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Posts posted by Drazhoath

  1. 5 hours ago, undeadheadz said:

    the wording is "can only be picked as the target of a shooting attack if they are the closest target to the attacking model" so if its a unit of 10 models shooting and half are closer to one unit and the other half are closer to a different unit they have to split their attacks and cannot pick one unit over the other as the wording specifies the attacking model.

    I imagine a unit of maybe 30 Sentinels surrounded by IDK and you check for every model which unit is closer…

    Thanks GW for overcomplicating a simple rule 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, woolf said:

    the rule is u can only shoot the closest so my answer would be no you cant split. it becomes a question of precision in measuring, ie if u could measure (for sake of argument) on atom lvl, its extremely unlikely they would be equal distance. in practice if they are close enough to be hard to tell, I would offer my opponent to choose which one but not both.

    Exactly. I guest there was a FAQ years ago Where this question was answered.

  3. 1 hour ago, 13_rolls said:

    I can't help but be intrigued by Ionrach...
    turn 1: 6 block of morsarr blast in and MW, do their charge damage. king can stay within 12" and do his thing.

    turn 2: king uses ionrach special heroic action, eels can retreat 14", then run 17 (14 + 3) and charge (7) (from flood ride) , effectively, moving 24". But wait! Add in Surging Stream for +1 to charge/run, you're moving another 1 and increasing your charge odds like crazy. Meet up with the king and pop the high tide ability for whatever else is there. If you don't need the movement, grab Riptide ritual and drop D3 MW on a 4+ on your retreat out during turn 2. 

    turn 3: we all know what happens on turn 3 if things didn't go poorly.

    It feels like a way to fix a lot of the issues with Morrsarr, namely that they just poop out once they're in combat. This makes the all-in on turn 3 even more so. I need to try it out though.

    Sounds pretty good! But turn 2 only works If the living enemy unit is almost dead and the Morsarr survive the counter attack on turn 1 (to example Blight Kings with a bunch of attacks).

  4. Sry but this rule is pretty clear. I never heard of any player who had a problem with this rule Oo

    Units with strike first ability fight alternate beginning with the Player which turn it is. After that the „normal“ combat Phase starts alternate beginning with the Player which turn it is. And so on….

    No need for a FAQ.

    • Like 3
  5. I like this one


    Allegiance: Ogor Mawtribes
    - Mawtribe: Boulderhead
    - Grand Strategy: 
    - Triumphs: 

    Kragnos, The End of Empires (720)
    Icebrow Hunter (125)
    - General
    Huskard on Stonehorn (340)
    - Blood Vulture
    - Mount Trait: Black Clatterhorn
    Huskard on Stonehorn (340)
    - Blood Vulture
    - Artefact: Brand of the Svard  
    - Mount Trait: Metalcruncher

    2 x Frost Sabres (55)
    2 x Frost Sabres (55)
    4 x Mournfang Pack (320)
    - Gargant Hackers
    - Reinforced x 1

    Total: 1955 / 2000
    Reinforced Units: 1 / 4
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 81
    Drops: 7

  6. 7 hours ago, Iamanbo said:


    I'm going to try a similar list for a league. I have a question, double Frostlord and remove the two Stones for dogs and one for mournfang?


     - Army Faction: Ogor Mawtribes

      - Subfaction: Boulderhead

      - Grand Strategy: Beast Master

      - Triumph: Inspired


    Kragnos (720)

    Frostlord on Stonehorn (430)

      - Artefacts of Power: Brand of the Svard

    Icebrow Hunter (125)

      - General

      - Command Traits: Lord of Beasts


    2 x Frost Sabres (55)

    1 x Stonehorn Beastriders (320)

      - Blood Vulture

    1 x Stonehorn Beastriders (320)

      - Blood Vulture

    TOTAL POINTS: 1970/2000

    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

    Had a similar idea but I recognised that you always need a hero near the Stonehorn Riders. They NEED all out attack because without the +1 hit, the horns make to less damage. So I think a Frostlord with Black Clatterhorn is better🤔

  7. Last weekend I had a Team match with my Ogors and Stormcasts vs Nurgle and Nighthaunt. 3000 points wach Player. What a blast!

    I took Kragnos and a lot of Stonehorns. The 3d6 charge is awesome! The faces of the players priceless😁

    The Highlight: Kragnos charged a GUO and deals 30 mortal wounds.

    For my next Game I will try this list:

    Army Faction: Ogor Mawtribes
        - Army Subfaction: Bloodgullet
        - Grand Strategy: Beast Master


    Icebrow Hunter (125)
        - General

    Frostlord on Stonehorn (430)

    Frostlord on Stonehorn (430)

    Kragnos (720)


    1 x Frost Sabres (110)

    Frost Sabres (55)

    Frost Sabres (55)

    Frost Sabres (55)


    Great Mawpot (0)

    TOTAL POINTS: (1980/2000)

    Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App

  8. 31 minutes ago, Doko said:

    As dwarf lover i hope gw never release a female dwarf.

    Dwarf must be male,ripped muscles,long beards and with heavy armor,it is posible skip heavy armor if it is a slayer but female is a huge NEVER.

    And im pretty sure that the 90% dwarfs fans think the same,sure maybe female dwarfs gonna bring new players to the faction,but i dont think any actual dispossesed\fyreslayer\kharadron player want any female dwarf.

    Plz gw if you are reading this,forget female dwarfs and focus in cavalry and very diferent aestetical units as fyreslayers with heavy armor or magmagolems

    I am on this forum for 3 or 4 years and I swear this is the dumbest of all dumbest posts I ever read…by far!

    • Like 11
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  9. 41 minutes ago, vinnyt said:

    Just because stormcast has better options doesn't mean that your paladins are useless. They're just suboptimal.

    because you've already made up your mind to be as salty as possible that sometimes you have to acknowledge that a unit has downsides, you have stronger units easily available, and for some reason the stormcast community doesn't like to post detailed battle reports. 

    yes, annihilators are much better.  

    Relictor with translocation

    5 Protectors
    2x5 Retributors 

    6 Grandhammer Annihilators
    6 Raptors

    list is a 1 drop 

    Not a 5-0 list but certainly one that will give your opponent a good game. Also certainly not optimized but it does a good job showing what I mean. You take really good units- Imperator, Relictor, Annihilators, and Raptors, and then mix in some suboptimal ones (paladins) to see how they do, making adjustments as necessary. You're probably gonna lose some games, but hey, you'll definitely win some too. 

    Give it a try and post the battle report with pictures so we can all learn from the game. I do that all the time over in the Deepkin subforum and encourage others to do the same. It lets the community see how things work in the field and provides much more detail than "terrible list, will never work". Heck, I've got like 18 battle reports in this fashion posted on facebook (and a good number posted on TGA) across multiple different faction fb groups and the response has been nothing but positive. It also lets others see how to handle certain matchups, how to do certain techniques (like the stormfiend alley-oop), and as long as you can swallow your pride and post your losses (my poor skaven :( ), it can be a really helpful educational tool. 


    Or you can just wallow in salt that not everything is exactly how you'd like and there's no hope and you only have 17 competitive warscrolls and why even bother playing or testing anything else. 

    I tried a similar list but without Raptors. Were nice and close games where I had a lot of fun and the other players too! I know its not competetive but we play AoS because of fun…sth many of the guys here forget.

    And I cant see any reasons to play Games against Dragon Spam Lists, 2x6 Raptors and so on. This games are just boooooring! So Im with you to try different and uncommon lists.

    Ps: I realy enjoy your tips and battle reports in the IDK forum!

    • Like 3
  10. 18 minutes ago, Ajmaus said:

    But the old plague bearers also help objectives better because you had more models for less points 30 models for example were 330 points compared to 20 models at 300.. 

    The failure on the new plague bearers is 1 attack. I think we need them to match that attacks of the plague drone rider.. both are plague bearers with the same weapon. Do what they did for brutes and pigs..

    Make plague bearers 2 attacks 3s and 3s so they match the identical guy riding a fly.. blight kings and pusgoyles have the same profile and they technically arent even the same guys armed with the same things

    Yeah, but 10 PB with 2 attacks, 3s and 3s with 2 wounds and a 5++ would and should cost 200 points or more.

  11. 11 hours ago, Keggers said:

    Well, I've dove head first into the big boys. Going in with Sons on my first tournament this Saturday. Sadly, the tournament limited battalions to exclude white dwarf battalions so I had to brainstorm and come up with a list with what I had on hand. I'll be running this:



    I really struggled with figuring out artefacts and whatnot without the nice battalions from White Dwarf. As stated, it'll be my first tournament with these guys, as I usually run a double Terrorgheist FEC list but I'm greatly looking forward to it. According to BCP, I'm the only Sons player so I don't have to worry about mirror matches. I'm super stoked to try these guys out (I've had two practice games to learn) and I'm not expecting to place high as I'm using it as a learning experience for future tournaments.

    Will post batreps afterwards and lessons learned. Wish me luck!

    Sry but what a pile of s*** is this rule to forbid battalions from WD which are legal and official. SoB have only one battalion which left…unfair I think. I think the other players are afraid of our big boys😉

    • Like 1
  12. In 2nd edition I used Horrors to kill soft targets with saves of 5+ or sth. and it worked well.

    But in 3rd edition with all of this +1 save opportunities (best day ever, mystic shield, all out defense,…) soft targets arent so soft anymore. Do you think Horrors are still a thing or should I change to Flayers with rend-1 and mortal wounds?

  13. 1 hour ago, Backbreaker said:

    I'm not a huge fan of this stacking. Mostly because there is one counter measure, mortal wounds, which is already the counter measure of most things in the game. It just makes MW even better.

    And another issue might be that the stacking is not the issue but the lack of rend is... and we saw that a battleline unit like Ironjawz brutes are getting access to rend -2. I think we should wait the two first battletomes :) 

    And then what? Until all the other battletomes will get a new book it takes years and until then they are too weak. The easiest way is to remove save stacking from the core rules NOW and even weaker armies can deal with big heroes.

    • Like 4
    • LOVE IT! 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    WoW, Gotrek sounds ridiculous!  I haven't ever faced him yet.  My buddy and I planning a 3K practice match.  He's thinking of using Soulblight, but I'm gonna see if he has enough Order to do anything with Gotrek yet. 

    I haven't fought DoK or KO yet either.  Really gotta get more practice in somewhere soon.  I've fought Seraphon a little bit but not enough.  

    I faced him twice. First time with Mawtribes and second with Sons. Thats just my opinion but he is rediculous overpowered and he makes games unfun and awfull. Battleplans with 3 objectives are almost an autowin for him. Unfortunality almost every Order List will take him.

    • Thanks 1
  15. 5 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    Agreed, the mechanic being fun is extremely important, and currently I'd say it does make things a bit grindy.

    I think a corollary question is also needed, however: In the previous edition, when big centrepiece models died like chumps almost immediately, was that fun?

    Personally, I find having the heroes on the board is more fun than having them in the dead pile or on the shelf. So in the comparison, I prefer the new level of survivability. But I can certainly see ways the game could be more fun if it wasn't quite so extreme.

    Same experience here.

    Played a game with SoB (with 5++ artefact everyone uses). My Opponent doesnt know what he can do against such staying power. Also I played against standard Soulblight with Dragon. Almost unkillable. 
    Last edition things like monster heroes were too killy. Now they are still killy but more durable too. GW doesnt get it to make balanced rules. Because playing same lists with the same boring monster heroes everyone take (because they have to If you need a chance to win) is boring and unfun to grind through this armies.

    • Like 2
  16. One question about the Harvester. My friends uses his ability like a 4++ but I think its not correct. I think you chose a model within 3“ around the harvester and roll the die. If he pass its ok and you roll for another one. If not, this model is dead and you take the next model. But If you lost models by not pass the die you have to remove models within 3“ around the harvester because you decided to use his effect, right?

    Is it legal to chose one model every time for this effect? Example: I roll a die and dont pass it. One model dies. Than I chose the next one, pass the die roll, replace the first dead model and Start again to roll with the reanimated model? Or triggers the effect once per model?

    Im asking because this effect seems like another after save after the ward save 

  17. 3 hours ago, yukishiro1 said:

    They need to just make the maximum bonus you can get to save be +1, before rend modification, not after. I.e. a model with a 3+ can have +5 to its saves, rend -1 still means it's saving on a 3+. This fixes the issue with stuff that's effectively immune to everything but MWs, while still making high armor saves valuable.

    There's a small category of stuff that gets screwed by this - largely stuff with +1 to saves natively, e.g. Marauders - but you can fix that by just moving their save up a point via errata. I.e. marauders aren't a 6+ save with a +1 if they have shields, they just get a 5+ save if they have shields. 

    Before 3.0 started I thought the +1 save is before modifiers. When I realised that you can stack boni I knew what it means. Near unkillable Ironjaws, Slaves to Darkness or Vampire Heroes. Same in a game this weekend. Without mortal wounds it was near impossible to kill a Vampire Lord on Dragon (Mystic Shield, All out Defense, Heroic Our). Even rend-2 was nothing.

  18. 12 minutes ago, Karazla said:

    i have the same discussion with my self.

    I am going to try the wizard build next week. Just because of endless spells blocking oure movements.


    Wrote it earlier but again I made good experience with casting giants. The Mystic Shield was usefull always!

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