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Posts posted by Gotz

  1. 14 minutes ago, MotherGoose said:

    Didn't the cities of sigmar hero with the little gremlin playing a flute solve a rumour engine? I seem to remember a hand on what looked like a flute or similar...might be completely wrong though

    the one you're refering to was a wh+ mini


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  2. 1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    The amount of terrain really is kinda disappointing, isn't it? Especially for warcry with its climbing mechanics and everything. Makes me wonder whether they are planning to double dip with a follow up set that brings up the warbands to full size and includes more terrain to give you enough for a full sized game.

    yeah, its weird. I kind of understand the focus on 2d gameplay in a starter set, but the smaller warbands with no build options maybe is too much dumbing down.

    4 walls and 2 landmarks is more or less the same quantity of the KT starter (but those feel bigger and there are also the barricades).

    at 60/65€ would have looked better, something inbetween underworlds and KT starters.

  3. 34 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Thanks! I love to maintain the list.

    If anyone want to know, the kits that could be launch this summer are:

    - LoTR diorama
    - Lancer Knight - HH -
    - Generals & Harbringers
    - Leviathan

    Not confirmed content but the kits could be released this summer too:
    - Arks of Omen special characters
    - Forgeworld resin models (HH/Blood Bowl)
    - Underworlds previous core warbands
    - Warcry Starter set with Underworlds models (the leaked boxset)
    - Seraphon Vanguard

    The underworlds core warbands would be a "Rivals of Gnarlwood: Sons of Velmorn vs Gnarlspirit pack" box, right? 

  4. 27 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Some sort of new centerpiece is probably a safe bet. I am not sure any old Empire kits will be returning in the new book at this point, though. The for the collegiate arcane stuff I mentioned above, we only have the info that "they should be safe", meaning their warscrolls are still in the book at least, but they too might get new models.

    I kind of expect to some degree that they keep mostly the units that the current range has. Some current ones are sure going to be totally deprecated, but I'm quite confident that most will have "upgrades" so people with current freeguild can use them as "counts as".

    • Light & heavy  infantry
    • shooting unit
    • light & heavy cavalry
    • warmachine
    • flagelants

    plus the expected characters and centerpiece model.

    1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I would recommend to take GW at their word when they tell you what to expect. They are not the kind of company that would surprise-release Kislev folded into the Empire at launch. When they say "These are the factions: ...", then these really are the factions.

    At least initally. I have seen some people take the newest article to mean: "These are all the factions the game will ever be about." But of course it makes no sense for GW not to grow the game by adding new armies like they do for literally all their other ones.

    I'm expecting nothing on the Kislev side (if they have rules at launch maybe a made to order of the old stuff). In fact, I'm not expecting any new range of anykind at launch. Damn, its even hard to fathom how the launch is going to be... start collecting for all 9 factions? just the 2 on the box? We can just guess, wishlist and discuss online at this point XD

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  5. 15 hours ago, willange said:

    Except they had the “The Old World” article about them.
    One of the only reasons i was excited about this project was to see new models for factions that didn’t make it to AoS (which we’ll get at least some of, thankfully). The big reason, though was to see some genuinely new stuff like Kislev that AoS will probably never have. If Brettonia/TK are 70% ancient models and you have no Kislev, no Cathay, no Araby, nothing truly “new”, then there’s really no reason for someone like me to play TOW. 
    I’m happy for those that are hyped, but I’m not really down for more ancient models, personally. 

    On an unrelated note, I’m really worried about the “day 1 pdf only factions”. In AoS, that got a lot of armies squatted. I may see my Legion of Azgorh go in the trash yet again lol

    Kislev could be tucked inside the empire range, as it was in some editions.

    They did quite some articles under TOW banner showing the TWW designs and the Kislev area in the TOW map... so its weird... maybe something to wait for the future. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    I think the real interesting thing is the pdf factions and what it might suggest about the future of AoS

    • Dark Elves
    • Skaven
    • Vampire Counts
    • Daemons of Chaos
    • Ogre Kingdoms
    • Lizardmen
    • Chaos Dwarfs

      When we got massive range refreshes for seraphon and soulblight, my initial thought was that those models were jointly designed with the Old World in mind. But perhaps not.

      Rumours too suggest too that the new Slaves to Darkness sculpts won't be used in Old World, which suggests that GW wants to stop a certain degree of cross pollination between the two games.

      But if we say that Skaven, Ogors, Soulblight and Seraphon become primarily AoS rather than Old World armies, there are two others here - Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarves.

      Chaos Dwarves have been heavily hinted as coming to AoS for a long time.

      But could it be that Dark Elves will outlive Cities and be repackaged into a Malerion faction?

    the only way I see they bring back the old chaos warriors is if they want to keep them with the option of 2 weapons (correct me if I'm mistaken, but if I remember correctly now they just have weapon/halberd+shield and not dual weapons). 

    And in this case if you would want to go for weapon+shield nothing stops you from using the new ones..

    That said... they kept the old 40K ork kit next to the new one because of loadout issues...

    I don't see the kalkadrak or the ogroids making the cut, but warriors, knights, chosen, lords and daemon prince I'm sure will be the new ones

  7. 17 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think that just means "We won't put Stormcast and Deepkin into the game", not "Literally no models currently in use in AoS will get rules."

    Exactly that.

    We don’t plan to publish rules for Warhammer Age of Sigmar miniatures, except for those units that were part of the game and setting during the final edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. 

    I think the article makes it clear. Stuff that is in AoS that has a counterpart in WFB 8th will have rules. Stuff created for AoS (stormcast, deepkin, fireslayers, kharadron, lumineth, etc... won't)

    I wonder if they'll delve in stuff prior to 6th ed, or it would be mostly what was on the lists for 8th

    Also I'm really curious about the units loadout if they'll go for the more streamlined editions where most units didn't have much customization or the more freeform early editions.

    I asume the former, as it will probably be limited to what loadout the miniatures have, but it would be nice smaller scale armies with more customization. One can dream XD

    • Like 3
  8. 26 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    It's kind of mindboggling that they would use that treeman kit in the promotional material. The plastic Treeman kit is infinitely better and was made for Warhammer Fantasy. Are they that determined to avoid cross compatibility between the two systems?


    thats weird... cos almost the full range of chaos warriors and beasts of chaos is going to be compatible. And depending how they treat Cities of Sigmar, the non human range is going to be compatible (and the humans probably can work as "counts as").

    I think it could be more of a thing of going back to a infantry block philosophy (as in 6th) and avoiding the really big centerpiece models.


    Also... having this kind of info now.... can we hope of some sort of launch around the end of the year?

  9. 14 minutes ago, Bolfrig Bearhide said:

    Interestingly, the tree man model shown was the old one that was updated before the end times. Could suggest that just because older models have been shown in photos, they could still get updates?

    I think that's a treekin model and not a treeman.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 12 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    It'd be funny to know what the official definition for starter set in Gamesworkshopese is. For funsies I checked the "not a starter set" HH set and the AoS starter set, and while both have core rules the AoS starter set comes with terrain/cardboard mat and push-fit miniatures (as opposed to traditional glue-is-required ones of HH). Feels in many ways arbitrary, as at least I perceive starter set to mean a box with two opposing forces alongside core rules, but apparently that's not it.

    A real shame they didn't show the Q&A on stream, I think it'd have helped with misconceptions like this.

    the 3 tiered sets in aos (and 40K) are starter sets. Don't have the full ruleset or have a pocket version of it, and come with some kind of small terrain (in the cheaper ones just a paper mat and the box works as terrain) and rules to play with what is inside the box.

    Horus Heresy box comes with the full hardcover ruleset, so its more similar to Dominion (AoS) or Leviathan (40K). 

    The age of darkness box is clearly what we would understand as a "starter box" and Dominion/Leviathan is what we would call now "launch boxes"... but I think this is just a semanthic discussion. The contents are basically the same, but HH one is designed to stay in time (and be the box you buy when you get into HH as a new player), and dominion/leviathan are limited releases aimed towards veteran players that want to dip into the new stuff or starting players that really want to go all in.

    So... what would be a Old World "not a starter-box box"? 

    If its like HH... 2 armies, the hardcover rulebook and gaming accesories... and most importantly, is something permanent.


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  11. So... They say that they'll focus on armies that are active during the period and the geographic area, but existing 8th ed armies will have rules support, so... What we can expect in each category?


    - Empire / Kislev

    - Bretonnia

    - Tomb Kings

    -  All chaos flavours

    - Vampire Counts 

    - Orcs and Goblins

    - Dwarves

    - Wood Elves

    Not Supported

    - Dark Elves

    - High Elves

    - Ogre Kingdoms

    - Lizardmen

    I'm not sure... Looks like except Lizardman all 8th ed factions could be supported... 

  12. 8 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:


    An entire new Warband shown off? Oh sweet Behemat let it be so!! 

    Ogors have had 2 Warbands and Ironjawz 3(?) Gitz 3(?) I would love another Bonesplitterz Warband!!

    Also hoping that in the Warcry reveal we get a single Warband to round out the number to 10. Thats where Im hoping those Ogor Maneaters are!!

    showing next season roadmap for both underworlds and warcry would be nice

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  13. 1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

    We had the preorder announcement for next Saturday and it didn't include Lizardmen. The earliest it could come would therefore be the Saturday after, but it's more likely that'll be 40k focused, so the Saturday after that would be more likely.

    seeing the underworlds article with the classic "coming soon" final text blurb... I think this could be this sunday announcement with more specialist stuff maybe?

  14. 19 minutes ago, Draznak said:

    Curious that they announce future pre-orders before the traditional Sunday evening article...

    Have they already done it ? I don't remember. In any case the pace of BT releases does not weaken !

    i'm sure they usually just say "soon" during the week and then it shows up on sunday announcement XD


  15. 11 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Should be. Apparently Killteam already does smaller sets that can connect to the big set?

    I guess Warcry is doing the same but with UnderWorlds Warbands? I guess narratively that’s why they nixed the full hold of the UnderWorlds curse of we’re gonna start seeing the warbands in other Realms on their own adventures like Crypt of Blood has the Storm-Errants vs the Vampires battling for artifacts in Neferata’s Shyish domain.

    Honestly that’s an exciting prospect if they start mixing them up more for other sets down the path that have chances to make the packaged teams more enticing like the Ogor captain taking on the Kharadron profiteers in Chamon with clockwork terrain and vault treasuries or the Exiled Undead battling the Deepkin Soulcatchers in Hysh over a repository of scrolls and crystals on how to strengthen souls or new things like a Fyreslayer warband going up against the Eshin Skaven in a portion of Hammerhal Aqshy among the cobbled fiery markets in honoring their guard contracts.

    It looks more like begginers set than a "core/basic" one. I would guess with a step by step/how to play take on the rules. 

    The text states that the miniatures are Bladeborn and that in games outside of this box you have to use them with the allies/bladeborn rules. (In warcry you can't make an all bladeborn warband, at least you need 1 hero, that isn't bladeborn, from your faction).

    And then it points you to the Soulbound Nobles and the FEC warband as examples of full warcry warbands.

  16. 25 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

    Hooray! Hopefully means the Seraphon box gets announced next Sunday. 

    ...now to figure out how to get one of these coins for myself. 

    I think there are more probabilities that is a late april release than an early april. 

    How long was between Slaves army box and full release? Less than a month? 

    I think we should still spect full seraphon release at least late may/early june.  So... late april would work for me...

  17. 1 minute ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Well Crypt of Blood seems to be seperate small expansion to the Warcry stuff is since it’s all Shyishian graveyard stuff vs the Gnarlwoods with the crashed Realmshaper



    Could this be something similar to the Kill Team starter set? 

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