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Posts posted by Charlo

  1. 3 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    It's interesting to note that he can only be in an Order allegiance at the moment, since he's too expensive to use as an ally, and does not have that many keywords.


    But yes. This is quite the hero. I like it.

    Read his rules. He superceeds the points limitation on allies.

  2. 8 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    I just bought half of Skull Pass and now that purchase is invalid. 

    "I bought an old box for an older game why is it no longer supported?!"

    I get your point but GW don't even sell that box anymore.

  3. So with the confirmed models going that means we have the following left in free cities:


    So here is the free cities roster


    1 Battlemage on griffin
    2. Battlemage 
    3. Hurricanum and Battlemage 
    4. Luminark and Battlemage 
    5. Sorceress
    6. Sorceress on black dragon 
    7. Excelsior Warpriest?
    8. Warden king
    9. Runelord
    10. Freeguild general on griffin
    11. Cogsmith
    12. Dreadlord on blackdragon
    13. Anointed 
    14. Flamespyeee Phoenix anointed
    15 frost heart phoenjx anointed
    16. Black ark fleetmaster
    17. Assasin
    18 nomad prince 
    19Many stormcast dudes

    1 bleakswords
    2. Darkshards
    3 dreadspears
    4 longbeards
    5 freeguild Guard
    6 freeguild handgunners

    1 executioners
    2 blackguard
    3 flagellants
    4 hammerers
    5 lrobreakers
    6 irondrakes
    7 demigryphs
    8 greatswords
    9 outriders
    10 pistoliers
    11 steam tank
    12 hellblaster volley gun
    13 hellstorm rocket
    14 war hydra
    15 drakespwan chariot
    16 drakespawn knights
    17 Phoenix Guard 
    18 kharbydiss
    19 black ark corsairs
    20 scourgerunner chariots 
    21 dark riders
    22 shadow warriors
    23 eternal guard
    24 sisters of the thorn
    25 sisters of the watch
    26 wild riders
    27 wildwood rangers

  4. 9 minutes ago, Thiagoma said:

    I know. I am sad beyond words. 7k elves just gone. 

    I feel like an idiot to have supported this company. I waited 4 years for support and when it finally seen like it is happened, they kicked me in the nuts.

    I just finished building my paint station and painted & magnetized my 2 Dragonlords. I just received a dragon noble and dragon blades this morning.  I was so excited...

    I cant put it into words.

    Do remember that you have rules still in the grand alliance books and points in GHB19 so you have a year minimum.

    Not to mention Tomb Kings and Bret's *still* have points in there so yours will be reprinted again I'd imagine.

  5. Just now, zilberfrid said:

    We'll see. This certainly is not a battletome like any we've seen before, if only for the sheer amount of factions it encompasses. 

    The base abilities for FP aren't that bad, it's the warscrolls that are lacking.

    And they have said some warscrolls will be updated.

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Oh, I think I will be. I thought GW would finally do something for old factions, but it'll be little more than a reprint of Firestorm as an excuse to toss out old moulds.

    Still, a reprint of Firestorm is more than nothing, and with a little luck there will be one allegiance that's halfway worth losing Great Companies.

    Not really...? From what it seems its 7 new allegiance abilities for the great free cities, that encompass the older factions.

    You still have great companies and probably still will for the forseeable future!

  7. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    Hmm. So nothing in it that would make it a battletome for the old factions, just a reshuffle if you use city as allegiance?

    I see this as a possibility, just a highly undesirable one.

    I don't think it's a catch all battletome to update the old factions at all. It's a faction to represent the free Cities. If you're expecting more you're only going to be disappointed I'm afraid.

    • Like 1
  8. In terms of allegiance abilities, battleline and allies, based on other tomes I think it will look something like this:

    Allegiance: The City you are from. This will no doubt have a unique allegience ability, a mandatory artefact, command trait, command abilitiy for you to use. What keywords you can take will depend on the city. There will not be unique allegiances for Free Peoples/ Disspossesed/ Wanderers etc in this book, if you want those you'll have to play those armies as purely that keyword.

    Battleline: I think having "battleline if general is X" is probably too much to factor in on top of cities restrictions, basic battleline etc. I think to maximise the fluff and ease of use, you'll have differing batteline depending purely on the city. So the Phoenecium may have Phoenix Guard and Dwarf Warriors, whereas Hammerhaal will be very open.

    Allies: similar to Death, the subfactions (collegiate arcane, free peoples etc) will remain and those allegiances will be the same. Cities will never be a full ally in themselves as they cover too much, however cities will be able to take certain allies depending on the city. Alternatively, they may just say no allies but instead the rules for adding Stormcast/ Kharadron etc and those gaining the city allegiences makes up for it.

  9. I think the new army is probably skeleton based, but the similarities to Tomb Kings will probably end there bar some common units I'd imagine.

    I can't see them bring Chariots back in a large form, it will be something new instead.

    My guess is everything will be made of bones.

    • Confused 1
  10. I think keeping StD/ Darkoath as "unmarked" in general but adding very flexible battalions (ala Beasts of Chaos) to gain marks would be an excellent way of doing it.

    It means you can write a more focused ruleset with internal synergy, as opposed to having to worry about every unit having a unique interaction with 5 different marks across four other main allegience abilities.

  11. 7 hours ago, Popisdead said:

    No they are not.  Sisters of the Watch hold objectives better, EG castle well, Rangers fight.  Glade Guard are only good if you have 30 and for being a bit ugly board control "elite horde" that has dismal dmg output.  They are in no way essential.  GW did a poor job in bringing Alves from 8th ed to AoS.  Your elite army became horde that lacked synergy.

    I meant in the way that they are hooded elves with bows and kind of personify the Wanderer theme.

  12. 23 hours ago, Karazla said:

    Yeah, but then i can't play vampires.

    Played a game and it worked but going to change it a bit. I needed more screams

    The fun factor was establisment me and my friend had a lot of laughs at -1 bravery goblins ( we now it cant get that low but still XD )

    I did make a mistake by doing two squads of vampire. He could take out one squad because i double charged whoops.

    I changed my list to:

    Allegiance: Legion of Blood - Mortal Realm: Shyish


    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (440)
    - Deathlance & Shield & Chalice
    - Trait: soul crushing contempt
    - Artefact : Ethereal Amulet
    - Lore of the Vampires : Vile Transference

    Vampire lord on nightmare

    - Lore of the vampires: Amarinthe orb



    Lady  Olynder ( love the model)

    10x zombies
    5 x hounds
    10x zombies
    10x Blood Knights


    3x Cryptflayers




    2000 points round

    You get some more scream attacks.  The necromancer didnt ad to much to the army except for the spell. At higher point i will propably play neferate voor the spell plus debuff.

    So I think you're on to something and have a good theme in mind!

    However, I think the issue you face is a real lack of staying power at the expence of more bravery gimmicks. I'm mainly looking at the zombies, 10 wounds with no save and a 5+/5+/-/1 isn't really going to achieve anything. Zombies *need* numbers to perform else they're just very easily shifted bodies. While they do inflict the -2 Bravery, it will never happen for long.

    Your list is also rather fast, which is great! Everything except the zombies is zooming forward so they will soon be left behind. I'd say yuor best bet is to replace the zombies with wolves in both cases. You get the same number of wounds but much more quality stats in all cases, plus they still cause a -1 Bravey for being LoB. If you want to take it further, you could also remove the Banshee and make one of the wolves units 10 strong to give you another decent threat.

  13. 4 hours ago, Ahn-ket said:

    What did you Guys think how they will peform

    Are the rules out for them fully yet? Hard to tell without some real exposure but my guess is strength in numbers with a necro or two being the lynchpins.

    I *really* wish Direwolves were included, they would've been perfect for it. But they aren't packed in a roundbase box yet so...

  14. 18 hours ago, decker_cky said:

    This has been expected for a long time. The separation of slaves to darkness and everchosen has felt a bit artificial since the GHB released and factions started using allegiance abilities. Adding a pile of units through warcry only makes the approach more obvious. 

    Seeing as the Untamed Beasts seem to be really good ruleswise,  a faction formed of the Warcry lot and all the standard StD minis would be amazing.

  15. So a theory I have (will not happen but who knows?) maybe the Free Cities will have generic unit entries. Similar to how the Cannons can be Dwarfen or Human, you could have "Gunners" be Dwarven or human, archers be human or elf, crossbowmen be dwarven or elven. Greatswords could be any of them and just have great wepons.

    Probably not but might be cool and cover some dropped units :P

  16. 5 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    It'll be interesting to see what changes are made to which warscrolls in the Cities battletome.

    Also be interesting to see how much change there  is in city allegiance rules compared to Firestorm.

    I'm guessing a good amount of change. Some are laughably bad...

  17. So with Orruk Warclans and Cities of Sigmar coming soon, I honestly think we may well see something like "Chaos Hordes" as a future book; wrapping up Slaves to Darkness, Darkoath and who knows, maybe even Everchosen too as a single big chaos book focused on undivided mortals. They'll probably make "Undivided" a proper thing and mean you cannot use KHORNE marked dudes in an UNDIVIDED allegiance etc too.

    Who knows?! :)

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