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Posts posted by Qrow

  1. 1 minute ago, Honk said:

    Spiteshields for the win!!! 
    the infernal guards have them 😈

    Seems to be that spiteshields have given them a 3+ in the update instead of the mortal wounds, but that's not a terrible trade-off with large units becoming less common

  2. 23 minutes ago, Kaulder said:

    Well, with the new (august) FAQ, LoA joins the legends crew... 😥

    At least we had some point adjustements !

    Also some minor adjustments rules wise. The banner bearer is intersting and we have some 3+ armour natively. We did lose bouncing mortals on 6s though, as well as a couple other decent rules.

  3. 35 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Influencers probably get their copies from the same pile as everybody else, so if they're ready to send out to them, they're ready for everybody else to get their copy. I wouldn't expect anything to be any different on that front.

    The fact they're stretching things out with fluff pieces about the art and Le Cute Heckin Woofer Doggo-Grypherinos suggests they're just stalling for extra time rather than teasing much 'as normal' despite the delay.

    I'd expect, even if influencers had their copies, GW will have sent another email asking them to hold off on their content until just before the actual release. Even if the NDA's aren't in effect and the reviewers could legally post their reviews, it would likely strike them off GWs early pre-release list.

    While they are definitely scrapping the bottom of the barrel with these updates, I'm hoping they might preview some of the sludgeraker or sloggoth rules next.

  4. They need to at least update the FAQs to give us something. Since the release of 3.0 and the initial battletome teasers, we have had 40k orks, grey knight and thousand sons new codexs/models all revealed and released, as well as killteams reveal and release, all while drip feeding information about the upcoming AoS content. It's left a bad taste in the communities mouth and killed most of the hype surrounding these releases; while it can be grating to see so many people complaining on what is essentially the general chat thread of this forum, it is also a Windows into the general feelings of the community.

    People want GW be honest and open, don't stealth edit posts and hope no one notices, just be up front about it. People will be annoyed either way, but now they feel deceived as well as annoyed. Plus, at least in my meta, People want FAQs so that KO can be played properly again and acknowledgement that GW is aware of the Godhammer issue in competitive play. I feel the godhammer issue, lack of updated FAQs, deceptive marketing and overly drawn out release schedule are legitimate issues for the community to have and express.

    • Like 6
  5. 1 minute ago, Gareth 🍄 said:

    I hope they approached making this new line of minis as a well-rounded range in its own right rather than just filling gaps in the Warclans battletome and thinking they needed to avoid things like having another Orruk cavalry unit. They could make them play differently to the other Orruk cavalry units if they wanted to anyway.

    I have always hoped/assumed it would be hobgrotz riding gnashtooths armed with bows or slings; a lightish ranged skirmishing unit.

    It would also round out the clear Lord of the Rings influence that the kruleboyz have

    • Like 3
  6. 6 hours ago, PlayerJ said:

    Imagine Rogue idol being updated with the kruleboyz keyword, benefitting from the MW sixes, and all other possible buffs

    Or the troggoth hag, she fits the aesthetic and lore. Seems she is no longer available though

  7. 35 minutes ago, Tomplex said:

    Musician- count the number of enemy units within 12" and roll a d6. If the result is higher than the number of enemy units you get +1 to charge. 


    Banner- roll 2d6 and subtract 1 for every enemy unit within 12", and -2 for every enemy unit within 3", if the result is higher than your leadership add 1 to your leadership. 


    Champion- roll a d6, on a 6 you get +1 attack. 


    I'm being facetious of course, but it does seem in line with the abilities we've seen so far. 

    Yeah, the trend does worry me as well. I'm getting 40k tyranid codex vibes, with the whole "jump through these hoops to get a weaker version of what other allegiances get for free" nature of the teased rules.

    Still, I'm hoping that they have just chosen poorly, extremely poorly, with what has been shown so far. I know I'm no longer planning to order the new models and battletome immediately however, and will now probably wait to see a couple battletome breakdowns first. I normally choose armies purely for aesthetic and lore reasons, but I would like my next army to actually stand up to some of newer battletomes while still being interesting to me.

    • Like 2
  8. Gotta admit, as someone way more interested in the Kruleboyz than the Stormcast, I feel a small amount of salt reading the article. 

    Kruleboyz: jump through these hoops for a small chance at getting another -1 to hit! We know it's only a small chance and that they don't properly stack, but now you have 3 whole ways to potentially give -1 to hit if you're lucky. I mean come on, these are the best teasers we have!

    Stormcast: want more mortals, here ya go, have a reroll for the damage while you're at it. How about tripling your ability to hold objectives? Sound good? Don't even roll for it mate, love ya.


    Exaggerated for effect obviously, but still. It was hard to get excited for the kruleboyz rules teaser, especially when 2 of the 4 kruleboyz rules shown were a second and third way to give -1 to hit.

    Alright, salt spent. hope we hear what the big beasties can do for kruleboyz soon, I already plan to get a sludgeraker regardless of the rules but I would like an idea of what it does beyond the streams hints, as an AoE poison buff would be massive for the kruleboys. Based on the images, what sized bases do you think the sludgeraker/sloggoth will be on? They look like 120x92mm to me, but I have seen people say they look smaller.

    • Like 8
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  9. 1 minute ago, Vasshpit said:

    Speculation time!!!

    Musician- retreat and charge 

    Banner- reroll battleshock tests

    Champion- +1 attack, poison mortal    proc on a 5+ stock. 


    And im thinking about a msu of hobgrots behind a 20 block of Gutrippaz with spears to toss grenades over their heads instead of the general spead bump approach thats seems to be their general thought on usage. And if not needed they can fall back onto objectives. 

    Good combo or nay, says you?

    My guesses would be:

    Musician- +1 to run and charge roles

    Banner- reroll bravery

    Champions- as seen in dominion, +1 attack and can use command abilities


    I find it's better to have boltboyz behind the gutrippaz, for a bundle of reasons. The boltboyz get a decent screen and the gutrippaz have a better chance of mitigating being charged if you unleash hell, additionally, the boltboyz are better at clearing out anything that the gutrippaz get in combat with. It also means if you keep a swampcalla near them then it has 2 good units to use its ability on, especially when the gutrippas get into combat and can't be given any poison/elixir. 

    I have actually found the hobgrotz to be reasonable decent, especially in a group of 20. In my matches they have almost taken down Yndrasta while keeping her tied up almost all game, and they have the benefit of being completely underestimated. I've found if you run and shoot with them every turn while pushing up with the rest of your gutrippaz and boltboyz, then you opponent might just ignore them to focus on your more threatening orruk force; then you use the hobgrotz to take out their backline objective holders.

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    • LOVE IT! 2
  10. The monstrous Arcanum (the 2020 version) and the legion of azgorh compendiums are no longer available to download from warhammer community. I figured the monstrous arcanum would be getting updated at some point given that it is still usable in competitive play, but I hope the legion of azgorh is at least being given a final update before we get officially put in the legends section.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think there is a good chance for the Sloggoth and Boltboyz to be conditional battleline. Maybe the Hobgrots, too, but that seems less likely.

    Boltboys are confirmed as conditional battleline in a Big Yellers allegiance

    • Thanks 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, SilentSentinel said:

    It's unfortunate that we might not be seeing anything else for the Kruleboyz, feel like they at least need a cavalry unit and an elite unit of some kind.

    At this stage, unless something changes with hobgrotz, Kruleboyz will only have two units: gutrippaz and boltboyz. That's a pretty terrible selection, I can't think of any other faction that's limited to only 2 units.

    It feels like there must be more coming, especially as the stream said that Kruleboyz were a horde style army. They are way to expensive to run as horde without major changes or more units to choose from.

    I'm honestly really confused by the kruleboyz right now, love the look of them and still plan to get a lot of them, but even the rules preview was disappointing. Of the few known abilities of the kruleboyz, 3 of them are just giving a -1 to hit which doesn't stack. I hope they give us a better idea of what to expect soon.

    • Like 2
  13. My main issue with the skulbugz ability is that it doubles up on what the gutrippaz shields already do. It does make it far harder for the opponent to buff the unit though, as using a command point would still mean hitting at -1. Though I am concerned that 3 of our abilities so far seem to be a -1 to hit penalty and only in combat.

    For me personally, the look of the models and their playstyle is more important than their competitive ability. That being said, it would be nice to have an actually competitive army for once, because choosing base on liking the models and playstyle normally leaves me struggling in my local meta. 

    So far the big yellers would be my preferred pick, but we only know 3 small parts of the battletome so we should at least try to stay open minded

    • Like 3
  14. 7 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    We got our first look at our rules and subfactions! This confirm that the beastbreakaz, deffsikerz and badstabbaz are more like social classes rather than subfactions. They showed rules for 2 of the 3 subfaction.

    - Big Yellers have a yellow shield and seen to focus on shooting (boltboyz and the beast skewer focused, boltboyz become battleline with them).

    - Skulbugz have grey-purple shields and love some creepy bugs, which give them some debuffs for being so gross.

    The last sub-faction will probably have the red shield color scheme, as we generally get one subfaction for the box scheme. Maybe they will be melee focused?


    I wonder if the Dirty tricks are some bonuses we can pick for the army for the whole game or if its somethings we pick each battleround.





    Big Yellers seem interesting, could just be how much I like the look of the crossbows and ballista though.

    This may be the build up to the release though, a week or two of this type of teaser content and then preorders. I'm hoping preorders next weekend, but I do worry this means that mounted hobgrotz were just a rumour.

    • Like 1
  15. I could see 3 weeks of Monday reveals. Next week has been teased as Stormcast, maybe the following monday we get our first look at another infantry/cavalry option, then a last stormcast reveal The week after. Then possibly two weeks of preorders, with the battletomes and half the models the first week and the remainder the week after.

  16. 5 minutes ago, Tiberius501 said:

    I feel like, with the pot grot, he should be able to cast his spell, and hand out an elixir or poison to a unit in each turn. It’s pretty much a no brainer to apply poison to a unit atm, and it would still make sense that the unit could be taking the poison/elixir from the pot grot while the shaman casts a spell.

    While I agree, I think it's mostly a balance issue. I'll run 2 swampcallas in pretty much every list, buff him more and the overpowered argument might actually hold water.

    If any unit was going to get a buff based on what we have seen so far, I'd call for the murknob. Poor guy just doesn't do enough to justify taking him over anything else, for only 10 point more you get the swampcalla that can still dispell regards of using elixir/poison. I'm guessing he'll get some good artifacts or something in the battletome, but for now he is an awesome looking and not worth taking model.

    • Like 1
  17. 6 minutes ago, Bozly said:

    Your lists should always be made at 1750 points because you would be crazy not to run two swampcallas.

    for those who havent noticed and I’m late to the thread im a stormcast player. The swampcalla is possibly the most broken character in the game. He himself gives out +3 to save and only has to make one roll. Spell all out defense pot. And all for 5 points more than a castellant who does the same thing but only once. You’re also actually versatile a global army buff and increased mortal wounds on the tin? 

    imagine one swampcalla and 40 hobgrotz on a 3+ save or 20 cruelboys on a 2+ who are battleshock immune sitting on an objective while kragnos and the rest of your army pressure the other half. Ridiculous 

    You can't improve a save by more than one. If you have multiple +1 to saves on a unit it just negates rend, so hobgrotz at best have a 5+ save and gutrippaz a 4+ save.

    While I do agree the swampcalla is great, you can't use spells if you use his poison or elixir and the restriction on who they can give their buffs to make them difficult to use. To give a unit the buffs they have to be within 3" of the swampcalla, more than 3" away from any enemy units and wholly within 12" of the swampcalla. It is difficult to fulfill this on most units after turn 1 or two.


    Honestly, swampcalla buffing boltboyz is underrated. Once units have met in the middle of the field, boltboyz basically wreck anything

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, MiniJunkie said:

    I have two sets of the Kruleboyz I’m assembling right now…is this a weak army? Because (bear in mind I’m a noob) that’s the vibe I’m picking up so far (Guts overcosted, Hobs terrible)…?

    Not necessarily. The main issue is that their battletome hasn't been released yet, should be out in august; Until then we don't have their full ruleset. I dont think they'll be weak when the battletome is released and we have the rest of the kruleboyz units to play with.

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  19. Just now, zombiepiratexxx said:

    What are people's opinions on the Killaboss from Dominion? Sheild or spikey ball of death? Considering the push fit nature it wouldn't be hard to be able to use either of from battle to battle. 

    3+ saves are amazing and the flail doesn't hit hard enough to justify losing it, plus that 3+ easily becomes a 2+ with a command point or swampcalla. I think I'll be taking the shield everytime

  20. I'm trying out 2 lists soon, both 2000 points

    List 1:

    Killaboss on gnashtooth 200

    Shaman 125

    Shaman 125

    Murknob 115

    20 gutrippaz 360

    10 gutrippaz 180

    10 gutrippaz 180

    6 boltboyz 240

    20 hobgrotz 190

    10 hobgrotz 95

    10 hobgrotz 95

    Soulsnare Shackles 65



    List 2

    Killaboss 140 

    Shaman 125 

    Shaman 125

    20 gutrippaz 360 

    20 gutrippaz 360

    10 gutrippaz 180 

    6 boltboyz 240

    6 boltboyz 240

    10 hobgrotz 95

    10 hobgrotz 95



    Not sure how they will go, I feel a couple of hobgrotz are still good as objective holders and charge blockers, plus they help generate waaagh! points

  21. Just now, C0deb1ue said:

    Currently they are overpriced bad chaff, with a different aesthetic to the rest of the army and not battleline or covered by the allegiance abilities.

    I guess they are good for narrative players.

    If they had access to our trait and were battleline in a kruleboyz allegiance then they wouldn't be terrible, decent chaff with alright mortal wound output. However, they need all that to be considered just decent.


    So what lists are people thinking of running with the units we have available today? The battletome and new units are at least a month away, possibly closer to two, so we may as well play with what we have so far

  22. 1 minute ago, NauticalSoup said:

    I hope they can benefit from Big Waaagh type allegiances even if they're meh in Kruleboys. Then at least they'll have a job as a cheap screen.

    Currently can't even take them in Big Waaagh, which is just stupid.


    They did say more models are coming, so I'm still hoping for cavalry and a hobgrot hero

  23. 11 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    Spikeybits article from today has the warscroll cards from Dominion up to view. Hobgrots warscroll contains the Orruk Warclans and Kruelboyz keywords. No idea if they are battleline, but we'll know for sure when the codex hits. Can't imagine its more than a month away. 



    Bad internet = double post

  24. 6 minutes ago, Gothmaug said:

    Spikeybits article from today has the warscroll cards from Dominion up to view. Hobgrots warscroll contains the Orruk Warclans and Kruelboyz keywords. No idea if they are battleline, but we'll know for sure when the codex hits. Can't imagine its more than a month away. 



    Problem is they need the Orruk keyword by itself, as they need "kruleboyz orruk" to get the buff. A stupid distinction but it does matter for rules purposes

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