cloud of Midnight
    - Mount trait: Voidchill Darkness
    Isharann Soulscryer (130)

    3x3 Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140) (420)

    2x3 Akhelian Allopexes (330) (660)- Razorshell Harpoon
    2 x Akhelian Allopexes (220) - Retarius Net Launcher

    Akhelian Leviadon (340)- Mount trait:

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Wounds: 128

    Turn 1. (5-5)


    I was given the fist turn. I moved up, still staying in my turtle bubble, tagged the 2 neutral objectives and shot at the pink horrors. With my 6 sharks and turtle combined i did 20 wounds. He saved 4 of them and used a destiny dice to bring back horrors and rolled a 6.


    In his magic phase he used his teleport to move the 20 pinks 9" away from me, summoned the bridge and used it to get the rest of his army close to me.
    20 horrors, 3 units of flamers, an exalted flamer and the big bird shot at me and killed 3 Ishlaen guards and wounded 2 more.



    Turn 2: (10-6 Tzeentch)


    He got the double turn and ended up spending his magic phase (i popped the cloud of midnight on my king here) and shooting phase only killing 3 Ishlaen guards and 2 sharks. He charged his unit of pinks into my sharks and my king.


    My scryer and 2 net sharks came on this turn. All shark shots went into the pinks and the turtle shot and killed the exalted flamer.

    I charged everything into flamers and horrors killing most of them and the turtle did som mortal wound biting on the Bird.


    Turn 3: (15-11 Tzeentch)


    I got the double and here the game was over. Still locked in combat I used my CPs on the turtle, giving him more attacks, shooting at everything i could and ending up killing everything but a character, 2 units of brims and a unit of flamers.


    He ran away, trying to take as many points as he could


    Turn 4: (20-20)


    He scored some more points but that was it


    I tabled him and took all points


    Turn 5: (29-20 IDK)


    Overall a really fun game.

    He chose this list because we wanted to see how the new IDK would do against the Shooting/magic meta. Next up i want to try it out against LRL and Seraphon.


    Where did you get these mission marks?

  19. On 11/16/2020 at 2:24 PM, Rhetoric said:

    Awesome, thanks for typing that all out.  What did you find after having ZERO Morrsarr in the list?  Did Sharks output enough damage to compensate?  Did you run into any battleshock losses on the big shark units?  It seems like the updated Razorshell Harpoon profiles are actually putting in some work now.  Can’t wait to get some games in myself with the new scrolls!

    Where did you get these lovely mission marks?

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