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Posts posted by Veterannoob

  1. 14 minutes ago, Xelotath said:

    Hi all, looking into starting fyreslayers myself in the near future. I’ll likely end up with 20 or so HGB but I’m not sure what to equip them with? The poleaxes look great for mortal wounds but the Broadaxes seem a little more reliable. Which way would you guys go?

    I've built another 40 poleaxes (70 now in total) to deal with Flesh Eaters and Skaven so I'll have to see the full arsenal in the new tome but they still seem miles ahead of broadaxes IMO, and they actually didn't lose their Hair Save. :) 

  2. What better time to get back onto TGA than now ;) I'm over the Bad Moon about my army getting an update. Mixed feelings, trying to take it all in stride and most importantly wait until I get my book to read and know the scrolls, options, etc. in context. Going to easily cross the 300 games solo Fyreslayers mark by Midwest Meltdown (USA) in July :) 

    I'm curious to hear what everyone thinks. Apologies, just now got back onto this forum so I haven't gone back through all the post since I last was active like a year ago. When the Fyreslayers group on Facebook crossed 1,000 members we made dice. Yesterday with the release it crossed 2,000 members (something I could never have imagined when I started it 3 years ago with only myself and 2 other members) and we're discussing what item to create to celebrate--maybe a 9" ruler or something, so if you have ideas I'm open to hearing them.

    Anyway...the biggest change I'm focusing on and need to wrap my brain around is a move from a hoard army (cuz, y'know, we only have 3 non-hero units) to now seems pointed for an elite army.  Less models will be an adjustment, though I am also starting Stormcasts so that's an elite army with less than 100 models on the table). Excited to hear your thoughts about what we know so far. I've already seen some interesting lists on the Facebook group. I plan on trying all the lodges and item/trait combos for a month or so try see what suits my play style and unholy bad Kennynomics dice rolling curse.

    • Like 1
  3. Hey,  I remember Forums! :) Recording Warhammer Weekly last night and found out about the lovely news of goats with "dark looks." Shared my hopes with the hosts on the show but I can't wait to make my Warherd easier to play and with an event prize gift card I picked up yet another Bloodfeast Gorgers allies box (now cleaned out that FLGS). Me thinks a third Cygor will join the Herd and I really needed that Bullgor kit with command sprue to finish up the force. I'm not hyper competitive but here's what I played last 2 games as I forgot the endless spells the first time (thus had 2 CP starting) but last game was very successful and used:

    Allegiance: Chaos

    Great Bray Shaman (100)
    - Allies
    Doombull (120)
    - General
    - Great Axe
    - Trait: Lord of War
    Doombull (120)
    - Pair of Axes


    6 x Bullgors (320)
    - Pairs of Axes
    3 x Bullgors (160)
    - Axes & Bullshields
    6 x Bullgors (320)
    - Great Axes

    Jabberslythe (140)
    - Allies
    Cygor (180)
    Cygor (180)
    Ghorgon (200)

    Endless Spells
    Chronomantic Cogs (60)
    Aethervoid Pendulum (40)

    Total: 1940 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 240 / 400
    Wounds: 133

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, Captain Marius said:

    Those ruins are ace, perfect for scattering amongst the larger pieces, thats a must buy for me :)

    Yeah I’m buying terrain for the March 17 Malign Portents plus Coalescence event megabattle I’m running so this should be perfect!

  5. 8 minutes ago, RuneBrush said:

    From the Twitch stream upcoming Black Library books :):

    AoS Books

    Overlords of the Iron Dragon
    Nagash: They Undying King (regular hardback)

    World that Was

    Time of Legend: The Vengeance Wars (great betrayal)

    Overlords is a really good and interesting book.  Learning so much about the KO Code, nice development by Clint in that book.

    • Like 1
  6. 48 minutes ago, Caladancid said:

    There is a table of contents for the Death Guard codex on B&C, and interestingly for us here there looks to be no mention of Pestigors. 

    That'd be true. I can start review on the Codex today and they're not in there...but lots of cool stuff though no new demons.

  7. new 40K will be amazing. The only bad thing about GW/FW/BL imo in 2017 is how poor I will be until 2018, at the very earliest :) 

    add: hell, the influx of 40K players into AoS locally has been both awesome and amusing.

    • Like 2
  8. Finally gonna get a non-order army when Slaanesh comes out later this year. And, if this is the method (battletomes combining multiple army types in one w/allegiances, traits, bonuses, etc.) then I shall gladly wait. Besides, KO are swooping down next month. Man or Man/woman, I can't wait to see the new Keeper of Secrets at the way new models are coming out from GW. :x

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