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Posts posted by Charlo

  1. Personally cant see it happening. That's like a step backwards for GW at this point.

    Nighthaunt is such a massive and complete range (not to mention flagship!) that to have it swallowed up by LoN doesn't make sense.

    My main bet will be that after the next death tome comes out (looks like massed skellies from the teaser) LoN may get another go around eventually with:

    Tidying up, adding soul wars NH warscrolls in, adding legion of grief, adding some units from the new army in (depending on fluff), sorting out Battalions and allegiances, retiring metal/ resin models (except maybe Blood Knights as they're central).

  2. 13 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

    I am nervous.

    Really hoping they made any of the High Elves conditional Battlelines a regular one. Wanna field just my High elves, no Stormcast or empire stuff.

    Hopefully the phoenecium or hallowheart will let you do so!

  3. Hmm the metal heroes going would be quite problematic to pure wanderer players, considering they all just got points in the GHB though it would be odd to suddenly remove them altogether - it would leave the faction with just the nomad prince! 

    I love the idea of the centaurs but when wild riders exist they almost feel, redundant??

  4. I think what people need to remember is that the Karaks of old are no more...

    Gone from the old world. Instead the Dawii erected the Free Cities to establish the new world for all of the forces of order to dwell in.

    So in truth, it's most likely rare the Dispossessed go to war in their own right. Though, you can still do this with the GHB19 rules.

    The free Cities are fluffy and correct for the setting. I don't think this is a band aid, I think this is the final plan for the various order forces from the old world.

    Its not in GW interest to make new books for the older model ranges, they no doubt want to eventually retire them as the models just aren't as technically impressive as the new stuff. It looks great but isn't quite there.

    It's a tough pill to swallow for big fans of the races from the old world but you can still use your armies at least!

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, Kyriakin said:

    Good point. I''d forgotten that. However, they could still become like Soulblight when LoN came out. Technically, still exists, but not really.

    As a Soulblight player I resent that ;)

    Soulblight just got a new Battleline in the GHB and have been reinvigorated, can run some unique stuff with them!


  6. I mean, all the rumours said it would be a soup tome, so it was expected.

    What's good is that there will hopefully be some real decent rules, written for the current system and no shortage of other units for countas ;)

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

    Conversely, it could be the end of Darklings as everything is souped together into mixed elf-dwarf-human alliances with some over-riding lore-based theme.

    We don't know yet, really. Could go either way.

    SO, the GHB19 has just come out and I think will be the way to play "pure" DC still.

    The CoS book however contains 7 allegiance abilities that all evidence points to those being for the Free Cities from Firestorm but updated. DC may well be included in those (Hammerhal & Anvilgard as before).

    NOW the real kicker will be if the warscrolls get updated. Sadly, due to the allegiance abilities in the GHB I don't think we'll see anything drastic, but maybe some tweaks?

  8. I don't think wanderer archers are going anywhere... Or the Dwarf warriors. They're THE essential units for those factions, it would render wanderers and dispossessed allegiances basically useless from there. Same with freeguild humans, can't see them being gone soon. Plus they both got boxes with round bases, so the human stuff will get that too no doubt with the book release.

    Sword masters are the type of things I mean, resin ancient stuff from miniscule factions that aren't worth producing anymore. 

    They mention 7 allegiances, though there are 7 cities in firestorm so it's no doubt just those but expanded upon based on the article.

    Edit: White Lions seem to be sold out online and are part of a faction of 2 units so I'd expect the high elf chariot kit to go too.

    • Haha 2
  9. 5 hours ago, lare2 said:

    Just a note on the shields, in Legion of Night you'll have those bad lads on a 3+ save (in your terf) against zero rend. Not too shabby on a 30 strong horde of incredibly stabby skellies. 

    True, but not a lot that will be storming your deployment zone has - rend! 

  10. 59 minutes ago, lare2 said:

    Reckon you'll be alright on the offensive. Nagash is a beast on the attack and no doubt you'll have FEC supporting. Your puppies should be just for objectives really. 

    You're putting all your eggs into one basket mind - you'll want to get Naggy into combat as he'll be your big hitter but then you run the risk of losing him. 

    Yeah that's the plan! It's purely for fun and to make my army easy to transport :P plus will be utter banter on the tabletop i'm sure.

    10 hours ago, Death1942 said:

    If you take the 3 debuff spells then how are you ever going to deal damage?  I think the idea is fine but you want 1 or 2 decent offensive spells to help take out enemy units as the wolves aren't going to do much on their own.

    Good shout... What mix of spells would you reccomend?

  11. I'm hilariously considering using Nagash and 10 Direwolves as my 1000pts of a doubles event in the future. I'll be with FEC (though a fluffy knight based list I think).

    Do you think it can work? What 3 spells are the best to choose for Nagash? My idea is the 3 debuff ones, so that any major threats are struck with:

    -1 to hit, wound, bravery, attack, damage and only roll one D6 for charge distances.

    It would be purely for fun and an "if I can" kinda thing (and also to hand of dust as many big targets as possible!)

    Any tips to help make it work? 😁💀

    • LOVE IT! 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Death1942 said:

    No FAQ to remove Reapers from the Legion of Nagash feels like a mistake.  Surely the meta lists are just going to take 20 instead of 30 and do basically the same trick as before?  Nothing in the book really jumps out as equal to that unit for the same slot and points cost.

    Not at all. There would be massive community backlash as so many players had bought the models for their armies already.

    • Like 2
  13. Most abilities that allow you to move models great distances/ set them up close to the opponent is usually restricted to 9" away. Being about to move after the toot toot scoot scoot boat had moved you already was a clear oversight.

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