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Posts posted by Fyrm

  1. Hmmmmmm. Actually, looking closer, I’d say the Turned to Crystal is more a sidegrade than downgrade. Sure, we can’t apply buffs, but we didn’t have many before for that particular attack. And triggering at the end of the combat phase is weaker...but it’s 3+ for all now, not just those within 1”. On a big block of 20, even going last, that’s likely to be a lot more pings of it. 

    • Like 1
  2. I admit, I’m rather disappointed with the rules in the Morathi book. None of the battalions excite me, and the only part of the new temple that does is the command ability. I think I’m goin to stick to my Khailebron list for my sneks. And my Temple Nest battalion for most of the army. Will be slotting in the Ironscale though, that’s a nice command ability. Just hope the buff to archers [finally some love!!!] outweighs the nerf to crystal touches. 

  3. I feel like I'd like to have one of her chilling by some archers. Presuming her staff throw is any good. Doubling their shooting output could make them at least a little viable! I do agree her ability is too slow to help with melee though.


    We do know there's more to her though. They haven't shown her antimagic that they mentioned. I don't think she'll be a wizard though. Probably have a decent command ability, but not a wizard.

  4. I'll echo the disappointment in the Ability. +1 Bravery is just sad. +1 attack to a unit of Blood Sisters is nice though, especially as it triggers when you pick them to attack instead of when the phase starts, so you don't have to telegraph it. Or commit to a unit and have it be blown up before you can attack with them. They indicated there was also a command trait not yet shown, so we'll have to see that before we pass a final judgement.


    But I have to say, one of the biggest reasons I go with Khailebron is I can fit all my battleline into the Templenest. Now, one of the two not shown battalions may be good [the one shown is also a bit of a dud, at least for me]. It's nice to not have a unit I have to remember doesn't do the cool thingy. Both seem to refer to our snek girls, although Scathcoven seems like it'd be more balanced between them and the harpies. Maybe even harpy focused. Not bad, but we have to see how it goes.

  5. 2 hours ago, Frowny said:

    Yetis and Frost sabres still seem excellent. Yetis hit less hard than ogors by a good bit, but can pull fairly good schenanagins with their 6 in pile in. 

    I was considering a skaal, Hunter with at least 1 big unit of frost sabres and a unit of yetis for a nice and sneaky alpha strike with a big unit of yetis to follow up. Then when they retaliate I can pop always strike first to double down on it. 

    Are their any ways to buff to hit rolls easily? So much of this plan hits on 4s Which can be quite swingy. I know there is the generic command ability. The pot is pretty random so hardly reliable.

    I’ve been thinking of trying mix Skal with Torbad, using that as a way to get it to 2 drops, but Torbad is just so expensive! 3 beastriders minimum!? It’s a neat battalion, certainly, but so expensive. Which is a shame. Technically can just barely fit it together, but you’d have a wasted artifact [can only seem to get 2 heroes in that], and not nearly as many yetis or kitties as I’d like. 

  6. Ooooh! Another question for y’all, aside from my conversion question earlier. Am I correct in reading that an army built with an equal number of frostsaber units to hunters alongside gorgers could be deployed entirely in reserve? The abilities on the warscrolls don’t seem to have any wording to stop this, like army reserve abilities tend to  


    Hunters as general make the kitties battleline, so this could be a humorous and interesting game plan. Heck, take Skal, and you could have a 1 drop army entirely in reserve, should easily be able to either let your opponent go first and only be able to move around, or go first yourself and drop a bunch of people most anywhere you would like. 

  7. So, I know I asked this earlier, but I pulled the trigger on my FoB box and I kinda would like to know some specifics. How would one go about converting a glutton box into Leadbelchers? Should I just go online and look for bits, or is there a passable way with just what comes from the gluttons/leftovers from building the two Leadbelchers in the box/leftovers from building the cannon and tyrant [going for an undergut list, thinking I’m going to keep it at 1k, a tyrant, a cannon, 2 blocks of 4 Leadbelchers, and a huskard on Thundertusk. Everything shoots, everything can fight in melee, run around and just be problems all over the board.]

  8. 3 minutes ago, Reuben Parker said:

    Based on models I own I might try a little combined arms force to start. 


    2 Slaughtermasters 

    Hunter General 

    12 gluttons 

    9 yeti 

    10 and 4x2 cat


    not sure what sub faction to take at the moment though with such a mixed force. 

    Could always go with no subfaction. Open up some of the other command traits, which can be nice. D3 command points while Hunter is in ambush, or being along a second pack of kitties, could both be nice. 

    • Like 1
  9. 25 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    Edit: Ok, found the Battlelines. Gluttons unconditional. BCR Battlelines if BCR General, Ironguts and Leadbelchers (4+ models) with a Gutbusters General, and Frostsabers and Yheetees are cound to certain Heroes. All in all a big and diverse list.

    I was looking for this as well! Thanks! 


    Hmmm. So the focuses of both my list ideas can become battleline. Neat! I’ll orobably start with the shooty list though, easier to turn on/purchase. Just gotta convert all the Gluttons in the FoB box [presuming I can get it...] into Leadbelchers, run the tyrant as general, grab a BCR SC, and I’ll be good to go! 2 blocks of 4 Leadbelchers for battleline! Looks like I can still build the Mournfangs as 2 blocks of 2, so I can get 2 more shots from them. Should be a very interesting army!

  10. Awesome! So worst case scenario, I can also purchase a bunch of bits online to convert all the other guys into a gun line as well! Cool, that is definitely a point in favor of going gun heavy for me!


    Just something about an ogor gunline that makes me unnervingly giddy!

    • Haha 1
  11. So, out of curiosity, how hard would it be to convert Ogors into Leadbelchers? I’m thinking about splitting the new box with my friend who loves Death armies in general, and I’m thinking I may end up with the Leadbelchers faction. A really shooty army. Either that or a kitty focused army maybe? Anyways, ya, obviously depending on what can be battleline will affect what I can do, but I’m curious how possible it will be to get more guns out of the box than is intended. 

  12. Also, remember, even 3 won’t form a perfect circle. They couldn’t, because they couldn’t really fit more in without messing it all up. As I understand it, the footprint is supposed to match out current woods, which means they’ll be in kinda odd patterns. But, if we have multiple boxes, we could mix and match these shapes. So let’s say there is one long piece in a box, kinda in a U shape? You could set up a normal woods, or you could take 3 of these pieces and make a sort of star, or 2 and a more flat piece and make a sort of bunny face [you know what I mean...]. So that will likely help us squeeze them into places, picking which parts to use! 


    Also, no thoughts on what vase sizes to use for proxy endless spells? :[

    • Like 1
  13. So, I just realized that the Vengful Skullroot spell has a damaging ability! But unfortunately, at least on my copy of the imagine that I could find, it is cut off a little. It looks like it deals a d3 mortal wounds to each unit it passes over, or d6 if they are within 3” of woods? That is the best I can decipher. 

    • Like 1
  14. So, here’s what I’m thinking for a 1k list so far. I’d love criticism and comments, be as harsh as you feel you need to! I may not be going for most competitive, but every drop of info helps! It is all in the Harvestboon Glade.


    endless spells:


    Spiteswarm hive

    chronomatic cogs



    Spirit of Durthu [general, Seek New Fruits, the Silent Sicle]

    Branchwytch [the Vesperal Gem, Regrowth]

    branchwraith [Throne of Vines]

    branchwraith [Verduous Harmony]



    spite revenants 5

    spite revenants 5

    spite revenants 5






    apollogies that was so sloppy. But I believe that gets the details across? Game plan is turn 0 drop woods in my deployment zone as a launch pad, turn 1 pray to Allerial that I get my cast trees off [unless faq says I can use the gem for them, but even if not that gel is great], deploy it so it is as close to my kill target as possible. Hope for the charge buffs, but those will be easier and if I don’t get them then I don’t get them. Jump Durthu through the woods, charge target, do some mean damage, then jump back into the woods with command trait. Probably throw 1 unit of spites with Durthu as screen, but all non screening spites go run for objectives.


    Does all that sound reasonable, or am I banking too much on too little? 

  15. 6 minutes ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    Yeah if you wanna go crazy, you could get:
    Endless spell (+3)
    Cogs (+2)
    Command Trait (+2)
    +7  is nothing to sneeze at. Guarantees a charge for multiple units (though I think you'd often just use Durthu + big scythe unit). 

    But I'd probably take a wargroove and stick with +5 or +3.
    Even +5.... that means you're going to need 3 spell casters (or Alarielle I guess). 
    Still the base +3 is still reliable enough, especially with a command point reroll. 

    The winterleaf or harvestboon grooves are just too good, especially for alpha strike. 
    Winterleaf gives you the extra pile in/attack, and extra hits on 6s.
    Harvestboon gives you reroll 1s to hit on the charge, and the ability for a charging Durthu to back out of combat after attacking and stay safe (and +1 attack). 

    Ya, this is ultimately where I have been leaning towards. Specifically, the Harvestboon one. Get Durthu in, smack them and then run off to your woods. Now they have to either charge you back, which means they’ll potentially be taking those mortal wounds [not super likely, but possible], or wait for him to charge back in and repeat the game. Feels like it’d be fun! Now just gotta figure out how to fit it all together, and start figuring out the lore for said army...


    also, why 3 casters? You could pull it off with just the TLA and a second caster, if you’re willing to go with the 18” tree drop. Most battle plans give you 24” space between you and enemies [most seem to be that you can’t deploy within 12” of enemy territory, so two sets of 12” would be 24”]? So that gets you easily within the range of the teleports anyways. And you don’t have to worry about it being dispelled. Or am I missing a piece? I suppose having 3 small casters would be cheaper than a TLA and a second small caster though. 

  16. 1 minute ago, IRifter said:

    I was wondering if  the verdant blessing spell (summons a wyldwood)is a part of the deepwood lore or not? 

    A quick look makes it seem like no? It is not listed on the Deepwood lore table, like the base line spells for our wizards. So I’d guess no, sadly no free trees with that gem. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Inquisitorsz said:

    Well the endless spell bubble one (which gives you +3" to charge) is done in the hero phase. So you can buff as much as you can fit wholly within 8".
    THEN teleport them in various ways (allegiance ability, treelord/durthu ability, waypipes, etc), then charge them later. 
    So that alone, is pretty easy to set up. The teleports are automatic and always work. The buff spell just requires casting, and the range is decent so you can probably set up a caster outside of unbind range. 
    Having units within 8" is purely up to your own deployment. 

    So the only unknown or not fully controllable aspect is where  your wildwoods end up and where that alpha strike is going to happen. The free wood you get to place at the start is probably going to be of limited use since you can't place it near objectives, enemy territory or other terrain. But you can summon another one with the spell and place that wholly within 24" which makes that placement a bit more useful.  

    Fair. I had not noticed the spell to summon more trees, completely missed it in fact. Hmmmmm. Alright, so it is looking like I’d want a TLA to summon the second set of trees [spell for better range, but base line ability for the garauntee], and then have them also summon the hive for a +3” to the charge. Maybe also Cogs for another +2”? If I forgo a wargrove, I can give the Durthu another +2 in his command trait, for a total of +7” to the charge. So autopassable, or gamble 2” and throw it into a wargrove. Not quite as elegant, but still certainly doable!

  18. Fair, but can you actually get that much going after the teleport, or just in a perfect bubble? And how much do you give up to pull it off? I suppose I’m just worrying a bit, like I tend to do, but it looks like it might be tricky to line it all up, and also have the tools to really utilize that alpha strike afterwords. 

  19. So, I’m curious. How does the alpha strike game work out now? Without the old Dreadwood, all our teleports seem to take place after movement? So we now have to pull them all off with a 9” charge. Sure, we have a bunch of ways to buff charges, but do we feel we can reliably get them all off and in place in time to make that reliable? Because I kinda fell in love with the idea of dropping a Durthu in the enemy’s face and just slamming the giant tree into them, but I’m not sure if it’s reliable enough to pull off to build around anymore. Although I suppose there are other, equally fun tricks for my murder tree. 

  20. 2 hours ago, Allornone said:

    Apparently itunes released the book early and someone is leaking it. Image

    I presume it was already taken down, given how this sort of thingy tends to go? Also the image you posted is broken for me at least. 

  21. 11 hours ago, ElectricPaladin said:

    @Fyrm don't discount the possibility that the tree is a support or contingency piece. With a name like "vengeful skullroot" I could see it debuffing or spitting out mortal wounds in response to nearby Sylvaneth dying.

    Oh, this is a very true possibility! I just enjoy the idea of a flying tree getting into an army’s face and refusing to die, forcing them to hack away at it or run away. No matter what though, I feel it will very likely do something to or with enemy bravery. 

    • Like 2
  22. So, I figure I’ll share my rambling thoughts on our Spites. Just to be absolutely clear, these are all random and baseless speculation. I’m just bored and thinking what would be cool. 

    General mechanics: All 3 would have a statblock like a unit. They can’t be set up, and can only be summoned with their corresponding spell. They can be dispelled like any endless spell, or they can be killed. Either way, once the model is off the table, it can’t be respawned, unless you have an unsommoned one of course. This would allow them to be a bit stronger for fewer points, because they have so many ways to be removed over a normal model [snipe the wizards turn 1, despell as normal, use special despelling mechanics]. 

    Worm: The heavy hitter of the three. Would probably act as a sort of cavalry, fast move and hits hard on a charge. Probably would have some kinda burrowing movement mechanic. Similar to flight? But ya, this one would be fairly simple. Summon, throw into something you don’t want there anymore. 

    Tree: I see it as super durable. Maybe some self regeneration, probably good saves/fnp. Basically the opposite role of the worm, you throw it as something you do want there for a while, and not elsewhere. Probably also has some bravery shinanigans, either directly or indirectly synergizing with the Spite Revenants. 

    Hive: ranged. Has no or very little move. Has a shooting attack that is kinda like Drycha’s. Maybe even both, and you pick which each round! Would be rather fragile, and wouldn’t hit well in melee, so you summon it behind your lines and if they get to it then you accept it as gone and probably have lost your frontline anyways so ya. 


    The reason I think all this is two fold primarily. First, all of that feels really cool to me! Second, those fill gaps in the army. We don’t really have much ranged, fast move models [shinanigans certainly mean we don’t need them as much, but still], or to my knowledge models that you can plop down and just hold for turn after turn [keep in mind I have only just begun assembling my army, and haven’t really made many rescissions because I’d like to wait for the new book before deciding much, but I have done my research]. 

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