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Posts posted by Drazhoath

  1. 35 minutes ago, Karazla said:

    Heej Tripchimeras,

    I played that tzeentch archaon list yesterday. I crushed it in 1 turn. That how awsome i am ;) 

    But i have to say: he didnt get the reroll save off with his blue scribe abilitie so yeah.( he forgot his destiny dice he just rolled). I Had the amulet on my gatebreaker and it realy killed his archaon. We played savage gains. He had turn 1 charged. HE only did 12 wsounds on my gatebreaker against 13 on him. IN my turn i brought in the kraken eater with -1 to hit and i just killed him with my gatebreaker. My small giant could charge into his backline because he left a hole so i took out his chaos lord, magister and blue scribes in two turns with him.  I think a gatebreaker can bring archaon down with the amulet. Because when you can get to his support characters they die easy. 

    Next up i played savage gains against a o my god so strong sylvaneht list. The dude is one of my best mates but knows sylvaneth like his own pants. I lost 25 - 20 but he just destroyed me completely. I couldnt stop his offensive magic and he easily had +3 save so he nullified oure rend.
    HE played: 
    1x warsong revenant
    1x durthu
    1x treelord ancient
    1x the kurnoth hunter hero dude with the wings
    2x 3 sword kurnoth 
    Some other stuff, cogs and mirror.

    with the warsong spell he killed in two turns two small giants and 24 wounds on my warstomper. With The plus 3 save sylvaneth can give to everybody my rend didnt work on anything and even with the -2 rend he stil got +1. He could focus my giants one by one and still get enough point because my army was gone on turn three. I failed a lot of dice rolls in the first two a three turns. Like i didnt make any saves etc. But against caster its realy difficult.

    When a army can deny oure rend as sylvaneth can and then just spellbomb us like kroak and teclis on steriods. What can we do to win. I think i should have taken the first turn tho. 

    Was thinking of bringing the wizard giants for extra dispels and some endless spell but i dont know if that is good or bad.

    I am curious how he managed to bring so many mortal wounds with this spell in only two rounds Oo Did he cast it every time with a Double 6 and rolled 12 times 5+? 😂

    I played against Nighthaunt on weekend. Every unit ignored my rend but I almost tabled hin in turn 3. Mortal wounds and stuff them in the bag/net are King 

  2. Fought against Nighthaunt yesterday with a funny list with Kragnos.

    Taker Tribe

    Krakeneater with the Spell Tome 

    Warstomper with the Lantern


    2x Mancrusher 

    Was funny having two Casting giants (one for Mystic Shield, one for Arcane Bolt or these flaming sword). Kragnos works pretty well! His scream with d3 mortal wounds killed a lot😁

    I won in turn 3.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, danimo said:

    I took my Sons of Behemat to their first one-day 3.0 tournament today and went 3-0, taking home first.

    My list:
    Breaker Tribe - Idiots with Flags
    Grand Strategy: Hold the Line

    Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant - General with Louder Than Words, Amulet of Destiny
    Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant
    Warstomper Mega-Gargant
    Warstomper Mega-Gargant

    Game 1 was Power Struggle vs Tempests Eye duardin. 30 Irondrakes, two Runelords, Warden King, Hurricanum, 2x20 Ironbreakers, 2x10 Hammerers, 2x1 Gyrobombers.  Unleash Hell from the Irondrakes did 14 wounds to the general on the bottom of Round 1, but a lucky 10" charge from a Warstomper managed to tie up the irondrakes and I got the double turn to just stomp all over the dwarves.

    Game 2 was Feral Foray vs Soulblight Gravelords (Kastelai). Prince Vhordrai, Vengorian Lord, Belladamma Volga, 3x5 Blood Knights, 2x10 wolves, 10 skeletons, 20 zombies. Vengorian lords are tankier than they look. Trying to cover my 3 objective against gravesites and flanking knights and also push toward his is very difficult, I figured I just had to sit back and let him make the first move. He got the double turn and made a push on my left objective with almost every unit, but the lone Warstomper guarding it managed to survive and deny the point. He took the first turn of Round 3, which let me remove my left objective before he could burn it. Then the 5+ ward general proved too much for Vhordrai to handle before all 3 remaining gargants could converge and start to wipe out his army while holding on to a small VP lead. My favorite game of the day.

    Game 3 was Savage Gains vs Ossiarch Bonereapers (Petrifex). Nagash, Arkhan, 3x10 Mortek Guard, 1 Mortek Crawler, Burning Head. His list was basically a combo army: Arkhan can still spam Mystic Shield, and Nagash can cast Protection of Nagash on himself and run the Burning Head into himself for a teleport that still lets him move in the next phase. So turn 1 he goes first, gives Nagash four Mystic Shields, several Arcane Bolts and teleports thens moves to 3" away from a Warstomper, but fails to kill it (thus failing to score a Battle Tactic he chose). I realized that even if I kill Arkhan (he dies in round 2) and get him down to 1 Mystic Shield its still just too hard to kill Nagash. So I do lots of retreating, I have a warstomper and a gatebreaker just ignore Nagash and start clearing out the rest of his army while Nagash spends too much time killing two gargants to take my home objective. In the 4th round its just two megas vs Nagash, but I manage to get up to 30 VP and despite tabling me on the top of Round 5 he can't catch up.

    It was a strong showing and I had a good time. 

    Sry for that question but whats the pupose giving Nagash 4 Mystic Shields?

  4. 20 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    No biggie, that means I'll have points to run 4 megas in a SoB army for 2K, and if I make it off the waitlist for a 3K even in September, I'll use 5 megas and a unit of 3 Mancrushers.  Probably in a Taker Tribe but maybe Gatebreaker.


    I noticed that Longshanks is Errata'd in the FAQ, now we ignore models less than 4" tall rather than based on wound count.  Can't decide if that's better or worse than it was?

    There is sth curious:

    When this model makes a move, it can ignore models, endless spells, invocations and terrain features that are less than 4" tall at their highest point.’

    Bo wording of a NORMAL move. So we can walk over units in the charge phase or/and When piling in?

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    If the Mancrushers don't count as Behemoths, we could do Vanguard too I think?  One leader (Mega) and 1 or 2 Troops.  If so we could run and charge the Mancrushers without a CP!  Thus making Taker Tribe have a bumrush of Mancrushers like Stomper Tribe does.

    You have to take a leader with less than 10 wounds for Vanguard. Its pretty clear…

  6. 4 hours ago, mcnuggs said:

    Okay, I took some advice and looked into playing around more with Endless Spells for my list, as well as consolidating my drops. Here's what I have so far:

    Battle Regiment:

    Lord of Pain (155)
    *General - Feverish Anticipation
    *Artefact - Oil of Exultation
    Sigvald (265)

    Glutos Orscillion (475)

    10x Twinsouls (370)
    5x Painbringers (160)
    5x Painbringers (160)
    5x Blissbarb Seekers (220)

    Wheels of Excrutiation (100)

    Mesmerizing Mirror (80)

    Total: 1985/2000


    I had to cut Dexcessa, the Shardspeaker, and a unit of Blissbarb seekers, but I think Sigvald and Glutos can make up for the lack of Melee firepower while still supporting other units, especially with Glutos' auras. Glutos is also a much better wizard, and can make use of endless spells to get some free DP to fill out the gaps in our army (of which there are many.) With this setup, I worry about only having the one unit of Seekers for quick fellas, and I worry about putting too many eggs in the metaphorical Glutos basket. Thoughts compared to my original idea? I absolutely love all of the mortals models, so I mostly just want to go based off of what I can play competently.

    You cant take more endless spells than wizards you have. So with only Glutos you can only bring one endless spell.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Kraken-eater's damage has gotten much better in the new edition. He can grab up to 3 models out of a unit, which can definitely break coherency in a lot of units.

    Exactly what I thought BUT:

    you grab models after pile in. When you attack and the other player is smart then he pick dead models this way he dont must be afraid of coherency🤔

  8. 4 hours ago, Lord Krungharr said:

    Maybe he'll have some goodies in the Destruction Allegiance in the Core Rulebook.  That's the only thing left besides a 200 point drop in the GHB that might make me want to use him.  

    I hope so. Do you think we will get different allegiances? Because we have standart enhancements now and I dont think there are different enhancements for Destruction, Order,…🤔

  9. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    That dwarf actually reaching said units.

    The redeploy d6 averages about his movement speed.

    But yes, Morathi or Gotrek healing that much is not a good thing.

    Morathi cant be healed.

  10. 16 minutes ago, MothmanDraws said:

    Actually looking close the twins are even worse, initial rumour was synessa had all spells + infinite range on them. Turns out its only her warscroll and pavane of slaanesh inifnite range......


    So she is a 1 cast wizard, all spells, no casting bonus, infinite range on 2 spells (not even the best ones). The only value she might have actually now is take her as tzeench ally so kairos knows her spells and can actually get them cast.

    Kairos only knows the spells of the warscroll!

    • Thanks 1
  11. 19 minutes ago, Rors said:

    Stuff like Sentinel spam is trash and creates scissors paper rock game and shouldn't be used as a basis for ballanced points or game design.


    Sry but AoS ever was a scissor paper rock game and will stay. And builds like sentinel spam, horror spam, blightking spam,… is reality.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Feii said:

    oh yeah but that way you don't get any rules for them. IDK Grand Alliances are a dead concept rn imo. With so many more rules for factions you should be able to play fluffy lists with some allies instead of choosing the GA. 

    Well time to build SoB army and merc him in ;) 

    He will probably be better in any army except SoB. Because of he will cost more than 600 points (and I think he will) you have only one Mega, Kragnos and one unit of 3 Mancrusher. Maybe some points for another unit of maybe 1-2 Mancrusher left. Mancrusher are made of wet paper and die very fast, so you have only one Mega and Kragnos. Depends on the battleplan and enemy but you are very easy to outmaneuver. 
    Another reason is that Kragnos doesn’t benefit from the alliance rules and he counts as one model too.

    So he is the best in a Orruk Warclan list or maybe Grand Alliance.

    So we talk about the Grand Alliance. Megas in the Grand Alliance are much better than in SoB. A few weeks ago I easily smashed a SoB with 2 Megas, Gordrakk (for buffing) and 4 units of Savage Orruks. My Megas killed his Megas and I had more units for multiple scoring. Easy mate😉

  13. 8 minutes ago, Feii said:


    17% ish percents to do nothing while charging and picking a single guy. 

    A lot of mortal wounds. I guess it's fine? 

    BTW it  is kinda shame that all those gargants + Kragnos armies showcased in the reveal trailer are not tournament legal (unless you soup him into pure SoBs) . They wouldn't even be good most likely to play him a  gargant and som orruks as the core. 

    BTW if you play him as a mercenary in a SoB army can you ally in other destruction forces? Ally.Mercenary confuses me.

    Why they aren‘t tournament legal? You could play them in a Grand Alliance Destruction🤔

  14. 11 minutes ago, Reuben Parker said:

    My feeling is that every mega should get a trait and artifact from their list as it would give them a buff, feel fluffy and give some customization between lists. 

    Totally agree! SoB have the most boring list building.

    Krakeneater was just an example. You could chose a Warstomper or 3 Mancrusher too🤔

  15. I thought a lot about the weaknesses of our big guys. We have not enough units (I played against SE and he played the objective game in a battleplan with many objectives...very hard for me) and no cheap screens against alpha strikes (Mawcrusher with mighty destroyer killed one mega in one charge).

    Our alliance abilities are trash except the body count for scoring. We are very limited in list building and our tribe abilities doesn’t benefit all kind of megas.

    What if we play our Gargants in Destruction? So we can give them screens, more units for spreading and scoring.

    What do you think?

    Allegiance: Destruction

    Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant (490)
    - General
    - Command Trait: Might is Right
    - Artefact: Rockeye
    Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant (490)
    Kraken-eater Mega-Gargant (490)

    20 x Shootas (120)
    20 x Shootas (120)
    20 x Shootas (120)
    20 x Shootas (120)

    Total: 1950 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 185


  16. 4 hours ago, Red_Point said:

    Morning fallen nobles, this saturday I will have a match against sob (3x gatebreaker). Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with them or how to list against them?

    Mancrusher are easy victims even for our Horrors because their 5+ save. If you play 2000 points and he has 3 Gatebreakers so he has just 4 units. Kill the weak Mancrusher and there are just 3 units. Avoid close combat against all big dudes at the same time. Play the objective game and dance around the big dudes. Our Terrorgheists can kill a Mega in one turn (with feeding frenzy) because Megas aren’t very solid.

    • Thanks 1
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